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From windward to leeward poppy mountain

Walking through a fine line

by Carlo Arizo and Aries Jade Refugio

The wealth of it’s natural treasures is widely known for our beloved Zambales. It
develops into tourist spots, overflowing with both domestic and foreign visitors. In
addition, Zambales is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Central Luzon due to
it’s stunning mountains, including Mt. Calib-ungan and Mt. Tapulao.

It’s location makes it perfect for a variety of nature activities and sports including Hiking
and Trekking. In Zambales, hiking and trekking are considered sports. But winning does
not really matter, instead the respect and appreciation of the beauty of mountains and it’s

There are a variety of reasons why individuals go hiking. They experienced their fearful
number of highs and lows while trying to hike at least once a month for more than a year.
They were able to accomplish their goal despite the continuously changing circumstances
since hiking is a contributing factor. To the point that mountains became the
representation of their milestones in life. When they try to reminisce a mountain, they
will also be reminded of what they’ve been through at that certain point in time.

Raymhond C. Beso from Arew, Cabangan. A nature traveler in Zambales turns hiking as
his hobby, “I really want to go on a nature trek and go trekking. For relaxations sake,
particularly when you want to contemplate the world’s most pressing problems and also,
along with relaxing, it served as a good opportunity for me to work and relate on phrases
like ‘‘Huwag sumuko, ‘Makakarating din tayo sa patutunguhan natin’, The abundance of
stunning landscapes and wildlife in our area is a wonderful plus” Mr. Raymhond said.

For Mt. Pinatubo, it's one of the famous mountains in the Philippines which ranks among
many mountaineers' travel bucket list. The name “tapulao” came from the local dialect
there which means ‘pine tree’. Dampay-Salaza, Palauig serves as the jump-off of this
mountain which rises to an elevation of 2,037 meters (6,683 ft) above sea level. A spot
where you can admire nature, you can catch a glimpse of the pine trees while taking in
the beautiful sunset over the west Philippine Sea.

With that, let’s encourage Zambaleños to visit the beautiful places in Zambales and
promote it so that others can also have to experience the amazing nature there. Let’s
continue to love our own.

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