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Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo
Magdalena Carmen Frida kahlo , Coyoacán ,
México , 1907-id, 1954 Frida Kahlo is the mexican
Although she mover in the environent of the great
mexican muralist of her time and she shared their
ideals , Frida Kahlo created an absolutely personal
painting , naipe and deeply metophorical at the
same time , derived from her exalted sensitivity
and from several events that marked the life of her
Paints of Frida Kahlo
Paints is must important of Frida Kahlo

• "Las dos Fridas "- 1939

• “La columna rota”-1944
• “El venado herido”-1946
• “Hospital Henry Ford “-1932
Información about
the historical context
She drawing on her personal
experiences (her troubled
marriage , her painful
miscarriages , her numerous
operations ) , her works are often
schoking in their stark portrayal
of pain.
Artistic style of Frida Kahlo

• Surrealism
• Cubism
• Magical realism
• Modern art
• Symbolism

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