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Discrediting the Omegans In Front of the Syndicate by Lucus Louize

The Omegan parasites give away comparative advantage.

A. What I call comparative advantage is when two groups that are generally equal in
terms of man power, tactics, funds, etc etc are in conflict and one group has a slight edge
over the other.

B. I humbly believe the Alliance have the comparative advantage over the Omegans
because they can be discredited as parasites due to the nature of their operations of
infiltration of planets and controlling the military of the planets for their own ends like a
parasite controlling its host. This allows the Alliance the slight edge because the
Omegans do not want to be exposed as parasites to the planets they infiltrate, therefore
the Alliance can push harder than they could otherwise. (Please see ‘An Overview of the
Omegan Situation’ on the TerraKor Files site)

As stated above, the Alliance can push a little bit harder therefore having the edge against
the Omegans. Even more ironic, the Omegans chose planets with people that they could
emotionally manipulate in order to attack the Confederation, (please see ‘An Overview of
the Omegan Situation’) the weakness to exploit in this situation is that the Alliance could
manipulate the very same emotions of the people by demonstrating that they have been
manipulated by the Omegan parasites that have done evil things to them, therefore
turning the people against the Omegans.

This is very humorous, because it is the very thing the Omegans tried to do. The Alliance
can turn the Omegans very own system against them. Perhaps maybe similar to situation
in government where undercover Alliance operatives sabotaged then mocked a program
by the undercover Omegans so the Earth person leadership would cancel the project
(which is what happened please see ‘Project Terra Status Report: Section 3: Activities
and Policies’ from the TerraKor Files site) maybe the Alliance can mock the Omegans as
counterproductive parasites in front of the Syndicate, because the Omegans give away
comparative advantage and discredit themselves so the Syndicate can see the error in
investing in a situation comparable to investing in a company that discredits itself and
gives its competitors the edge. The end result is the Syndicate are funding financial
parasites that give their enemies the edge as they discredit themselves and therefore are a
losing investment. The empirical data demonstrates this because the Omegans have lost
control of Earth in about a fourth of the time compared to the Alliance being here. (Please
see ‘Arkay Questions & Answers 20131016 from the TerraKor site) The Omegans have
been here for over 200 years, the Alliance has been here since the 1950’s. The old adage
“You get what you pay for.” should apply to the Syndicate.

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