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Grading : Save rule


This function saves the grading rule of a point. It is compulsory that the point is already named. The rule will automatically be
saved in the directory by default ( Access rules control in the File menu) with the name of the point as a name. The system
completes the name with the .REG suffix so as to identify the type of file (Ex. : Rule.REG )

In a rules directory, there is a file named NREG.ALF . This file is an LS MODEL III alpha. table file and the rule files of
the directory ( .REG at LS MODEL III format) are interpreted through this file ( NREG.ALF ) when using Load file and Save
rule . If the file NREG.ALF does not exist, the sizes are interpreted in numeric.


If necessary check that the directory inside of which the rule will be saved,
corresponds to the one required ( Access rules control in the File menu)

If necessary check that the point is named ( Edit control in the Edit menu).

Activate the Save rule function

Click on the point

2.20.A Configuring the access paths to the default libraries

The command File/Acces paths displays a dialog box that groups all the data libraries used in Modaris. To adapt to your
organisation, the configuration of any access paths you have entered can be saved in a separate file and recalled whenever
you wish.
To enter an access path:

Click with the right mouse button in the field you want to fill in, then select the library or click with the left mouse button
and enter the path. If the path is incorrect the previous path will be displayed.

To enter the same access path for libraries in the same category:

Click on

To enter the same access path (first field) for all libraries:

Click on

To copy/paste an access path:

1. In the field to be copied, press Shift and click with the left mouse button
2. In the paste field, press Shift and click with the right mouse button, to paste

Saving the access path configuration:

Click on , then enter the filename.

The file is saved with the extension .path in the directory:
Windows XP : <windisk>\lectra\config\Modaris
Windows Vista : <windisk>\programdata\lectra\config\Modaris

Retrieving an access path configuration:

Click on , then select the filename.

Nest modification : Nest merge

With two pieces (on two separate sheets) of the same shape but of a different size, this function enables
cumulating the different sizes to create the grading nest of the basic piece. This join can be made with the
complete shape of the piece or part of it delimited by a sequence of points.
This function can be used when digitizing separately two identical shapes in different sizes.
Activation principle :
- select the size(s) on the sheet of the piece to be inserted into the nest of the other piece,
- on the same sheet, select the 2 points that delimit the shape to be inserted,
- on the sheet of the receiving piece, select the 2 points that correspond to those previously selected.,
- make the correspondence (by input or completion) of the sizes to be inserted with those of the receiving
For a closed shape, the selection principle offers a choice between the 2 sequences of points delimited by
the selected points, to select the complete shape you must select 2 points which are juxtaposed. The function
is only applied to visible points, it will be necessary to display the curve points on the two sheets for the
To select part of a piece and position it correctly on the nest, you must make the correspondence between the
two pieces with the same point on each sheet. To do this, use the Scale origin control in the Display menu.


Display the curve points on the two sheets with the Curve Pts (
P ) control in the Display menu.

Select the sizes to be inserted in the title box of the first sheet.

To insert part of a piece :

Define the same reference point on the two sheets with Scale
origin in the Display menu.

Activate the Nest Merge function in the Nest Modification box

in F7 .
To insert the complete piece :

On the first sheet, click on a contour point of the piece

Click, keeping the mouse button held down on a point

juxtaposed to the first point,
The selected sequence appears superimposed with the
numbering of points, according to the sequence order . Use the
space bar to choose the largest sequence.

To insert part of the piece :

On the first sheet, click on an end point of the sequence.

Hold the mouse button down and click on the other end point of
the sequence.
The selected sequence appears superimposed with the
numbering of insered points, according to the sequence order. Use
the space bar to choose the sequence required.

Release the mouse button.

On the receiving sheet, click on the point which corresponds to

the first piece.

Hold the mouse button down, and click on the second point
corresponding of the first piece.
The selected sequence appears superimposed with the
numbering of inserted points, according to the sequence order. Use
the space bar to choose the requested sequence.

Release the mouse button.

The dialog box corresponding to the selected sizes appears.

Input or select (completion) for each one the corresponding size

in the receiving nest.

Validate the input by

The sizes are integrated in the nest.

4.1. Actions in a running macro

read , pause , stop , forward and return for performing an action on a running macro.
- if running, the macro executes each step automatically. This automated action stops if any information is missing in a step
(a selection or parameter, for example) and resumes when the missing field is completed.
- when reading step by step, the macro proceeds step by step so its progress can be monitored. Each step must be confirmed
by clicking the pause button to continue running.

2.9. Parameters associated to the controls and functions

Parameters are associated to some of the functions or controls in the pull-down menus. To access these parameters, click on
- the symbol on the left of a control in a pull-down menu.

- the small square in the corner of the function box.

The associated parameters appear as menus or dialogue boxes in a window. Some parameters have a value displayed on
their right. This value corresponds to the current value of this parameter. To modify this value just click on the parameter
name which opens the corresponding dialogue box.

In the Parameters menu, there are three controls to display the associated parameters menus.
- Associat. Param . ( k ) : displays the parameters of the next control or function selected. This control is automatically
deactivated after the selection.
- Actu. Associat. Param . ( w ) : displays the parameters of the current function or control.
- Assoc. Param. Clos . ( W ) : closes all the windows of the associated parameters.
When the parameter Multi. Param. Bo x associated to two of the parameters is selected, the various parameter windows
required will remain displayed. If it is not selected then it will only be the last parameter window required which is displayed.

Industrialisation: Add corner


This function makes it possible to apply a corner type to the intersection of the seams on an angle. The corner type will match
the current corner tool preselected from the Corner tools sub-menu of the Corners tools menu.
This sub-menu includes a library of standard corners that are often used. Modaris offers the possibility of creating (Create
corner ...control) your own corners which will then be added after the standard corners in the Corner tools sub-menu.

Definition of the standard characteristic corners :

The various types of characteristic corners which are displayed by default in the Corner tools sub-menu are the following:
Previous symmetry
Next symmetry
Previous perpendicular
Next perpendicular
Previous bevel
Next bevel

Indicated in the example below are the various parameters that are included in the definition of corners listed hereafter.

1: Bisecting line
2: Next seam value
3: Previous seam value
4: Intersection point
5: Next fictive axis
6: Previous fictive axis
7: Intersection point

This corner type is the standard type and corresponds to the intersection of
seam lines

Corresponds to the intersection of the bisecting line (1) of the seam lines

Previous symmetry :
Matches the symmetry of the next seam value according to the axis of the
previous segment

Next symmetry :
Matches the symmetry of the previous seam value, according to the axis of
the next segment

Previous perpendicular :
Matches a perpendicular corner in the previous segment

Next perpendicular :
Matches a perpendicular corner in the next segment
Previous variable perpendicular :

Matches a perpendicular corner in the preceding segment with a variable sized shoulder

Next variable perpendicular :

Matches a perpendicular corner in the preceding segment with a variable sized shoulder


Matches the line joining the intersections of the seam lines with those of the cut

Previous bevel :
Matches the bevel according to the bisecting line (1)
and is equal to the previous seam value (2 and 3)

Next bevel :
Matches the bevel according to the bisecting line (1)
and is equal to the next seam value (2 and 3)


The seam values stop at the perpendicular of the point of intersection of the
corner end lines

The tab is obtained by the symmetrization of the axis (1), by reference to the
end axes (4 and 5). The axis (1) is defined by the point of intersection (6) of
the symmertics of the seams (7 and 8) and the point of intersection (9) of the
end edges.

The Intersection corner type is applied by default when defining the seams on a piece.


Pre-select the corner type to be added in the Corner Tools sub-menu in the
Corners Tools menu

Activate the Add corner function in the Industrialisation box.

Click on the point of the line

2.14. Corner Tools

Corner tools:

By default, there is a library of standard corners which are often used.

Modaris lets you create (Create corner .. control) its own corners which are added to the existing library whose contents are
displayed on the Corner tools sub-menu. All new corners are created from an existing standard corners. The corners created
can be removed using the Delete corner .. control.
Explanations for using, creating and deleting corners are in the paragraph on the Add corner function of the Industrialisation
F4 box.
The Corner tools sub-menu is used to select the corner that will be used when the Add corner and Changer corner functions
are activated in the Industrialisation box.
The various types of corners are as follows:
Previous symmetry
Next symmetry
Previous perpendicular
Next perpendicular
Previous variable perpendicular
Next variable perpendicular
Previous bevel
Next bevel

Variants: Variant (*) (continued)

Delete piece article :

Deletes the selection of piece articles

To delete a selection of piece articles:

1. Select the article(s) to be duplicated.

2. Activate the Delete piece article control from the menu bar.
The table and graphic area are updated to reflect the deletion.

Insert article :

When selected, this option lets you insert the article, when duplicating ( Duplicate Piece Article command), or creating an article (
Create pce article using F8 ) just after the one you selected from the table.

Selection ( s ):

This control is identical to the one available on the desktop. In the graphic zone, you can make a multiple selection with a
surrounding box by clicking the 1st button and dragging the mouse (only the completely surrounded articles will be selected). You

may also make a multiple selection by holding down the key and clicking the various articles.
When another control is active, you can make a simple or multiple selection with a
surrounding box using the 3rd mouse button.

Move articles ( End ):

Use this control to move (in placed mode) the selected articles in the graphic area. This control only functions if the
table/placed mode control on the Visualisation menu is checked.

Sort :

Sorts the piece articles based on the criteria defined by the user in an external file or by default based on the fabric type and
on the material category. The sort is alphanumeric.

To sort a table:

Activate the Sort control on the menu bar.

The table and graphic area are updated to reflect the sort.
The indicator of the number of articles with pieces is updated.

Focus piece on desk :

Full screen focus of the selected piece article on the desktop. This control can be switched.

To focus a piece corresponding to an article piece on the desktop:

1. Activate the Focus piece on desk control on the

menu bar.
2. Click on the article or the piece (in the graphic area).
The piece is focused on the desktop.

Nb. articles :

Lets you define the number of piece articles per line inside the graphic area.

To define the number of pieces per line:

1. Activate the Nb. articles control on the Piece article menu.

The dialog box is displayed:

2. Enter the number and confirm your entry by pressing

the control will be taken into account when the screen is refreshed

Zoom (<Ret> ) :

Lets you enlarge a portion of the graphic area. This control is identical to the one on the desktop.

Menu Export/Print :

Text file :

Lets you save the entire contents of the piece articles table in a file in standard ASCII format.

To save the current variant table:

1. Activate the Text file control on the menu bar.

The file selector is displayed.
2. Select the save library, enter the name and confirm.

Print :

Lets you print the contents of the piece articles table based on a format that had been predefined by the administrator.

Characteristics and Small characteristics :

Used to print the characteristics or small characteristics of the current variant (see the various parameters in paragraph on
the desktop).

To print the characteristics of a variant:

- Based on the desired characteristics, activate the Characteristics or Small characteristics control on the Export/Print

Printing starts on the current printer based on the printing configuration.

Links menu:
Links are marker information used by the Diamino software program. A link is used to define the relative position of a piece
in relation to another piece. You can apply positioning constraints on the weft and choose the motif category for the link.

The links in Modaris versions prior to V3.0 will be converted to links with a fixed horizontal
and vertical position and the Default motif type

Add link :

Lets you create links for checked markers (motifs or radii). The link is made between two pieces on a given point on each
piece. Only links between pieces with the same fabric are possible. In the graphic area, when this function is activated, all the
points of the pieces are displayed. (internal points and notches ).
A link is displayed as a dash between two points on two different pieces.
Before creating a link, the positioning constraints and the motif category to which the link will be applied must be defined.

Vertical and horizontal placing :

- Free , does not impose any positioning constraints.

- Fixed , imposed identical positioning according to the vertical and/or horizontal wefts of the motif.
- Symmetrical , requires that the link points of each piece be placed symmetrically in relation to the vertical and/or
horizontal weft specified in the On weft parameter.
- The On weft number... parameter lets you choose the weft number (numeric value) to which the Symmetrical
positioning constraint will be applied. This means you must know the number of wefts in the fabric. When you click on this
option, the entry dialog box is displayed.
Ordered :

when this option is checked, you can define the marking order of the linked pieces, keeping in mind that the first "clicked"
piece (master piece) will be placed in priority before the second piece.
If there is a motif point in the two linked pieces, the Ordered option is
inoperative. Pieces with a motif point have priority.

Proximity : when this option is checked, a label is associated to the link. The label is defined with the Value for proximity
parameter. Diamino will define marker constraints in relation to this label, for example, place 2 pieces close to each other.

Value for proximity : this parameter is used to define the value for proximity. This value can be numeric or alphanumeric.
When you click on this option, the entry dialog box is displayed.
Motif type : you can apply your links to various types of motif categories. Only one type of motif category is proposed by
default ( Default motif type ), however you may include your own categories by creating a text file LSCatmot.txt which
you may create with the text editor in the directory :

Windows XP : <windisk>\Documents and Settings\<name of the user>\Application Data\completion

Windows Vista : <windisk>\Users\<name of the user>\AppData\Roaming\Lectra\completion



Only one line per motif category. In the Links menu, the motif names are preceded by Motif type . Selecting motif
categories is also used as a visualisation filter.

If you create the LSCatmot.txt file while Modaris is running, you will have
to restart Modaris.

Identification of links:
The symbols for the various parameters are:

Free link.

Link with positioning on vertical weft.

Link with positioning on horizontal weft.

Link with symmetrical positioning in relation to the vertical weft.

Link with symmetrical positioning in relation to the horizontal weft.

Ordered link (free).

Link with proximity (free).

The dynamic identification bar also displays from left to right, when you move the cursor over a link:

in the first area on the left:

- The number for the link point on the master piece
- Article code of the master piece,
- The number for the link point on the slave piece,
- Article code of the slave piece,
- Motif category or categories.
Example: 57: 6->40: 7 default star signifies that the point 57 of the article code 6 is connected to the 40 article code
point 7 for the default and star motif categories.
in the last area on the right:
- the proximity value
To create a link:

1. If necessary enlarge the graphic area to select the points.

2. If necessary, visualise the points ( Show/Hide points control on the Visualisation menu)
3. From the Links menu, select the various constraint parameters.
4. Activate the Add link control on the menu bar.
5. Click on the link point on the first piece.
The link line appears interactively.
6. Click on the link point of the second piece.
The link is frozen.

Link update (r): lets you modify a link or a selection of existing links with current positioning constraints.
The motif categories are updated using the Motif type update command.

To update one or more links:

1. If necessary, select the links ( the 3rd mouse button or the surrounding box with the 3rd button)
2. Select the new constraint parameters
3. Activate the Link update command.
4. Click on the link line or selection to be modified.

Motif type update: lets you modify how a link is applied to motif categories.

To update one or more links with motif categories:

1. If necessary, select the links ( the 3rd mouse button or the surronding box with the 3rd button)
2. Select the motif categories from the associated parameters menu using the associated command
3. Activate the Motif type update command.
4. Click on the link line or selection to be modified.

Del. Link (<Del>) : lets you delete a link.

To delete a link:

1. Activate the Del. Link control on the menu bar.

2. Click on the link line to be deleted

Copy links / Paste links : lets you duplicate a series of links from a source variant to a target variant from the same model.

To copy and paste links:

1. Select the links or piece articles to be reported in the source variant.

If nothing is selected, the software assumes that all links in the variant are selected.
2. Activate the Copy links command.
3. Position the cursor on the target variant.
4. Activate the Paste links control.
At this point, there are 2 possibilities:
- the user may select the piece articles to which the links will be reported, or
- none of the piece articles are selected and the relationships are found automatically. The system searches for a group of
similar piece articles with the same type of fabric or different type of fabric using selection criteria based on the parameters
provided ( quantity , rotation , symmetry ).
Parameters that let you impose selection criteria are associated with this control: quantity , rotation , symmetry and a
report criterion: entire groups lets you report a group of piece article links with a different type of fabric from the source

Visualisation menu:
Visu. Selec . ( Home ) (Selective visualisation): when you activate this control, only the selected articles are displayed in
the graphic area. To display all articles again, deactivate this control.
Add to visu ( Prior ): this control adds the articles selected in the table into the graphic area.

Extract from visu. ( Next ): this control removes the articles selected in the table from the graphic area.
Show/Hide link , internal line, points , notches , marks ): these controls display the corresponding objects. Note that
you must visualize the links to visualize internal lines, points, notches and marks.

Table/placed mode : this control can be switched. When checked (table mode) , the pieces are arranged in a table. If not
checked (placed mode), you may move the pieces as desired using the Move article (End) control on the Piece article
menu. This lets you place the pieces according to the assembly plan and thus create the links easily. The layout of the pieces
in placed mode is saved when you save the model.

To move the pieces in relation to each other (in the graphic area):

1. Select the piece(s) to be moved (3rd mouse button or Selection (s) command from the Piece article menu).
2. Deactivate the Table/placed mode control.
3. From the Piece article menu, activate the Move articles ( End ) control.
4. Click on the piece(s) in the selection (the selection is interactive beneath the cursor)
5. Move the selection to the desired location and click to freeze the location.


Activate the Variant function in the Variants dialog box

The variants dialog box is displayed

Enter the name of the variant (and confirm your entry by pressing

An empty table is displayed.


Enter the name of the variant (and confirm by pressing ) or

clicking on the sheet of the variant
The corresponding table is displayed

Evolution system : Add C.S.


This function enables carrying out a size correspondence according to the evolution type selected.
To be able to use this function, first select the evolution type required, in the Size menu and activate the Correspondence
control in the same menu.
By default the correspondence is carried out from base to base between the model and the current sheet.
Depending on the correspondence carried out, the intermediate sizes will be automatically created. These intermediate sizes
are displayed as :
Name of an existing size of the model + X
or Name of an existing size of the model - X
X corresponds to the number of sizes (whole or fractional) to be added or removed so as to establish the correspondence
with the sizes of the current sheet.

For a same size of current sheet, it is possible to make several sizesof the model correspond.
The correspondences between sizes is symbolised by a line between the sizes.
The control Check correspondence in the Size menu with the associated parameter Check always selected, enables
detecting all the sizes which have a different name even if there is a correspondence. This is displayed in a message box, with
the model name by default at the top and the size names which are not in correspondence in the middle.
NOTE : if there is a correspondence between the sizes and no "check" has been requested, then no anomaly will be detected.


Select the required evolution type in the Size menu.

Activate the Correspondence control in the Size menu.

The corresponding sizes of the model are displayed in the title block, to the
left of the ones on the current sheet.

Activate the Add C.S. function in the Evolution system box.

Click (in the column of the sizes on the current sheet) on the size to
An interactive line is displayed under the cursor.

Click (in the column of the sizes of the model) on the size of which the
correspondence will be made.
A line appears between the two corresponding sizes.

Assembly : Add mark


This function is used to mark a point, on one of the pieces to be matched using the current mark tool (associated
The associated parameter Mark all matches marks all the sheets of the matches at the 'clicked' spot.
See also: Notches: Marking

Choose the type of marking tool (associated parameters menu).

For motif marks, enter the weft number ( Vertical weft and Horizontal weft ) and select
the motif category/ies ( Motif type )
Activate the Add mark function in the Assembly box.

Click and hold down the mouse button on the point to be marked. Alternatively, press the space
bar to select the match piece to be marked.

The marking symbol appears at the appropriate point.

Evolution system : Add[..] Size to prod.

This function enables adding a number of sizes to each of the sizes included in a given interval. If the addition does not
correspond to the existing sizes in the evolution type of the current sheet, they will be automatically calculated by the


Activate the Add[..] Size to prod. function in the Evolution system box

Click on the first size of the interval.

Click on the second size of the interval.

The input dialogue box of the number of
sizes to be inserted appears.

Input the number of sizes, then validate by

The sizes appear in the title block.

Evolution system : Add. Size to prod


This function enables adding a size to be produced. The addition is made by input.
If you wish to add a size to be produced which does not exist in the evolution type of the current sheet, so that this size is
taken into account the following syntax must be used :
Name of an existing size + X
or Name of an existing size - X
X corresponds to the number of sizes (whole or fractional) to be added or removed so as to obtain the size required.
Examples : 58+1 40-1/2


Activate the Add. size to prod function in the Evolution

system box

Click on the name of the EVT (or on one of the sizes)

The input dialogue box of the size name is displayed.

Input the name of the size, then validate by

The size is displayed in the title block

Points : Linked


This function adds a point of which the position is relative to the one of any point. If it is found on a line, its position will be
relative to the tangent of the point of this line. It has the same type of evolution rules as those of an ordinary point.
If the reference point does not exist, a slider point will automatically be created on the line in the "clicked" place. A linked
point will follow any moves made by its reference point.
As well as the possibility of positioning the point by inputting values (in relation to an existing point), there are 3 possibilities
for positioning it interactively and this, using the "space" key (alternate strikes) :
- perpendicular to the reference point of line (1),
- free around point (2),
- referenced perpendicular to a new point generated on the line in slider point (3).

To create the linked point, combine the input of the values and the interactive plot.

A linked point always keeps it original orientation, whatever the modification of the line on which the point that it
depends on can be found.
Description of the input parameters :

(origin of
the X and
the Y
2: Linked

dx and dy correspond to the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates following the axis of the sheet with the reference point being
the origin (clicked point).
dl : corresponds to the distance in a straight line between the reference point and the linked point.
rotation : angular position in relation to the axes of the sheet.

The input possibilities will be the following :

the dx and the dy , the dx and the dl , the dy and the dl and the dl and the rotation

Points : Developed (V)


This function adds a point on a line, at a distance relative to another point of this line. The main characteristic of this point
type, is that, whatever changes are made to the line on which it is found, it keeps its original position in relation to the
reference point.
Graphic representation of the slider point :

Activate the Developed function in the Points

Click on the point of the line used as reference

The point is displayed interactively with a
dynamic measurement scale
The input dialogue box "line length" is displayed

If the reference point corresponds to a

line extremity (here there may be ambiguity as
to which line the point belongs), to remove any
ambiguity, move the cursor to another line
then activate the "space" bar so that the point
appears on the line required.

Input the length of the line

Validate the input by


Position the point interactively

Click to validate

The created developed point is proportionally graded in all the sizes in relation to the reference point.

Current sheet : The current sheet is the one on which the user is working. Any manipulation of a
sheet makes it the current sheet. When a file is opened, the last sheet displayed is considered the current sheet.

Visualisation :
- of all sheets (entire desktop): click the corresponding button (at the intersection of the scroll bars) or press on the numeric
- of a current sheet in full screen mode: Current sheet command and click on the sheet
- recentre the current sheet in full screen mode: Recentre ( Home ) command
- focus on the next sheet: Next command ( Next ) on the Sheet menu.
- focus on the previous sheet: Previous command ( Prior ) on the Sheet menu
- makes a sheet transparent or opaque : Transparent command (switch)
(Alt-K) on the Sheet menu and click on the sheet
Opaque Transparent

Creating a new sheet : New sheet command ( N ) from the Sheet menu
The new sheet is displayed in the middle of the desktop. By default, the area reserved for the Name in the title block displays
a number incremented by 1 based on previous creations of " New sheet" .

Readjusting a sheet: The Adjust command ( a ) on the Sheet menu is used to optimize the position of graphic objects on
each sheet. However, the default minimum format will match the one that corresponds with the creation of a new sheet.
On the contrary, the system increases the size of the sheet automatically if the modification or creation of graphic objects
goes beyond the borders of the sheet.

Duplicating one or several sheets : Copy command ( ^C ) on the Sheet menu.

This command creates one or several new sheets with all of the dimensions of the sheet(s) selected .
Each newly created sheet has no link to its original.
Copying a marriage sheet requires creating sheets for the pieces in the marriage. In addition to a copy of a pattern sheet, as
long as the FPattern command on the Display menu is activated, creation of sheets for pieces created based on this pattern
is required.

The new sheet will automatically be named with the same name as the original, plus a number.
To duplicate a sheet

1. Activate the Copy command ( ^C ) on the Sheet menu

2. Click on the sheet to be copied
The copy of the sheet is interactive beneath the cursor.
Use the space bar to select all of the sheets
3 Point to the location for positioning the sheet and click to freeze it.
To duplicate several sheets
1. Select the various sheets using the Sheet Sel. command ( i ) from the Sheet menu
2. Activate the Copy command ( ^C ) on the Sheet menu
3. Click on one of the sheets to be copied
The copy of the sheet is interactive beneath the cursor.

Press to select all of the sheets

4. Click to confirm

When copying several sheets, the internal parameter constraints for the whole copy are kept:

- links between copied objects,

- constraints from copied measurements and external measurements,
- corner constraints (dependent corners that are copied then depend on the original master corner, or the copy of it if it has
also been copied).

Deleting a sheet: Delete command ( z ) on the Sheet menu

A sheet or selection of sheets can be deleted, however there are several choices based on the type of sheet to be deleted:
- Deleting a flat pattern sheet requires deleting its related piece sheets.
- Deleting a sheet for a piece that has no dependencies automatically generates a new flat pattern sheet for the piece,

however if you do not want to generate this sheet, you must press and click on the sheet to be deleted.

The sheet for the current model cannot be deleted.

To delete a sheet or a selection
1. Activate the Delete command ( z ) from the Sheet menu
For a flat pattern sheet:
2. Click on the sheet to be deleted
The sheet disappears from the screen as well as those that are dependent upon it.
For a sheet with dependent pieces:
2. Click on the sheet to be deleted
The sheet disappears from the screen.
For a sheet of dependent pieces:
If you want to keep the pattern for the piece (automatic creation of a flat pattern sheet), click on the sheet to be deleted.

Otherwise, press and click on the sheet.

Modification: Adjust. 2 lines


This function is used to adjust a line (straight or curve) on a reference line.

Associated parameter: Delete last point lets you delete the last end point of the modified line.


Activate the Adjust 2 lines function in the Line Modification box.

Click on the first line.

Click on the second line.

The first clicked line will be stretched or cut with the second used as a

Modification : Lengthen ($)


This function adjusts (lengthens or shortens), by inputting the value, the length of the curve between two points, either by
giving the total length required (length), or by giving the lengthening or shortening value (dl).


Activate the Lengthen function in the Line

Modification box

Click the first end point of the curve

Click, keeping the button held down, on the

second end point of the curve. Use the "space" bar to
remove any ambiguity about the choice of the curve
to lengthen.
The input dialogue box of the total length and the
added value is displayed with the value of the
developed length.

Input one of these two values then validate the

input by


The Import command from the File menu is used to import data in different formats. AAMA, ASTM, DXF-Pattern, GT, and TIIP(ex
This command opens a "Compatible data selector" window. This is a selector for model and pieces to be imported. To access this
data, aliases are created in each format. The user defines the name of the alias and links an access path to the directory that
contains the data.
Aliases in AAMA and TIIP(ex JWCA) formats are used to visualise models and the pieces in each model in a 2-level tree. For DXF-
Pattern aliases, models and pieces are available in the form of a list: 1-level tree.
The user may delete or change the properties of the alias (name and access path).
An import parameter ( Option button) is used to define the unit and smoothing to be used for the conversion The default unit is mm.
To create an alias:
1. Activate the Import command from the File menu.
The "Compatible data selector" window is displayed
2. Click on one of the format files with the right mouse button.
3. Click on New alias
The "New alias" dialog box is displayed
4. Specify the name and access path
The access path may be entered or defined by selecting the data directory in the file sector by clicking on
5. Click OK
To modify an alias:
1. Activate the Import command from the File menu.
The "Compatible data selector" window is displayed
2. Double-click on one of the format files
3. Click on an alias with the right mouse button:
2 possibilities
- delete the alias
- modify the properties
To import data:
1. Activate the Import command from the File menu.
The "Compatible data selector" window is displayed
2. Double-click on the desired format file and on the alias
3. Select one or several data files (models or pieces).
4. Click OK
If no models are open, the software creates a model and sheets for pieces
If a model already exists, sheets will be added to the current model.
When a model is imported, a variant is also created.

2.20.6. Exporting a garment compatible with other applications

The Export Garment ( ^V )control in the File menu makes it possible to generate from a current model and its variants, the
.VET and .IBA files which are compatible with other Lectra applications (LS Model III, marker making, databases ...). The
variants correspond to the garments identified as .VE T and the pieces contained in the variants correspond to the BIs
identified as .IB A .
The exportation is carried out in the library defined in the field Garment save library ( File/Access paths command)

To export a garment :
1. Define the export library, if necessary ( File/Access paths/Garment save library .
2. Activate Export Garment ( ^V ) in the File menu
The files are generated as .VET and .IBA in the current library
The Seam generatio n control, generates the seam in a canal line when exporting to LS Model III format.
The Generation of seam as 7-3control generates the seam as 7-3 instead of a canal line when exporting to LS Model III
The Internal lines generatio n control generates internal lines into lines to be plotted when exporting to LS Model III
When the Generation of lines to be plotted in 7- 3 , control is selected, it enables generating lines to be plotted in 7-3,
when exporting to LS Model III format. If the control is not selected, the lines will be defined with canal information.
When the Generation old GL/CL , control is selected, it is possible, when exporting, to remove the new "grain/cross lines"
created in Modaris, and replace them by the old "grain/cross line" types.
When the automatic .ALF , control is selected, it is possible when exporting to LS Model III format, to automatically
generate an alphanumeric table with the same name as the model with an .ALF extension or generate numeric sizes if there
are numeric sizes in the table.
When the Numeric size s , control is selected, it is possible when exporting to LS Model III format to generate numeric
When the .Forced .AL F , control is selected, it is possible to select a file from the alphanumeric table ( .ALF ) which will be
used when exporting to LS Model III format or validating the model. However, if there are file sizes chosen which do not
correspond to those of the model, the alphanumeric table will be generated with the sizes of the model.
The Keep standard B I control is dedicated to the use of reference models (see Reference model paragraph).
The All B I control generates the B.I's of each model piece whether or not in a variant.
The Export-> Plot ; control makes it possible to launch an input order for the plot when exporting a garment.
The Export link s control is used to select the mark tool used to generate the links when exporting a garment. These marks
are created in the B.I if the link point is not figured. It should be noted that No mar k , deletes the link.
The different tools are :
- Mark tool '35
- Mark tool '36
- Mark tool '37

If several X and Y shrinkage values exist, when the basic images are generated, only the value for the first article will
be taken into account.

Points : Ali2Pts

This function aligns a point or a selection of points according to a horizontal or vertical axis in relation to a reference point.


Activate the Ali2Pts function in the Points box.

Alignment of a point :

Click on the reference point.

A horizontal or vertical axis appears (as the
mouse moves) with the value of the distance in
relation to this point.

To move from a vertical axis to a

horizontal axis, or vice versa, activate the
"space" bar.

Click on the second point to be aligned.

The two points are aligned according to the axis

Alignment of several selected points :

Click on the reference point.

A horizontal or vertical axis appears (as the
mouse moves) with the value of the distance in
relation to this point.

Click on a point of the selection

All the points are aligned according to the axis

Points : Ali3Pts


This function aligns a point or a selection of points(3) according to an axis(5) defined by two reference points(1 and 2).
The procedure consists in selecting 2 points that determine the alignment axis then the point or a point of the selection to
align on this axis. The point(s) are projected to the perpendicular(4) of the alignment axis (see example hereafter).

Example :

Activate the Ali3Pts function in the Points box.

Click on the first point

A free axis appears around the "clicked" point;

Click on the second point that determines the alignment axis

An interactive arrowed segment appears, with the value of the distance in
relation to the axis, by the side of this segment.

Click on the last point to be aligned.

2.20.6. Exporting a garment compatible with other applications

The Export Garment ( ^V )control in the File menu makes it possible to generate from a current model and its variants, the
.VET and .IBA files which are compatible with other Lectra applications (LS Model III, marker making, databases ...). The
variants correspond to the garments identified as .VE T and the pieces contained in the variants correspond to the BIs
identified as .IB A .
The exportation is carried out in the library defined in the field Garment save library ( File/Access paths command)

To export a garment :
1. Define the export library, if necessary ( File/Access paths/Garment save library .
2. Activate Export Garment ( ^V ) in the File menu
The files are generated as .VET and .IBA in the current library
The Seam generatio n control, generates the seam in a canal line when exporting to LS Model III format.
The Generation of seam as 7-3control generates the seam as 7-3 instead of a canal line when exporting to LS Model III
The Internal lines generatio n control generates internal lines into lines to be plotted when exporting to LS Model III
When the Generation of lines to be plotted in 7- 3 , control is selected, it enables generating lines to be plotted in 7-3,
when exporting to LS Model III format. If the control is not selected, the lines will be defined with canal information.
When the Generation old GL/CL , control is selected, it is possible, when exporting, to remove the new "grain/cross lines"
created in Modaris, and replace them by the old "grain/cross line" types.
When the automatic .ALF , control is selected, it is possible when exporting to LS Model III format, to automatically
generate an alphanumeric table with the same name as the model with an .ALF extension or generate numeric sizes if there
are numeric sizes in the table.
When the Numeric size s , control is selected, it is possible when exporting to LS Model III format to generate numeric
When the .Forced .AL F , control is selected, it is possible to select a file from the alphanumeric table ( .ALF ) which will be
used when exporting to LS Model III format or validating the model. However, if there are file sizes chosen which do not
correspond to those of the model, the alphanumeric table will be generated with the sizes of the model.
The Keep standard B I control is dedicated to the use of reference models (see Reference model paragraph).
The All B I control generates the B.I's of each model piece whether or not in a variant.
The Export-> Plot ; control makes it possible to launch an input order for the plot when exporting a garment.
The Export link s control is used to select the mark tool used to generate the links when exporting a garment. These marks
are created in the B.I if the link point is not figured. It should be noted that No mar k , deletes the link.
The different tools are :
- Mark tool '35
- Mark tool '36
- Mark tool '37

If several X and Y shrinkage values exist, when the basic images are generated, only the value for the first article will
be taken into account.

Modification :Move (D)


This function modifies the position of a group of objects (linked together or selected) according to predefined options.
The use of this function (as the Stretch function) is dependent on the options of the Associated parameters menu. The
combination of these options offers many possibilities to move the objects.

In the text hereafter, the move notion concerns both moving and stretching ( Move and Stretch functions).
Associated parameters:
The two main options of these parameters are :
Basic size move and Size by size move . The other options are dependent upon these. When one of the options is
selected, you will have access or not (options dimmed) to other options.
Basic size move :
- with Grading unchanged , you can apply the move without modifying the evolution rules.
- with Rotate grading , you can apply a rotation of the evolution rules without modifying the "dl" (distance between the
point of a size and the point of the basic size).
- with Rotate/stretch grading , you can apply a rotation and a scale to the evolution rules.
- Strict movement , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/Stretch grading , applies the
modification of the evolution rules to only the "clicked" or selected points.
- Total movement , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , applies the
modification of the evolution rules to all moving points.
Size by size movement :
- This option moves a size independently from the other sizes.
Common options Basic size movement and Size by size movement :
- All sizes , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , is used to apply the move to the
current evolution type.
- Size selection , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , is used to apply the move
only to selected sizes.
- All evolution types , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , is used to apply the
move to all evolution types.
The principle consists in clicking on a point of a group of objects to be moved, this is interactive under the cursor with its
linked objects. The "clicked" point is automatically pinned after the move (see the Pin function). When this function is used
on the pinned points, the curve is deformed homothetically and in rotation between the pinned points on the curve.
The print of the original position remains displayed ( Print control in the Display menu displays or erases the print). The
input parameters ShiftX and ShiftY correspond respectively to the shift along the X or Y axis in relation to the clicked place.
Rotation changes the orientation.
dl corresponds to a straight movement in relation to the clicked point.

This function can also be activated by pressing on the keyboard and mouse button 2


Select the move options in the Associated parameters menu .

Activate the Move function in the Line Modification box

If necessary, place the pins according to the objects to be moved ( Pin

function )

Click on one point of the group to be moved

Depending on the move options, the objects are displayed interactively under
the cursor. The input dialogue box is displayed (values : ShiftX, ShiftY,
Input the values of the parameters then validate the input by

Position the object interactively on the current sheet

Click to validate the position

Modification : Shrinkage


This function enables applying a "shrinkage" on a piece by inputting a scale value. This "shrinkage" can either be an
enlargement or a reduction of the piece or part of the piece (selection of points). The result is dependent on the associated
parameter All size shrinkage .
When the parameter is not selected :
- it is the shrinkage value of the base size which is applied to all the sizes.
When the parameter is selected :
- the shrinkage value is calculated according to the dimensions of each size.
The shrinkage value is expressed in scale unit and is applied to the x and y co-ordinates of each point.
If you want to apply a shrinkage on part of a piece, you must select the points required.
The "shrinkage" will have the "clicked" point for its origin (existing or not) and the scale of all the selected points will change
(into x and into y) in relation to this point.
Example of a "shrinkage" on a selection of points : in this example the points 1 and 2 are selected, point 1 is the "clicked"
point (origin). The shrinkage value is 120 % on x and on y. The shrinkage is made on point 2 in relation to point 1.

Original Without all size shrinkage With all size shrinkage

When applying a shrinkage on a dependent piecewithout selecting it, the shrinkage is applied to all the pieces of
the flat-pattern. It is therefore necessary to first select the whole piece if you want a shrinkage on the piece only.


Select or de-select the All size shrinkage parameter

in the Associated parameters menu.
To "shrink" part, select the points.

Activate the function Shrinkage in the Line

Modification box

For a selection click on the reference point existing or

not (origin)

For the whole piece click anywhere on the sheet

The input dialogue box is displayed

Input the values required in the unit required,

validate by


This function modifies the position of a group of objects (linked together or selected) according to predefined options.
The use of this function (as the Stretch function) is dependent on the options of the Associated parameters menu. The
combination of these options offers many possibilities to move the objects.

In the text hereafter, the move notion concerns both moving and stretching ( Move and Stretch functions).
Associated parameters:
The two main options of these parameters are :
Basic size move and Size by size move . The other options are dependent upon these. When one of the options is
selected, you will have access or not (options dimmed) to other options.
Basic size move :
- with Grading unchanged , you can apply the move without modifying the evolution rules.
- with Rotate grading , you can apply a rotation of the evolution rules without modifying the "dl" (distance between the
point of a size and the point of the basic size).
- with Rotate/stretch grading , you can apply a rotation and a scale to the evolution rules.
- Strict movement , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/Stretch grading , applies the
modification of the evolution rules to only the "clicked" or selected points.
- Total movement , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , applies the
modification of the evolution rules to all moving points.
Size by size movement :
- This option moves a size independently from the other sizes.
Common options Basic size movement and Size by size movement :
- All sizes , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , is used to apply the move to the
current evolution type.
- Size selection , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , is used to apply the move
only to selected sizes.
- All evolution types , which can only be applied with Rotate grading and Rotate/stretch grading , is used to apply the
move to all evolution types.
The principle consists in clicking on a point of a group of objects to be moved, this is interactive under the cursor with its
linked objects. The "clicked" point is automatically pinned after the move (see the Pin function). When this function is used
on the pinned points, the curve is deformed homothetically and in rotation between the pinned points on the curve.
The print of the original position remains displayed ( Print control in the Display menu displays or erases the print). The
input parameters ShiftX and ShiftY correspond respectively to the shift along the X or Y axis in relation to the clicked place.
Rotation changes the orientation.
dl corresponds to a straight movement in relation to the clicked point.

This function can also be activated by pressing on the keyboard and mouse button 2

Select the move options in the Associated parameters menu .

Activate the Move function in the Line Modification box

If necessary, place the pins according to the objects to be moved ( Pin

function )

Click on one point of the group to be moved

Depending on the move options, the objects are displayed interactively under
the cursor. The input dialogue box is displayed (values : ShiftX, ShiftY,

Input the values of the parameters then validate the input by


Position the object interactively on the current sheet

Click to validate the position

2.7. Selection and general principle of how to operate the controls

Selection means, selecting one or several graphic objects or sheets.

Activating the Selection ( S ) control makes it possible to select these objects or sheets.
The selection can either be mono or multi selections. They can also be filtered, in other words a selection can be made
following various criteria (e.g. selecting notches only, displaying a selection of sheets etc.).
The multi-selection can be made by simultaneously striking the "shift" key and "clicking", or by a selection window.
Selecting an object or a sheet which is already selected will remove the selection.
Most of the controls operate as follows :
- action/selection
- selection/action
An action signifies activating a control.
A selection is a choice made by "clicking" with the mouse, or using the keyboard, for the objects concerned by the control.
Action/Selection :
After having chosen a control, the user defines (with the keyboard or mouse) the objects to use the control on.
In Action/Selection, an interactive help line permanently guides the user when defining a selection.
Selection/Action :
A selection is made up of one or several groups of objects. The control that is chosen will only have effect on the pre-selected
As the objects are selected they change colour.
When a sheet is selected, handles appear in the four corners.

There is a general rule for some functions, being that if there is any ambiguity on the possible selections, they will
appear one after the other each time the "space bar" is struck whilst the mouse button is held down.
All the controls dedicated to the selection are regrouped in the Selections (S) and Sheet
menus :
Select using the mouse when the Selection (S) control is activated :

- to select a graphic object : strike mouse button 1 or 3.

- to select several graphic objects : strike mouse button 1 or 3, then stretch the selection box.

to select a sheet : simultaneously strike the key on the alphanumeric keyboard and mouse button 3.

- to select several sheets by a selection box : simultaneously strike the key on the alphanumeric keyboard and
mouse button 3 then stretch the selection box.

To be selected, the graphic objects or the sheets, must be completed inside the selection box.
Controls dedicated to the selection
Selection of the sheets :
The Sheet sel. (i ) control in the Sheet menu makes it possible to make a selection of sheets :
To select one or several sheets :
1. Activate Sheet sel. ( i ) in the Sheet menu
2. Successively click using mouse button 1 on the sheets
Selection handles are displayed in the corners of the sheets
3. Close the selection, either by clicking using button 3 outside the sheets, or click using button 3 on the last sheet of the

Button 2 makes it possible to undo the last selection.

Selection filters :

Before making a selection, it is possible to filter the type of object(s) that you require, selecting only the lines or the points
and lines for example.
The Object typ e control in the Selection menu makes is possible to choose the type(s) of object(s) that you require. The
different types are as follows :
- Point
- Notch
- Current notch
- Line
- Piece
- Axis
- Mark
- Current mark
Whether selecting by "click" or by a selection window, the selection will be made depending on the choice of object type.

Furthermore, after making a selection (which then becomes the current selection) it is possible to re-filter it, by re-defining
the object type to be selected then activating the Filter (Q ) control in the Selection menu. This procedure avoids making a
repeat selection for example.
The Filter ( Q ) control is applied to the current selection.
A selection can also be filtered on one object type. This enables for example, after a selection concentrating mostly on objects
of different types to select one object type. The following controls of the Selection menu enable after a selection to select
only the objects which correspond to the control:
- Notches filter
- Current notches filter
- Points filter
- Lines filter
- Parts filter
- Axis filter
To select a same type of object in a selection :
- Activate the control of the corresponding filter
Only the objects corresponding to the filter remain selected
Naming a selection :

It is possible to store in memory a (or several) selection, by giving it a name and bringing it back at any time using this
name. These functions are possible using the Naming and
Recall a selection (Alt-m ) controls in the Selection menu.

Recalling a selection will erase the current selection.

To name a selection :
1. Select the objects required
2. Activate Naming in the Selection menu
A dialogue box is displayed, with the name of the last selection if there is one.

3. Position the pointer in the input area, then input the name

4. Validate by or click.
The current selection is stored.
To recall a selection :
1. Activate Recall a selection ( Alt-m ) in the Selection menu
A dialogue box is displayed, with the name of the last selection if there is one.

2. Position the pointer in the input area, then input the name

3. Validate by or click .
The selection recalled then becomes the current selection
Selection of a sequence :
A sequence is a group of orderly points that are linked together by lines. The principle consists in clicking on the two end
points of the sequence. The selection displayed corresponds to the shortest "route" between the two selected points. During
the procedure, the sequence selected un-doubles to mark the selection. Once the selection is made, all the points of the
sequence are selected (different colour).
To select a sequence :
1. Activate Sequence ( Alt-z ) in the Selection menu
2. Click on the first end point
3. Point the second point, then strike the mouse button keeping it held down.
The sequence that is selected then appears highlighted.
It is now possible to choose the other sequence, which is delimited by the two points by striking the "space bar".
4. Release the mouse button
All the points which belong to the sequence are selected.

Select all the sheets on the desk :

Activating Select all sheets ( ^A ) selects all the sheets that are on the desk.
De-select all the sheets or all the objects :
Activating De-select ( Z ) will de-select all the sheets or all the objects on the desk.
Selection of all the sheets which are relative to a variant or a flat pattern :
It is possible to filter a selection of sheets on the variant or flat pattern criteria. Flat pattern selection (Alt-q ) and Variant
selectio n in the Sheet menu.
Two possibilities are given for this choice, either by inputting the name of the flat-pattern or the variant, or by clicking on the
sheet which belongs to the flat pattern or the variant.
To select the sheets which are relative to a variant or a flat pattern :
1. Activate Variant selection or Flat pattern selection ( Alt-q ) in the Selection menu.
The dialogue box to input the name appears.
2. Two cases :

Input the pattern or variant name, then validate by

For a pattern, click on the sheet with the pattern or on the sheet with a piece coming from this pattern.
For a variant, click on the sheet of the variant.
The corresponding sheets are selected.
Selection of sizes :

It is the same principle to select sizes (in the sizes title block by evolution type) as the graphic objects or sheets (click,
selection box, etc ...).
The Break sizes (F11 ) control in the Selection menu selects the break sizes on the current sheet.
The All sizes ( F12 ) control in the Selection menu selects all the sizes on the current sheet.

Evolution system : alpha EVT


This function is used to convert a numeric EVT into an alphanumeric EVT.


Activate the alpha EVT function in the Evolution system box of F7

Click on the field "name" of the EVT to be converted.

Evolution system : Imp. EVT

This function applies an evolution type (EVT) or replaces an evolution type by another EVT.
An EVT is stored in a file which can be defined by the user.
Two types of file can be encountered.
- the files which contain the alphanumeric tables identified by their name followed by the . EVA suffix.
- the files which contain the numeric tables identified by their name followed by the . EVN suffix.
The creation of an alphanumeric or numeric table is made with the text editor respecting the syntax given below.

When a new model is created, it is possible to load an EVT by default activating the F10 key of the alphanumeric
Generalities :
The input text is dealt with line by line, a line by size. A blank line is considered as a larger space.

# : comments
This character enables introducing a comment, consequently this will be considered as such and not as a size. A comment
begins with # and finishes at the end of the line. If the comment is more than one line, then each of the lines must begin,
with #.
Example :
# this file defines a numeric table
# which contains sizes of 30 to 60 of 1 in 1.
# only the sizes from 36 and 56 are to be produced
alpha or numeric :
These two terms (obligatory) define whether the file contains alpha or numeric tables. The file must always begin by one
of these keys words. However they can be preceded by a comment.
+ and - : declaration of the table type
The + sign indicates that all the sizes which follow are to be produced (they will be displayed in the EVT title block). On the
other hand the - sign indicates that all the sizes which follow are not to be produced, however they exist but will not be
displayed in the title box of the EVT title block.
These two signs must not be followed by a significant character apart from the# sign which introduces a comment.
By default the sizes are to be produced (as if the file begins by + ).

2.2. Organisation of the desk

The work window is a desk for the pattern maker/stylist. This work window is called the "Desk".
Figure 2.2 Organisation of the desk
The desk is made up of "sheets". There are three types of sheet :
- the sheet which identifies the model (evolution system of the model, model name ...) illustrated as follows.

Default identification sheet of a model Customized identification sheet of a model

by default, the illustration of the model sheet corresponds to the left figure above, but it could be customized (right figure)
with an illustration taken from a technical drawing (see § Personalisation of illustrations on model and variant sheets).

- the sheets which identify the different variants of the model illustrated as follows :

Default identification sheet of a mode variant Customized identification sheet of a model variant

by default, the illustration of a variant sheet corresponds to the left figure above, but it can be customized (right figure) with
an illustration taken from a technical drawing (see § Personalisation of illustrations on model and variant sheets).

- the sheets which contain graphic objects that can be a model, a piece, a line, a point etc :

It is not possible to draw on a model identification sheet and on a variant sheet.

A "sheet" represents the sheet the pattern maker/stylist desk, where the patterns are created or the cardboard templates are
The sheets can be translated, turned, mirrored, associated. The sheets can be placed on the desk wherever the user likes.
A sheet can either be opaque or transparent.
The flat pattern is on a single sheet.
All pieces that have already been defined or are in the process of being defined, will automatically be placed on a sheet.
Title blocks :

On a sheet, there are two types of title blocks : the size title block by evolution type and the sheet identification title block.
To display the title blocks use Title block ( ^U ) in the Display menu.

- The size title block by evolution type is on the left of the sheet. This title block will only appear if there is a size system on
the sheet.

- The sheet identification title block is at the bottom of the sheet. The contents of this title block varies depending on what
there is to do on a Model, Variant, Pattern or Piece sheet.

Model sheet title block

name (1) : corresponds to the model name. By default, it has the model file name. The model name corresponds to the
Root field of the various other sheets.
acd (2) : corresponds to the analytical code.
ref (3) : corresponds to the reference field compatible with LSMODEL III
Sect (4) and Garm typ (5) : these are alphanumeric fields dedicated to the Made To Measure and corresponding to the
respective coding of the activity sector and garment type of this sector.

Variant sheet title block

root(1) : corresponds to the root of the name that will identify all sheets of a piece depending on the variant.
name (2) : corresponds to the variant name.
acd (3) : corresponds to the analytical code.
gcd (4) : corresponds to the garment identification used as a base.
col (5) : corresponds to the name of the collection.
utilp (6) and utilc (7) : corresponds to the notion of utility garment dedicated to the marker. These fields can only have the
value 1 or 0.

Pattern sheet title block

root(1) : corresponds to the root of the name which identifies all sheets of the pieces which are dependent on the pattern.
By default, this root takes the Model name (2) :corresponds to the pattern name. By default, the name takes the Model
acd(3) : corresponds to the analytical code
ref(4) : corresponds to the reference field compatible with LSMODEL III
The fields Sect(5), Garm typ(6), Chart, Bal and Hist are dedicated to the Made to Measure and BodyClick.

Piece sheet title block

Area (9) on the left of the title block : displays the name of the variant to which the piece belongs followed by its quantity in
the variant and its fabric type.
root(1) : corresponds to the root of the name that will identify all piece sheets depending on the pattern.
name(2) : corresponds to the piece name. By default it takes the pattern name ended by a figure indicating the number of
acd(3) : corresponds to the analytical code
ref(4) : corresponds to the reference field compatible with LSMODEL III
Cut qual.(7) and Seam qual(8) : dedicated to Leather industry, these fields correspond to cutting quality and seam

Measurements : Spreadsheet (Alt-t)


This function opens a table that displays the measurements on one or several pieces. The measurements displayed
correspond to the following functions ( Measurements box) :
- Length
- Length on Seam
- Area
- Perimeter
- Angle

The measurements made are all in the table even if this is not activated.
If a measurement is repeated, the corresponding measurement table updates itself with the new measurement.
The measurements are often made for all the selected sizes and in the current measurement unit. By default, they are the
break size measurements that are displayed.

The table consists in :

- at the top, a control bar
- in the middle, the measurements display table
- at the bottom, a dynamic bar with a help line

The Close ( ^F ) button closes the spreadsheet window. The measurements contained in the table remain in memory and
are re-displayed the next time the spreadsheet is activated.
A measurement is characterised by its name (that can be modified), its measurement parameters and its sizes (selected
sizes). The base size is always displayed superimposed.
The length measurements are identified by the piece name followed by the name of the two measured points.
Ex. : LSBADPRP:16->12
The area and perimeter measurements are identified by the piece name. Ex. : LSBADPRP
The angle measurements are identified by the letter A followed by an orderly number. Ex. : A12

2.13. Parameter setting

Before you start a work session and depending on the type of work, you can set the environment, to optimize any future
operations (choice of measurement unit ...).
Different environment parameters are available in the Parameters menu.

Automatic sav e :

This control automatically saves the current model, at a rate that you can define in a dialogue box. This time is expressed in
The automatic save, saves the current model every X seconds after activation of any control or function. The time rate 0
cancels the automatic save.
The automatic save is indicated by a message in the help bar and the cursor turns into a watch.
The save is made in a specific file, which is found in the same directory as the original file, and is identified by the sign
followed by the model name (e.g. : #model.mdl ).
Consequently it is possible to retrieve the original file as it was before activating the automatic save.
As for the Save control (see the corresponding chapter) the one but last automatic save is saved in a specific file identified by
# and the suffix .omd after the suffix of the model (e.g. #model.mdl.omd ).

To activate an automatic save :

1. Activate Automatic save in the Parameters menu
The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the time (in seconds) then validate by .

The automatic save file is deleted when you quit Modaris.

Click accuracy :
Generally, to click on a graphic object the cursor must match this object.
This click accuracy can be defined by a distance corresponding to the action radius of the click. Whatever the function, any
object inside this action radius will be attracted by the "click".
To input the "click" accuracy :
1. Activate Click precisio n in the Parameters menu.
The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the value then validate by .

No locks control :
When several users are working simultaneously on the same model in the same validation directory , the users are informed
that a modification has been done and that someone is using the model. If this control is deactivated, no information will be

Bell level :
This parameter sets the de sound level of the "beep" when you are digitizing. When you activate this control, a dialogue box
appears , where you can input a value, as a percentage from 0 to 200%.

Associat. Param., Actu. Associt. Param., Assoc. Param. Clos.

Measure units :
The units sub-mens define the measurement units used to work in Modaris. However, some functions offer a dialogue box to
choose another unit (click on the unit name in a pull-down menu); this choice can only be applied to the function which is

The different measure units are :

Length unit :
inches fract.
1/10 mm
inches and 16 ths
inches and 32 nds
inches and 10 ths

Angle unit:
decimal degree

Surface unit :
inches fract.
squared mm
1/10 mm squared
inches and 16 ths
inches and 32 nds
inches and 10 ths

Scale unit:
Fract. scale
Real scale
% Scale

Evolution system : Imp. EVT


This function applies an evolution type (EVT) or replaces an evolution type by another EVT.
An EVT is stored in a file which can be defined by the user.
Two types of file can be encountered.
- the files which contain the alphanumeric tables identified by their name followed by the . EVA suffix.
- the files which contain the numeric tables identified by their name followed by the . EVN suffix.
The creation of an alphanumeric or numeric table is made with the text editor respecting the syntax given below.

When a new model is created, it is possible to load an EVT by default activating the F10 key of the alphanumeric
Generalities :
The input text is dealt with line by line, a line by size. A blank line is considered as a larger space.

# : comments
This character enables introducing a comment, consequently this will be considered as such and not as a size. A comment
begins with # and finishes at the end of the line. If the comment is more than one line, then each of the lines must begin,
with #.
Example :
# this file defines a numeric table
# which contains sizes of 30 to 60 of 1 in 1.
# only the sizes from 36 and 56 are to be produced
alpha or numeric :
These two terms (obligatory) define whether the file contains alpha or numeric tables. The file must always begin by one
of these keys words. However they can be preceded by a comment.
+ and - : declaration of the table type
The + sign indicates that all the sizes which follow are to be produced (they will be displayed in the EVT title block). On the
other hand the - sign indicates that all the sizes which follow are not to be produced, however they exist but will not be
displayed in the title box of the EVT title block.
These two signs must not be followed by a significant character apart from the# sign which introduces a comment.
By default the sizes are to be produced (as if the file begins by + ).

Measurements : Spreadsheet (Alt-t)

This function opens a table that displays the measurements on one or several pieces. The measurements displayed
correspond to the following functions ( Measurements box) :
- Length
- Length on Seam
- Area
- Perimeter
- Angle

The measurements made are all in the table even if this is not activated.
If a measurement is repeated, the corresponding measurement table updates itself with the new measurement.
The measurements are often made for all the selected sizes and in the current measurement unit. By default, they are the
break size measurements that are displayed.

The table consists in :

- at the top, a control bar
- in the middle, the measurements display table
- at the bottom, a dynamic bar with a help line
The Close ( ^F ) button closes the spreadsheet window. The measurements contained in the table remain in memory and
are re-displayed the next time the spreadsheet is activated.
A measurement is characterised by its name (that can be modified), its measurement parameters and its sizes (selected
sizes). The base size is always displayed superimposed.
The length measurements are identified by the piece name followed by the name of the two measured points.
Ex. : LSBADPRP:16->12
The area and perimeter measurements are identified by the piece name. Ex. : LSBADPRP
The angle measurements are identified by the letter A followed by an orderly number. Ex. : A12


2.13. Parameter setting

Before you start a work session and depending on the type of work, you can set the environment, to optimize any future
operations (choice of measurement unit ...).
Different environment parameters are available in the Parameters menu.

Automatic sav e :

This control automatically saves the current model, at a rate that you can define in a dialogue box. This time is expressed in
The automatic save, saves the current model every X seconds after activation of any control or function. The time rate 0
cancels the automatic save.
The automatic save is indicated by a message in the help bar and the cursor turns into a watch.
The save is made in a specific file, which is found in the same directory as the original file, and is identified by the sign
followed by the model name (e.g. : #model.mdl ).
Consequently it is possible to retrieve the original file as it was before activating the automatic save.
As for the Save control (see the corresponding chapter) the one but last automatic save is saved in a specific file identified by
# and the suffix .omd after the suffix of the model (e.g. #model.mdl.omd ).

To activate an automatic save :

1. Activate Automatic save in the Parameters menu

The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the time (in seconds) then validate by .

The automatic save file is deleted when you quit Modaris.

Click accuracy :
Generally, to click on a graphic object the cursor must match this object.
This click accuracy can be defined by a distance corresponding to the action radius of the click. Whatever the function, any
object inside this action radius will be attracted by the "click".

To input the "click" accuracy :

1. Activate Click precisio n in the Parameters menu.

The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the value then validate by .

No locks control :
When several users are working simultaneously on the same model in the same validation directory , the users are informed
that a modification has been done and that someone is using the model. If this control is deactivated, no information will be

Bell level :
This parameter sets the de sound level of the "beep" when you are digitizing. When you activate this control, a dialogue box
appears , where you can input a value, as a percentage from 0 to 200%.

Associat. Param., Actu. Associt. Param., Assoc. Param. Clos.

Measure units :
The units sub-mens define the measurement units used to work in Modaris. However, some functions offer a dialogue box to
choose another unit (click on the unit name in a pull-down menu); this choice can only be applied to the function which is

The different measure units are :

Length unit :
inches fract.
1/10 mm
inches and 16 ths
inches and 32 nds
inches and 10 ths

Angle unit:
decimal degree

Surface unit :
inches fract.
squared mm
1/10 mm squared
inches and 16 ths
inches and 32 nds
inches and 10 ths

Scale unit:
Fract. scale
Real scale
% Scale

2.8. Manipulating sheets on the desktop

All of the control for manipulating sheets on the desktop are included on the Sheet menu.

Arranging concepts :

Arranging consists of placing or removing one or several sheets in a location on the desktop.

Arrangement controls :

Manual arrangement :
The Arrange ( End ) control lets you manually move a selection of sheets on the desktop. This control is also available by

simultaneously pressing the 2nd mouse button and the key on the alphanumeric keyboard.
To arrange a selection on the desktop:
1. Select the sheet(s).
2. Activate the Arrange control ( End )
3. Click on a sheet in the selection with the 1st mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the frame around the sheets.
4. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st button) to freeze the position.
To arrange a selection with the mouse:
1. Select the sheet(s).

2. Press the key on the alphanumeric keyboard and click on a sheet in the selection with the 2nd mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the border around the sheets.
3. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st mouse button) to freeze the position.
Saving an arrangement of sheets on the desktop:

You can save the arrangement of your sheets and recall it whenever you wish. Only one arrangement can be saved; the
latest one to be saved will overwrite the previous arrangement. If you save a sheet arrangement, it will be stored with the
model, and, for example, another user can view the model with the same arrangement on the screen.
To save the arrangement:

Click on Sheet /Arrangement record ( Alt f )

To display the last arrangement saved :

1. On the status bar, click on User arrangement

2. Click on Sheet/Arrange all ( j )

When you load a model, if User arrangement is activated, the model will be displayed with the saved arrangement, if
there is one.

Automatic arrangement:

The Arrange all control ( j )( J ) lets you automatically arrange (within the frame
of the desktop) all of the sheets. The result of the arrangement matches the alignment of lines and columns of sheets within
the frame on the desktop.

To arrange the desktop automatically:

- Activate the Arrange all control ( j )( J )
The sheets are arranged automatically.

Moving on the desktop during an operation:

While activating a control or function, the operation might require you to move beyond the visible portion of the desktop
(arranging one sheet, Move , Stretch functions, etc.).
Pressing the "point" key and moving the mouse in the desired direction lets you move around the desktop during the
operation without cancelling the control or function. The result is the same as using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

Pressing the key lets you display all of the sheets on the desktop during the current operation.

Inversely, you may recentre on the current sheet by pressing the "HOME" key during an operation.

Selective visualisation of sheet s on the desktop :

The Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) (selective visualisation) lets you display only the files you want to see. This may be a
selection of sheets, a selection based on piece names, sheets that match a variant, model or reference, or even a flat pattern.
Furthermore, for a given variant, you may filter the choice on Material Category and Fabric Type criteria.
To find all sheets on the desktop, simply activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) (visualise all).

You may selectively visualise a selected set.

When this control is activated, it opens a dialog box in which you may select criteria.

You may use completion ( key) for all criteria, except the "material category" and "fabric type" criteria.

To display a selection of sheets:

1. Select the various sheets using the Sheets Sel. control ( i ) on the Sheet menu.
2. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
3. Click on one of the sheets in the selection.
The sheets in the selection are displayed arranged on the desktop.

To display all sheets related to a pattern, variant, reference model or a sheet for a piece:
1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
2. There are two possibilities:

Use completion (the key) or enter the name of the pattern, variant, reference model or piece and confirm by

For a pattern, click on the pattern sheet or on a sheet for a piece from this pattern
For a variant, click on a sheet for the variant.
For a reference model, click on the sheet for the reference model.
The sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To adjust the selection criteria for a given variant:
1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the name of the variant or use completion (the key)

3. Enter the material category and/or fabric type

4. Confirm your choice by pressing

The corresponding sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To redisplay all the sheets on the desktop:
- Activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) on the Sheet menu

2.8. Manipulating sheets on the desktop

All of the control for manipulating sheets on the desktop are included on the Sheet menu.
Arranging concepts :

Arranging consists of placing or removing one or several sheets in a location on the desktop.

Arrangement controls :

Manual arrangement :
The Arrange ( End ) control lets you manually move a selection of sheets on the desktop. This control is also available by

simultaneously pressing the 2nd mouse button and the key on the alphanumeric keyboard.

To arrange a selection on the desktop:

1. Select the sheet(s).
2. Activate the Arrange control ( End )
3. Click on a sheet in the selection with the 1st mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the frame around the sheets.
4. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st button) to freeze the position.
To arrange a selection with the mouse:
1. Select the sheet(s).

2. Press the key on the alphanumeric keyboard and click on a sheet in the selection with the 2nd mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the border around the sheets.
3. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st mouse button) to freeze the position.

Saving an arrangement of sheets on the desktop:

You can save the arrangement of your sheets and recall it whenever you wish. Only one arrangement can be saved; the
latest one to be saved will overwrite the previous arrangement. If you save a sheet arrangement, it will be stored with the
model, and, for example, another user can view the model with the same arrangement on the screen.

To save the arrangement:

Click on Sheet /Arrangement record ( Alt f )

To display the last arrangement saved :

1. On the status bar, click on User arrangement

2. Click on Sheet/Arrange all ( j )

When you load a model, if User arrangement is activated, the model will be displayed with the saved arrangement, if
there is one.

Automatic arrangement:

The Arrange all control ( j )( J ) lets you automatically arrange (within the frame
of the desktop) all of the sheets. The result of the arrangement matches the alignment of lines and columns of sheets within
the frame on the desktop.
To arrange the desktop automatically:
- Activate the Arrange all control ( j )( J )
The sheets are arranged automatically.

Moving on the desktop during an operation:

While activating a control or function, the operation might require you to move beyond the visible portion of the desktop
(arranging one sheet, Move , Stretch functions, etc.).

Pressing the "point" key and moving the mouse in the desired direction lets you move around the desktop during the
operation without cancelling the control or function. The result is the same as using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

Pressing the key lets you display all of the sheets on the desktop during the current operation.

Inversely, you may recentre on the current sheet by pressing the "HOME" key during an operation.

Selective visualisation of sheet s on the desktop :

The Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) (selective visualisation) lets you display only the files you want to see. This may be a
selection of sheets, a selection based on piece names, sheets that match a variant, model or reference, or even a flat pattern.
Furthermore, for a given variant, you may filter the choice on Material Category and Fabric Type criteria.
To find all sheets on the desktop, simply activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) (visualise all).

You may selectively visualise a selected set.

When this control is activated, it opens a dialog box in which you may select criteria.

You may use completion ( key) for all criteria, except the "material category" and "fabric type" criteria.

To display a selection of sheets:

1. Select the various sheets using the Sheets Sel. control ( i ) on the Sheet menu.
2. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
3. Click on one of the sheets in the selection.
The sheets in the selection are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To display all sheets related to a pattern, variant, reference model or a sheet for a piece:
1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
2. There are two possibilities:

Use completion (the key) or enter the name of the pattern, variant, reference model or piece and confirm by

For a pattern, click on the pattern sheet or on a sheet for a piece from this pattern
For a variant, click on a sheet for the variant.
For a reference model, click on the sheet for the reference model.
The sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.

To adjust the selection criteria for a given variant:

1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the name of the variant or use completion (the key)

3. Enter the material category and/or fabric type

4. Confirm your choice by pressing

The corresponding sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To redisplay all the sheets on the desktop:
- Activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) on the Sheet menu

2.8. Manipulating sheets on the desktop

All of the control for manipulating sheets on the desktop are included on the Sheet menu.

Arranging concepts :

Arranging consists of placing or removing one or several sheets in a location on the desktop.

Arrangement controls :

Manual arrangement :
The Arrange ( End ) control lets you manually move a selection of sheets on the desktop. This control is also available by

simultaneously pressing the 2nd mouse button and the key on the alphanumeric keyboard.

To arrange a selection on the desktop:

1. Select the sheet(s).
2. Activate the Arrange control ( End )
3. Click on a sheet in the selection with the 1st mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the frame around the sheets.
4. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st button) to freeze the position.
To arrange a selection with the mouse:
1. Select the sheet(s).

2. Press the key on the alphanumeric keyboard and click on a sheet in the selection with the 2nd mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the border around the sheets.
3. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st mouse button) to freeze the position.

Saving an arrangement of sheets on the desktop:

You can save the arrangement of your sheets and recall it whenever you wish. Only one arrangement can be saved; the
latest one to be saved will overwrite the previous arrangement. If you save a sheet arrangement, it will be stored with the
model, and, for example, another user can view the model with the same arrangement on the screen.
To save the arrangement:

Click on Sheet /Arrangement record ( Alt f )

To display the last arrangement saved :

1. On the status bar, click on User arrangement

2. Click on Sheet/Arrange all ( j )

When you load a model, if User arrangement is activated, the model will be displayed with the saved arrangement, if
there is one.

Automatic arrangement:

The Arrange all control ( j )( J ) lets you automatically arrange (within the frame
of the desktop) all of the sheets. The result of the arrangement matches the alignment of lines and columns of sheets within
the frame on the desktop.
To arrange the desktop automatically:
- Activate the Arrange all control ( j )( J )
The sheets are arranged automatically.

Moving on the desktop during an operation:

While activating a control or function, the operation might require you to move beyond the visible portion of the desktop
(arranging one sheet, Move , Stretch functions, etc.).

Pressing the "point" key and moving the mouse in the desired direction lets you move around the desktop during the
operation without cancelling the control or function. The result is the same as using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

Pressing the key lets you display all of the sheets on the desktop during the current operation.

Inversely, you may recentre on the current sheet by pressing the "HOME" key during an operation.

Selective visualisation of sheet s on the desktop :

The Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) (selective visualisation) lets you display only the files you want to see. This may be a
selection of sheets, a selection based on piece names, sheets that match a variant, model or reference, or even a flat pattern.
Furthermore, for a given variant, you may filter the choice on Material Category and Fabric Type criteria.
To find all sheets on the desktop, simply activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) (visualise all).

You may selectively visualise a selected set.

When this control is activated, it opens a dialog box in which you may select criteria.

You may use completion ( key) for all criteria, except the "material category" and "fabric type" criteria.

To display a selection of sheets:

1. Select the various sheets using the Sheets Sel. control ( i ) on the Sheet menu.
2. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
3. Click on one of the sheets in the selection.
The sheets in the selection are displayed arranged on the desktop.

To display all sheets related to a pattern, variant, reference model or a sheet for a piece:
1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
2. There are two possibilities:

Use completion (the key) or enter the name of the pattern, variant, reference model or piece and confirm by

For a pattern, click on the pattern sheet or on a sheet for a piece from this pattern
For a variant, click on a sheet for the variant.
For a reference model, click on the sheet for the reference model.
The sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To adjust the selection criteria for a given variant:
1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the name of the variant or use completion (the key)

3. Enter the material category and/or fabric type

4. Confirm your choice by pressing

The corresponding sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To redisplay all the sheets on the desktop:
- Activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) on the Sheet menu

Assembly : Assemble


This function enables assembling two pieces together (that come from two different sheets). The operation consists in
designating two points on each piece that coincide.
The assembly deletes the sheet of the slave piece, the latter being positioned on the sheet of the master piece.

The assembly of two pieces is generally used to carry out controls. It does not modify pieces or patterns. The creation
of new pieces coming from an assembly can induce dependencies.
It is possible to cancel an assembly using the Divorce function.
To move or pivot a piece in an assembly, use the Move function and not the Assembly function.


Activate the Assemble function in the Assembly box.

Click on the first assembly point of the first piece.

An interactive line appears

Click on the second assembly point of the first piece.

A line with a length corresponding to the distance between the two points detaches
itself and becomes interactive under the cursor.

Move the line onto the second assembly piece.

Click on the first assembly point.

The line pivots around this point.

Click on the second assembly point.

The sheet of the first piece disappears and its piece is positioned on the second piece.

All sizes

Grading : GraPro


This function assigns a proportional grading at 2 reference points, to all the points located on the curve(s) between these two
reference points.


Activate the GraPro function

Click on the first reference point

Click, holding the mouse button down, on the second point

The curve is displayed superimposed

If necessary strike the "space" bar to choose the curve required

Release the mouse button

All the points located between the two reference points take a
proportional grading

Grading : Pro2Pts


This function assigns a proportional grading at 2 reference points, to a point or a selection of points, without taking into
account to what the points belong (curve point or internal point).


Activate the Pro2Pts function

Click on the first reference point

Successively click on the two reference points

They changes colour

Click on the point or on a point of the selection, on which the

proportional grading is carried out
The point(s) take a proportional grading

Modification: Associate (=)

The Link (=) command enables several objects (Developed points and Dependant parallels
only), not constrained by measurements, to share the same value.
With this command, any modification to one of the objects will be carried over into the object(s) associated to it.

This command is also used to delete the association between objects (see the procedure below).


Sharing the value of a developed point with that of another developed point or a dependant parallel

Sharing the value of a dependant parallel with that of a developed point or another dependant parallel

Deleting the association between objects

See also: General information about parametric tools

Modification: Constraint by measure (n)
Modification: Link to a measure (Alt-n)

2.9. Parameters associated to the controls and functions

Parameters are associated to some of the functions or controls in the pull-down menus. To access these parameters, click on
- the symbol on the left of a control in a pull-down menu.
- the small square in the corner of the function box.
The associated parameters appear as menus or dialogue boxes in a window. Some parameters have a value displayed on
their right. This value corresponds to the current value of this parameter. To modify this value just click on the parameter
name which opens the corresponding dialogue box.
In the Parameters menu, there are three controls to display the associated parameters menus.
- Associat. Param . ( k ) : displays the parameters of the next control or function selected. This control is automatically
deactivated after the selection.
- Actu. Associat. Param . ( w ) : displays the parameters of the current function or control.
- Assoc. Param. Clos . ( W ) : closes all the windows of the associated parameters.
When the parameter Multi. Param. Bo x associated to two of the parameters is selected, the various parameter windows
required will remain displayed. If it is not selected then it will only be the last parameter window required which is displayed.

2.9. Parameters associated to the controls and functions

Parameters are associated to some of the functions or controls in the pull-down menus. To access these parameters, click on
- the symbol on the left of a control in a pull-down menu.
- the small square in the corner of the function box.
The associated parameters appear as menus or dialogue boxes in a window. Some parameters have a value displayed on
their right. This value corresponds to the current value of this parameter. To modify this value just click on the parameter
name which opens the corresponding dialogue box.

In the Parameters menu, there are three controls to display the associated parameters menus.
- Associat. Param . ( k ) : displays the parameters of the next control or function selected. This control is automatically
deactivated after the selection.
- Actu. Associat. Param . ( w ) : displays the parameters of the current function or control.
- Assoc. Param. Clos . ( W ) : closes all the windows of the associated parameters.
When the parameter Multi. Param. Bo x associated to two of the parameters is selected, the various parameter windows
required will remain displayed. If it is not selected then it will only be the last parameter window required which is displayed.

2.9. Parameters associated to the controls and functions

Parameters are associated to some of the functions or controls in the pull-down menus. To access these parameters, click on
- the symbol on the left of a control in a pull-down menu.

- the small square in the corner of the function box.

The associated parameters appear as menus or dialogue boxes in a window. Some parameters have a value displayed on
their right. This value corresponds to the current value of this parameter. To modify this value just click on the parameter
name which opens the corresponding dialogue box.

In the Parameters menu, there are three controls to display the associated parameters menus.
- Associat. Param . ( k ) : displays the parameters of the next control or function selected. This control is automatically
deactivated after the selection.
- Actu. Associat. Param . ( w ) : displays the parameters of the current function or control.
- Assoc. Param. Clos . ( W ) : closes all the windows of the associated parameters.
When the parameter Multi. Param. Bo x associated to two of the parameters is selected, the various parameter windows
required will remain displayed. If it is not selected then it will only be the last parameter window
required which is displayed.

2.9. Parameters associated to the controls and functions

Parameters are associated to some of the functions or controls in the pull-down menus. To access these parameters, click on
- the symbol on the left of a control in a pull-down menu.
- the small square in the corner of the function box.
The associated parameters appear as menus or dialogue boxes in a window. Some parameters have a value displayed on
their right. This value corresponds to the current value of this parameter. To modify this value just click on the parameter
name which opens the corresponding dialogue box.
In the Parameters menu, there are three controls to display the associated parameters menus.
- Associat. Param . ( k ) : displays the parameters of the next control or function selected. This control is automatically
deactivated after the selection.
- Actu. Associat. Param . ( w ) : displays the parameters of the current function or control.
- Assoc. Param. Clos . ( W ) : closes all the windows of the associated parameters.
When the parameter Multi. Param. Bo x associated to two of the parameters is selected, the various parameter windows
required will remain displayed. If it is not selected then it will only be the last parameter window
required which is displayed.

Variants : Choose piece


This function enables associating a piece on the desk to the piece article selected in the table of the current variant.

When the variant table is not open, the operation will be carried out on the last variant that appeared on the screen.
From the operation the following piece article is selected, thus making it possible to carry out associations one after the

Activate the Choose piece function in the Variants box.

In the table of the variant, select the piece article on which the association is to be

On the desk, click on the sheet of the piece to be associated.

The table updates itself with the association. The following piece article is selected.

Lines : Bezier (b) (Continued)

To attach a Bezier curve handle to a point :

1. Eventually activate the Handles and Curve Pts controls in the Display menu
2. Activate the Reshape function
3. Click on the handle to be attached.
The handle is interactive under the cursor.
4. Stretch the handle by the point, then click upon.
The handle is attached to the point.
To detach a handle of a Bezier curve from a point :
1. Activate the Reshape function
3. Click on the handle to be detached.
The handle is interactive under the cursor.
3. Click outside the point to validate.

2.20.6. Exporting a garment compatible with other applications

The Export Garment ( ^V )control in the File menu makes it possible to generate from a current model and its variants, the
.VET and .IBA files which are compatible with other Lectra applications (LS Model III, marker making, databases ...). The
variants correspond to the garments identified as .VE T and the pieces contained in the variants correspond to the BIs
identified as .IB A .
The exportation is carried out in the library defined in the field Garment save library ( File/Access paths command)

To export a garment :
1. Define the export library, if necessary ( File/Access paths/Garment save library .
2. Activate Export Garment ( ^V ) in the File menu
The files are generated as .VET and .IBA in the current library
The Seam generatio n control, generates the seam in a canal line when exporting to LS Model III format.
The Generation of seam as 7-3control generates the seam as 7-3 instead of a canal line when exporting to LS Model III
The Internal lines generatio n control generates internal lines into lines to be plotted when exporting to LS Model III
When the Generation of lines to be plotted in 7- 3 , control is selected, it enables generating lines to be plotted in 7-3,
when exporting to LS Model III format. If the control is not selected, the lines will be defined with canal information.
When the Generation old GL/CL , control is selected, it is possible, when exporting, to remove the new "grain/cross lines"
created in Modaris, and replace them by the old "grain/cross line" types.
When the automatic .ALF , control is selected, it is possible when exporting to LS Model III format, to automatically
generate an alphanumeric table with the same name as the model with an .ALF extension or generate numeric sizes if there
are numeric sizes in the table.
When the Numeric size s , control is selected, it is possible when exporting to LS Model III format to generate numeric
When the .Forced .AL F , control is selected, it is possible to select a file from the alphanumeric table ( .ALF ) which will be
used when exporting to LS Model III format or validating the model. However, if there are file sizes chosen which do not
correspond to those of the model, the alphanumeric table will be generated with the sizes of the model.
The Keep standard B I control is dedicated to the use of reference models (see Reference model paragraph).
The All B I control generates the B.I's of each model piece whether or not in a variant.
The Export-> Plot ; control makes it possible to launch an input order for the plot when exporting a garment.
The Export link s control is used to select the mark tool used to generate the links when exporting a garment. These marks
are created in the B.I if the link point is not figured. It should be noted that No mar k , deletes the link.
The different tools are :
- Mark tool '35
- Mark tool '36
- Mark tool '37

If several X and Y shrinkage values exist, when the basic images are generated, only the value for the first article will
be taken into account.

2.8. Manipulating sheets on the desktop

All of the control for manipulating sheets on the desktop are included on the Sheet menu.

Arranging concepts :

Arranging consists of placing or removing one or several sheets in a location on the desktop.

Arrangement controls :

Manual arrangement :
The Arrange ( End ) control lets you manually move a selection of sheets on the desktop. This control is also available by

simultaneously pressing the 2nd mouse button and the key on the alphanumeric keyboard.

To arrange a selection on the desktop:

1. Select the sheet(s).
2. Activate the Arrange control ( End )
3. Click on a sheet in the selection with the 1st mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the frame around the sheets.
4. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st button) to freeze the position.
To arrange a selection with the mouse:
1. Select the sheet(s).

2. Press the key on the alphanumeric keyboard and click on a sheet in the selection with the 2nd mouse button.
The selection is interactive beneath the cursor. It is identified by the border around the sheets.
3. Move the selection to the desired location and click (with the 1st mouse button) to freeze the position.
Saving an arrangement of sheets on the desktop:

You can save the arrangement of your sheets and recall it whenever you wish. Only one arrangement can be saved; the
latest one to be saved will overwrite the previous arrangement. If you save a sheet arrangement, it will be stored with the
model, and, for example, another user can view the model with the same arrangement on the screen.
To save the arrangement:

Click on Sheet /Arrangement record ( Alt f )

To display the last arrangement saved :

1. On the status bar, click on User arrangement

2. Click on Sheet/Arrange all ( j )

When you load a model, if User arrangement is activated, the model will be displayed with the saved arrangement, if
there is one.

Automatic arrangement:

The Arrange all control ( j )( J ) lets you automatically arrange (within the frame
of the desktop) all of the sheets. The result of the arrangement matches the alignment of lines and columns of sheets within
the frame on the desktop.
To arrange the desktop automatically:
- Activate the Arrange all control ( j )( J )
The sheets are arranged automatically.

Moving on the desktop during an operation:

While activating a control or function, the operation might require you to move beyond the visible portion of the desktop
(arranging one sheet, Move , Stretch functions, etc.).

Pressing the "point" key and moving the mouse in the desired direction lets you move around the desktop during the
operation without cancelling the control or function. The result is the same as using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

Pressing the key lets you display all of the sheets on the desktop during the current operation.

Inversely, you may recentre on the current sheet by pressing the "HOME" key during an operation.

Selective visualisation of sheet s on the desktop :

The Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) (selective visualisation) lets you display only the files you want to see. This may be a
selection of sheets, a selection based on piece names, sheets that match a variant, model or reference, or even a flat pattern.
Furthermore, for a given variant, you may filter the choice on Material Category and Fabric Type criteria.
To find all sheets on the desktop, simply activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) (visualise all).

You may selectively visualise a selected set.

When this control is activated, it opens a dialog box in which you may select criteria.

You may use completion ( key) for all criteria, except the "material category" and "fabric type" criteria.

To display a selection of sheets:

1. Select the various sheets using the Sheets Sel. control ( i ) on the Sheet menu.
2. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
3. Click on one of the sheets in the selection.
The sheets in the selection are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To display all sheets related to a pattern, variant, reference model or a sheet for a piece:
1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.
2. There are two possibilities:

Use completion (the key) or enter the name of the pattern, variant, reference model or piece and confirm by

For a pattern, click on the pattern sheet or on a sheet for a piece from this pattern
For a variant, click on a sheet for the variant.
For a reference model, click on the sheet for the reference model.
The sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To adjust the selection criteria for a given variant:
1. Activate the Selective Visu. control ( 7 ) on the Sheet menu.
The dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the name of the variant or use completion (the key)

3. Enter the material category and/or fabric type

4. Confirm your choice by pressing

The corresponding sheets are displayed arranged on the desktop.
To redisplay all the sheets on the desktop:
- Activate the Visu. all control ( 8 ) on the Sheet menu

Grading : Pantograph

This function is used to obtain a pantographic grading depending on the different options selected by the user. The principle
is identical to the use of a pantograph with an existing point or not of the piece as the centre.
The grading can be applied to a selection of points or by default to all the points of the pieces.
If the centre of the pantograph corresponds to an existing point of the piece, the grading will be packed on this point.

When this function is applied to a selection of points, the centre must be an existing selected point.
The grading options are regrouped in the Associated parametersmenu : Automatic , Scale step , Size by size scale and
Direct. Each one of these options can be applied to the X and Y axes, or either the X or Y axis.
Automatic Option :
This option is used to obtain a grading by an automatic calculation of the proportionality (in relation to the basic size), taking
the distances between the sizes into account. This implies that the evolution type must be numeric. (i.e. sizes 36, 38, 40
etc.). However if the evolution type is declared "alphanumeric" but only contains numeric sizes, the system will consider it as
The calculation principle corresponds to the relationship between the different sizes and the basic size :

size X/basic size

This relationship, multiplied by the dimensional values of the basic size will give the dimensions of the piece for each size.
Example :
Applying this function with the XY option on a square piece, side 120 mm, with the size being 36, 38, 40 (basic size) 42,
44, 46, 48. The centre of the pantograph corresponds to the upper left hand point of the rectangle. The values will be as
follows :

36/40 =0.9 0.9 x 120 = 108 mm

38/40 =0.95 0.95 x 120 = 114 mm
42/40 =1.05 1.05x 120 = 126 mm
44/40 =1,10 1.10 x 120 = 132 mm
46/40 =1.15 1.15 x 120 = 138 mm
48/40 =1.20 1.20x 120 = 144 mm

On the screen, the result will be as follows :


In the Associated parameters menu, select the

Automatic control and choose the axis ( X , Y or XY )

Activate the Pantograph function

Click on the point (existing or not) taken as the centre of the

The grading is proportional in all sizes

Scale step Option :

This option is used to obtain a grading, for each size giving an evolution percentage of a size in relation to the previous one.
The value of this evolution corresponds to the percentage multiplied by the dimensional values of the basic size.
The percentage is input between each size selected in the size title block.
The evolution type can be either alphanumeric or numeric.
The calculation principle for each size, taking the dimensional values of the basic size as the base is as follows :
For sizes inferior to the basic size :
X size value = value of the previous size -% of the basic size dimensional value
For sizes superior to the basic size :
X size value = value of the previous size + % of the basic size dimensional value

Example :
Taking the previous example, with a square piece, side 120 mm. The sizes 36, 40 and 48 have been selected with the
following percentages : 10% between 36 and 40, 20% between 40 and 48.

% input sizes % in relation to the BS Dimensions

10% 36 10% of 120 = 12 mm 108-12= 96 mm
10% 38 10% of 120 = 12 mm 120-12= 108 mm
40 Basic size 120 mm
20% 42 20% of 120 = 24 mm 120+24= 144 mm
20% 44 20% of 120 = 24 mm 144+24= 168 mm
20% 46 20% of 120 = 24 mm 168+24= 192 mm
20% 48 20% of 120 = 24 mm 192+24= 216 mm

The activation principle of the function with this option, consists in clicking on the centre of the pantograph which can be a
point or any point (non existent) of the piece inside or outside the piece. Then input the percentage for each of the selected
sizes. By default only the percentage of the basic size is to be input.


In the title block, select the sizes from which the

percentages will be input.

In the Associated parameters menu, select the

control Scale step and choose the required axis ( X , Y
or XY )

Activate the Pantograph function

Click on the point (existing or not) taken as the

centre of the pantograph.
The percentages input dialogue box is displayed for
the intervals between the selected sizes

Input the different percentages in the scale unity

required and validate by

Size by size scale Option :
This option is used to obtain a grading for each of the sizes or in a size interval, giving an evolution percentage which will be
applied to each size in relation to the previous size value.
The input of the percentages is made for each size selected in the title block.
The evolution type can be alphanumeric or numeric.
The calculation principle is as follows :
For sizes inferior to the basic size :
X size value = value of the previous size -% of the previous size dimensional value
For sizes superior to the basic size :
X size value = value of the previous size + % of the previous size dimensional value
Example :
Taking the previous example :

% input sizes % in relation to the BS Dimensions

10% 36 10% of 10.8 = 12 mm 108-10.8 = 97.2 mm
10% 38 10% of 120 = 12 mm 120-12= 108 mm
10% 40 basic size 120 mm
20% 42 20% of 120 = 24 mm 120+24= 144 mm
20% 44 20% of 144 = 28.8 mm 144+28.8 = 172.8 mm
20% 46 20% of 172.8= 34.56 mm 172.8+34.56= 207.36 mm
20% 48 20% of 207.36= 41.47 mm 207.36+41.47= 248.83 mm

The activation principle of the function with this option, is the same as the Scale step option.


Direct option :
This option is used to obtain a direct grading only for the selected sizes in relation to the dimensional sizes of the base size.
The principle consists in giving a percentage in relation to the dimensional values of the base size.
The input of the percentages is made for the sizes selected in the title block.
The evolution type can be either alphanumeric or numeric.
The calculation principle is as follows :
For the sizes selected :
X size value = % of the base size dimensional value

Caution : the percentage application principle is different for the other options.
The percentage result applied to the base size value will give the new value of the selected size.
Example :

% input sizes % in relation to the BS Dimensions

80% 36 80% of 120 = 96 mm 96 mm
90% 38 90% of 120 = 108 mm 108 mm
40 basic size 120 mm
110% 42 110% of 120 = 132 mm 132 mm
120% 44 120% of 120 = 144 mm 144 mm
125% 46 125% of 120= 150 mm 150 mm
130% 48 130% of 120= 156 mm 156 mm

The activation principle is the same as the other options.

2.13. Parameter setting

Before you start a work session and depending on the type of work, you can set the environment, to optimize any future
operations (choice of measurement unit ...).
Different environment parameters are available in the Parameters menu.

Automatic sav e :

This control automatically saves the current model, at a rate that you can define in a dialogue box. This time is expressed in
The automatic save, saves the current model every X seconds after activation of any control or function. The time rate 0
cancels the automatic save.
The automatic save is indicated by a message in the help bar and the cursor turns into a watch.
The save is made in a specific file, which is found in the same directory as the original file, and is identified by the sign
followed by the model name (e.g. : #model.mdl ).
Consequently it is possible to retrieve the original file as it was before activating the automatic save.
As for the Save control (see the corresponding chapter) the one but last automatic save is saved in a specific file identified by
# and the suffix .omd after the suffix of the model (e.g. #model.mdl.omd ).

To activate an automatic save :

1. Activate Automatic save in the Parameters menu

The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the time (in seconds) then validate by .

The automatic save file is deleted when you quit Modaris.

Click accuracy :
Generally, to click on a graphic object the cursor must match this object.
This click accuracy can be defined by a distance corresponding to the action radius of the click. Whatever the function, any
object inside this action radius will be attracted by the "click".

To input the "click" accuracy :

1. Activate Click precisio n in the Parameters menu.

The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the value then validate by .

No locks control :
When several users are working simultaneously on the same model in the same validation directory , the users are informed
that a modification has been done and that someone is using the model. If this control is deactivated, no information will be

Bell level :
This parameter sets the de sound level of the "beep" when you are digitizing. When you activate this control, a dialogue box
appears , where you can input a value, as a percentage from 0 to 200%.

Associat. Param., Actu. Associt. Param., Assoc. Param. Clos.

Measure units :
The units sub-mens define the measurement units used to work in Modaris. However, some functions offer a dialogue box to
choose another unit (click on the unit name in a pull-down menu); this choice can only be applied to the function which is

The different measure units are :

Length unit :
inches fract.
1/10 mm
inches and 16 ths
inches and 32 nds
inches and 10 ths

Angle unit:
decimal degree

Surface unit :
inches fract.
squared mm
1/10 mm squared
inches and 16 ths
inches and 32 nds
inches and 10 ths

Scale unit:
Fract. scale
Real scale
% Scale

2.20.4. Saving a model

It is possible to save the complete current model ( Save ( ^E ) control in the File menu) or even a selection of sheets from a
current model ( Save selection control in the File menu).
You can also save the model (in the library of your choice ( File/Access paths ) with certain information removed (restricted
model); if you do this, only the information required for production will be saved ( Model restriction save command from
the File menu). The following information will not be saved in the model:

the layers
the links between the pieces and the flat pattern
the reference models

It is advisable to save the model of the session regularly to reduce the risks of losing data should there be an electricity cut,
for example.
However the Automatic sav e control in the Parameters menu, makes it possible to save the current model automatically
after a given period of time (see § parameter Automatic save ) .
It is also possible to save the current model in a particular library and/or under another name ( Save as ... ( ^T ) control in
the File menu), which enables for example, to create another model from an existing base quickly.
The Save ( ^E ) control saves the model in the current library. This library can be defined by Model save librar y by
parameters associated with Save or in File/Access paths . However you can force a save to the library from which the
model was taken by checking the associated parameter Save under source dir. .

When saving for the first time, the name will correspond to the one given when the model was created.
The current model can be saved at any time using the Save ( ^E ) control.
When saving a model, the system automatically assigns the suffix (pre-determined by the user) after the name, to be able to
identify the file as a Modaris file. This suffix may be .MDL (so that the file is recognised under the Milos operating system) or
. md l . The upcase .MDL control in the File menu enables choosing the type of suffix. When this control is selected it is the
. MDL suffix that is assigned if not it is the . mdl . suffix.
Example : VESTE96.MDL Veste96.mdl

The last save but one is always saved in a specific file identified by a name, suffix .omd (e.g. : Veste96.mdl.omd ).
This enables recuperating a model which has been modified. The last save but one is found in a sub-directory created
automatically in the current directory, with the name Omd
Summary of the model identification :
- VESTE96.MDL : model file original
- Veste96.mdl : model file original
- Veste96.mdl.omd : one before last save of a model file
- #Veste96.mdl : original of a model file saved automatically
- #Veste96.mdl.omd : last but one model file saved automatically

To save the current model :

1. If the file must be read under the Milos operating system :

Select the upcase .MDL control in the File menu.
2. Activate Save ( ^E ) in the File menu.
If the file already exists, a confirmation message is displayed.

To save a restricted model:

1. Select the sheet(s) of the variants ( Sheet Sel. ( i ) command from the Sheet menu).
2. Activate the command File/Save under source dir.

To save a selection of the current model :

1. Select the sheets to be saved ( Sheet Sel. ( i ) control in the Sheet menu).
2. Activate Save selection in the File menu
The Lectra file selector is displayed
3. Select the access path of the save library, input the name then validate.
To save the current model in another library and/or under another name :
1. Activate Save as ... ( ^T ) in the File menu

The Lectra file selector is displayed

2. Select the access path of the save library, input the name then validate.

When a system error occurs with a unexpected interruption of Modaris, the current model file is saved. A message will
appear on the screen giving the name ( savelsm4< number >.mdl ) and the file save access path (defined in File/Access
paths ) .

2.20.4. Saving a model

It is possible to save the complete current model ( Save ( ^E ) control in the File menu) or even a selection of sheets from a
current model ( Save selection control in the File menu).

You can also save the model (in the library of your choice ( File/Access paths ) with certain information removed (restricted
model); if you do this, only the information required for production will be saved ( Model restriction save command from
the File menu). The following information will not be saved in the model:

the layers
the links between the pieces and the flat pattern
the reference models

It is advisable to save the model of the session regularly to reduce the risks of losing data should there be an electricity cut,
for example.
However the Automatic sav e control in the Parameters menu, makes it possible to save the current model automatically
after a given period of time (see § parameter Automatic save ) .
It is also possible to save the current model in a particular library and/or under another name ( Save as ... ( ^T ) control in
the File menu), which enables for example, to create another model from an existing base quickly.
The Save ( ^E ) control saves the model in the current library. This library can be defined by Model save librar y by
parameters associated with Save or in File/Access paths . However you can force a save to the library from which the
model was taken by checking the associated parameter Save under source dir. .

When saving for the first time, the name will correspond to the one given when the model was created.
The current model can be saved at any time using the Save ( ^E ) control.
When saving a model, the system automatically assigns the suffix (pre-determined by the user) after the name, to be able to
identify the file as a Modaris file. This suffix may be .MDL (so that the file is recognised under the Milos operating system) or
. md l . The upcase .MDL control in the File menu enables choosing the type of suffix. When this control is selected it is the
. MDL suffix that is assigned if not it is the . mdl . suffix.
Example : VESTE96.MDL Veste96.mdl

The last save but one is always saved in a specific file identified by a name, suffix .omd (e.g. : Veste96.mdl.omd ).
This enables recuperating a model which has been modified. The last save but one is found in a sub-directory created
automatically in the current directory, with the name Omd
Summary of the model identification :
- VESTE96.MDL : model file original
- Veste96.mdl : model file original
- Veste96.mdl.omd : one before last save of a model file
- #Veste96.mdl : original of a model file saved automatically
- #Veste96.mdl.omd : last but one model file saved automatically

To save the current model :

1. If the file must be read under the Milos operating system :

Select the upcase .MDL control in the File menu.
2. Activate Save ( ^E ) in the File menu.
If the file already exists, a confirmation message is displayed.
To save a restricted model:
1. Select the sheet(s) of the variants ( Sheet Sel. ( i ) command from the Sheet menu).
2. Activate the command File/Save under source dir.

To save a selection of the current model :

1. Select the sheets to be saved ( Sheet Sel. ( i ) control in the Sheet menu).
2. Activate Save selection in the File menu
The Lectra file selector is displayed
3. Select the access path of the save library, input the name then validate.
To save the current model in another library and/or under another name :
1. Activate Save as ... ( ^T ) in the File menu

The Lectra file selector is displayed

2. Select the access path of the save library, input the name then validate.

When a system error occurs with a unexpected interruption of Modaris, the current model file is saved. A message will
appear on the screen giving the name ( savelsm4< number >.mdl ) and the file save access path (defined in File/Access
paths ) .

Points : Division


This function automatically adds points at equal intervals by dividing a segment relaying two points (these two points can not
be relayed together).
The points generated are aligned between the points selected and are free.

The division of the segment generates internal points corresponding to the number of divisions minus 1:

Number of points = Number of divisions -1


Activate the Division function in the Points box.

Click on the first point

An interactive segment appears

Click on the second point

The input division number dialogue box appears

Input the number of divisions

Validate the input by

The points appear aligned between the two selected points

The points generated will be graded proportionally to the two reference points.
The points generated will be graded.

Pieces : Cut (y)

This function automatically extracts from the cut one or several pieces considering the lines of the pattern as the cutting line
of the piece.
The extraction principle consists in clicking inside an area, the system automatically calculates the contour of the piece to be
extracted which is displayed in a different color. Several areas can be selected, the cumulated group makes up the piece to
be extracted.

The areas are extracted from the closed contours. However the Curves prolongation control in the Associated parameters
menu extends the lines which allows to extract an area which is not delimited by a closed contour.

The extraction of a piece can be carried out with or without dependency. To do this just select the Extraction with
dependency control in the Associated parameters menu. The extraction of a piece without dependency generates a specific
pattern for this piece.

You can also extract a piece from another piece. Key deletes the piece that you are using for the extraction. In this
case, the attributes of the original piece title block will be transferred onto the generated piece.

Extraction with dependency :

Generally any object (apart from the lines which must be selected) which is intersecting or included inside the piece to be
extracted will be extracted with the piece. Axes, lines and marks selected outside the piece will also be extracted. The "grain-
line" and "cross-line" axis will be centred in the middle of the piece.

Extraction without dependency :

Including the piece, only the selected objects will be extracted with the piece. The selected "grain-line" and "cross line" axis
will be centred in the middle of the piece.
Once the extraction has been validated, the piece is displayed on a new sheet.
When the dependency is declared, the piece extracted is linked to the pattern from which it is issued. Consequently, any
modification on the pattern will affect the pieces extracted from this pattern and vice versa.
Use of the 3 mouse buttons for the extraction :
Button 1 selects the different areas which cumulated make up the piece
Button 2 de-selects the last clicked area
Button 3 validates the extraction

Key quits the function

Associated parameters : identical to the Seam function.

Pieces : Seam (o)


< from extracts automatically function>one or several pieces considering the lines of the pattern as the seam lines of the
The extraction principle consists in clicking inside an area, the system automatically calculates the contour of the piece to be
extracted which is displayed in a different color. Several areas can be selected, the total unit makes up the piece to be
The areas are extracted from closed contours. The Curve prolongation control in the Associated parameters menu extends
the lines and consequently allows the extraction of an area which is not delimited by a closed contour.
A piece can be extracted with or without dependency. Just select the Extraction with dependency control in the Associated
parameters menu. The extraction of a piece without dependency generates a pattern for this piece.

You can also extract a piece from another pice. Use key if you do not want to keep the piece used for the
extraction. In this case, the attributes of the original piece title block will be copied onto the generated piece.
Extraction with dependency :
Generally any object (apart from the lines which must be selected) which is intersecting or included inside the piece to be
extracted will be extracted with the piece. Axes, lines and marks selected outside the piece will also be extracted. The "grain-
line" and "cross-line" axis will be positioned centred in the middle of the piece.

Extraction without dependency:

Including the piece, only the selected objects will be extracted with the piece. The selected "grain-line" and "cross line" axis
will be positioned centred in the middle of the piece.
Once the extraction has been validated, the piece is displayed on a new sheet with the visualisation of the seams if they had
previously been defined.
When the dependency is declared, the extracted piece is linked to the pattern from which it is issued. Consequently, any
modification on the pattern will affect the pieces extracted from this pattern and vice versa.
Use of the 3 mouse buttons for the extraction :
Button 1 selects the different areas which make up the piece
Button 2 de-selects the last clicked area
Button 3 validates the extraction

Key quits the function

Associated parameters :
Curve prolongation :

This control defines an extension value of the curves, required for the extraction of pieces. Because the extraction is made
from a closed contour, if you want to extract a piece whose contour is not completely closed, this control will lengthen the
lines by a pre-defined value and consequently close the contour.

The prolongation of the line is theoretical, and is not visible.

The parallel created does not intersect the right-hand curve.

If the prolongation value of the curve is 0, the next contour will be detected during the extraction.

If the curve prolongation value corresponds to a prolongation intersecting the right curve, the next contours will be detected
during the extraction.

To make an extraction, taking into account the contours which are not closed :
1. Activate the Curve prolongation control in the Associated parameters menu

The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the prolongation value then validate by .

To extract without taking into account the contours which are not closed :
1. Activate the Curve prolongation control in the Associated parameters menu.
The dialogue box is displayed

2. Input the value 0 then validate by .

Extraction with dependency :

The Extraction with dependency control is used to extract a piece keeping the dependency. Without the dependency, a
pattern will be created for this piece. This piece will no longer be dependent on the pattern from which it is issued.
To extract with or without dependency :
Select or de-select the control Extraction with dependency
in the Associated parameters menu

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