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Moving Company

To: Curly

Operations Manager

Moving Company



Date: 17th October 2023

Re: Customer Complaints Analysis from January 1st to February 19th and

Based on client complaints the moving firm received from January 1 to February 19 we will
examine them in this report and offer advice. My goal is to identify the main problems
consumers encountered during this time and to offer workable solutions to enhance the overall
customer experience.

We will get essential details about the problems clients have and how the moving company may
improve its services by carefully evaluating the complaints. The two most troublesome areas in
our examination will be the staff and delivery issues. Also, I give some suggestions based on
the Check sheet, Pareto diagram, three Run charts, and Cause and Effect diagram below in this


Based on the checksheet I've made below using customer feedback and complaints from the
last seven weeks, I realized that the two most urgent problems we need to address are the
professionalism of the personnel and the company's delivery process.
The recommendations below can be put into practice for three months, with the aim of gauging
performance through staff surveys, customer feedback, and quarterly income.

1. Using software for route optimization and preparing routes in advance: Adopting
automated order administration, GPS navigation, and real-time tracking, might assist the
company in speeding up delivery.
2. Implementing driver training programs: You should put together a number of
initiatives that encourage polite conduct, safe driving habits, and efficient
communication. This reduces the possibility of mishaps, preserves the integrity of
delivered products, and enhances their public communication with customers. After all,
they will take a test to prove their work quality.
3. Establishing Award Sessions monthly: On a monthly basis, we will present the
"Award for Best Figure" to a worker who has been recommended by their coworkers and
clients. After each successful package delivery, comments and evaluations based on
customer ratings will be used to access the accomplishments of the month's winner.
4. Hiring additional staff: Because the firm is expanding and our clientele is rising, CLM
has to hire more staff in order to fulfill the daily shipping orders, save consumers from
having to wait for their packages, and mitigate significant workload demand on current

Performance Measurements

The objectives are then operationalized with key performance indicators (KPI) to assess the
effectiveness of the strategy. The following goals for the strategy over its implementation phase
are listed, and the KPI outcomes need to be documented. Different performance metrics are
translated into percentages of completion for the score.

Department Objectives Key Goal for the KPI Score

Performance next three Results to
Indicator months Date
IT Adopting % reduction in 20%
automated cost per unit
Adopting GPS % customers 50%
navigation and who can track
real-time orders
HR Holding % current staff 80%
training pass quality test
sessions each
Hiring Number of new 40
additional staff staff
HR and Accessing and % good rating 60%
Operation Rewarding from customers

Best Figure for each staff


Here is the Checksheet which is divided into seven concerning areas from customer complaints
and feedback from January 1st to February 19th.
Date Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Total for each Percentage for
Matter 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th 5th 12th 19th matter each matter
üüü üüü
Staff üü üüüü
üüü üü üü üüü üüü üüü 34
matter üü üü
ü ü 45%
Delivery üüü üü üü
üü üü ü üüü 19
matter ü ü üü 25%
Timing üü
ü üü üü 8
matter ü 11%
Product üü
ü ü ü ü 7
matters ü 9%
Billing &
monetary ü ü üü ü 5
matters 7%
ü 1
nt 1%
ü 1
g matters 1%
matters 9 9 7 12 10 9 9 10 75
per day

Pareto Diagram

Figure 1. Pareto Diagram for Complaints and Feedback of Moving Company

Figure 1 shows that the two most concerning area we need to improve is Staff (45%) and
Delivery process (25%).

Run charts

Overall Complaints
Jan 1st - Feb 19th
numbers of overall complaints

12 12
10 10 10
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Jan 1st Jan 8th Jan 15th Jan 22nd Jan 29th Feb 5th Feb 12th Feb 19th
Dates receive complaints

Total matters per day Median

Figure 2. Overall Complaints collected from customers from January 1st to February 19th.

Figure 2 illustrates that the median number of complaints is 9 per week. On Jan 15 th, we got the
lowest number of complaints, and on Jan 22nd, the number of complaints reached a peak during
the 7-week period.

Complaints on staff
Jan 1st - Feb 19th
Numbers of staff complaints

7 7
6 6

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3
2 2 2

Jan 1st Jan 8th Jan 15th Jan 22nd Jan 29th Feb 5th Feb 12th Feb 19th
Dates receive complaints

Number of staff complaints Median of staff matter

Figure 3. Complaints on staff from January 1st to February 19th .

Figure 3 shows that we received at least two complaints about staff per week, and in the last
three months (from February 5th to February 19th), the data reached the highest point, at 7
complaints per week. Therefore, staff matter is the most problematic area that CLM have to

Complaints on delivery service

Numbers of delivery complaints

4 4 4
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1
0 0
Jan 1st Jan 8th Jan 15th Jan 22nd Jan 29th Feb 5th Feb 12th Feb 19th
dates receive complaints

Number of delivery complaints Median of delivery matter

Figure 5. Complaints on delivery service from January 1st to February 19th.

Figure 5 shows that the median number of complaints relating to the delivery process is 3 per
week, particularly, on Jan 22nd, we received 4 complaints in this area. Hence, improving the
delivery process is becoming urgent in this period.

Cause and Effect Diagram

Figure 6. Cause and Effect Diagram for staff matter causing unsatisfactory for customers.

Figure 6 demonstrates how various causes naturally fall into the Methods, Machines,
Measurements, Environment, Materials, and Personnel categories. CLM can utilize it to realize
that there are several variables that can have an impact on a result and to pinpoint areas in
which the staff issue needs to be improved.

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