Philosophy.2nd - Quarter.long Test

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MAYOR PRAXEDES P. VILLANUEVA II MHS _______________________10.

This refers to
BAIS CITY the person being accountable for his or her
LONG TEST actions and their consequences.
II. Tue or False
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is wrong.
Name: ________________________________________
Grade/Section: ______________________________ _________11. Man has the natural tendency to
Score: ________________________________________ establish relationships with other people.
_________12. We are primarily aware of
I. Identification
people as objects and not as persons.
A. Put a check beside the number of the _________13. The views and ideas of other
statement which shows responsible use of people, as well as social context, do not
freedom. Write your answers before each item. influence our behaviour as individuals.
_________14. Intersubjectivity refers to shared
_______1. Instead of spending her excess awareness and understanding among people.
allowance on a new pair shoes, Reyna decides _________15. “Seeming” refers to the capacity
to open a bank account and start saving up for of individuals to engage in genuine interaction
her future. with others.
_________16. An Authentic relationship is
_______2. Despite the threats made oh his life,
possible only if individuals acknowledge each
the witness decided to come forward and
other’s presence as persons.
divulge important information regarding the
_________17. Availability refers to the
crime witnessed.
willingness of a person to make himself or
_______3. A woman used the Internet to herself available for another.
humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading lewd _________18. All humans find it difficult to
photos of him on social media. have meaning relationships with others.
_________19. Empathy requires an individual
_______4. Despite knowing that many of his to accept the other as a thinking, feeling
clients were poor desperate, a money lender person.
continues to impose very high interest rate on _________20. Ethics of care believes that
loans. persons help one another because of their
selfish interests.
_______5. A businessman did not accept a
high-paying position in an overseas firm and
III. Matching Type
decided to start his own business and spend
A. Determine which form of society is referred
more time with his family.
to by the following statement. Write the letter of
B. Identify the following. Write your answer on your answer before each item.
the space provided before each item. A. Hunting and gathering system
B. Pastoral society
______________________6. This is the ability C. Horticulture society
to make choices and perform actions and is an D. Agrarian or agricultural society
intrinsic and essential property of the human E. Feudal society
person. F. Industrial society
G. Post-industrial society
______________________7. This is freedom
from any physical restraint.
______21. This society is based on knowledge,
______________________8. This is the
information, and the sale services.
freedom of choice.
______22. This society is based on the
______________________9. This is the ability
ownership of land.
to act out of one’s own free will and self-
______23. The earliest and the simplest form
of society.
______24. This society features large-scale IV. Reflection (5 pts.)
and long term cultivation of crops and
domestication of animals. 1. Based on what you have learned about
______25. This society primarily relies on the happiness, suffering, death, and the meaning
domestication of animals and food. of life, give an advice to this person in his
______26. This society is generally small in situation.
size and is composed of families.
______27. This society uses machinery in Your best friend is dating a married man.
producing goods and services. Despite her/his family’s disapproval, she/he
______28. This society has given rise to the does not want to break up with him/her. She/he
virtual society. says that he/she is the only one who makes
______29. In this society, those who own land her very happy.
are considered most powerful and influential.
______30. This society engages in the small- Rubric:
scale cultivation of plants. Content 3 pts.
Mechanics 2 pts.
B. Match the following individuals with their Originality 1 pt.
corresponding philosophies. Write only the
letter of the correct answer before each item.

a. Thomas Hobbes
b. John Locke
c. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
____31. The state of nature was the state of
savagery and human life as he says is solitary,
poor, nasty, short and brutish.
____32. Humans are rational by nature, and
can by-and-large control themselves.
____33. Believes that individuals must
surrender a part of their freedom to the state or
____34. To prevent chaos, society, though
political and economic organization use the
force and coercion to hold society together.
____35. A society so united forms a single
body, a commonwealth, a leviathan.
____36. says that if the government fails to
fulfill the demand of the people the people have Prepared by: Quality Assured by:
the rights to revolt against the government.
____37. The state of nature is a state of perfect JHONABIE C. SULIGAN JUDELYN Z. ABUYABOR
Subject Teacher QA Coordinator
freedom and equality.
Approved by:
____38. Force has always played a decisive
role in the origin and the development of the SUNCHERIE D. BALDOSANO
state. School Head
____39. Humans are selfish by nature and
must be controlled.
____40. Humans are good and compassionate
by nature, but can be corrupted by civilization.

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