Chapter4 Group1

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Presentation of Data: Demographics

Chart 1. Distribution of Respondents According to Age

The data shown in the chart above presents the age of the students. The number of 13

years old pupils who responded to the survey is 20%, 24.6% 14 years old, 27.7% 15 years old,

and 21.5% 16 years old. 6.7% of the respondents are 17 years old respondents with a total of 65

Chart 2. Distribution of Respondents According to Grade Level

The data shown in the chart above presents the grade level of the students. The number of

grade 7 pupils who responded to the survey is 7.7%, with 27.7% in Grade 8, and 21.5% in Grade

9. 23% of the respondents may be less than in Grade 10. 43.1% of the respondents with a total of

128 respondents.

Chart 3. Distribution of Respondents According to Grade Level

Chart 3 shows the percentage of the male and female respondents. The majority of the

students who answered were female, with 58.5% of the results equaling 65 responses. Chart 3
shows the percentage of the male and female respondents. The majority of the students who

answered were female, with 58.5% of the results equaling 65 responses.

Presentation of Data: Responses

The Western beauty standards F X FX Mean Verbal Interpretation

have influenced my body image
and self-esteem at a young age.

Strongly Agree 17 4 68
Agree 31 3 31
Disagree 12 2 24
Strongly Disagree 5 1 5
65 128 1.96 Agree

As shown in table 1, there are 31 Respondents who Agrees that they with the statement

“The Western beauty standards have influenced my body image and self-esteem at a young

age”.There are 12 Respondents who disagree and 5 Respondents who Strongly Disagree with the

statement. Since the total weighted mean is 1.96, it shows that collectively, the respondents

Agree that Western Beauty standards have influenced there body image and self-esteem at a

young age.

The Western beauty standards F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

have influenced my interests,
hobbies, and career aspirations.

Strongly Agree 12 4 48
Agree 30 3 90
Disagree 18 2 36
Strongly Disagree 5 1 5
65 179 2.75 Agree

As shown in table 2, there are 30 respondents who Agrees that they with the statement

“The Western beauty standards have influenced my interests, hobbies, and career aspirations”.

There are 18 respondents who Disagree and 5 Who Strongly Disagree with the statement. Since

the total weighted mean is 2.75, it shows that collectively, the respondents Agree that the western

beauty standards have influenced their interests, hobbies, and career aspirations.

I think social media and peer F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

pressure have played in shaping
my life through the perceptions
of beauty
Strongly Agree 27 4 84
Agree 28 3 108
Disagree 8 2 16
Strongly Disagree 2 1 2
65 210 3.23 Agree

As shown in table 3, There are 28 respondents who Agrees that with the statement “I

think social media and peer pressure have played in shaping my life through the perceptions of

beauty.” There are 8 respondents who Disagree and 2 who Strongly Disagree with the statement.

Since the total weighted mean is 3.23, it show that collectively, the respondents Agree that they

think social media and peer pressure have played in shaping my life through the perceptions of


I have pursued a particular F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

interest or activity because it was
associated with Western beauty
Strongly Agree 10 4 40
Agree 24 3 72
Disagree 26 2 52
Strongly Disagree 5 1 5
65 165 2.6 Disagree

As shown in table 4, there are 24 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “I have

pursued a particular interest or activity because it was associated with Western beauty

standards.” There are 26 Respondents who disagree and 5 who Strongly Disagrees with the

statement. since the total weighted mean is 2.6, it shows that collectively, the respondents

Disagree that they have pursued a particular interest or activity because it was associated with

western beauty standards.

I believe Western beauty F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

standards have influence societal
standards for mostly women's
interests and hobbies.
Strongly Agree 25 4 100
Agree 36 3 108
Disagree 2 2 4
Strongly Disagree 2 1 2
65 214 3.29 Agree

As shown in table 5, There are 36 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “I believe

Western beauty standards have influence societal standards for mostly women's interests and

hobbies.” There are 2 who Disagree and 2 who Strongly Disagree with the statement. Since the
total weighted mean is 3.29, it shows that collectively, the respondents Agrees that they believe

western beauty standards have influenced societal standards for mostly women’s interests and


My daily habits are shaped by the F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

influence of Western Beauty and
its media, as they impact the
person I am striving to become.
Strongly Agree 8 4 32

Agree 24 3 72

Disagree 28 2 56

Strongly Disagree 5 1 5

65 165 2.53 Disagree

As shown in table 6, There are 24 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “My daily

habits are shaped by the influence of Western Beauty and its media, as they impact the person I

am striving to become.” There are 28 who Disagrees And 5 who Strongly Disagrees with the

statement. Since the total weighted mean is 2.53, It shows collectively, the respondents

Disagrees that their daily habits are shaped by the influence of Western Beauty and its media, as

they impact the person they are striving to become.

I spend too time on social media F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

looking at certain individuals
whom have the Western beauty
standards and often compare
myself to these type of people.
Strongly Agree 16 4 64

Agree 16 3 48

Disagree 22 2 44

Strongly Disagree 11 1 11

65 167 2.56 Disagree

As shown in table 7, there are 16 Respondents who Strongly Agrees with the statement “I

spend too time on social media looking at certain individuals whom have the Western beauty

standards and often compare myself to these type of people.” There are 22 who Disagrees and 11

who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 2.56, shows

collectively, the respondents Disagrees that they spend too much time on social media looking at

certain individuals whom have the Western Beauty standards and often compare themselves to

these type of people.

I often watch and look at Western F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

Beauty content (eg. Beauty vlogs
and Fashion Pinterest)
Strongly Agree 9 4 36

Agree 21 3 63

Disagree 24 2 48

Strongly Disagree 11 1 11

65 158 2.43 Disagree

As shown in Table 8, there are 24 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “ I often

watch and look at Western Beauty content (eg. Beauty vlogs and Fashion Pinterest)” There are
24 who Disagree and 11 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. since the total weighted

mean is 2.43, shows collectively , the respondents Disagrees that they Often Watch and look at

Western Beauty content ( eg. Beauty Vlogs and Fashion Pinterest)

I often feel pressure to achieve the F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

Western beauty standards in my
daily life.
Strongly Agree 12 4 48

Agree 26 3 78

Disagree 15 2 30

Strongly Disagree 12 1 12

65 168 2.58 Agree

As shown in table 9, there are 26 respondents who Agrees with the statement “ I often

feel pressure to achieve the Western beauty standards in my daily life.” There are 15 who

Disagrees and 12 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is

2.58, shows collectively, the respondents Agrees that they often feel Pressure to achieve the

Western Beauty standards in there daily life

I may have noticed any changes in F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

my daily habits as a result of
increased awareness and critique of
Western beauty standards.
Strongly Agree 8 4 32

Agree 29 3 87
Disagree 18 2 36

Strongly Disagree 10 1 10

65 165 2.53 Agree

As shown in table 10, There are 29 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “ I may

have noticed any changes in my daily habits as a result of increased awareness and critique of

Western beauty standards.” There are 18 who Disagrees and 10 who Strongly Disagrees with the

statement. Since the total weighted mean is 2.53, shows collectively, the respondents Agrees that

they may have noticed any changes in there daily habits as a result of increased awareness and

critique of Western Beauty standards.

Western beauty standards have F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

influenced my lifestyle choices,
such as clothing style, hair, and
Strongly Agree 15 4 60

Agree 34 3 102

Disagree 10 2 20

Strongly Disagree 6 1 6

65 188 2.89 Agree

As shown in table 11, There are 34 Respondents who Agrees with the statement

“Western beauty standards have influenced my lifestyle choices, such as clothing style, hair, and

behavior.” There are 10 who Disagrees and 6 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since

the Total Weighted mean is 2.89, shows collectively, the Respondents Agree that Western
Beauty standards have influenced their lifestyle Choices, such as Clothing style, hair, and


I balance my personal preferences F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

with societal expectations of beauty
in my lifestyle.
Strongly Agree 12 4 48

Agree 34 3 102

Disagree 16 2 32

Strongly Disagree 3 1 3

65 185 2.84 Agree

As shown in Table 12, there are 34 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “I

balance my personal preferences with societal expectations of beauty in my lifestyle.” There are

16 who Disagree and 3 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total weighted

mean is 2.84, shows collectively , the respondents Agrees that they balance personal preferences

with societal expectations of beauty in lifestyle.

I adhere to certain beauty standards F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

because it is necessary for my self-
acceptance and self-esteem. (eg.
Fashion style and morning routine)
Strongly Agree 16 4 64

Agree 41 3 123

Disagree 9 2 18
Strongly Disagree 4 1 4

65 209 3.21 Agree

As shown in Table 13, there are 41 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “I adhere

to certain beauty standards because it is necessary for my self-acceptance and self-esteem. (eg.

Fashion style and morning routine).” There are 9 who Disagree and 4 who Strongly Disagrees

with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.21, shows collectively, the

respondents Agrees that they adhere to certain beauty standards because it is necessary for self-

acceptance and self-esteem. (eg. Fashion style and morning routine)

The negative effects of Western F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

Beauty standards, such as engaging
in unhealthy exercise habits,
avoiding social interactions, and
experiencing anxiety has been
incorporated in my lifestyle.
Strongly Agree 15 4 60

Agree 20 3 60

Disagree 20 2 40

Strongly Disagree 10 1 10

65 170 2.61 Agree

As shown in Table 14, there are 20 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “The

negative effects of Western Beauty standards, such as engaging in unhealthy exercise habits,

avoiding social interactions, and experiencing anxiety has been incorporated in my lifestyle.”
There are 20 who Disagree and 10 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total

weighted mean is 2.61, shows collectively, the respondents that the negative effects of Western

Beauty standards, such as engaging in unhealthy exercise habits, avoiding social interactions,

and experiencing anxiety has been an incorporated lifestyle for them.

The influence of Western beauty F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

standards has affected the way I
prioritize my wellness in my daily
Strongly Agree 16 4 64

Agree 41 3 123

Disagree 9 2 18

Strongly Disagree 4 1 4

65 209 3.21 Agree

As shown in Table 15, there are 29 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “The

influence of Western beauty standards has affected the way I prioritize my wellness in my daily

life.” There are 19 who Disagree and 8 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the

total weighted mean is 2.6, shows collectively, the respondents Agrees that the influence of

Western beauty standards has affected the way they prioritize their wellness in their daily life.

I engage in practices associated F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

with Western beauty standards,
such as avoiding certain foods.
Strongly Agree 6 4 24
Agree 18 3 54

Disagree 26 2 2

Strongly Disagree 15 1 15

65 145 2.23 Agree

As shown in table 16, there are 18 respondents who Agrees that they with the statement

“I engage in practices associated with Western beauty standards, such as avoiding certain foods.”

There are 26 respondents who Disagree and 15 Who Strongly Disagree with the statement.

Since the total weighted mean is 2.23, it show that collectively, the respondents Disagree that

they engage in practices associated with Western beauty standards, such as avoiding certain


Negative physical or psychological F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

consequences may have happen, I
once strived to meet Western
beauty standards through their
eating habit experience.
Strongly Agree 9 4 36

Agree 18 3 54

Disagree 26 2 52

Strongly Disagree 12 1 12

65 154 2.36 Disagree

As shown in table 17, There are 18 respondents who Agrees that with the statement

“Negative physical or psychological consequences may have happen, I once strived to meet
Western beauty standards through their eating habit experience.” There are 26 respondents who

Disagree and 12 who Strongly Disagree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is

2.36, it show that collectively, the respondents Disagree that negative physical or psychological

consequences may have happen, once strived to meet Western beauty standards through their

eating habit experience.

I once consumed foods or drinks F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

that are marketed as "low-fat,"
"sugar-free," or "diet" in an effort
to conform to Western beauty
standards rather than doing
physical exercises.
Strongly Agree 7 4 28

Agree 16 3 48

Disagree 27 2 54

Strongly Disagree 15 1 15

65 145 2.23 Disagree

As shown in table 18, there are 16 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “I once

consumed foods or drinks that are marketed as "low-fat," "sugar-free," or "diet" in an effort to

conform to Western beauty standards rather than doing physical exercises.” There are 27

Respondents who disagree and 15 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total

weighted mean is 2.23, it shows that collectively, the respondents Disagree that they once

consumed foods or drinks that are marketed as "low-fat," "sugar-free," or "diet" in an effort to

conform to Western beauty standards rather than doing physical exercises.

I’ve had specific foods that I F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation
associated with the pursuit of
Western beauty ideals.
Strongly Agree 7 4 28

Agree 24 3 72

Disagree 23 2 46

Strongly Disagree 11 1 11

65 157 2.41 Agree

As shown In table 19, There are 24 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “I’ve

had specific foods that I associated with the pursuit of Western beauty ideals.” There are 23 who

Disagree and 11 who Strongly Disagree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is

2.41, it shows that collectively, the respondents Agrees that they had specific foods that

associated with the pursuit of Western beauty ideals.

I have somewhat altered my diet to F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

achieve the Western beauty ideals.
Strongly Agree 7 4 28

Agree 24 3 72

Disagree 21 2 42

Strongly Disagree 13 1 13

65 155 2.28 Agree

As shown in table 20, There are 24 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “I have

somewhat altered my diet to achieve the Western beauty ideals.” There are 21 who Disagrees
And 13 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 2.38, It

shows collectively, the respondents Agrees that they have somewhat altered my diet to achieve

the Western beauty ideals.

Adolescents' peers influence their F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

perception of physical
attractiveness and beauty standards.
Strongly Agree 18 4 72

Agree 39 3 117

Disagree 6 2 12

Strongly Disagree 2 1 2

65 203 3.12 Agree

As shown in table 21, there are 18 Respondents who Strongly Agrees with the statement

“Adolescents' peers influence their perception of physical attractiveness and beauty standards.”

There are 6 who Disagrees and 2 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total

weighted mean is 3.12, shows collectively, the respondents Agrees that Adolescents' peers

influenced their perception of physical attractiveness and beauty standards.

Peer groups enforce certain beauty F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

ideals and create pressure to these
Strongly Agree 18 4 72

Agree 35 3 105

Disagree 10 2 20
Strongly Disagree 2 1 2

65 199 3.06 Agree

As shown in Table 22, there are 35 Respondents who Agrees with the statement “Peer

groups enforce certain beauty ideals and create pressure to these standards.” There are 10 who

Disagree and 2 who Strongly Disagrees with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is

3.06, shows collectively, the respondents Agrees that Peer groups enforced certain beauty ideals

and create pressure to these standards.

Social acceptance and popularity F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

within peer groups influences the
adolescent's perception of beauty.
Strongly Agree 26 4 104

Agree 28 3 84

Disagree 9 2 18

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1

65 207 3.18 Agree

As shown in Table 23, there are 28 respondents who agree with the statement “Social

acceptance and popularity within peer groups influences the adolescent's perception of beauty.”

as indicated in the table. There are 9 respondents who disagree and 1 respondent who strongly

agree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.18, it shows that collectively, the

respondents agree with “Social acceptance and popularity within peer groups influences the

adolescent's perception of beauty”.

Adolescents compare themselves to F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation
their peers in terms of physical
appearance and impacts this on
their self-esteem and body image.
Strongly Agree 24 4 96

Agree 36 3 108

Disagree 4 2 8

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1

65 213 3.27 Agree

As shown in Table 24, there are 36 respondents who agree with the statement

“Adolescents compare themselves to their peers in terms of physical appearance and impacts this

on their self-esteem and body image.” as indicated in the table. There are 4 respondents who

disagree and 1 respondent who strongly agree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean

is 3.27, it shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “Adolescents compare themselves

to their peers in terms of physical appearance and impacts this on their self-esteem and body


Peer relationships play a role in F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

shaping an adolescent’s beliefs
about the importance of physical
Strongly Agree 19 4 76

Agree 34 3 102

Disagree 9 2 18
Strongly Disagree 3 1 3

65 199 3.06 Agree

As shown in Table 25, there are 34 respondents who agree with the statement “Peer

relationships play a role in shaping an adolescent’s beliefs about the importance of physical

appearance.” as indicated in the table. There are 9 respondents who disagree and 3 respondents

who strongly agree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.0.6, it shows that

collectively, the respondents agree with “Peer relationships play a role in shaping an adolescent’s

beliefs about the importance of physical appearance”.

Social media affect an adolescent’s F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

perception of beauty and body
image once they’re exposed in the
Strongly Agree 33 4 132

Agree 26 3 78

Disagree 5 2 10

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1

65 221 3.4 Strongly Agree

As shown in Table 26, there are 26 respondents who agree with the statement “Social

media affect an adolescent’s perception of beauty and body image once they’re exposed in the

media.” as indicated in the table. There are 5 respondents who disagree and 1 respondent who

strongly disagree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.4, it shows that
collectively, the respondents strongly agree with “Social media affect an adolescent’s perception

of beauty and body image once they’re exposed in the media”.

The social media platforms actively F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

promote specific beauty ideals and
exert through ads/posts that
pressure myself to conform to these
Strongly Agree 24 4 96

Agree 28 3 84

Disagree 10 2 20

Strongly Disagree 3 1 3

65 203 3.12 Agree

As shown in Table 27, there are 28 respondents who agree with the statement “The social

media platforms actively promote specific beauty ideals and exert through ads/posts that pressure

myself to conform to these standards.” as indicated in the table. There are 10 respondents who

disagree and 3 respondents who strongly agree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean

is 3.12, it shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “the social media platforms

actively promote specific beauty ideals and exert through ads/posts that pressure myself to

conform to these standards”.

Filters and editing tools contribute F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

to an unrealistic standard of beauty
that can negatively impact an
adolescent’s self-esteem.
Strongly Agree 32 4 128

Agree 23 3 69

Disagree 7 2 14

Strongly Disagree 3 1 3

65 241 3.29 Strongly Agree

As shown in Table 28, there are 23 respondents who agree with the statement “Filters and

editing tools contribute to an unrealistic standard of beauty that can negatively impact an

adolescent’s self-esteem.” as indicated in the table. There are 7 respondents who disagree and 3

respondents who strongly agree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.29, it

shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “Filters and editing tools contribute to an

unrealistic standard of beauty that can negatively impact an adolescent’s self-esteem”.

The constant exposure to images of F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

“perfect” bodies and faces on social
media affect an adolescent’s
perception of their own appearance.
Strongly Agree 31 4 124

Agree 28 3 84

Disagree 5 2 10

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1

65 219 3.36 Strongly Agree

As shown in Table 29, there are 28 respondents who agree with the statement “The

constant exposure to images of “perfect” bodies and faces on social media affect an adolescent’s
perception of their own appearance.” as indicated in the table. There are 5respondents who

disagree and 1 respondent who strongly agree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean

is 3.36, it shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “The constant exposure to images

of “perfect” bodies and faces on social media affect an adolescent’s perception of their own


Influencers and celebrities build my F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

beliefs about beauty through their
physical appearance and the
portrayal of beauty standards they
Strongly Agree 24 4 96

Agree 24 3 72

Disagree 14 2 28

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1

65 221 3.4 Agree

As shown in Table 30, there are 24 respondents who agree with the statement

“Influencers and celebrities build my beliefs about beauty through their physical appearance and

the portrayal of beauty standards they show” as indicated in the table. There are 14 respondents

who disagree and 1 respondent who strongly agree with the statement. Since the total weighted

mean is 3.4, it shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “Influencers and celebrities

build my beliefs about beauty through their physical appearance and the portrayal of beauty

standards they show”.

An adolescent’s family’s beauty F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation
standards and beliefs about
physical appearance influence their
own perspective on beauty.
Strongly Agree 19 4 76

Agree 37 3 111

Disagree 6 2 12

Strongly Disagree 3 1 3

65 202 3.10 Agree

As shown in Table 31, there are 37 respondents who agree with the statement “An

adolescent’s family’s beauty standards and beliefs about physical appearance influence their own

perspective on beauty” as indicated in the table. There are 6 respondents who disagree and 3

respondents who strongly agree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.10, it

shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “An adolescent’s family’s beauty standards

and beliefs about physical appearance influence their own perspective on beauty”.

My parents of siblings causes my F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

own physical insecurities.
Strongly Agree 21 4 84

Agree 20 3 60

Disagree 16 2 32

Strongly Disagree 8 1 8

65 184 2.83 Strongly Agree

As shown in Table 32, there are 20 respondents who agree with the statement “My

parents of siblings causes my own physical insecurities” as indicated in the table. There are 16

respondents who disagree and 8 respondents who strongly agree with the statement. Since the

total weighted mean is 2.83, it shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “ My parents

of siblings causes my own physical insecurities”.

The family environment, including F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

the presence or absence of criticism
or praise related to physical
appearance, affect an adolescent’s
perspective on beauty.
Strongly Agree 20 4 80

Agree 36 3 60

Disagree 7 2 32

Strongly Disagree 2 1 3

65 175 2.69 Agree

As shown in Table 33, there are 36 respondents who agree with the statement “The

family environment, including the presence or absence of criticism or praise related to physical

appearance, affect an adolescent’s perspective on beauty” as indicated in the table. There are 7

respondents who disagree and 2 respondents who strongly agree with the statement. Since the

total weighted mean is 2.69, it shows that collectively, the respondents agree with “The family

environment, including the presence or absence of criticism or praise related to physical

appearance, affect an adolescent’s perspective on beauty”.

Generational differences in beliefs F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation
about beauty within a family’s
impact an adolescent's
understanding of beauty standards.
Strongly Agree 20 4 80

Agree 37 3 111

Disagree 6 2 12

Strongly Disagree 2 1 3

65 206 3.16 Agree

As shown in Table 34, there are 37 Respondents who Agrees with the statement

“Generational differences in beliefs about beauty within a family’s impact an adolescent's

understanding of beauty standards.” There are 6 who Disagree and 2 who Strongly Disagrees

with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.15, shows collectively, the respondents

Agrees that Generational differences in beliefs about beauty within a family’s impact an

adolescent's understanding of beauty standards.

Family values and attitudes towards F X FX Mean Verbal interpretation

physical appearance play in shaping
an adolescent's beliefs about the
importance of beauty and their
Strongly Agree 18 4 72

Agree 35 3 105

Disagree 10 2 20

Strongly Disagree 2 1 2
65 199 3.06 Agree

As shown in table 35, there are 31 Respondents who Agrees that they with the statement

“Family values and attitudes towards physical appearance play in shaping an adolescent's beliefs

about the importance of beauty and their insecurity.” There are 5 Respondents who disagree and

3 Respondents who Strongly Disagree with the statement. Since the total weighted mean is 3.23,

it shows that collectively, the respondents Agree that family values and attitudes towards

physical appearance play in shaping an adolescent's beliefs about the importance of beauty and

their insecurity.

Interpretation of Data

The influence of Western Beauty Standards to the respondents in terms of interest,

lifestyle, daily habits, and eating behaviours as well as the factors that influence the respondent’s

perception of beauty were obtained using the four-point Likert Scale Questionnaire with 4 =

Strongly Agree (SA), 3 = Agree (A ), 2 = Disagree (D) and 1 = Strongly Disagree (SD). The

respondents were asked to provide their opinion on 20 statements regarding their perceptions

towards the impact of Western Beauty Standards to the latter components.

No. Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 1.96 Agree

2 2.75 Agree

3 3.23 Agree

4 2.6 Disagree

5 3.29 Agree
The first set (A) elicited the respondent’s experiences when it comes to their personal

interests which may have been influenced by Western Beauty Standards as shown in Table. In

this set, the highest weighted mean, 3.29, is in Statement 5 which indicates that Western Beauty

Standards have influenced the standards of the society when it comes to women’s interests and

hobbies.25 out of 65 strongly agreed and 36 out of 65 agreed. This implies that the Western

Beauty Standards have embodied societal standards when it comes to people’s interests and

hobbies. On the other hand, the lowest weighted mean, 2.6, is in Statement 4 which states that

the respondents have pursued a particular interest inclined with Western Beauty Standards. 5 out

of 65 strongly disagreed while 26 out of 65 disagreed. This means that Western Beauty Standards

do not quite influence the pursuance of one’s interest.

No. Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 2.53 Disagree

2 2.56 Disagree

3 2.43 Disagree

4 2.58 Agree

5 2.53 Agree

The second set (B) evoked the respondent’s experiences when it comes to their daily

habits which may have been influenced by Western Beauty Standards as shown in Table. In this

set, the highest weighted mean, 2.58, is in Statement 5 which indicates that the respondent has

been experiencing changes in terms of daily habits due to the awareness of Western Beauty

Standards.8 out of 65 strongly agreed and 29 out of 65 agreed. This implies that awareness of

Western Beauty Standards may influence an individual’s daily habit. On the contrary, the lowest
weighted mean, 2.43, is in Statement 3 which states the fondness of the respondent’s in looking

out for Western Beauty Content. 11 out of 65 strongly disagreed while 24 out of 65

disagreed.This means that content about Western Beauty is not quite part of one’s daily habit.

No. Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 2.89 Agree

2 2.84 Agree

3 3.21 Agree

4 2.61 Agree

5 2.6 Disagree

The third set (C) elicited the respondent’s experiences in terms of their personal lifestyle

which may have been influenced by Western Beauty Standards as shown in Table. In this set, the

highest weighted mean, 3.21, is in Statement 3 which indicates that the respondent adheres to

certain measures (eg. Fashion style, morning routine) necessary for their self-acceptance and

esteem. 16 out of 65 strongly agreed and 41 out of 65 agreed. This suggests that an individual’s

self-esteem and acceptance can only be redeemed once they have achieved societal standards.On

the contrary, the lowest weighted mean, 2.6, is in Statement 3 which states that Western Beauty

Standards have influenced the way the respondent’s prioritise their personal wellness. 8 out of 65

strongly disagreed while 19 out of 65 disagreed. This implies that although Western Beauty

Standards may have affected people’s lifestyle in both negative and positive ways, it did not

particularly influence their priorities in life.

No. Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 2.23 Disagree

2 2.36 Disagree

3 2.23 Disagree

4 2.41 Disagree

5 2.38 Disagree

The fourth set (D) elicited the respondent’s experiences in terms of their personal eating

habits which may have been influenced by Western Beauty Standards as shown in Table. In this

set, the highest weighted mean, 2.41, is in Statement 4 which indicates that the respondent’s have

had specific meals in pursuit of Western Beauty Standards. 7 out of 65 strongly agreed and 27

out of 65 agreed. Every statement on the fourth set has a weighted mean below 2.61, this

suggests that Western Beauty Standards do not quite influence an individual’s eating behaviours

and habits.

No. Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 3.12 Agree

2 3.06 Agree

3 3.18 Agree

4 3.27 Agree

5 3.06 Agree

The first set (A) elicited the respondent’s perception towards beauty in terms of the

influence of peers as shown in Table. In this set, the highest weighted mean, 3.27, is in Statement

4 which indicates that adolescents often compare themselves to peers in terms of physical

appearance in which impacts their body image and self-esteem. 24 out of 65 strongly agreed and
36 out of 65 agreed. This suggests that an individual’s self-esteem and body image is influenced

by the comparison of physical appearances towards peers. On the contrary, the lowest weighted

mean, 3.06, is both in Statements 2 and 5 which states that peer groups enforce certain beauty

ideals and how it plays a role in shaping adolescents’ belief about the significance of physical

appearance. In statement 2, 2 out of 65 strongly disagreed while 10 out of 65 disagreed and in

Statement 5, 3 out of 65 strongly disagreed while 9 out of 65 disagreed.

No. Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 3.4 Agree

2 3.12 Agree

3 3.29 Agree

4 3.36 Agree

5 3.4 Agree

The second set (B) elicited the respondent’s perception towards beauty influenced by

social media as shown in Table.In this set, the highest weighted mean, 3.36, is in Statement 4

which indicates that self-perception in terms of appearance is affected by the constant exposure

of images of “perfect” bodies and faces seen on social media. 31 out of 65 strongly agreed and

28 out of 65 agreed. This implies that an individual’s body image or self-perception is influenced

by the constant exposure to content in which perceives beauty as something unattainable. On the

contrary, the lowest weighted mean, 3.12, is in Statement 2 which states that social media

platforms that actively promote beauty ideals pressure the respondent’s to conform to these

standards.1 out of 65 strongly disagreed while 10 out of 65 disagreed.

No. Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 3.10 Disagree

2 2.83 Disagree

3 2.69 Disagree

4 3.16 Agree

5 3.23 Agree

The third set (C) evoked the respondent’s perception towards beauty influenced by their

own family as shown in Table.In this set, the highest weighted mean, 3.23, is in Statement 5

which indicates that family values and attitudes towards physical appearance play a role in

shaping an adolescent’s belief in the significance of beauty and their insecurities. 26 out of 65

strongly agreed and 31 out of 65 agreed. This implies that an individual’s perception towards

beauty is shaped by their family’s values and beliefs. On the contrary, the lowest weighted mean,

2.69, is in Statement 3 which states the how the family environment or household influences the

respondent’s perception towards beauty. 2 out of 65 strongly disagreed while 7 out of 65


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