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Mount Olive Laymen’s Academy

“The School that Prepares Student for the Higher Course. . .”

P-4, Mt. Olive, Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur


“If any of lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given
him.” James 1:5


Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. What animal spoke to Baalam?

a. A. Sheep B. Donkey C. Goat D. Camel
2. Which strong man in the Bible slayed a lion and tore it into pieces with this bare hands?
a. A. Samuel B. Samson C. Solomon D. Simeon
3. What weapon did David use to fight Goliath?
a. A. Bow and arrow B. King Saul’s sword C. Spear D. A sling and 5 smooth stones
4. How long was Jonah in the belly of a huge fish?
a. A. 1 day and 1 night B. 3 days and 3 nights C. 7 days and 7 nights D. 40 days and 40 nights
5. Who did King Darius order to be thrown into a lion’s den?
a. A. Daniel B. Jonah C. Joseph D. Shadrach, Meshach, and


1. Who was Jacob’s twin brother?

a. A. Esau B. Isaac C. Abraham D. Joseph

2. Where did the slave traders take Joseph?

a. A. Egypt B. Midian C. Sinai D. Moab

3. Where did Moses escape to after killing an Egyptian?

a. A. Sinai B. Edom C. Moab D. Midian

4. What was the name of King David’s father?

a. A. Jethro B. Jesse C. Jesus D. Jehu

5. Where did Elijah challenge the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah?
a. A. Mount Carmel B. Mount Hermon C. Mount Sinai D. Mount of Olives


1. How long did Moses’ mother keep in him hidden before putting him in a basket in the Nile River?
a. A. 3 days B. 3 weeks C. 3 months D. 3 years

2. According to the book of Leviticus, in which year after the planting of a tree were the Israelites allowed to eat its
a. A. 1st B. 3rd C. 5th D. 7th

3. How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness before entering the Promised Land?
a. A. 4 B. 7 C. 40 D. 70

4. How many Israelite spies did Rahab hide in her house?

a. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

Subject Teacher | Mary Joy C. Atazar BIBLE 7

5. Gideon defeated the Midianites with how many men?
a. A. 300 B. 3,000 C. 30, 000 D. 300,000



PSALM 119:105



1. Which of Jacob’s wives died when giving birth his son Benjamin?
a. A. Leah B. Rachel C. Zilpah D. Bilhah

2. According to the book of Exodus, after buying a Hebrew servant, in which year must you let the servant go free?
a. A. 1st year B. 3rd year C. 5th year D. 7th year

3. Who betrayed Samson to the Philistine?

a. A. Dinah B. Delilah C. Deborah D. Dorcas

4. Which prophet did God instruct to marry a promiscuous woman?

a. A. Hosea B. Joel C. Amos D. Obadiah

5. Which King did God stir up to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple?
a. A. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon C. Artaxerxes king of Persia
b. B. Cyrus king of Persia D. Sennacherib king of Assyria


1. Name the place where Jesus walked on water?

a. A. Dead Sea B. Jordan River C. Red Sea D. Sea of Galilee

2. As Jesus was leaving Jericho he healed a blind beggar who was sitting by the roadside. What was his name?
a. A. Barnabas B. Balthasar C. Bartimaeus D. Bartholomew

3. Which apostle shared the Gospel with an Ethiopian official on the road to Gaza?
a. A. Paul B. Philip C. Peter D. Timothy

4. Who was chosen to replace Judas as the twelfth apostle?

a. A. Matthias B. Barnabas C. Paul D. Bartholomew

5. Who did God strike dead for lying to the Holy Spirit and keeping for themselves some of the money they
received for the sale of their property?
a. A. Boaz and Ruth B. Elkanah and Hannah C. Ananias & Sapphira D. Aquila and



Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement if false before the number.

______1. Matthias was appointed to replace Judas Iscariot as an Apostle. (Acts 1:26)
______2. Immanuel means: “The Lord is our rock”. (Matthew 1:23)

Subject Teacher | Mary Joy C. Atazar BIBLE 7

______3. Herodias’s daughter asked for Herod’s half of the kingdom, after she danced and pleased him. (Mark 6:25)
______4. Jesus said he would leave his peace with the disciples. (John 14:27)
______5. Joseph asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. (Mark 15:43)
______6. Ravens were sold in the temple when Jesus drove out the money-changers. (John 2:14)
______7. Peter’s handkerchiefs were able to heal the sick. (Acts 9:11-12)
______8. In the book of Revelation, a two-edged sword came out from Jesus’ mouth. (Revelation 1:16)
______9. The Ten Commandments were kept in the Ark of the Covenant. (Deuteronomy 10:5)
______10. An angel came to James late at night and helped him escape from prison. (Acts 12:7)


All answers are found in the book of Proverbs. Please read it!

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Lying lips are ________ to the LORD, but those who deal truthfully are His delight.
a. A. A sin B. A disgrace C. An abomination D. A transgression

2. Heaviness in the heart of man makes it stoop but a __________ makes it glad.
a. A. Kind deed B. Humorous story C. Gift D. Good word

3. Only by ______ comes contention but with the well advised is wisdom.
a. A. Pride B. Covetousness C. Envy D. Jealousy

4. He that walks with ________ shall be wise but a compassion of fools will be destroyed.
a. A. Teachers B. The Lord C. Friends D. Wise men

5. ______ mock at sin but among the upright there is favor.

a. A. Fools B. The wicked C. Atheists D. Youth

6. In all labor there is profit but _________ leads only to poverty.

a. A. Dishonesty B. The talk of the lips C. Laziness D. Dreaming

7. Righteousness exalts a ____________ but sin is a reproach to any people.

a. A. City B. None of the above C. Business D. Family

8. Withhold not __________ from the child for if you beat him with the rod, he shall not die.
a. A. Discipline B. Whippings C. Instruction D. Correction

9. Buy _______ and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
a. A. None of the above B. A servant C. A horse D. Land

10. The thought of _______ is sin and the scorner is an abomination to men.
a. A. Hatred B. Foolishness C. Pride D. Envy

Subject Teacher | Mary Joy C. Atazar BIBLE 7

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