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Undergraduate Management Study Program

Universitas Andalas

Influential School of Management.

One of the most influential business school in Indonesia (awarded "A Accreditation"
from Ministry of Education and International Sertification AUN-QA), and South East Asia.

Develop Character Building.

UMSP grows the value of Andalasian Characters (SEJATI) to its students and

International outlook
UMSP offers international program, implement digital learning method, and has
diverse international students from worldwide.

Create a prospect employability for its graduates to be managers, entrepreneurs,
researchers, professional employees, consultant business, and lecturers. The
graduates are also prepared with siklls such as; problem solver, leadership,
motivation, and cooperation that are sought by top employers around the world.

Stunning Scenery of Campus Location.

UMSP campus are surrounded by mountain scenery that invigorates quality of
learning. It then gives students with a breath of fresh air and comfortable ambience. It
enables students to have full concentration in studying, spark new ideas and arise

Welcome to
Study Program
I’m pleased to introduce you to Undergraduate Management Study
Program Universitas Andalas (UMSP). In this prospectus of UMSP,
you will find an information pertaining to one of the leading
management programmes in Indonesia.

The UMSP prospectus is intended to provide information held by

the department to the wider community that can be accessed by
students, lecturers, employees, alumni, prospective students and

The UMSP have five concentrations namely marketing, finance,

strategic, human resource management and entrepreneur. And also
Management Department already received national scale “A”
accreditation three times in a row. UMSP consist of local and foreign
students (full degree or only 1 term exchange, and credit earnings).
UMSP have student mobility program that sent the student to
United States, Australia, Japan, Netherlands, Korea and Poland.
Furthermore, UMSP received international sertification from Asean
University Network on Quality Assurance (AUN-QA).

Hopefully with this prospectus, good communication can be es-

tablished between the Study Program with the entire Academic
community as well as anyone who wants to know more about

the UMSP. The establishment of good communication will

certainly make the UMSP widely known by all people both
nationally and internationally.

Warm Regards,

Hendra Lukito, S.E., M.M., Ph.D.



Contents .................................................................................................................................3
Vision, Mission and Objectives....................................................................................4
Programme Specification ..............................................................................................5
Course Distribution ..........................................................................................................6
Skills Matrix..........................................................................................................................7
Course Specification ...................................................................................................... 11
Organization Structure ................................................................................................ 16
Academic Staff.................................................................................................................. 17
Support Staff ..................................................................................................................... 21
About this prospectus
Supporting Facilities ..................................................................................................... 22
Chief Editor:
Students Services and Supports .............................................................................. 23 Venny Darlis

Students Story .................................................................................................................. 24 Editor in House

Berri Brilliant Albar
Graduate’s Job Profile ................................................................................................... 27
Copy Editor
The Graduates .................................................................................................................. 27 Johan Mario Siboro
Inneke Novesy
Location............................................................................................................................... 31 Adil Abdul Salam
Fadly Habibie
Further Information ...................................................................................................... 31 Mulia Defani
Welli Afrina

Rovans Farliandana
Taufiqqurrahman Irsyad
M. Issyariah Syukron
Humas Universitas Andalas
Tim Robot Terbang Universitas Andalas

Vision, Mission and Objectives


"To Become an Influential Business and Management School in terms of Education and Research,
which has Integrity and International Perspective”

1. Implementing good learning process for students to face national and global challenges.
2. Conducting research and produce scientific publications in accordance with the development of management and business
science and the needs of stakeholders.
3. Carrying out community services in accordance with the development and needs of stakeholders.
4. Building the character of students as ethical and entrepreneurial spirit and implementing high quality and integrity in institution.
5. Increasing cooperation with stakeholders to face global competition.

1. Produce graduates with superior management and business competence, integrity and have a conception global.
2. Increase the quantity and quality of research and innovative scientific publications in the form of basic and applied research
that is relevant to the development of business and management.
3. Generate solutive community service in the field of management and business to help solve problems that exist in the
4. Building mutually beneficial partnerships with various parties, especially industry, government and international organizations.

Programme Specification
Qualification Sarjana Manajemen
Bachelor of Management (English Version)
Programme Title Undergraduate Management Study Programme
Institutional Home base Responsible Faculty of Economics
for Programme
Awarding Institution/University Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Contact Phone: (0751) 71089 ext.378
Fax: (0751) 71088
Year of Establishment 1984
Accreditation Status “A” Degree by National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-
PT) 2527/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VIII/2017
Degree Awarded Sarjana Manajemen (acronym: S.M)
Bachelor of Management (English Version)
Study Period 4 (four) years or 8 (eight) semesters
Minimum Credits 144 credits
Mode Full-time
Sub Major Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management,
Strategic Management, and Entrepreneurship
Entry Requirements a. Passing Exam of High-school level
b. Adequate passing grade of UMSP through valid selection (ie. national selection
(Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN, joint entrance
selection (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SBMNPTN), local
selection (Ujian Mandiri))
c. Prove of English proficiency by taking the TOEFL or another test.
Programme Educational Objectives PEO 1. Graduates carry out professional and leadership roles with an
entrepreneurial spirit and integrity in profit or non-for-profit organizations.
PEO 2. Graduates provide advice in the field of business and management to
increase business value by considering the ethical impact. (Managers)
PEO 3. Graduates participate in expanding and developing management
knowledge by adhering to universal research norms. (Business
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of ILO 1 - Having an ability to formulate business plan
the Programme ILO 2 - Having an ability to solve organizational problems using management
principles and relevant technology.
ILO 3 - Having an ability to design and conduct basic and applied research
appropriately in business and management field.
ILO 4 - Having an ability to communicate effectively with wide ranges of audience
using multiple channels.
ILO 5 - Having an ability to work effectively within a team with cultural diversity.
ILO 6 - Having an ability to interpret and make ethical decisions in business and
management situations by considering impact on performance, economy, welfare,
society, and environment.
ILO 7 - Having an ability to implement lifelong learning.

Faculty of Economics Universitas Andalas was established on September 7 th, 1957. The first lecture was delivered by
Indonesian Ministry of Finance, Prof. Soemitro Djodjohadikoesoemo. Based on Ministerial Decree No. PPK.4/1961, Faculty of
Economics was then officially inaugurated as 6th faculty in Universitas Andalas. Faculty Of Economics was the first faculty in
Unand that provided international class since 1997. Besides, Faculty of Economics consists of three study programs, namely
Management study program, Accounting study program, and Economics study program.

In the early of its development, the term of UMSP (Undergraduate Management Study Program) was called Corporate
Economics Study Program. But, in the early 1980s, this term was converted into UMSP based on Ministerial Decree PP5/1980.
UMSP accredited "A" since 2006 (Decree No. 0863 / Ak-X-S1-004 / UADMXX / VI / 2006).

Course Distribution

1st Semester Credit 2nd Semester Credit

Introduction to Accounting I 3 Business Law 2
Introduction to Economics 3 Pancasila 2
Mathematics for Business 3 Spreadsheet Analytics 3
Introduction to Business 3 Managerial Economics 3
Indonesian Language 2 Introduction to Management 3
Civics Education 3 Optimation Analysis 3
Religion 3 Organizational Behavior 3
English for Academics 2 Business Ethics 2
Business Communication 3 Management Information Systems 3
Total Credit 24 Total Credit 24
3rd Semester Credit 4th Semester Credit
Entrepreneurship 3 Multivariate Statistics 3
Financial Management I 3 Financial Management II 3
Digital Business 3 Consumer Behavior 3
Marketing Management 3 Leadership 3
Accounting Management 3 International Business 3
Operations Management 3 Feasibility Study 3
Human Resource Management (HRM) 3 Business Simulation 3
Business Analytics 3
Total Credit 24 Total Credit 21
5th Semester Credit 6th Semester Credit
Strategic Management 3 Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) / Community Sevice 3
Research Method 3 Elective Course 1 3
Elective Course 1 3 Elective Course 2 3
Elective Course 2 3 Elective Course .. 3
Elective Course … 3 … 3
Total Credit Maximum 24 Total Credit Maximum 24
7th Semester Credit 8th Semester Credit
Elective Course 1 3 Thesis 6
Elective Course 2 3 Elective Course 1 3
Elective Course … 3 Elective Course 2 3
3 Elective Course .. 3
Total Credit Maximum 24 Total Credit Maximum 24
Elective Courses
Investment Management Seminar on Financial Management Risk Management
Service Marketing Seminar on Marketing Management Financial Econometrics
Organizational Competitiveness Seminar on Strategic Management Retail Management
Technology and Innovation Management Seminar on Entrepreneurship Corporate Culture
HRM Training and Development Seminar on HRM Business Environment Analysis
International Financial Management Marketing Research Financial Information Analysis
Islamic Financial Management International HRM Sustainable Marketing
Banking and Financial Institution Management Merger and Acquisitions Human Resource Audit
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Strategic Leadership Practice on Entrepreneurship
Corporate Governance and Organizational Transformation Business and Creative Industry

Skills Matrix
Program Educational Objectives Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)
Graduates carry out professional and leadership
PEO 1 roles with an entrepreneurial spirit and integrity in 1 1 1 1 1
profit or non-for-profit organizations.
Graduates provide advice in the field of business
PEO 2 and management to increase business value by 1 1 1 1 1 1
considering the ethical impact.
Graduates participate in expanding and developing
PEO 3 management knowledge by adhering to universal 1 1 1 1 1 1
research norms.

Course Code Course Name ILO 1 ILO 2 ILO 3 ILO 4 ILO 5 ILO 6 ILO 7
M1 Module 1 : Semester 1 3 4 4 4 6 4 2
MNJ61101 Pengantar Bisnis / Introduction to Business 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ61102 Pengantar Ekonomi / Introduction to Economics 1 1
MWU60103 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/ Civic Education 1 1 1
MWU60101 Agama / Religion 1 1 1
MNJ61103 Pengantar Akuntansi / Introduction to Accounting 1 1 1
MNJ61104 Komunikasi Bisnis / Business Communication 1 1 1
MNJ61105 Matematika Bisnis / Mathematics for Business 1 1
MWU60104 Bahasa Indonesia / Bahasa 1 1 1
MNJ61106 English for Academics 1 1 1
M2 Module 2 : Semester 2 6 8 5 1 4 8 3
MWU60102 Pancasila 1 1 1
MNJ62102 Spreadsheet Analytics 1 1 1
MNJ62101 Pengantar Manajemen / Introduction to
1 1 1 1
MNJ62103 Ekonomi Manajerial / Managerial Economics 1 1 1
MNJ62104 Analisis Optimasi / Optimation Analysis 1 1
MNJ62105 Perilaku Organisasi / Organizational Behavior 1 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62106 Etika Bisnis / Business Ethics 1 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62107 Hukum Bisnis / Business Law 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62108 Sistem Informasi Manajemen / Management
1 1 1
Information Systems
M3 Module 3 : Semester 3 7 8 1 4 4 7 2
AND60102 Kewirausahaan / Entrepreneurship 1 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ61107 Manajemen Keuangan I / Financial Management I 1 1 1
MNJ61108 Bisnis Digital / Digital Business 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ61109 Manajemen Pemasaran / Marketing Management 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ61110 Akuntansi Manajemen / Accounting Management 1 1
MNJ61111 Manajemen Operasional / Operations
1 1 1
MNJ61112 Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia (SDM) / Human
1 1 1 1 1 1
Resource Management (HRM)
MNJ61113 Business Analytics 1 1 1
M4 Module 4 : Semester 4 6 6 3 5 4 7 2
MNJ62109 Statistik Multivariat / Multivariate Statistics 1 1 1 1
MNJ62110 Manajemen Keuangan II / Financial Management
1 1 1
MNJ62111 Perilaku Konsumen / Consumer Behavior 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62112 Kepemimpinan / Leadership 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62113 Bisnis Internasional / International Business 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62114 Studi Kelayakan Bisnis / Feasibility Study 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62115 Simulasi Bisnis / Business Simulation 1 1 1 1
M5 Module 5 : Semester 5 1 2 1 2 2 2 2
MNJ60101 Manajemen Stratejik / Strategic Management 1 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ60102 Metode Penelitian / Research Method 1 1 1 1 1 1
Elective Course 1
Elective Course 2
Elective Course 3
List of Elective Course
MNJ60201 Manajemen Investasi / Investment Management 1 1 1 1
MNJ60202 Pemasaran Jasa / Service Marketing 1 1 1
MNJ60203 Daya Saing Organisasi / Organizational
1 1 1
MNJ60204 Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi / Technology
and Innovation Management 1 1 1 1

MNJ60205 Pelatihan dan Pengembangan SDM / HRM

Training and Development 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ61201 Manajemen Risiko / Risk Management 1 1 1 1

MNJ61202 Ekonometrika Keuangan / Financial Econometrics 1
MNJ61203 Manajemen Ritel / Retail Management 1 1 1
MNJ61204 Budaya Perusahaan / Corporate Culture 1 1 1 1
MNJ61205 Analisis Lingkungan Usaha / Business
Environment Analysis 1 1 1 1

M6 Module 6 : Semester 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AND60101 Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) / Community Sevice 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Elective Course 1
Elective Course 2
Elective Course 3
List of Elective Course
MNJ60201 Manajemen Investasi / Investment Management 1 1 1 1
MNJ60202 Pemasaran Jasa / Service Marketing 1 1 1
MNJ60203 Daya Saing Organisasi / Organizational
1 1 1
MNJ60204 Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi / Technology
and Innovation Management 1 1 1 1

MNJ60205 Pelatihan dan Pengembangan SDM / HRM

Training and Development 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60211 Seminar Manajemen Keuangan / Seminar on

Financial Management 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60212 Seminar Manajemen Pemasaran / Seminar on

Marketing Management 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60213 Seminar Manajemen Stratejik / Seminar on

Strategic Management 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60214 Seminar Kewirausahaan / Seminar on

1 1 1 1 1
MNJ60210 Seminar Manajemen SDM / Seminar on HRM 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ62202 Manajemen Keuangan Internasional /
International Financial Management 1 1

MNJ62203 Manajemen Keuangan Syariah / Islamic Financial

Management 1 1

MNJ62204 Manajemen Perbankan dan Lembaga Keuangan /

Banking and Financial Institution Management 1 1
MNJ62205 Pemasaran Pariwisata dan Hospitaliti / Tourism
and Hospitality Marketing 1 1

MNJ62206 Riset Pemasaran / Marketing Research 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ62207 MSDM Internasional / International HRM 1 1
MNJ62208 Bisnis dan Industri Kreatif / Business and Creative
1 1 1
MNJ62209 Kepemimpinan Stratejik / Strategic Leadership 1 1 1 1
MNJ62210 Merger dan Akuisisi / Merger and Acquisitions 1 1
M7 Module 7 : Semester 7
Elective Course 1
Elective Course 2
Elective Course 3
List of Elective Course
MNJ60201 Manajemen Investasi / Investment Management 1 1 1 1
MNJ60202 Pemasaran Jasa / Service Marketing 1 1 1
MNJ60203 Daya Saing Organisasi / Organizational
1 1 1
MNJ60204 Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi / Technology
and Innovation Management 1 1 1 1

MNJ60205 Pelatihan dan Pengembangan SDM / HRM

Training and Development 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60211 Seminar Manajemen Keuangan / Seminar on

Financial Management 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60212 Seminar Manajemen Pemasaran / Seminar on

Marketing Management 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60213 Seminar Manajemen Stratejik / Seminar on

Strategic Management 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60214 Seminar Kewirausahaan / Seminar on

1 1 1 1 1
MNJ60210 Seminar Manajemen SDM / Seminar on HRM 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ61206 Analisis Informasi Keuangan / Financial
1 1 1 1
Information Analysis
MNJ61207 Pemasaran Berkelanjutan / Sustainable Marketing 1 1 1
MNJ61208 Audit Sumberdaya Manusia / Human Resource
1 1 1 1
MNJ61209 Praktik Kewirausahaan / Practice on
1 1 1 1
MNJ61210 Corporate Governance dan transformasi
organisasi / Corporate Governance and 1 1 1
Organizational Transformation
M8 Module 8 : Semester 8 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
MNJ60103 Tugas Akhir / Thesis 1 1 1 1 1
Elective Course 1
Elective Course 2
Elective Course 3
List of Elective Course
MNJ60201 Manajemen Investasi / Investment Management 1 1 1 1
MNJ60202 Pemasaran Jasa / Service Marketing 1 1 1
MNJ60203 Daya Saing Organisasi / Organizational
1 1 1
MNJ60204 Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi / Technology
and Innovation Management 1 1 1 1

MNJ60205 Pelatihan dan Pengembangan SDM / HRM

Training and Development 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60211 Seminar Manajemen Keuangan / Seminar on

1 1 1 1 1
Financial Management
MNJ60212 Seminar Manajemen Pemasaran / Seminar on
Marketing Management 1 1 1 1 1

MNJ60213 Seminar Manajemen Stratejik / Seminar on

1 1 1 1 1
Strategic Management
MNJ60214 Seminar Kewirausahaan / Seminar on
1 1 1 1 1
MNJ60210 Seminar Manajemen SDM / Seminar on HRM 1 1 1 1 1

Course Specification
1. Introduction to Accounting I religions, as well as analyzing critical controlling functions in an organization;
This course is an introduction to accounting problems that develop in the community in provide an understanding of Organizational
activities and the accounting profession, the the perspective of the values of religious. Functions to understand the complexity of
material covered includes concepts, 8. English Grammar and Academics organizational activities especially business
procedures, procedures and techniques for Writing organizations; and also Environmental
recording financial transactions as well as Basic concepts of English Grammar and the Influences in managing the organization; as
the steps in preparing financial statements application in making Academic Writing. well as giving students an understanding of
for both service companies and trading Students are expected to be able to make the importance of Ethics and Social
companies. and compile a scientific report in Responsibility in ensuring harmony and
2. Introduction to Microeconomics accordance with the standards of writing sustainability of the life of the organization
Discuss the basic concepts in economics, scientific reports in international journals. with its stakeholders.
especially aspects of microeconomics. 9. Introduction to Business Law 14. Introduction to Macroeconomics
Covers the basic understanding of Provide knowledge and understanding of Discuss the basic concepts in
economics, the action and interaction of material provisions both national and macroeconomics which include the
economic actors, determining market international in relation to business measurement of economic activity: national
prices, forms of markets, and factors of transactions and institutions or institutions income, causes and effects of inflation,
production. for business dispute resolution. With this channeling, aggregate demand, monetary
3. Mathematical Economics knowledge and understanding of Business and fiscal policies, economic growth and
This course provides basic knowledge of Law, it is expected to be able to determine international trade.
how mathematics can be used as a tool for the right business strategies and policies 15. English Communication and
analyzing economic problems. Among other with a strong legal basis. Presentation
things with the formulation of an economic 10. Pancasila This course students to communicate such
model mathematically, and continued with Pancasila Education course provides an as introducing themselves and other people
the use of mathematics to solve basic explanation of the need for Pancasila in a business context, and being able to do
economic theories including: functions, lectures from various perspectives, several business presentations in English. This
equilibrium, limits, series, static, differential theories of origin, function and position, Business English material is a guide from
calculus and first derivatives. their relationship with the Preamble to the General English and Basic Business English
4. Introduction to Business 1945 Constitution, thought and covering basic knowledge of English for
Provides basic knowledge of business implementation as well as reformation of communication purposes.
concepts and applications in the Pancasila thought and implementation. In 16. Operation Research
development of modern business. addition to the above, the Pancasila This course introduces the operation
Emphasizes the study of business concepts Education course also discusses the current research model to achieve optimal
and theories to explain the dynamics of actual problems, especially about racial operational levels. Topics include other
business forms and their contribution to intolerance, human rights, economic crisis, linear programming, network flow
the development of the business world by and various thoughts drawn from the problems, modeling models, transportation
giving basic knowledge and concepts about values of Pancasila. models and queuing theory. Students will
organization of a business, business 11. Introduction to Accounting II learn how to make decision-making models
environment, management, marketing Provide cash concepts and internal control in cases using methods in operation
management, managing people & human of cash transactions, accounts receivable, research, how to solve problems and how
resources, financial management, and and notes receivable, merchandise to analyze and interpret the results.
special topics in the world business. inventory, fixed assets, intangible assets, 17. Economic Statistics
5. Indonesian Languange and related expenses, long-term debt and Introducing the basic elements of statistics
This course aims to learn and develop skills bonds, limited liability and stock capital to analize economic topics. The discussion
in using Indonesian as a medium for the concepts, firm concepts, accounting includes methods of collecting data,
delivery of science and technology. cooperatives, and manufacturing interpreting data, presenting data in the
Accreditation of lectures on good and accounting firms. form of tables and graphs, hypotheses,
correct Indonesian language skills, both 12. Mathematics for Finance simple regression, correlation analysis and
oral and written in essays or scientific This course provides understanding of the making conclusions related to economic
works, and correspondence, by army: ž basic concepts and calculations of problems.
understanding sentence structure, financial mathematics in business 18. Financial Management I
paragraph development, making applications which include; agreement; This course explores various concepts and
conclusions and reviews. simple interest (simple interest), the basic theories of financial management,
6. Civics Education concept of time value of money (time value specifically corporate financial
Civic Education is an effort to equip of money); concept of discount rate and management. Includes a discussion of
students with basic knowledge and abilities cash discount; the concept of yield and rate financial management overview, concepts
regarding the relationship between citizens of return. Concept of compound interest in financial management, such as risk and
and the state and the National Defending calculation, calculation of annuity and return, securities valuation (bonds and
Preliminary Education (PPBN). perpetuity, amortization and sinking fund, shares), various concepts and methods that
7. Religion as well as calculation of the level and price managers can use in making financial
To understand, appreciate, and realize faith of bonds. decisions, such as capital costs (cost of
in accordance with their respective 13. Introduction to Management capital), capital budgeting (capital
religions, have an understanding of the This course provides basic of Management budgeting), cash flow estimates, and risk
basic values contained in religions in Functions as a key to developing analysis.
Indonesia, have an open attitude to be able Managerial Skills capability, which includes 19. Organizational Behavior
to tolerate and dialogue with various planning, organizing, actuating and
This course discusses individual behavior promotion. And the activities of organizing making in determining the feasibility of a
and group in organizational settings. The and controlling marketing activities in a new business.
concept explained specifically is based on company. 32. Managerial Economics
three general characteristics; individual 27. Operations Management This course contain knowledge about the
and group behavior, organizational Course discusses various activities by the application of economics, specifically Micro
structure, process. company's operational management, both Economics, Macro Economics and
20. Marketing Management I manufacturing companies and service Econometrics, to assist managers in making
Provide the basic concepts of marketing companies. The discussion includes business decisions. This Managerial
especially focusing on the role and productivity, design of goods and services, Economics course emphasizes the aspects
importance of Marketing Management in quality management, process design and of application or application in addition to
organizations and society. In this course, capacity, location strategy, layout strategy, seeking mastery of the theory.
students will conduct a critical exploration human resources and job design, supply 33. Engineering Business Projection (GEC)
of the principles, concepts and models of chain management, inventory management, This course focuses on practical methods
Marketing Management from the scheduling and maintenance. As well as commonly used for business forecasting.
theoretical and practical perspectives problems relating to the factors of The purpose of this course is to study the
related to the process of segmenting, production used as a source of raw concepts of forecasting (forecasting), assess
targeting, and positioning of a product and materials, labor and machinery and the forecasting process and its
analyzing competition in a market. production equipment, in order to be able characteristics, and develop a number of
21. Cost Accounting to walk professionally entering the global alternatives and make modifications in
Explain the basic concepts of cost era. accordance with the context of the problem
accounting, production, production costs, 28. Organizational Culture at hand. As well as explaining the strengths
and production cost accounting, and Provide an understanding of the concepts and weaknesses of various forecasting
specialization of production costs, and be of business systems, business organizations methods, evaluating forecasting techniques
able to perform basic calculations using the and corporate culture as one of the used in certain situations and evaluating
process costing method variables that determine organizational the level of accuracy and consistency of
22. Information Technology and Computer performance forecasting.
Programming 29. Human Resources Management 34. Business Communication
This course studies topics on Object This course gives primary attention to This course provide the understanding of
Orientation Programming with Microsoft understanding the important role of Human standard procedures in business
Visual Basic, Object Orientation Resource Management as a source of communication both oral and written. Basic
Programming Components, Data Types, competitive advantage to achieve understanding of oral communication is
Variables, and Operators in Microsoft Visual organizational goals. This course aims: related to interpersonal communication,
Basic, Program Control, Branching and Provide an understanding of the Human communication in organizations and cross-
Repetition, Functions and Procedure, Resource Management (HRM) Process as an cultural communication. In the aspect of
Graph, Database and Application Menu integrated action in a company that begins writing education, learning about business
Making. with: understanding, functions and roles of letter writing techniques, business
23. Multivariate Statistics human resource management, correspondence, business presentations,
Discuss various concepts and statistical environmental challenges, workforce and report writing techniques.
methods, which can then be used to planning, workforce needs analysis, 35. Financial Analysis
interpret various research data and at the recruitment, placement, training and This course aims to make students
same time find out and use the analytical development, performance appraisal, understand financial statements, process
tools needed in accordance with the career management, and compensation. data in financial statements into
problem at hand 30. Management Accounting information, analyze the information so
24. Business Budgeting The unification of management which that they can find out the company's
Corporate budget is an integrated business includes, presentation and interpretation of financial performance in the past and
plan that functions as a planning, information used for the formulation of present. Based on these financial
coordination and supervision tool of strategy, planning and control activities, conditions, can predict future financial
various business functions to achieve profit. decision making, optimizing the use of conditions and finally students can do
This course aims to equip students with resources, disclosure to owners and valuation so that information can be used in
analytical skills on the importance of outsiders, disclosure to employees, business decision making by using
Corporate Budgeting as a guide to achieving securing assets techniques in financial statement analysis,
company goals. This course consists of sales 31. Entrepreneurship financial forecasting and valuation.
budget, production budget, raw material The focus will be emphasized on 36. Database Management
budget, factory overhead budget, labor entrepreneurship as a process that can be This course aims to provide a
budget, income budget, and cash budget. managed and applied to the entire comprehensive understanding of the
25. Financial Management II organization, which is more focused on concept of database and how to create it,
This course are divided into three main creating new businesses that will be such as sales database, employee databases
groups. First, concepts and theories about analyzed starting from ideas to and any others that are related to business
capital structure and dividend policy. management. Students conduct research to activities. The focus of this course is for the
Second, discussion of working capital produce practical Business Plans and student to understand and discuss the use
management. Third, it includes discussion evaluate opportunities from the of SQL query language and developing
of various special topics in financial. perspective of entrepreneurs and investors. students’ ability to design and display
New ventures can take the form of start- information from a database.
ups, or expansion of existing business 37. Industrial Relation
26. Marketing Management II activities or try to manage untouched fields. This course focuses on discussing the basics
This course discusses the 4P concept in Some concepts will be the basis for decision of applying both individual and collective
marketing; product, price, place, and relations between companies, managers
and employees and their representatives in 42. Human Resources Training and government, the discussion will be linked to
trade unions and business unions. The Development applicable laws and regulations.
course also meant guiding the student to In this course, you will learn how to 47. Management Technology and Innovation
solve problems related to employee rights conduct training and how you can design All technology-based organizations need to
and obligations through negotiations both and deliver instruction to meet your continually innovate to remain competitive.
bipartite and tripartite. This course organization's needs. The courses start But, innovation by its very nature is high
involves several disciplines including from the analysis stage to the evaluation risk. This course explores the challenges,
economics, law, politics, sociology, and stage, as you explore training within your tools, and principles involved in managing
history, each of which provides a different organization. In the process, you will innovation and technology. The student
picture of the study industrial relations. conduct your analysis, create a training was expected to Identify and critically
38. Retail Management plan, incorporate instructional events that analyze technology and innovation
Retail is a collection of businesses that add facilitate learning transfer, and determine management issues. Evaluate technologies
value to products sold to consumers for evaluation methods and measurements for and innovations and select appropriate
personal and family needs. This course your program. strategies to manage them. Apply tools and
provides comprehensive knowledge about 43. Investment Management techniques to real business situations,
managing a retail-related things such as Investment management refers to how to cases, and simulation.
product, price, place, promotion, layout & handle financial assets and other 48. Management Information Systems
visual design, site location, merchandise investments. The Student will be guided on This course is an interdisciplinary course
sales planning, retail financial management, how to manage the holdings within an given to students to analyze various aspects
buying systems, employee management, investment portfolio, and the trading of related to the use of information and
customer relationship management, and them to achieve a specific investment communication technology in managerial
objective. Investment management is also
focus on developing knowledge about decision making. After attending this
known as money management, portfolio
consumer behavior and strategies used by course, students are expected to get a lot of
management, or wealth management.
retailers to sell products and attract enrichment, especially in managerial
44. Service Management
consumers. aspects in the use of information systems in
The development of the global business
39. Consumer Behavior business application. Topics covered
environment increases the importance of
This course discusses the conceptual include management of business activities
the service sector in marketing. The
framework of consumer behavior and in the digital age, hardware, software, data
increase in business competition, made
various relevant issues in the process of management and telecommunications,
services deliveries become one of the
making consumer decisions in an information systems development, and
competitive advantages that will affect
integrated marketing strategy. Various various effects of the adoption of
satisfaction and customer loyalty. It studies
multidisciplinary approaches were information technology in business.
service concepts related to customer
developed through psychology, 49. Community Service
behavior, service concept creation, services
anthropology, sociology, and Community service is a compulsory activity
distribution, business pricing & revenue
communication. Next, it discusses the that combines the implementation of the
models, educating costumers and
factors that influenced consumer behavior Higher Education Tri Dharma with the
promoting value propositions, positioning,
in making purchases ranging from external method of providing learning experiences
designing & managing service processes,
factors such as culture, social class, and and works to students, in community
balancing demand & productive capacity,
reference groups as well as internal factors empowerment activities. Community
designing the service environment,
which include factors of attitude, service is a vehicle for applicating and
managing people, implementing customer
personality, lifestyle, perception, and developing student knowledge and
relationship management, and service
motivation. technology in the community at a certain
quality control.
40. Risk Management time, mechanisms, and requirements
45. Global Marketing Management
This course aims to provide relevant basic following regulations set by the university.
This course aims at introducing a
knowledge about the risk management 50. Business Ethics
theoretical framework in global marketing
process that will be faced by the company This course aims to provide an
management, developing analytical
and how to manage risks so that understanding of how to manage and run a
thinking by macro and micro to understand
irregularities or losses can later be modern and global business that is
the concept of managing global marketing
minimized. After studying this course, characterized by fierce competition in an
and understanding the global marketing
students are expected to be able to identify, open and free market, away from the
cases, thereby further enhancing
measure, control risk so that it can be elements of monopoly, discrimination,
understanding of global marketing
decided to be insured or covered by corruption, collusion, and nepotism. These
practices, both those for export, joint
themselves through the process of selecting courses also guide the student on how to
venture, and direct investment.
the right method and making decisions on manage and run a business with a strong
46. Banking Management (GEC)
cases facing the company. moral commitment that is beneficial to all
This course is a management application in
41. Leadership parties, how to provide true product
the field of the banking industries. This
This course is designed to provide an information and pricing to consumers
course discusses aspects of bank
understanding of the role of leaders in without deception. This course also studies
management, banking organizational
dealing with the reality of organizational the concept and application of Corporate
structure, banking business activities,
change and experiences to diagnose, design, Social Responsibility (CSR) and Good
analysis of banking performance, credit
and implement change strategies. The focus Corporate Governance (GCG) in companies.
management and management of Islamic
of the discussion will be continued with 51. Business Feasibility Study
banks. This course provides an explanation
leadership through the process of change A business feasibility study is a study of
of banking techniques and principles and
management and equipping students with business/project feasibility where the
an analysis of how banks carry out
knowledge of leadership styles and the results can be used by various stakeholders
activities. Because banking has an essential
skills and roles needed to manage such as owners, shareholders, investors,
role in the economy and is regulated by the
organizational changes. governments, and creditors. The results of
this study are objective, measurable New ventures can take the form of start- companies, organizations, and multi-
independent and multi-disciplinary. After ups, or expansion of existing business national strategies, issues around managing
attending this course student are expected activities or try to manage untouched fields. foreign exchange risk, global supply chains,
to have abilities such as; understanding the Some concepts will be the basis for decision international marketing mix, and
basic concepts of a feasibility study; can making in determining the feasibility of a standardization versus adaptation.
provide an assessment of the feasibility of a new business. This course will combine 57. International Human Resources
business; can compile a simple feasibility theory with practice and students will be Management
report for an independent business. The challenged to apply principles, concepts, The course aims to provide an
business feasibility report consists of the and frameworks in entrepreneurial practice understanding and comparison of
analysis of marketing aspects, technical and in the field. important aspects of international human
technological aspects, legal aspects, 55. Strategic Management resource management (international
environmental impact analysis, and This course integrates all aspects of context). The first aspect discusses the
financial aspects. functional management in the company effect of globalization on employment and
52. Business Environment Analysis that has been studied previously. Through regulations on international labor
This course aims to provide knowledge and this course, students will be taught the (expatriate), global organizational
provide students with an analysis of the framework and building blocks of a structure, legal and cultural aspects, the
business environment, which involves business organization, as well as how to recruitment and selection process, as well
external conditions that affect business organize and manage a business. As a as training and developing expatriates.
activities. The business environment course that integrates all aspects of Second, issues in a multinational enterprise,
discussed in this course includes the functional management, the discussion will such as salary, benefits, bonuses,
industrial, macroeconomic, legal, social and be carried out through the point of view of retirement, settlement, and benefits. And
political environments. The industrial the top leadership of the organization third, a performance appraisal strategy for
environment includes a discussion of the (point of view of management) in managing expatriate performance and a comparison
external environment that has close links the organization strategically in achieving between industrial relations systems,
with the company. While the its strategic objectives, taking into account trends, and financial challenges.
macroeconomy includes a discussion of the the internal and external environment of 58. International Financial Management
economic crisis, monetary and banking the organization. Through this approach, This course presents a conceptual
conditions, globalization and international students will be confronted with the framework for analyzing and
cooperation as well as aspects of regional learning process with various strategic understanding the key financial decisions of
autonomy. In the field of law, the main issues and the company's business companies operating globally. This course
discussion concerns business law and new environment through a strategic focuses on financial decision making in an
developments in the field of law that has to management process (the strategic international context. This course will show
do with the business world. While in the management process). The process the usefulness of financial analysis and the
socio-political field, discussions are carried includes the following stages; internal and reasons for solving international financial
out on the latest developments that are external environment analysis, strategic problems. This course will examine
related to the business world. This formulation, strategic alternative and traditional aspects of corporate finance
knowledge is expected to sharpen the choice analysis, strategic implementation, including working capital management,
business vision and strengthen the basis for and strategic evaluation, which are capital budgeting, cost of capital and
management decision making. expected to improve business strategies financial structure, but the area is viewed
53. Research Methodology going forward (improved business strategy from the perspective of multinational
This course aims to gain knowledge about in the future). corporations.
scientific research and methodology. After 56. International Business 59. Change Management and Organizational
completing this lecture, students are This course discusses a series of theories Development
expected to understand the basic concepts and key frameworks of international This course provides a theoretical and
of scientific research; understand scientific business and how to apply these concepts conceptual understanding of how an
research as a way to solve problems facing in global business strategy and organization can manage change well. For
by management in the organization; form management. The topics discussed were this reason, the main study subject that
the attitude of becoming scientists, divided into two main groups: globalization must be understood as the key success
understand the environment on his/her issues at the national level and factors for managing change is the
profession, as well as for the development globalization issues at the company level. At readiness of human resources to change
of the economic and business disciplines he the national or country level, topics to be and the readiness of the organization to
is engaged in. discussed include diversity in the global consolidate change. Students taking this
54. Entrepreneurship Practices business environment, as well as course are expected to understand and
This course aims to introduce students to similarities and differences between explain: the nature, form, and type of
important issues in entrepreneurship, and countries in several dimensions such as changes that occur and are faced by an
their application to new businesses that are social, economic, political, legal, cultural, organization; the process of change that
synonymous with the global economy. The demographic, globalization costs/benefits occurs in the organization and the
focus will be emphasized on to countries, and agreement on regional importance of the role of agent of change;
entrepreneurship as a process that can be and international economic integration. At reluctance to change organizational
managed and applied to the entire the company level, the topics to be members as well as strategies to deal with
organization, which is more focused on discussed are the factors that drive resistance to change, and how to manage
creating new businesses that will be companies to go global, foreign market major change management.
analyzed starting from ideas to entry and expansion strategies such as 60. Industrial Analysis
management. Students will guide on how to exporting, licensing, joint ventures, wholly- This course aims to broaden students'
produce practical Business Plans and owned subsidiaries, and foreign direct knowledge in obtaining conclusions about
evaluate opportunities from the investment, pressure on global integration the structure and condition of the industry
perspective of entrepreneurs and investors. and local responsiveness faced by in the context of formulating business
strategies. This course discusses the Marketing Management concepts. This creativity, and broadening understanding of
company's efforts to conclude an industry course will focus on the application of organizational culture.
by examining industry structure, factors Marketing Management concepts in 68. Corporate Governance
and dominant forces that tend to determine organizations and society. Students will Governance involves a set of relationships
success and business behavior, factors evaluate and apply theories that have been between an organization's management, its
driving industrial change, key factors for accepted in courses related to marketing board, its shareholders, and other
success and failure of the industry and science (Marketing Management, Consumer stakeholders. This course will teach you
strategies in achieving industrial Behavior, Service Marketing, Global about organizational governance, which
competitive advantage. Marketing, and Sales Management) into provides the structure that sets the
61. Business and Creative Industry practice through case studies. Students will objectives of an organization, the means of
The creative industries are made up of be allowed to apply theory through an attaining those objectives, and the
businesses and entrepreneurs that have analysis of various cases from the business procedures for monitoring performance.
creativity and content that is protected by world that are directed to strengthen You will also learn about external
copyright as a central part of their business understanding of how the concept of governance, government regulations, and
model. The creative industries include Marketing Management is used. Students more.
sectors such as design, film and TV, are also expected to gain increased 69. Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
publishing, the performing arts, music, understanding as part of consumers and be (General Elective Course /GEC)
advertising, and gaming. it allows you to able to make various considerations in Marketing within the hotel and tourism
combine your studies in Arts, applying the principles of Marketing industry presents unique challenges, as
Communication, Design and Music with Management to help the development of marketers are tasked with selling services
courses in Business and Law. In an evolving organizations and individuals. and memories rather than goods. In this
employment market, this course is a 65. Seminar on Human Resources hospitality management course, you will
distinct advantage for a student that Management learn how to apply marketing knowledge
undertook this course. This course aims to discuss the effective and skills to the hotel and tourism industry.
62. Corporate Small Seminar management of human resources in You will learn best practices for building
This course aims to provide knowledge and organizations. The discussion covers the customer loyalty and creating a strong
insight to understand the importance of perspective of Human Resource brand and learn how to efficiently
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Management, the external context of HRM, communicate to stakeholders through
the economy, conditions and problems functions in the operations of Human integrated marketing communications. You
encountered, regulations relating to the Resource Management, the international will also learn about the importance of
development and empowerment of SMEs context of HRM, current issues in HRM and marketing to both previous and new
and aspects of managing SMEs. This course industrial relations issues. The nature of the customers. Students' learning experience
is practical so that active student discussion is the analysis of topics and will be enhanced through the use of
participation is needed in preparing taking material from articles in various creative approaches to solving marketing
papers/papers related to SMEs. Emphasis international journals. problems in hotel and tourism settings.
will be given to actual and factual issues 66. Seminar on Management 70. Thesis
that occur in SMEs both in Indonesia and in This course is a choice of strategic A thesis is the final assignment of students
the international context. management pathways where the focus of in the form of scientific papers based on the
63. Seminar on Financial Management discussion is more on analysis of the results of field research, laboratory
The financial management Seminar course implementation of corporate strategy. research and/or library research following
is an application of financial management 67. Strategic Leadership the concentrations that have been selected.
concepts and theories. The analysis The course discusses the role of strategic The weight or value of the thesis credit
conducted links and uses financial concepts leaders in facing greater challenges in includes the activities of preparing and
and theories by organizations in an developing the potential of the resources proposing seminars, research, writing and
environment. This course is expected to they lead. The focus of the discussion will seminar thesis. Thesis preparation must be
provide an understanding and ability to be emphasized on developing effective done by the student concerned and
apply and critical analysis of financial strategies to achieve goals, learning the authorized by the supervisor under
theories and concepts to solve problems in main functions of strategic leadership, established rules.
an organization both non-profit or profit. understanding the role of emotional
64. Seminar on Marketing Management intelligence in leadership, learning
This lecture is designed to enhance techniques and tool kits for leadership,
students' insights on the application of developing strategies through strategic

Organization Structure

Academic Staff

Dr. Alfitman, SE, M.Sc. Drs. Arrizal, MSi
NIP : 197508202001121001 NIP : 195912041987021001
NIDN : 020087501 NIDN : 0004125904
Functional : Assistant Professor Functional : Associate Professor
Research Research
Interest : Consumer Behavior and Interest : Human Resources
Information System Management and
Education Organizational Behavior
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Education
Master : University of Gadjah Mada Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Doctoral : University of Gadjah Mada Master : Airlangga University

Arief Prima Johan, SE., MSc. Asmi Abbas, SE., MM
NIP : 198712162014041001 NIP : 196010102006041001
NIDN : 0016128701 NIDN : 0010106019
Functional : Lecturer Functional : Assistant Professor
Research Research
Interest : Strategic Management and Interest : Entrepreneurship
Leadership Education
Education Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Master : International Global
Master : University of Gadjah Mada Institute, Jakarta

Ares Albirru Amsal, SE., MSM Desyetti, SE., ME
NIP : 199009152019031017 NIP : 196612191992032001
NIDN : 001015099001 NIDN : 0019126613
Functional : Lecturer Functional : Assistant Professor
Research Research
Interest : Management Information Interest : Finance
System, Marketing Education
Education Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Bachelor : University of Indonesia Master : University of Indonesia
Master : University of Indonesia

Donard Games,SE., M.Bus., PhD

Agriqisthi, SE, MM NIP : 198011122005011003
NIP : 199107052019031015 NIDN : 0012118002
NIDN : 0005079102 Functional : Assistant Professor
Functional : Lecturer Research
Research Interest : Entrepreneurship and
Interest : Marketing Innovation
Education Education
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : Universitas Andalas Master : The University of
Queensland, Australia
Doctoral : The University of Western
Berri Brilliant Albar, SE, MM.
NIP : 198506152019031009 Dian Rani Yolanda, SE., M.Bus
NIDN : 1015068502
Functional : Lecturer NIP : 198109082005012004
Research NIDN : 0008098106
Interest : Marketing and Branding Functional : Lecturer
Education Research
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Interest : Marketing
Master : Universitas Andalas Education
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : The University of
Queensland, Australia
Chairunnisya, SE, MM
NIP : 199307132019032013 Danny Hidayat, SE, MM
NIDN : 0013079303
Functional : Lecturer NIP : 199104262019031009
Research NIDN : 0026049102
Interest : Marketing Functional : Lecturer
Education Research
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Interest : Marketing and
Master : University of Indonesia Entrepreneurship
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Dessy Kurnia Sari, SE., M.Bus., PhD Master : Universitas Andalas
NIP : 198012112005012002
NIDN : 0011128002 Dr.Eri Besra,SE.MM
Functional : Assistant Professor
Research NIP : 197202101999032003
Interest : Consumer Behavior, Cross NIDN : 0010027205
Cultural Marketing Study, Functional : Assistant Professor
Islamic Marketing, Research
Advertising Interest : Marketing
Education Education
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : The University of Master : University of Sumatera
Queensland, Australia Utara
Doctoral : The University of Western Doctoral : Padjadjaran University
Dr. Fajri Adrianto, SE, M.Bus (Adv) Irwan, SE, MM.
NIP : 198005292005011003 NIP : 197907142005011002
NIDN : 0029058004 NIDN : 0014077903
Funtional : Assistant Professor Functional : Lecturer
Researh Research
Interes : Corporate Finance, Capital Interest : Human Resources
Market, & Asset Pricing Management and
Educaton Organizational Behavior
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Education
Master : Queensland University of Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Technology Australia Master : Universitas Andalas
Doctoral : Queensland University of
Technology Australia
Drs. John Edwar, MM
Hafiz Rahman, SE., MSBS., PhD NIP : 195710131986031001
NIP : 197308032001121001 NIDN : 0013105704
NIDN : 0008037304 Functional : Associate Professor
Functional : Assistant Professor Research
Research Interest : Marketing
Interest : Entrepreneurship Education
Education Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Master : Universitas Andalas
Master : Universitaet Leipzig
Doctoral : University of Laela Susdiani, SE., M.Com
Huddeersfield UK
Dr.Harif Amali Rivai,SE.MSi NIP : 197907022005012004 NIDN : 0002077902
NIP : 197110221997011001 Functional : Lecturer
NIDN : 0021027102 Research
Functional : Associate Professor Interest : Behavioral Finance
Research Education
Interest : Human Resources Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Management and Master : University of Adelaide
Organizational Behavior Australia
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : University of Gadjah Mada Dr. Laura Syahrul, MBA
Doctoral : Southern Cross University,
Australia NIP : 195908271986032001
NIDN : 0027085903
Hendra Lukito,SE., MM., PhD. Functional : Associate Professor Research
NIP : 197106242006041000 Interest : Human Resources
NIDN : 0024067107 Management and
Functional : Assistant Professor Leadership
Research Education
Interest : Human Resource Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Management and Master : Nicholls State University,
Organizational Behavior Lousiana
Education Doctoral : University Technology
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Malaysia
Master : Universitas Andalas
Doctoral : University of Selangor M. Fany Alfarisi, SE., MSFin., PhD
NIP : 197905272003121002
Idamiharti, SE., MSi NIDN : 0027057904 Functional : Lecturer
NIP : 197912162005012002 Research
NIDN : 0014077902 Interest : Islamic Finance
Functional : Lecturer Education
Research Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Interest : Financial Management Master : International Islamic
Education University Malaysia
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Doctoral : International Islamic
Master : University of Gadjah Mada University Malaysia
Dr. Ma'ruf, SE., MBus, Mphil. Rebi Fara Handika, SE, M.Sc
NIP : 197706232000121001 NIP : 199003212019031007
NIDN : 0023067704 NIDN : 0021039002
Functional : Assistant Professor Functional : Lecturer
Research Research
Interest : Sustainable Marketing and Interest : Strategic Management,
Green Marketing Leadership, Organization
Education Education
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : The University of Master : University of Gadjah Mada
Queensland, Australia
Doctoral : Maastricht School of
Management Netherland Sari Lenggogeni, SE., MM., PhD
Masyhuri Hamidi, SE., MSi., CFP., PhD NIP : 197910142006042001 NIDN : 0014107907
NIP : 196909031995121001 Functional : Assistant Professor
NIDN : 0003096901 Research
Funtional : Associate Professor Interest : Tourism Marketing
Resarch Education
Inteest : Corporate Finance Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Education Master : University of Indonesia
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Doctoral : University of Queensland,
Master : University of Gadjah Mada Australia
Doctoral : University Malaysia Sabah
Sari Surya, SE., MM
Meuthia, SE., MSc NIP : 197703292001121001 NIDN : 0029037705
NIP : 198611302015042004 Functional : Assistant Professor
NIDN : 0030118603 Research
Functional : Lecturer Interest : Financial Behavior
Research Education
Interest : Operation Management Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Education Master : Universitas Andalas
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : University of Gadjah Mada
Suziana, SE., MM., Ph.D.
Dr. Rahmi Fahmy, SE., MBA NIP : 197206131999032001 NIDN : 0013067210
NIP : 196907101994032005 Functional : Lecturer
NIDN : 0010076901 Research
Functional : Associate Professor Interest : Marketing
Research Education
Interest : Human Capital Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Management and Master : University of Sumatera
Character Building Utara
Education Doctoral : University of Selangor
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : University of the
Philippines Syafrizal, SE., ME., PhD
Doctoral : Southern Cross University,
Australia NIP : 197205011997021002
NIDN : 0001057201
Functional : Assistant Professor
Rida Rahim, SE., ME Research Interest : Relationship Marketing,
NIP : 196712311993032005 Internet Marketing,
NIDN : 0031126738 Consumer Based Research
Functional : Assistant Professor Education
Research Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Interest : Finance Master : University of Indonesia
Education Doctoral : University of Science
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Malaysia
Master : University of Indonesia
Doctoral : University of Indonesia
Toti Srimulyati, SE., MT., Ph.D. Velia Meidilisa, SE, MM
NIP : 196406181989012001 NIP : 198505272019032016
NIDN : 0018066401 NIDN : 0027058504
Functional : Associate Professor Functional : Lecturer
Research Research
Interest : Operational Management Interest : Human Resources
Education Management and
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Organizational Behavior
Master : Bandung Institude of Education
Technology Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Doctoral : University of Selangor Master : Universitas Andalas

Yanti,SE., MM
Dr. Vera Pujani, SE., M.Tech NIP : 196312291988032001
NIP : 196611152000032001 NIDN : 0029126303
NIDN : 0015116607 Functional v : Associate Professor
Functional : Associate Professor Research
Research Interest : Marketing
Interest : E – Commerce and Education
Information System Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Education Master : Universitas Andalas
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : University of Technology Dr. Yulia Hendri Yeni, SE., MT., Ak
Doctoral : Southern Cross University NIP : 196407021990012001
Australia NIDN : 0002076408
Functional : Associate Professor
Dr. Verinita, SE., MSi Interest : Marketing Education
NIP : 197208262003122004 Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
NIDN : 0026087211 Master : Bandung Institude of
Functional : Assistant Professor Technology
Research Doctoral : Southern Cross University,
Interest : Consumer Behavior and Australia
Education Dr. Yulihasri, SE., MBA
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : Universitas Andalas NIP : 196607181993031003
Doctoral : Padjadjaran University NIDN : 0018076608
Functional : Assistant Professor
Venny Darlis, SE., MRM Interest : Strategic Management and Organizational Behavior
NIP : 198112232006042001 Education
NIDN : 0023128102 Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Functional : Assistant Professor Master : University of Science Malaysia
Research Doctoral : University of Science Malaysia
Interest : Risk Management, Finance
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas
Master : Monash University
Support Staff
Valeny Suryaningsih, SE., MM
NIP : 198702102019032010
NIDN : 0010028707
Functional : Lecturer
Interest : Corporate Governance,
Human Resource,
Consumer Behavior
Bachelor : Universitas Andalas Jusmaida, S.Ip. Welli Affrina, SE. Meri Gustina, SE.
Master : Universitas Andalas
The Management Department has a seminar room, which will be
Supporting Facilities used for seminar exams, meetings and places to formulate the
Computer Laboratory department strategies. The seminar room can accommodate 35
people, located beside to management department bureau.

Management Reading Room

The management department has a faculty shared computer

laboratory. The main function is as an educational laboratory.
Currently, there is 5 laboratory, with the 1st and 2nd laboratory
consist of 40 computer, the 3rd and 4th laboratory consist of 30
computer and the 5th laboratory consist of 20 computer. All of
the laboratories are used to carry a course, presentation and also
Management Reading Room or MRR is the place for the students
exam, concerning database and information technology
and lecturer to find the management book covering from human
resource, marketing, entrepreneur, finance, and strategic. Hold
Student Lounge approximately 1500 books. The management reading room also
has a collection of student thesis for the last 5 years.

Mushola is mainly used for prayer in Islam, refer to a room or
place for conducting salah (canonical prayers) and is usually
translated as a "prayer hall" smaller than a mosque. Mushola As-
salam can accommodate more than 100 people, religious studies
are usually carried out, led by lecturers and religious leaders.

Faculty of Economics has a cozy cafe and well food and beverages.
Managed by the winner of the most delicious rendang food
competition in the city of Padang in 2012. The cafe can
The student lounge is used to sparks the discussion among the accommodate more than 50 people and supported by fine
students, to have an informal meeting or just doing the facilities.
assignments. Currently, a student lounge can accommodate 20
students, located on the 3rd floor of the management department

Seminar Room

A gazebo is a place similar to the student lounge but more open

and located outside of the main building. Because the gazebo
located beside of student association, generally used for student
community meeting and gathering.

Students Services and Supports

a. Scholarship
Bidikmisi Scholarship (
PPA (Improved Academic Achievement) Scholarship
BBM (Student Learning Support) Scholarship
KSE (KaryaSalembaEmpat) Scholarship
ETOS Andalas University Scholarship
BAZNAS Scholarship
b. Counseling Services
Universitas Andalas Student Counseling Center
ACC (Andalasian Character Center)
Unand Career Center
c. Research and Publication
Andalas Management Review (AMAR)
Working Papers
seminar Series
Institutions Management / Management Institute

d. Student Activities at Department Level

HIMA/ Management Student Association
The Management Club

e. Training & Development

Student Leadership Training
TOEFL training
Programming Training
Training on Writing Scientific Papers (Guidance on PKM proposal).
TAC (Training for AndalasianCharacter)
AMT (Achievement Motivation Training)
Soft skill integration with lectures

f. Extracurricular at University Level

UKPM (Student Press Activity Unit)
Andalas Sinematografi
UKS-AU (Art Activity Unit AndalasUniversity)
RabbaniStudent Activity Units
AIESEC University Local Committee
UKO (Sports Activity Unit)
Menwa (AU Student Regiment)
UA Scout, Swarnadwipa
MAPALA (Student Association for Environmental and Adventure Activity)
Swordsman Student Activity Units
KSR PMI (Indonesian Red Cross Voluntary Corps
KOPMA (Student Cooperative Store)
PIKA Student Activity Units

Students Story
Student Exchange
A. Student Mobility 2021

NHL Stenden University, Netherland

E. Credit Earning 2016

Name: Rizki Muhadi
Name: Afif Akbari Habibie
Exchange program & Year: Student Mobility
Boston University 2021

B. Student Mobility 2017

Name: Rizki Muhadi

Exchange program & Year: Student Mobility
Gifu University 2017
Exchange program & Year: Credit Earning
C. Student Mobility 2018 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 2016

F. Outgoing Global Volunteer AIESEC 2018

Name: Habib Adani, Shintya Febriani, Monica Astika &

Hanum Mardesia

Name: Fuad Aufa Hasari, Puty Suri Alifah & Fany

Exchange program & Year: Student Mobility 2018
Southern Cross University Gold Coast Australia

D. Student Mobility 2019 Exchange program & Year: Outgoing Global Volunteer
AIESEC 2018 - AIESEC Hungary
Name: Yusnita Fili Harefa
Exchange program & Year: Student Mobility 2019
G. AIESEC Global Volunteer 2020 Camphionship Winners
a. English Speech Contest American Corner as 1st Place

Name: Afif Akbari Habibie

b. English Debate Reach 2019 as 2nd Place Winner

Name: Adinda Putri

Exchange program & Year: AIESEC Global Volunteer 2020
AIESEC in University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
( Thailand )

H. International Youth Leader Exchange, 2018

Name: Afif Akbari Habibie, Nadhifah Akbari Habibie, dan

Muhammad Ruli Effendi
c. Sumatera Student Product Expo 2019 as 1st Place

Name: Anggina Aulia

Exchange program & Year: International Youth Leader
Exchange, 2018
University of Malaya-Wales , Malaysia

I. Mingchi language culture camp 2019

Name: Rizki Syahputra

d. Competition and year: Minang Entrepreneur Award

(MEA) 2019 as 1st Place Winner

Name: Khaled Yurino

Exchange program & Year: Mingchi Language Culture Camp
Mingchi University and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

Name: Rizki Syahputra

e. Business Plan Competition PPs FE Universitas Islam g. Forum Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia 2019 as 1st
Indonesia, Yogyakarta 2018 place winner

Name: Rizki Syahputra

Name: Yusnitafili Harefa

f. Competition and year: National university debating
championship as 1st place winner h. Physics Festival 2016, 1st Place for Photography
Name : Adil Abdul Salam

Name: Yusnitafili Harefa


Graduate’s Job Profile

a. Entrepreneurs. Graduates carry out professional and leadership roles with an entrepreneurial spirit and
integrity in profit or non-profit organizations.

b. Managers. Graduates provide advice in business and management to increase business value by
considering the ethical impact.

c. Business Analyst/Consultant. Graduates participate in expanding and developing management

knowledge by adhering to universal research norms.

The Graduates

Hafizh Arino
Student Batch : 2015
Management Trainee (PCPM) Central Bank of Indonesia

“Studying management is one of the best decision I have ever made. In my

opinion, it is one of the most flexible field of study when it comes its
application in the real world. Not only I got to learn how to manage myriads
of different things in the professional setting, but also how to manage
oneself personally. Luckily, I had the chance to learn about both.”

Ranti Mawardi
Student Batch : 2012
News Reader and Presenter LPP TVRI Sumatera Barat

“Management is a simple science but has a very big

influence. 4,5 years studied management in this
department, indirectly shaped me to be a character who
could manage my time, finances, opportunities, and
working relationships. although sometimes this
department is considered trivial, believe it or not this
course makes anyone who learns it will understand and
appreciate their life. and I'm proud to be a big family of
management majors because i have lecturers who
support me and make me brave to challange myself to
be a news reader and presenter in TVRI Sumatera Barat.
i need more knowledge, skill, and opportunities to
uprage myself and be better than now.”

Mesha Frisna Yoza

Student Batch : 2012
District Merchant Engagement Supervisor - GOJEK

“Spent 4 years at Management (S1) Unand, was incredible. We learn so

much about Management in Business, knowledge about economics,
interpersonal relationship, business mindset, etc. Also, it was an
honour for me to represent Unand in EuroMUN back in 2016, the
support from lecturers & classmates help to boost my confidence.”

Alvi Syukri Faisal

Student Batch : 2011
Account Representative Perintis, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

“Management Unand, provides educational concepts more than just

academic knowledge, but also humanism. Give us lessons on how to
build relationships, sharing ideas and care about our surroundings.”

Laura Amelia Triani

Student Batch : 2011
Field channel manager East Java Region, PT Danone, Tbk.

“Management is not always about managing a business

process. But Management, is about you. Manage the time
you used, the money you got, the goals you achieve, the
live your life. Economics, give them all.”

Student Batch : 2006
co-founder AZWA Perfume

Undergraduate Management Study Prpgram is

an opening gate for me in developing mindset as
an Entrepreneur and Investor through an
ecosystem that supports the development of
knowledge and skills in business and

Moresia Raditya
Student Batch : 2006
Senior Supervisor Quality & Quantity, PT Pertamina (Persero).

“Management is not only a theory, but it is truly an art that can draw our
life to become more manageable and controllable. It's such an amazing
experiences to study at Andalas University especially as one of
international program student because it could sharpen my English
ability both writing and speaking so that it can be used to compete in
work life”

Zigo Rolanda
Student Batch : 2009
Chairman of Regional Representative Council (DPRD) of South

“Management is the science of life, listening, leading, managing,

and working effectively and efficiently. By gaining knowledge
and experience at UMSP (Undergraduate Management Study
Program) Unand, it allows me to build my character and ability
in leading the West Sumatra HIPMI, and now I am assigned as
chairman of regional representative council (DPRD) of South
Solok. I am going to lead and give my best for the welfare of the

Sepris Yonaldi
Student Batch : 2001
Rector of Tamansiswa University

“The process will never fool the results. My today's achievements

can not be separated from the educational process that I went
through in UMSP Faculty of Economics-Unand. The learning
method and curriculum are always up to date. Likewise, UMSP
also has qualified lecturers who are competent in their fields.
Finally, it also provides supports for student organization
activities that can improve leadership skill of students.”

Rakhmatul Akbar
Student Batch : 1997
Chief Editor Haluan News, 1997

“UMSP creates opportunity for me to develop my self-

dynamics with the internal and external environment. This
encourages me to be able to apply it in my daily activities until
I am assigned to the top position as journalist "

Dian Fitriyana
Student Batch: 2000
Enforcement Specialist, KPK- RI (Corruption Eradication Commission) Indonesia

“Have your own goals and plan your ways to get them. Always.”

Ria Miranda
Student Batch: 2002
Designer, entrepreneur

“As true Minang generation, UnAnd had always been my dream campus. The
environment was really supportive. Its serene and far from entertainment as
in urban city, gave me more focus to myself development process during
college and graduated right on time. Even there's no specific majority for my
passion from high school as fashion designer, i do believe every business
needs management and the college organization life enriched me with soft
skill that applicable in reality right now“


Scan map

Kampus Limau Manis, Kec. Pauh,

Padang-West Sumatera 25163

Further Information
Management Department Secretariat Contact
Phone: 0751-71088 ext 115
Fax: 0751-71089

Andalas University Contact (en)

Andalas University Public Relations
Phone: 0751-71181-318
Mobile: 08116686000

Chancellor's Secretariat
Phone: 0751-71181, 71389
Fax: 0751-71085

Secretariat of Vice Chancellor I
Phone: 0751-71301
Fax: 0751-71301

Secretariat of Vice Chancellor II
Phone: 0751-71302
Fax: 0751-71302

Deputy Rector Secretariat III
Phone: 0751-71303
Fax: 0751-71303

Secretariat of Vice Chancellor IV
Phone: 0751-73335
Fax: 0751-73335

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