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Causes and Restoration of Degraded Alpine Grassland in Northern Tibet

Article in Journal of Resources and Ecology · March 2013

DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2013.01.006


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8 authors, including:

Zhenxi Shen Jian Tao

Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Shandong Technology and Business University


Jianshuang Wu
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences


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March, 2013 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.4 No.1
J. Resour. Ecol. 2013 4 (1) 043-049

Causes and Restoration of Degraded Alpine Grassland in

Northern Tibet

WANG Jingsheng1, ZHANG Xianzhou1*, CHEN Baoxiong1, SHI Peili1, ZHANG Junlong2, SHEN Zhenxi1, TAO Jian1
and WU Jianshuang1

1 Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS,
Beijing 100101, China;
2 School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China.

Abstract: Grassland in northern Tibet plays an important role in the eco-security of the Qinghai-Tibet
Plateau and the restoration of deserted and degraded grassland is now a focus for governments. We
used remote sensing, simulations and field surveys to analyze the current status, trends and causes of
grassland degradation across northern Tibet. We develop several recovery models for degraded grassland
based on field experiments in the region. We found that slightly degraded grassland covers 62% and
that moderate to severely degraded grassland occupied 15.1% in the Chang Tang Plateau. The amount
of degraded alpine steppe increased from 1991, and the amount of area classified as severely degraded
increased sharply from 2000. The cause of degraded steppe in northwestern Tibet may be the result of
warming and an arid climate; the cause of severe degradation in mid and eastern regions was mainly from
overgrazing. Three restoration models are proposed for different levels of degradation: “enclosures” for
slightly degraded areas, “enclosures with fertilization” for moderately degraded areas, and “enclosure
with oversowing and fertilization” for severely degraded areas.

Key words: Chang Tang Plateau; steppe degradation; driving force; restoration models; grassland.

grassland degradation has accelerated and desertification

1 Introduction
now affects some areas (Mao et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2007;
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, or so-called ‘Roof of the World’, Shao et al. 2008).
covers 2.5 million km 2, equal to around one quarter of The Chang Tang Plateau is a high altitude area undergoing
China’s terrestrial area. It is considered a “Startup Region” increasing grassland degradation and desertification. There is
and “Ecological Source” of climate change, and the “River a real risk of grasslands in the area evolving into secondary
Source” for Asia. The Plateau plays an important role bare land or “black soil patches” resulting in a loss of soil
in regional ecological security and ecological buffering. and biodiversity, a source of sandstorms. Further, grassland
Tibet forms the main component of the Qinghai-Tibet degradation may negatively impact the function of grasslands
Plateau, especially northern Tibet including Ali and Nagchu and this may become a threat to sustainable development
prefectures. and social stability. It is therefore necessary to establish and
Due to long-term livestock overgrazing and climate run a synthetic management system for degraded grassland
change in the area, the entirely grassland ecosystem is facing ecosystems.
worsening degradation (Cai et al. 2007; Li and Liu 2005,
2007). The alpine steppe climate is frigid and dry in northern 2 Data and methodology
Tibet; alpine ecosystems are fragile and thus productivity is Data was sourced from Advanced Very High Resolution
low. With global warming and increasing grazing intensity, Radiometer remote sensing and analyzed using GIS.

Received: 2012-08-13 Accepted: 2012-11-19

Foundation: The Key Technologies Research and Development Program of China (2011BAC09B03), Strategic Priority Research Program of
Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDA05060700), and the ‘Western Light’ talents training program of Chiese Academy of Sciecnes.
* Corresponding author: ZHANG Xianzhou. Email:
44 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.4 No.1, 2013
80°E 85°E 90°E




Fig. 1 Change in vegetation

in northern Tibet between
1982 and 2006. Blue indicates
vegetation improvement, and

0 75 150 300 450 600
km orange represents vegetation
85°E 90°E 95°E degradation.

A vegetation-climate model and CASA (Carnegie- in northern Tibet are very sensitive and fragile to climate
Ames-Stanford Approach) model was used to simulate change and human disturbance.
productivity data (Wang et al. 2008, 2010). Meteorological
3.1 Degraded alpine steppe in northern Tibet
data was from the National Meteorological Administration.
Field confirmation data for the model simulations was from Changes in vegetation coverage in northern Tibet calculated
the Lhasa Plateau Ecosystem Research Station, Institute from AVHRR remote sensing data from 1982–2006 ate
of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, shown in Table 1. The total area of degraded steppe is
Chinese Academy of Sciences) from 2006–2010. All 77.1%, with 62% of slight degradation, 14.1% moderate
statistical analyses were conducted in SPSS 16.0 and Excel degradation and 1% severe degradation. The results are
and plotted using Origin 8.0. much higher than estimates published in the “Project of
Returning Cropping Land to Forage Land”, which estimated
3 Results 47.8% and 36.4% of degraded steppe in Nagchu and Ali
The Chang Tang Plateau (including Nagchu and Ali prefectures respectively. The area of slightly, moderately
prefectures with an average elevation over 4500 m) in and severely degraded steppe increased sharply from
northern Tibet covers about 600 000 km 2, 480 000 km 2 1991, and that of severe degraded steppe increased form
of which is grassland (60% of the natural grassland area 2000 (Table 1). Gao’s estimation in Nagchu prefecture is
in Tibet) (Gao et al. 2010). The grassland is composed of consistent with the present study (Gao et al. 2005, 2007a,
alpine meadow, alpine steppe and alpine desert. Owing to 2007b). Slight degradation has occurred in the western
its high altitude, frigid and arid features, alpine ecosystems Chang Tang Plateau (including Ritog, Gerze and Geji

Table 1 Temporal trends in steppe degradation in northern Tibet.

1982–1990 1991–2000 2001–2006
Degradation degree
Area (km2) Ratio (%) Area (km2) Ratio (%) Area (km2) Ratio (%)
Non-degradation 283 904 35.7 — — 116 672 22.9
Slight degradation 333 824 63.8 343 680 56.1 445 312 62.0
Moderate degradation 1024 0.5 274 944 43.8 54 848 14.1
Severe degradation 64 0.0 192 0.09 1984 1.0

Table 2 Spatial pattern of degraded steppe (2001–2006).

West region Middle region East region
Area (km2) Rate (%) Area (km2) Rate (%) Area (km2) Rate (%)
Non-degradation 36 416 16.4 56 832 18.4 23 424 27.0
Slight degradation 179 968 82.1 213 376 68.9 51 968 51.9
Moderate degradation 3840 1.5 27 392 12.6 23 616 19.5
Severe degradation 0 0.0 128 0.2 1856 1.6
WANG Jingsheng, et al.: Causes and Restoration of Degraded Alpine Grassland in Northern Tibet 45
Counties), and moderately and severely degraded steppe Vegetation and climate model simulations show temporal
is found in the central (including Baingoin, Nyima and change in net primary productivity (Fig. 3). The potential
Shenzha Counties) and eastern regions (including Amdo, NPP is in a continuous rising state, with a yearly increasing
Damxung, Nagchu, Sog, Chali, Nyainrong, Baqen and Biru rate of 0.07 t ha-1 before 1985 and 0.17 t ha-1 after 1985.
Counties) (Fig. 1 and Table 2). In general, the degree of Current mean simulated annual NPP is 2.87 t ha -1 y -1,
steppe degradation worsened from west to east, areas of 22.1% higher than that 50 years ago. With climate change,
slight degradation decreased, and moderate and severely the potential NPP rate of increase in the central, eastern
degraded areas increased. and western regions of northern Tibet are 0.55, 0.51 and
0.21 t ha-1 y-1, respectively. This result shows that climate
3.2 Causes of steppe degradation
change improves general productivity across the Chang
3.2.1 The effect of climate change Tang Plateau and this is an indicator of the recovering
From 1955 to 2004, significant warming occurred alpine steppe (Sheng et al. 2008). However, the simulation
across northern Tibet. Generally, air temperature in the outcome from the CASA model (Yang and Piao 2006) for
region increased by 1.4˚C. The long term mean annual the actual NPP decreased from 1985 to 1995, despite an
temperatures are 0.17˚C (western region), –0.6˚C (central increasing potential NPP for the same period. This indicates
region) and –2.13˚C (eastern region). Annual precipitation that the grassland in Chang Tang Plateau was degraded and
showed an opposite trend from 1955 to 2004, with annual may have resulted from overgrazing from 1985 to 1995.
mean precipitation of 425.4 mm in the east, 306.6 mm in the Although NPP has been increasing in recent years, it is still
central region and 119.3 in the west. There is an increasing below historical levels (Zhao et al. 2009).
trend of precipitation in the eastern and central regions, but
3.2.2 Carrying capacity and overgrazing
no change in the western region (Fig. 2).
The grazing season in northern Tibet is divided into a warm
and cold period. The warm period lasts for 150 days, with
2.0 Eastern part
Middle part
average dietary fresh forage needs of 4 kg fresh grass.
Western part The cold period covers 215 days, with dietary dry grass
of 1 kg. According to the rate of fresh grass to dry grass
of 1:3, one sheep can eat 415 kg dry grass per year (Tibet
Autonomous Land Management Bureau, Tibet Autonomous
Temperature (˚C)

-0.5 Animal Husbandry Bureau 1994). In northern Tibet the

-1.0 mean maximum potential NPP is 2.77 t ha-1 y-1 (Wang et al.
-1.5 2010). The ratio of aboveground biomass to underground
-2.0 biomass is 8.5%–13.2%, using the experiment rate value
-2.5 result of 8.9% in this study, potential NPP can be calculated
-3.0 as 246.5 kg (dry grass) ha -1 y -1. Grassland degradation
-3.5 grazing experiments conducted at the Haibei Grassland
-4.0 Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences show that a 45%
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 grass grazing level in both periods is the best level to avoid

600 Comprehensive Model NPP

Eastern part
550 Middle part CASA Model NPP
Western part Trendline
450 3.0
400 2.8
Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm)

300 2.6
150 2.2
50 2.0

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1975 1980 1985
Year Year
Fig. 2 Annual precipitation and annual mean temperature Fig. 3 Simulation of potential and actual NPP of grassland
during the growing period from 1955 to 2004. ecosystems in the Chang Tang Plateau (Wang et al . 2010).
46 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.4 No.1, 2013

grassland degradation in Qinghai Province. “Black soil condition of livestock overloading.

type” degraded grassland manual vegetation plantation and
3.3 Patterns of degraded steppe and recovery
usage indicates that grassland grazing usage in the warm
stage and cold period should remain between 40%–60% 3.3.1 Grazing enclosures for the recovery of slightly
and 70%–90% respectively as this is the best level to degraded steppe
avoid grassland degradation. The available technology of Slightly degraded grassland can be used for moderate
“Grassland Rotational Grazing Technology Standards” grazing after two years of grazing exclosure, after which
introduced by the Grassland Research Institute, Chinese it fully recovers and can be used for normal grazing. The
Academy of Agriculture Sciences regulates the reasonable enclosure experiment in Cuoma village in Amdo County
use ratio of forage grass at 45%–75%. The forage grass use showed that the number of species in the community
ratio used in the grassland resources inventory by the Tibet decreased by 13.8%, but the abundance of dominant
Autonomous Region is 40%–70% (Tibet Autonomous Land species increased by 25.4%. The total grass coverage in the
Management Bureau 1994). Our study takes the best grass enclosure sample site increased from 3% in the first year to
usage ratio as 60%. The theoretical maximum husbandry 5% after two years of enclosure (Table 4).
capacity of the Chang Tang Plateau is one sheep unit for 2.81 There was little difference in the aboveground biomass
ha grassland, or 0.356 sheep unit for 1 ha. between one year of enclosure and the control at the
We used a vegetation-climate model to simulate NPP, beginning of the growing season (about 1.45 g m-2 each).
and integrated the data above to calculate the theoretical As the growing season approached the aboveground
livestock capacity of the classic grassland farming county. biomass in enclosure plots increased by 205.34% (38.18
We then compared actual livestock investigated by the g m -2), though the non-enclosure aboveground biomass
county government. The results show that northern Tibet is increased by 121.70% (31.90 g m -2), the non-enclosure
overloaded with livestock, and only Gaize County can hold aboveground biomass rate of increase is much smaller than
another 52.79×104 sheep units. However, Gaize County that in the enclosure. This pattern may result from livestock
possess a very large area, more than half of its area is not grazing and trampling. At the end of the growing season
used by people at all, and it is the equivalent of 101.15×104 in September, the aboveground biomass in the enclosure
sheep units grazing on the 300×104 ha of grassland and a decreased by 16.46% to 31.90 g m-2, but the non-enclosure
severe livestock overload situation. In severely overloaded reduced by 7.65% to 22.46 g m -2 . The aboveground
counties including Nagchu and Dangxiong County, biomass in the enclosure was 1.43 times as much as that not
the rate of overloading is more than 200% (Table 3). enclosed. Enclosure significantly improved aboveground
Because Nagchu County is the capital of Nagchu District biomass. After two years of grassland enclosure, grass
and Dangxiong County is the main source of animal biomass increased continuously from July to September.
husbandry products to Lhasa, the two counties are relatively This phenomenon is related to the grassland population
economically developed. Gar County is the capital of Ali type. The one-year enclosure was dominated by herbs,
District and the rate of overloaded husbandry is 112.18%. while the two-year enclosure changed as grasses dominated
The climate of Gar is very dry and the environment is very by Stipa sp. and Festuca ovina of Gramineae. The total
fragile which means the ecological capacity is extremely biomass two-year enclosure plots are 1.29 times greater
small, and livestock overloading is much more serious here than for non-enclosures (Table 5).
than in Nagchu and Dangxiong Counties. In general, the The underground biomass in northern Tibet presents
degree of economic development and grassland livestock a “T” distribution with the depth of the soil. With most
overloading are closely connected in northern Tibet: root biomass distributed in soil depth from 0 to 10 cm,
the more economically developed, the more serious the and decreasing sharply in deeper soil (Table 5). Field

Table 3 Theoretical and actual husbandry capacity of northern Tibet.

Simulation NPP Simulation grass Theoretical Actual husbandry Overload Rate of overload
(dry weight) Area (dry weight) husbandry capacity capacity husbandry husbandry
(104 hm2) (t) (104) (104) (104) (%)
(t hm-2)
Sog 0.4764 41.93 11.99 28.88 62.48 33.60 116.34
Nagchu 0.3730 134.5 30.10 72.54 229.57 157.03 216.48
Amdo 0.3629 216.33 47.11 113.51 192.01 78.50 69.16
Shenzha 0.3022 177.06 32.11 77.37 89.36 11.99 15.49
Baingoin 0.2798 219.46 36.84 88.77 156.51 67.74 76.31
Gar 0.0899 112.38 5.05 12.17 27.04 14.87 122.18
Gerze 0.2112 620.58 65.54 157.94 105.15 –52.79 –33.42
Damxung 0.4663 62.48 17.48 42.12 128.58 86.46 205.26
Sum 0.3202(mean) 1584.72 246.22 593.30 990.70 397.40 66.98
WANG Jingsheng, et al.: Causes and Restoration of Degraded Alpine Grassland in Northern Tibet 47
Table 4 Steppe community characteristics of enclosure in different years.
Years of Field investigation Abundance Total coverage
Community type Dominant species Dominance
enclosure date (%) (%)
Forb rangeland One year 2008-07-02 19 Potentilla fruticosa, 30.49 9±4.03
enclosured Leontopodium stracheyi
2008-07-21 18 Oxytropis sp., 25.22 23±3.51
Carex spp., 15.94 15.70
Potentilla fruticosa
2008-08-31 17 Oxytropis sp., 29.25 16.57 17±3
Festuca ovina
C.K. 2008-07-02 21 Potentilla fruticosa, Festuca 26.34 16.98 10±3.96
2008-07-21 24 Potentilla fruticosa, 29.25 17.91 12±1.53
Leontopodium stracheyi
2008-08-31 21 Anemone protracta 33.42 17±1.15
Grass rangeland Two year 2008-07-04 20 Stipa purpurea 47.72 36±9.18
enclosured 2008-07-21 17 Stipa purpurea 38.92 38±7.21
2008-08-31 21 Stipa purpurea 36.07 37±3.06
C.K. 2008-07-04 22 Stipa purpurea 31.88 30±5.29
2008-07-21 20 Stipa purpurea 32.26 34±8.72
2008-08-31 22 Stipa purpurea 49 32±2.08

Table 5 Distribution of biomass in enclosure plots in different years (g m-2).

Underground productivity in depth Above ground productivity
Years of enclosure
0–10cm 10–20cm 20–30cm July August September
Enclosure for one year 171.22 (75.02%) 42.14%–18.46% 14.86 (6.51%) 12.51 38.18 31.9
C.K. 124.73 (69.33%) 38.55 (21.43%) 16.64 (9.25%) 10.97 24.32 22.46
Enclosure for two years 531.35 (71.67%) 136.40 (18.40%) 73.61 (9.93%) 42.43 54.08 89.67
C.K. 427.02 (68.34%) 140.79 (22.53%) 57.00 (9.12%) 36.23 44.51 63.29
Note: numbers in parentheses are the ratio to the total aboveground biomass.

investigation showed a great amount of root biomass in biomass) after fertilizer application. However, for grazing
the surface layer. The root biomass in one-year enclosure pastures, nitrogen fertilization only distinctly reduced
plots was 1.31 times as much as that of non-enclosures. the height and coverage of forage (Fig. 4), but somehow
The ratio was 1.19 between two-year enclosure to non- increased productivity. The different proportion of
enclosure plots. In addition, the ratios of belowground to nitrogen and phosphate in mixed fertilizer will affect grass
aboveground were 11.94, 13.02, 8.30 and 9.34 in one-year population characteristics, for example: the yield of 66.8 g
enclosure, non-enclosure, two years enclosure and two m-2 in 10 g N m-2 fertilization is less than 79.6 g m-2 in 5 g N
years non-enclosure, respectively. The ratio of belowground m-2 treatment. The effect of mixed fertilization with nitrogen
to aboveground decreased in enclosure plots in contrast to and phosphate is better than that when using nitrogen only.
non-enclosure plots (Table 5). In this experiment, canopy height and yield of forage were
highest under mixed fertilization of 5 g N + 5g P m-2. The
3.3.2 Enclosures with fertilization for the recovery of
average height and yield was 51 mm and 119.6 g m-2, 2.3
moderately degraded steppe
times as much as the yield from the control treatment.
In northern Tibet the model of “Enclosure with fertilization” For the enclosure grassland, fertilization induced higher
is usually used in the recovery of moderately degraded height and yield of forage grass. The average height and
grassland. The key technology is to apply fertilizer to the yield of grass under the 5 g N + 5 g P m-2 treatment reached
degraded grassland: 210 kg ha-1 diammonium phosphate 70 mm 188 g m-2, 2.2–2.3 times as much as the yield of the
(DAP) and 10.5 kg ha-1 urea. After fertilization, grazing is control treatment (Fig. 5).
strictly prohibited during the rainy season from late June to In general, mixed fertilization with nitrogen and
early July. For steppe dominated by Stipa sp., a fertilization phosphorous will produce higher yields in steppe meadows
dose of 105 kg ha-1 of urea can be used. dominated by Stipa purpurea in northern Tibet, such as a
The steppe meadow dominated by Stipa purpurea, 5 g N + 5 g P m-2 treatment. Fertilizing enclosure and non-
increased height, coverage and productivity (aboveground enclosure grasslands saw the yield of forage grass when
48 Journal of Resources and Ecology Vol.4 No.1, 2013

48 Height (mm) Aboveground biomass

46 Coverage (%) Underground biomass
120 500
44 Aboveground biomass (g m-2) Biomass
40 100 400
mm, %


g m-2

g m-2
30 200
28 60
26 100
22 40 0
CK 5gN 10gN 5N5P 10N5P CK 5gN 10gN 5N5P 10N5P
N & P addition N & P addition
Fig. 4 The effect of fertilization on natural grassland in Fig. 6 Biomass outputs from the fertilization experiment in
Cuoma, Amdo County. Bangai, Amdo County.

Table 6 The effect of enclosure with oversowing and
Height (mm)
200 fertilization on aboveground biomass.
80 Coverage (%)
Aboveground biomass (g m-2)
180 Biomass in Biomass in Relative Absolute
CK (g m-2) oversowing (g m-2) increase increase
160 984.4 2625.7 166% 1641.3
mm, %

g m-2

120 3.3.3 Enclosures with oversowing and fertilization for the
recovery of severely degraded steppe
20 100
10 Severely degraded steppe comprising bare land on the
80 Chang Tang Plateau requires enclosures with oversowing
CK 5g N 10g N 5N5P 10N5P and fertilization in order to recover. After shallow ploughing
N & P addition bare land, 60 kg ha -1 mixed seeds of Elymus nutans,
Fig. 5 The effect of fertilization on enclosure grassland in Puccinellia tenuiflora and Poa crymophila at a ratio of 30
Cuoma, Amdo County. : 5 : 1 in the enclosure; 75 kg ha-1 of DAP and 30 kg ha-1
of urea was used as the base fertilizer. Using this method
fertilized using 5 g N + 5 g P m-2 rise 2.2–2.3 times that of aboveground biomass increased by 166.7% compared with
the control, and 3.7 times that of the non-enclosure and non- a control after two years. Biomass resulting from this model
fertilization treatment. was 2.7 times higher compared to the control treatment
The vegetation at the Bangai experiment site in Amdo (Table 6).
County is Kobresia pymaea-dominated alpine meadow (Fig.
6). After adding nitrogen fertilizer only, the total biomass, 4 Conclusions
aboveground biomass and underground biomass sharply Slightly degraded steppe is mainly distributed in the
declined. In the 5g N m-2 plot, total biomass decreased by northwestern Chang Tang Plateau, covering 62% of
54.9%, with the aboveground and underground biomass the total grassland area. The rate of steppe degradation
decreasing by 35.4% and 57.2%, respectively. After has slowed since 2000. The majority of moderately and
increasing fertilization levels to 10 g N m-2, total biomass severely degraded steppe is found in the mid-southern and
of grass increased little in contrast to that obtained from southeastern Chang Tang Plateau. The area of moderately
the 5 g N m-2 fertilization level. However, the biomass of and severely degraded steppe is expanding.
Kobresia pymaea meadows increased dramatically after Over the last 50 years, the temperature across northern
using mixed nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer. The effect Tibet has increased by 1.4˚C, and precipitation rose by
of fertilization with 10 g N + 5 g P m-2 was better than that 75–115 mm in the eastern and central regions (no obvious
of 5 g N + 5 g P m-2. The biomass resulting from mixed change in the west). An expansion of degraded grassland
fertilization increased by 24% than that in control plots, in the west was mainly due to warm and dry climate
in which aboveground biomass increased by 164.8%; change and overgrazing. Although the trend of warming
however, underground biomass part still decreased by 4.7%. and increasing humidity in the central and eastern regions
This indicates that mixed nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer is beneficial to grassland productivity, overstocking of
induced increases in yield of Kobresia pymaea meadow husbandry animals and overgrazing are driving moderate
grass in northern Tibet. and severe degradation in northern Tibet (Wang 2010).
WANG Jingsheng, et al.: Causes and Restoration of Degraded Alpine Grassland in Northern Tibet 49
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王景升1,张宪洲1,陈宝雄1,石培礼1,张俊龙2,沈振西1,陶 建1,武建双1

1 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101;

2 中国人民大学 环境学院,北京 100872

摘 要:藏北高寒草地系统生态脆弱且区位重要,草地退化和沙化的治理是目前学者们重点关注的领域之一。本文采用遥


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