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Dear Editors,

This is a brief guide to conducting the first edit. Kindly go through it carefully. I would suggest
that you keep it open while editing and use it as a checklist.

A. Title:

Provide a catchy title to the article. It should not be longer than 5-8 words. It needs to act as a
clickbait and contain the keywords of the article. For example, for an essay discussing the death
penalty, the words “death penalty” should appear in the title.

B. Grammar and Spellings:

Ensure that the language of article is error free. You may use free versions of grammarly or
prowritingaid. Additionally, ensure that the language is formal. For example, sentences should
not begin with 'but', 'because' etc.

C. Citations:

This covers two aspects. First, correct the citations which are not in accordance with Bluebook
20th edition. Secondly, provide citation wherever required - all statistics, figures, quotes, factual
claims - should be backed with proper references in the form of footnotes.

D. Legal and Logical Relevance:

Ensure that the article is legally and logically sound. Relevance does not mean that the article
has to be in accordance with your view on a topic. The reasoning may be unpopular as long as
it is not absurd or illogical. Ensure that legal provisions quoted are not erroneous.

E. Segmentation:

Ensure that headings and sub-headings are used. Wherever a segment exceeds 300 words,
make a new heading/sub heading. Ensure that a paragraph within a segment does not exceed
4-6 sentences.

F. Deletion and Addition:

Delete repetitive points written in different words over and over again. Write some more relevant
points, if you deem necessary. However, in making these additions, maintain the fine line
between an editor and an author.

G. Sentence Structure and Length:

Ensure that sentences are written in active voice as far as practicable. No sentence should be
longer than 25 words. Split longer sentences into shorter ones.

Important Caveat:

It is extremely important to remember that your job is not to rewrite the entire article just
because you feel it can be written in better words. You must not let the writer within you
overpower the editor. Your primary - and only - job is to refine, polish and fine tune what the
author wants to convey. The author's words might not always be the best, but if they are doing
the job of conveying his/her thoughts clearly, you do not need to superimpose.

In case of any confusion, please reach out to your Content Managers or to me.

Samiksha Gupta.

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