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Pizza Roni Company

To: P. Roni



Date: November 17, 2023

Re: Recommendations in solving order form and payment

Based on the descriptions of processing the envelopes of Pizza Roni, I created a flowchart that
illustrates details from receiving the order form and payment to comparing values at the end. I
realized that the whole process is extremely long and complicated with many steps and
revolving around many labors.

In this memo, I created a flowchart for the company’s current process and another one for the
proposed process with some changes that I believe could boost your process and improve your
customer experience.


After deeply analyzing the details of your company’s situation in dealing with envelopes, I got a
deeper understanding of the company’s process.

I recommend the company shorten the unnecessary processes and labor participation in order
to improve the process speed and productivity. Here are my recommendations as follow:

- Firstly, in the current process, I saw some step that is unnecessary and repeated, such
as separating the order by division number on the form or re-checking the orders, which
could raise the cost of labor. Therefore, I recommend the company cut off some
unnecessary steps because the main purpose of the process is to compare the total sold
and total payment of cash or cheques, as well as record the order information. By cutting
the steps, your company will probably save money as a result, allowing you to devote
funds elsewhere. Also, when they cut out unneeded chores, they will have more time to
concentrate on the caliber of the work they are generating. You and your staff will
probably be able to manage your time more effectively, finish the most crucial work first,
and have buffer time in between jobs if you and they have fewer tiresome duties to

- Secondly, some works relating to maths such as calculating the maths on order forms or
compares, are performed by humans could easily lead to making a mistake. Time could
be saved by using the computer. It completes several calculations and operations that
take us hours to complete in a matter of seconds. Furthermore, computer-generated
work is more accurate than human-generated work. When people enter incorrect data
into a computer, mistakes might happen. A computer is an accurate and speedy worker.
Hence, I suggest the company use the computer in all steps relating to math.

Looking at the two diagrams below in more detail, obviously, the steps reduced from 19 to 16,
and the number of decisions decreased by 1 in the proposed process. I believe that with the
new process, your company could maximize the benefits and minimize the errors associated
with maths to nearly 0 at the end of the process.

Nguyen Van Hieu

Current Process

Proposed Process

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