Transition Plan

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London Ho

Transition Plan

Career Plan A: Prosecutor

Me and my choices:
What do you enjoy about this career choice?
I enjoy the opportunity to seek justice for others and holding individuals accountable for their
actions is challenging and rewarding.

What sort of lifestyle can this choice create for you?

Being a prosecutor involves long hours and high levels of responsibility, but it can provide a
sense of purpose and fulfillment. The lifestyle can bring opportunities to make a positive impact
on society.

Why is this the best choice for you?

This career aligns with my passion for ensuring justice for everyone. I thrive in challenging
environments that require me to think critically and the role of a prosecutor allows me to hold
individuals accountable for their actions.

Career info that I have discovered:

Upsides/downsides of this employment choice:
Upsides: Opportunity to make a difference, intellectual challenges, potential for career growth.
Downsides: High stress levels, emotionally demanding, potential exposure to difficult cases.

Job duties/responsibilities:
Prosecutors are responsible for reviewing evidence, preparing cases, presenting arguments in
court, negotiating plea deals and ensuring the fair and just application of the law.

Salary range:
$102,427 annual

Future outlook:
The demand for prosecutors is expected to remain stable, with opportunities for growth.
However, competition can be intense and job availability may vary.

Lifestyle factors:
The lifestyle of a prosecutor involves irregular hours, especially during trials. It requires strong
organizational skills, the ability to handle stress and dedication to the job.
Three employability skills I possess that will support my plan:
1. The ability to analyze complex legal situations and evidence critically.

2. Strong written and verbal communication skills for presenting cases effectively in court.

3. The capacity to navigate through emotionally charged situations and interact

empathetically with victims, witnesses, and defendants.

Education needed to pursue my plan:

Courses/training/certificates needed:
A Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from a law school, with coursework in criminal law and procedure.

Post-secondary requirements:
Completion of a bachelor's degree in any subject as a prerequisite for entering law school, then
the completion of the bar exam.

Career Plan B: Psychologist

Me and my choices:
What do you enjoy about this career choice?
I find satisfaction in helping individuals overcome psychological challenges. The ability to make
a positive impact on people's lives through counseling and therapy is fulfilling and the dynamic
nature of psychology allows for continual learning and growth.

What sort of lifestyle can this choice create for you?

A flexible schedule which allows for a work-life balance that suits personal needs as well as
opportunities to specialize and focus on specific areas of interest within psychology.
Potential for a fulfilling and meaningful career that aligns with my personal values.

Why is this the best choice for you?

My natural inclination towards empathy and understanding makes me well-suited for a career in
psychology. The desire to contribute to the well-being of others aligns with the core values of the
profession as well as my own.

Career info that I have discovered:

Upsides/downsides of this employment choice:
Upsides: Fulfilling, potential for positive impact, continuous learning and diverse career paths.
Downsides: Emotionally demanding, potential for burnout and the need for ongoing professional
Job duties/responsibilities:
Conducting assessments and interviews to understand clients needs, developing and
implementing treatment plans, providing counselling and therapeutic interventions and keeping
detailed and confidential records of client progress.

Salary range:
$103,956 annual

Future outlook:
The demand for psychologists is expected to grow due to increased awareness of mental health
issues. Opportunities for psychologists in areas such as online therapy are expanding.

Lifestyle factors:
The flexibility to work in various settings, including private practice, hospitals, schools, and
corporations as well as the potential for a balanced lifestyle with the ability to set your own hours
in private practice.

Three employability skills I possess that will support my plan:

1. Active listening is a crucial skill for understanding clients and developing effective
therapeutic interventions.

2. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others is essential for building rapport
with clients.

3. Clear and effective communication skills to convey complex psychological concepts to


Post Secondary Options:

First Choice: Simon Fraser University

Name of Degree or type of training you will receive:

Psychology Bachelor of Arts

Length of the program:

4 years

Price of Tuition for the first year:

Approx. Cost of books/supplies for the first year:

Cost to live in Residence:


Application Fee to apply to program:


Application deadline:
January 31st, 2024

Academic Requirements for program:

English 12, Science 12 or Math 12, Social Studies 12, Language 12

Other possible occupations related to this type of degree:

Caseworker, Child Development Specialist, Social Services Aid

Second Choice: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Name of Degree or type of training you will receive:

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Length of the program:

4 years

Price of Tuition for the first year:


Approx. Cost of books/supplies for the first year:


Cost to live in Residence:


Application Fee to apply to program:

Application deadline:
March 1st, 2024

Academic Requirements for program:

Completion of BC English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12 or Literary Studies 12 with a
minimum grade of C+ (or equivalents)

Other possible occupations related to this type of degree:

Group home coordinator, behaviour analyst, youth counsellor and mental health worker.

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