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Author: United States of America, Russian Federation

1. Ways to prevent human trafficking:
i. Awareness Campaigns and Programs: Awareness campaigns and programs
such as Blue Heart Campaign, initiated by the UNODC, spreads awareness
amongst citizens, activists and victims of human trafficking and instills in the
masses virtues of empathy.
ii. Funding State Bodies and Anti-Trafficking NGOs: This should be done in
order to provide specialized assistance and rehabilitative care for trafficking
iii. Stringent Laws and Ensuring Rightful Legislation: Stringent measures should
be taken to ensure that human and sex traffickers are prosecuted and a
Executive Body should be formed to enforce the law without any
iv. A national anti-trafficking action plan: This plan will entail all the rules and
regulations to establish a central coordinator for government efforts.
v. Involving the victims of Human Trafficking in the legislation: The victims of
human trafficking should be involved in the law-making to ensure just
measures are undertaken to combat the same. This has resulted in manifesting
positive feedback in New Zealand.
vi. Healthcare Professionals should be trained to identify symbols of trafficking in
victims: Healthcare professionals should be trained in order to identify
symbols suggesting that a patient has been a victim of human trafficking and
immediate measures should be taken to inform the authorities immediately.
2. Illegitimate Prostitution leads to Human Trafficking:
i. Criminalization of prostitution further leads to human trafficking as the
traffickers are able to intimidate the victims ( women, girls and men ) from
going to the authorities to file charges against the traffickers.
ii. With adequate control instead of stringent and rigorous criminalization,
prostitution can thrive without victimizing the prostitutes.
iii. Legalization of prostitution will give the power to prostitutes to present their
opinions openly in the public while criminalization leads them into hiding.
iv. Legalizing the brothels will urge them to develop reputations worth protecting
their workers.

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