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You're ready to get fit. You can't wait to feel better and have more energy to do all the things
you enjoy. But jumping into a workout without preparing your body could lead to setbacks,
such as muscle strain or injury. To help your body adapt to the demands of exercise, take
time to warm up before you exercise and cool down afterward.

How to warm up
Warming up prepares your body for aerobic exercise. It gradually revs up your cardiovascular
system, increases blood flow to your muscles and raises your body temperature. Stretching
can balance your body, promote unrestricted movement and reduce the risk of overstressing
or injuring the muscle. Try active stretching to simultaneously stretch and strengthen your
muscles throughout its range of motion. And remember to keep it gentle. Don't bounce,
sudden or aggressive movements may cause injury.

• Choose a warm-up activity that uses the same muscles you'll use during your workout.
For example, if you're going to take a brisk 30-minute walk, walk slowly for five to 10
minutes to warm up.

How to cool down

Immediately after your workout, take time to cool down. This gradually reduces the
temperature of your muscles and may help reduce muscle injury, stiffness and soreness. Mild
activity following exercise also prevents the dizziness caused by blood pooling in the legs.

• Cooling down is similar to warming up. After your workout, walk or continue your
activity at a low intensity for five to 10 minutes. For example, after a 30-minute session
of brisk walking, cool down by slowing your walking pace for five to 10 minutes.

Remember to stretch
After you cool down, your muscles will be warm and receptive to stretching. Regular
stretching increases your flexibility, improves circulation and helps maximize the range of
motion of your joints.

• Focus on your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders — or other
muscles and joints that you routinely use at work or play. Hold each stretch for about 3
to 5 slow breaths, and then repeat the stretch on the other side. Expect to feel tension
while you're stretching. Relax and breathe freely throughout each stretch.

Be kind to your body

Finding time for regular workouts can be challenging. If you're tempted to skip warming up
and cooling down, remember that the time you spend preparing for exercise and cooling
down afterward may be as important as the exercise itself. Give your body the time it needs
to adjust to the demands of your workout.


KP’s Personal Best

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