The Teacher and The School Curriculum Module 1

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Ince only major works of various famous scholar In the fed of {eric Studs. Compared to othe toealy publ textbooks irculum development doesnot nce secondary felerenene Ths book can ako sare a5 a tentbok or refrence or gredune easton ‘+ eamercentred. The: contents are easy to understand. To enkance ‘udents understanding of “cuncam “development, spproprate ities ar provided op students and wachers late te teres Spd principles to actual schol stanton tough ital rection ond ‘oseration. The aches sco allow students ta da ndependent tues ‘x workcolsboratvely with the cssmotes: ‘+ Deslned for OBE the contents nd aces ae carefully selected to help ‘dents n various Teacher Eaveation neon stn specie sanders and competencies ofthe Teacher Edeation Carrum preserbed bythe ‘Comminton on Higher edvesion nthe Philipines. ‘As 1 wat witing this book I remembered many gid students whom | ‘oul stil imagine how they reacted on diferent creo dens shored ding ‘ur coffee sessions | hope that through thir book, our critical daloeve wil amtnue sn eu passion for studying curs wil row stronger May thisbookbe a Besing tal CHAPTER 1 UNDERSTANDING CURRICULUM anette mre san ee ttre nde ‘once ke era, tp ot craic funda ‘nc culm cnceptny nhs capt Yousheuld be se os 1 define curren 2. ana the tee peso cucu; 3. dics diferent curl foundations; and 4 docs erent crichn conceptions Definitions of Curriculum A clear understanding of what curiam helps scholars and stents in Lunorstanding the curcauen as» dy eld fn edutaton. Rell (2000) opined ‘that people tak about write about late for, each sourseson and tate eet ‘ur hence is importar to ave a cone explanation of what cram detnation ofthe term curetum To aah rdsu atc these defnitors would ‘beamaniveendeeversincathere are mor than eleven sdved books wren about ‘iriculum Schuber, 1880) resented tisbook ae st few dein proved ‘by Savor (983), Beauchamp (1902), schubere 1986, Caner (985) Phar (1295), Pose (195), Marsh (200) Oa (205), torn (2006), a Rel (208), song + Guclm a tof subjects. This dfinton suggest that cuca the“permanent or thetrastonalsbjectsofsredintheschoclcurctum such as Mathematics, Language, Slence Muse, At, an others + Curiam a learing exerenes. Ths deiition Includes student? furiclr and cocursarscvides andthe learning expetences they ‘encounter reuse the school. This aafion nudes te laden {tric or those things laroed by the students se a rau of the "perience nthe schoo with the peers, schoolmates, teaches school Sa oth ales they name om asco rego shor. bcldes ‘+ Cuca as intended learning outcomes. This dtr inches tof leaming competencies or standard tat students show learn schol + Curcaum a8 plomed leoming experiences. This inchides documents "Sperlving contents, objectives, gonerl eas of what student should + ameter adpine. caresunss csne hatom pices, 1+ Gurcuan os contnt or subjet mote. This defeiton views cucu a8 Seis of topls under cach subject ar, important that ericulim workers have «commen understanding of what ‘uric Their personal defini fears deine the uric product {thathey wll produce Many crriclam projects fl nd man cic researches Sppear vague because ofan unclear understanding ofthe hald of curiam, Besides this only ew prope are expr in curcurn ses expec the Pippin, ‘who may be conse rearing these project and reearches ‘tity 1__Wte persona definition ef curculum. Explain the deisiton, Different Types of Curriculum Several cuiulum scholars (se Glathor, Soschee, and Whitehead, 2006; in 1983; Tanner ona Tanner, 2007 eked ine typer of cuistm n tel bok ‘depending on how curt sured in various eater Recommended Curis. Ths eer wha scholars propose st ‘the most appropriate cru fr the learners For example, erent Profesional ocanizaions or various programs of sty In ilerent Univestes may propose "urs nnounton or ateratve ci Content arrest fer rosearhes eae ecmmende carom yao devo a an sera respons tovati carter poems a Gato Boston, td weet oe tied sera interes at sem tpn hayes nahn ceo rset hee oes ao the potessonal nsooeuce moun Se Scene Curchm snore rca poesinal orton ewan efter reconmaned carta Mary hes uta sonra ‘tconmandedby anna ris av acne ste cent cate ‘SScumcuom Sarre pws tate eer on teks te ‘Seren nine onthe Serpents mwas sone fas ‘Actviny2._srowse the rternat chick smn examples an ea curtcla sugested by profesional ergantatone Ut down the samples etow + Intended, offi, or Written Caren. Tis veers to the offic rel embodied In approved sate curelum gules (clathorn, Bosch. and Whitehead, 2005) Tes the curieulum presrted by the from diferent government agendas: the. Dopartvent of Edveaton {ep the Commision on High: sducaton (CHED), and the Tecnica Education and Sits Development Author (TESDA) trampler th ype = The indergarten Cueaum Standards = ED curren for General Education (Memorandum Order No, 20 Serae of 012) ‘Achley3.—_‘Thinkabout ths: What are the Benes nd possible pis of having , note curiculum preserved all shoo? ‘Achieved Curiclum or teamed Cursum: The eters toe reut fthe ‘arcu or what stents actualy lesmed nsec (rn, 1999) The ‘schools ar sucessful atainingthevrcurielum goslsand sbjocve ‘+ Tested cureuum. This sa set of arin that aceon teacher made tlassoom tess, curclum fered tests, and in standardized test, (Glatorn,Boschee, ard WhiteNead, 005) ‘+ Exelement cate. refers to what the people or the general socety ‘lev the learners should expect to earn nthe eatin! system fo them te become good members ofthe sce + Supported Curilum. This fers othe cuir that i rected on and shaped bythe resources seated to support or delve’ the ole ‘hrc. (latthorn,Soschee, and Whitehend 006) +» Mull censored Cureuum. Ths refers to various curl content {opis that mst rot be taupt to the sent tanner 8 Tanner 2007) ‘AetvtyS._Prvide an example of lor censored criclum. +> implemented Curiulum. This type of cares refer tthe actus — eo. Implementation of the currelum oc what tachare in the schoo! each Iman cass teachers mod and improve tar curiealrm Dazed On| the needs ofthe students oF whenever there se new ear In various ‘Ascpines that te important to teach to the taco hese em “mong faculty members in cllege may aio nvence how professors lon Shdimploment their cours. ‘Aetvty 4. Osu th les of teachers and other curicusm workers in ensuing the sucess ofthe implemanted cram + Mddencuriculum. This refers o various skis, Knowledge, and atiudes, {hat students lam in school a sre of ther interaction with tet ‘dens staf andfacaty members. Atbough the hidden curiam ot actualy taught In formal clseoom lering tls trve tha the iden ciel can be a prouct ofthe students schooling. Te hen “urulumis very powerful deveping the schoo! care (Prin, 198) ‘atvty 6. _Provide an example of hidden curclam. Curriculum Foundations Curcuum development scholars the Tr (1949), Toba (1962), Ener (1985), Saylor Alsandey andes (1081), Print (1099, Sewel 1996) and Tanner ane anne (2007 generat dented tree categories of sources for ers foundations (2) studs of earners and learing theory psycholoy: (2) Susie fie socolog and insole a) ss of tare ad no te en) ferent cartclum conceptions anh deveoping carl, Peyholoy a8» dipline dase about understanding human behavior; hence, iis mportann euicalum development eroding to Pit (3053), pyhology ca [wowde information nf important aes “eaching metiods 5. tvaluton procedures Meanie, studies about he society and cultre—socolagy and anthopoloey, reepecelyafect al crim procesrerSomell (1998) pointed ov thot towledge aboutthe society ands cultures mporantinclecting the contort of te Ur. provides ear understanding of te content in which the curl \sdevped. Studes about the socety and cure help curiam workers In education in gener Cre On the ether hand itnophy a» foundation nels crcl workers in \ederstaning the nature af nowlee fd what sects rtp avo woth ‘i very Important In mating SeslonsSbout te cones of the curl. ‘rte ani {99} meron at cso pes crm moter ‘ceatrs whe rmcnort for bond ses and sk, chor determing he seals of edeation, the content ands organization and he teaching an laring Curriculum Conceptions Curcatamwrkrsove rer des shot curum matersncuriai deveopment proce They have erent pots ef ew aba cares ‘ence gouh of what scored sho scent ed how urea ‘hou desgne or conte. ose xan the praetor cero conceptos ce 200, Ener (83) nd (199) Kane Sturm conception 1. endemic natenalst Conception ~ cone 2 the lest mong the ‘Sram conepons hares the imputance ‘ferent bodes o ‘owes tnown acpi rte ara ae fcaro teuriesu 2. Cog rocesiesoneption suas develops repre of copes {tate sppeale tse rng fc problans The abet stars ‘ecient ros or devon these ogni ta re sig 2 Muni Conception ~ sess the es ta can ection an ‘rumen or Seong the fl oral st dwn secs Ye hap ‘Mawdios dscover nd dewap te unque Werte sees Th ‘culm sou caren the cd snares fdas 4 sutnconrctent Content he cong ee ‘ieren net ue ble and Sande ste at “ee 5 Teco Coneption = recep with the dvtopment of mesh o {chr coral o ection goa ews saci a crpr ase ‘hatcanbe naan iat contuent componct, dete conception ~ wre cura werters Hd themes sping ‘ha ee wt wo or or anu cance Henao crea ‘Sree retrs th ees necaum deve tat ach fe ‘Sno canto stbe cole anasto tan eet Acsity7. famine a philosophy of a garsculr curicuum. Anat what Elements of a Curriculum In gener a curiclum has four important elements. These eloments mst be resent in al eurelum dcaments or batore document on be ead crcl, These four elements are curicum Ine, content, learning experiences, and ere Cartan Seren 4G intent ste erm use by Pit (1993) to mean the diction that ‘riclum developers wish to take a ecu of paripaingin the sures Inches the aims, goal, and objctines ound any cram documents + Aims ~ are the broad statement of cl or edstonal expectations. ‘Aims inde what is hoped to be achieved by the entire cris, Goals ~ are statements mare specie thin aims. Goals are general “atemenis of what concepts, sly and values shouldbe leaned inthe + Objectives oespnefcleamingoutomes. Objectives ince whatspecie ‘concepts, sll, and vales shou be learned by the student Usual objectives ae used ia mating decions or planing su insracton, ‘Actty 8. Slecr schoo provide emmple fhe flowing cucu ntent, ard ana the eatin curren etnvity (continue Gariakmeaae Curiam Objectives: “These tpi are based onthe crc intnts, Contents may cute values, ‘concepts of ahi tht ae important forthe lanes oar 2. Leoming xoeriences—ncude al ntraciona strotegies tat we wet forthe Implementation of the curelam. These may eppea inthe form of sete, Strateges, methods, or approaches tht are ef implementing the ‘rium ori teachin the coment. ‘Activty 9. Provide examples of cris content and earing experiences rominethetreatinship. _———— ‘Content [tearing peronces 3. Brtion = inhues the deren ways an oe wed for esting whether ‘F not the curcuumintnts were realzed. Easton toc ate soe used {0 evaluate the performance ofthe lamers ater they hove undergone the ‘ral, ‘Activity 30. Anais examples of curicaum evaluation tcl. Ermine how the ‘rauation instruments measure the sucers ofthe eure 4 what uric competencies and performance standards ee evaluated? 2. What forms of evaluation tok ae wie? Aetitey10.__(contoved) 3. Wow often docs he shoo) evalate the cue? 4 Wow does the school evaluates hidden curs’? 5. What decisions and actons are made ater geting the results of the iat (2962) observed hata cui, no mater what desen they have, ae camporad cartan element ‘+ Acuriclum wualy contin a tatement of sms and spel ebjecives + enaeates some section and rganiation of content. + tether imps or manists certain pattern of letning ad teaching. whether Because the objectives demand them ar Reese the content ‘Srzanzation eques them. 1+ tincudes a proyram of evaluation ofthe outcomes. Understanding the diferent elements of curcilum wil hep cures workers especie teachers designing currstum ann anaying the ferent Circlom mater tat sre ore to cohc one student, ‘sellin appreciating curiam sts a. IN ANUTSHELI Reflections on Understanding Curriculun ‘he st chapter introduced. erent concepts that every profesiong ‘iriclam wore should know about curiclu. Undersanting tee eee are in the fla of education, ‘curriculamean be deined = Setotcontents = © Setotiesming experiences = Planned content = _ Setofleaming outcomes Ther are ferent ype of ear: = tesiedcurtcun ~ _Entlement cura = Mllorcersredcuriclum = Supported curiclum arm celopment i infuenead by vious scam fds that = Parhologystudes abou the leaner and learing theories) Philosophy (tudes onthe nate an value of knowledge) = _Socoloy (suas on culture, sce and aman setter) There are diferent ypes of ercshm conception = cogntve processes = Mamante = Technolog! = taetie “Thre are four elements of curicuam = content

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