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TCVN TIEU CHUAN QUOCGIA TCVN 9310-8:2012 ISO 8421-8:1990 Xuét ban lan 1 PHONG CHAY CHUA CHAY - TU VUNG PHAN 8: THUAT NGU’ CHUYEN DUNG CHO CHUA CHAY, CUU NAN VA XU’ LY VAT LIEU NGUY HIEM Fire protection — Vocabulary Part 8: Terms specific to fire-fighting, rescue services and handling hazardous materials HA NOI - 2012 TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 Muc luc ‘Trang 1 Pham vi ap dung... 2 Tailigu vin dn. 3. Thuat ngt va dinh nghia. 34 Té chive, phyong an diéu hanh, thdng tin lien lac 344 TS chore 312 Cac phyong én diéu hanh.... 34.3 Théng tin fién lac. 32 Xe, may ding cho chtra chéy va cu nan 3.3 Trang thiét bi 334 Trang bj bao vé ca nhan . 3.3.2 Thiét bj thé. 3.3.3 Trang thiét bj phat hién nguy hiém. 33.4 May bom 3.3.5 Voi chika chay .... 3.3.6 Ong nhénh va véi phun 3.3.7 Phy tung.. 3.3.8 Bot va thiét bj tao bot....... 33.9 Thang... 3.3.40 Thiét bi clu nan 3.3.11 Cac trang thiét bj khac 34 Cép nuéc.... 35 Cac phuong tién chira chay trong nha. TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 Loi néi dau TCVN 9310 -8 ; 2012 hoan toan tueng durong vii ISO 8421- 8: 1990. TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 duge chuy&n abi tiv TCXDVN 216 : 1998 (ISO 8421- 4: 1990) theo quy dinh tai khoan 1 Biéu 69 cia Luat Tiu chuan va Quy chudn ky thu&t va diém b) Khoan 1 Bidu 7 Nghj éinh 127/2007/ND-CP ngay 01/8/2007 cia Chinh phi quy dinh chi tiét thi hanh mét s6 didu cla Luat Tigu chudn va Quy chun kj thuat. BO TCVN 9310 duéi tiéu 8 chung Ia “Phéng chay chia chy - Tir vung" bao gdm nhieng phan sau: = TCVN 9310-3:2012 (ISO 8421-3:1989) Phan 3: Phat hign chay va bdo chy. — TCVN 9310-4:2012 (ISO 8421-4:1990) Phan 4 : Thiét bj ch(ra chay. — TCVN 9310-8:2012 (ISO 8421-8:1990) Phan 8: Thuat ngt chuyén dung cho chira chay, cru nan va xt ly vat ligu nguy hiém. B6 ISO 8421 Fire protection - Vocabulary, con c6 céc phan sau: - 180 8421-1:1987 Part 1: General terms and phenomena of fire. - 180 8421-2:1987 Part 2: Structural fire protection. = 180 8421-5:1988 Part §: Smoke control. - 180 8421-6:1987 Part 6: Evacuation and means of escape. - 180 8421-7:1987 Part 7: Explosion detection and suppression means. TCVN 9310 -8: 2012 do Vién Kién tric, Quy hoach Dé thj va Néng thén bién soan, BO Xay dyng dé nghi, Téng cyc Tiéu chudn - Do Iuéng - Chat lugng thm inh, B6 Khoa hoc va Céng nghé céng bé. TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 Phong chay chia chay - Te? vung Phan 8: Thuat ngi? chuyén diing cho chia chay, ctru nan va xt ly vat ligu nguy hiém Fire protection - Vocabulary Part 8: Terms specific to fire-fighting, rescue services and handling hazardous materials 4 Pham vi ap dyng Tiéu chu&n nay dua ra cdc thudt ngt chuyén ding cho phéng chay chiva chay, cu nan va xir Ij vat ligu nguy hiém. Cac thuat ngtr dugc xép theo thér ty chér cai tiéng Anh. 2 Tailigu vign din Cac tai lidu vign d&n sau r&t cn thiét khi ap dung tisu chun nay, Bdi véi cdc tai ligu vign dn c6 ghi nam céng bé thi 4p dung phién ban due néu. B6i véi cdc tai ligu vign d&n khéng ghi nam cong bé thi ap dung phién ban méi nhat, bao gém cd cdc sia ddi, bd sung (néu cd). TCVN 9310-3:2012 (ISO 8421-3:1989), Phong chdy chita chéy — Tir vung — Phan 3: Phat hién chdy va béo chéy. TCVN 9310 -4: 2012 (ISO 8421-4:1990) " , Phong chdy chia chay — Tir vyng - Phan 4: Thiét bj che ohdy. ISO 8421-1: 1987, Fire protection- Vocabulary— Part 1: General terms and phenomena (Phéng chéy chia chay — Tir vung ~ Phan 1: Cac thut ng chung va cdc hién tugng chéy). ISO 8421-2 : 1987, Fire protection - Vocabulary - Part 2: Structural fire protection (Phéng chéy chira chy - ~ Tir vung — Phin 2: Co edu phéng chéy chita chéy). 1SO 8421-5:1988, Fire protection - Vocabulary - Smoke control (Phong chéy chia chy — Tir vyng — Phan 5: Kiém soat khdi). 1) Ce TOWN sép ban hanh TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3 Thu§t ngi va dinh nghia 3.4 Téchiec, phuong an diéu hanh, théng tin lign lac 344 3444 Bao chay Xem 3.1.4, TCVN 9310-3: 2012 (ISO 8421-3) Té chive 3442 Thai gian 6 mat tal dam chay Khodng théi gian tiy khi nhan duge tin bdo chay ho&e trvéng hop khan c4p khdéc dén khi Ivo lugng, phuong tién chia chay 4&n dugc hién tredng. 344.3 Phiéu didu phéi Xem phiéu dy tru ( 344 Thap tap luyén Nha cao kidu thap chi yéu dug ding cho déi chia chay tp luyén va 48 phoi khd voi chia chay, 3415 Tin bao khan cdp Bao chay hoac cdc truéng hyp khdn c4p khéc ma 66i chita chéy nhan duge. 344.6 $6 may khdn cdp 86 dién thoai dac biét durgc ding dé lin lac voi tram dich vy c4p ctu. 344.7 Bao chay gia Vide goi khan cdp din ra khi khong 6 sy cb khan 6 3 Terms and definitions 34 Organization, communication 3.14 Organization 3444 operations and tactics, Alarm of fire Warning of a fire, originated by a person or by an automatic device (see ISO 8421-3) 344.2 Attendance time Lapsed time between receipt of a report of a fire or other emergency and the arrival of fire appliances at the scene (may be referred to as response time in North America) 34.4.3 Dispatch card See predetermined attendance card ( 3144 Drill tower Tower-like building primarily used for practicing fire brigade operations and for drying hose. 344.5 Emergency call Alarm of fire or other emergency received by the fire brigade 344.6 Emergency number Special telephone number used to make contact with an emergency service 344.7 False alarm Emergency call made when there is or was no cdp. CHU THICH : Xem thém thugt ng@, va 3418 Bao chay gid acy Bao chy gid phat ra do mét ngudi bidt 15 khong 06 sy 06 khan cdp. 344.9 Bao chay gia véi dung y tét Bao chay gid phat ra do mot ngudi vei dung y tét tin rang 06 chay hoc sy 6 khan cp. 344.40 Bao chay gia, do héng héc hé thong Bao chay gid do thiét bj héng héc phat ra. 340.11 Bao chay Xem bao chay ( BAZ di chira chay T chire gdm nhieng ngudi duge hudn luyén, ob phuong tién va thiét bj dé dap tat cdc dém chay va cac truéng hyp khan cp khac. 34413 Nhigm vy di chira chay Thuat ngir chung 48 chi cdc hoat dong cia adi chia chay c6 thé bao gdm ca viéc ciru nan (co thé ké c& cp ciru y 18), chra chéy, cfu nan va phong chéng chay. 34414 Gi chira chay tu nhan Oi chtra ch4y duge thanh lap va cp kinh phi trong khuén khé cia mét t8 chtrc 48 dam bao vise TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 emergency NOTE: See also terms 3.11.8,, and 3418 False alarm, malicious False alarm originated by a person knowing that there is or was no emergency. 34.1.9 False alarm with good intent False alarm originated by a person, with good intent, in the mistaken belief that there is or was a fire or other emergency False alarm, system failure False alarm originated by defective equipment 3444 Fie alarm See alarm of fre ( 34412 Fire brigade Organization with trained personnel, appliances and equipment for dealing with fires and other emergencies. 34113 Fire brigade responsibilities Generic term for the activities of a fire brigade which may embrace rescue (which may include paramedics), fire fighting, salvage and fire prevention 34414 Fire brigade, private Fire brigade established and financed within an organization to provide fire protection to its own 7 TCVN 9310 -8 ; 2012 phéng chay chia chéy d6i voi tai sin va con ngudi cia té chirc d6. 344.15 Gi chia chdy céng cong Di chia chay durge digu hanh bing quy ché, thyc hign viée chira chay, cru nan hodc cae céng viéc sy cb khan cp khdc va trong mét sé trudng hgp, thyc hign vige phéng chay véi cng ding. 34 D6i chira chay tai chd Xem doi chia chay tur nhan ( 16 3AAAT Goi bao chay Bao chéy do mot ngudi néi tryc tiép hoc goi dien thoai téi phéng didu khién cha chay, TCVN 9310-3: 2012(ISO 8421-3) BAA Phang canh sat phdng chaychiva chay Xem 66i chiva chay (31.1.12). 344.19 Nhan vién chira chay ‘Thanh vién tham giam@t c&ch chi: déng vao hoat ong ciia Abi chia chéy. 34.4.20 Nhan vign chira chay chuyén nghigp Ngudi cé nghé nghiép chinh la chia chay. 3.41.21 Nh&n vién chiva chdy khéng chuyén Nguai ma ngh8 nghigp chinh khéng phai la chtra chéy nhung duge lay lim nhan vién chira chay vao tig théi gian assets and personnel. 344.15 Fire brigade, public Fire brigade controlled by statute, which provides fire fighting, rescue, other emergency services and, in some circumstances, fire prevention services to a community BA116 Fire brigade, works See fire brigade, private ( 3AAAT Fire call Alarm of fire transmitted verbally or by telephone by a person to a fire service control room (see ISO 8421-3) 3.41.48 Fire department See fire brigade ( 3.14.19 Fire fighter Active participating member of a fire brigade 3.44.20 Fire fighter, full time Person whose main occupation is that of fire fighting 3.14.21 Fire fighter, part time Person whose main occupation is other than that of fire fighting but who is employed as a fire fighter on a parttime basis. 3.44.22 Nhan vién chika chay Ivu dung Xem nhan vién chia chéy khéng chuyén (3-1.1.20). 344.23 Nhan vién chira chay tinh nguyén Xem nhan vin chda chéy khong chuyén ( 344.24 Kho phuong tign chiva chay Tram chia chay khéng thudng xuyén cb nhan vién tryc (xem tram chira chéy 3.44.25 Tram chiva chay Téa nha danh cho nhan vién di chira chéy, 48 phuong tién, thiét bj ch(ra chaéy (xem kho phuong tign chira chay, 34.4.26 Bao chay so cdp Xem sy dy tri trang thiét bj ( 344.27 Can bé chi huy ‘Can b} chi huy mét tram chéra chay, phurong tién hoge cdc hoat dong & hién truéng 06 chay hoge 6 mét tinh trang khdn c&p khac. 3.44.28 Dy tra trang thiét bj $6 lugng va chiing loai trang thiét bj ma d6i chira chay dy kién trvéc dé dép Ging so b6 ban dau tinh trang khdn cp. 3.41.29 Bang dy tri trang thiét bj Bang ghi chi tiét cdc trang thiét bj duge dy tri trude. TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 3.41.22 Fire fighter, retained See fire fighter, part time ( Fire fighter, volunteer See fire fighter, part time ( 341.24 Fire house Fire station which is normally unstaffed (see also fire station, 3.44.25 Fire station Building housing fire brigade appliances, equipment and personnel (see also fire house 344.26 First alarm See predetermined attendance ( 344.27 Officer in charge Officer commanding a fire station, the appliance, or the operations at the scene of s fire or other emergency 3.44.28 Pre-determined attendance Number and type of appliances scheduled by the fire brigade to form the initial response to the emergency 3.11.29 Predetermined attendance card (instruction) Card detailing the predetermined attendance TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 ‘Thoi gian xudt xe Khoéng thdi gian tir khi nhan dug thang bao vé 4m chéy ho&c mét tinh trang kh&n cp khéc toi khi phuong tign chira ch4y rdi tram chiva chdy (xem thai gian c6 mat tai dam chay 341.31 ‘Thdi gian dap eng Xem thai gian o6 mat tai dam chay ( 3.14.32 Bang diéu hanh Xem bang dy tri trang thiét bi ( Cot tregt Cét cb dinh duge di vién chtra chay ding a8 tut xuéng nhanh tir nhimg t&ng trén cia tram chtra chay. 3.4.2 Cac phrong an didu hanh 34.24 pét chay chan Xem dam chay ch3n ( 34.22 Ngwi didu khién lang chira chay Nhan vin chia chay didu khién lang chtra chay. 34.23 Tram chi huy Xem sé chi huy ( 34.24 Bam chay lon Bam chéy trai réng, di chuy&n bao trim mét sé tda nha ho%e mét ving ring réng vugt qua chuéng ngai vat ty nhién hode nhan tao vi dy : 10 Response time Lapsed time between receipt of a report of a fire or other emergency and the fire Appliances leaving the fire station (see also attendance time, Response time (North America) See attendance time ( 3.44.32 Running card See predetermined attendance card instruction (see ing pole Fixed pole used by fire fighters for rapid descent from th upper floor of a fire station 3.1.2. Operations and tactics Back burn See counter fire (see 34.2.2 Branch man Fire fighter controlling a branch 34.23 Command post See control point ( Conflagration Fire of large extent with a moving front involving a number of buildings, or a large area of forest, which crosses a natural or man-made barrier, e.g. mOt con durong hoa mét déng nude). 34.25 Sé chi huy Vi tri dc bigt dug thiét lap 48 chi huy thyc hin phuong 4n chiva chdy tai hign truéng co sy cb lon, Dam chay chan Vigc gay ra mét dam chay duc kiém soat dé tao vanh dai ngan lira ( trén duéng di cla mét dam chy lén dang phat trién, thurdng [a trong vige chira chay ring. 3A.27 Lam wét ‘Sy lam wét can cb sau khi dam chay 44 durge dap tt 48 xir Ii cdc nguén chay Am 7, manh vun bj dét nong,v.v... 34.28 Khir 6 nhiém Vige loai trv hoge Khir toi mic an todn 6 nhiém héa chat ho&c ce 6 nhi&m khdc gay nguy higm cho nguai chira chay. 34.29 Vang kiém soat chay Ving lanh thé do mét agi chéra chéy hay mét tram chiva chay chiu tréch nhiém quan li, xem nhiém vy clia abi chia chay ( ‘Vanh dai ngan chay Vige tgo ra ving tréng trén dung i cia mot dam chay dang phat trién bang cach tao ra dam chay chan ho&e di chuyén nhién liu, hose lam uét nhién ligu chay. TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 a road or waterway 34.2.5 Controt point Specially marked position established for tactical ‘command at the scene of a major incident 34.26 Counter fire Practice of starting a controlled fire to create a fire break (see in the path of an advancing conflagration, usually in forest fire fighting 34.2.7 Damping down Wetting operations required after a fire has been extinguished, to deal with possible hidden ‘smouldering, hot debris, etc... 34.2.8 Decontamination Removal or reduction to a safe level of chemical or other contamination, to which a fire fighter has been exposed 34.2.9 Fire area Geographic area covered by a fire brigade or fire station and for which they are responsible (see fire brigade responsibilities, Fire break Practice of creating a sterile area in the path of an advancing fire by either counter firing, removal of fuel or wetting down of potential fuel "1 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 34.241 Chita chay ‘Tac déng thich hop dé dap tat dam chay. Vung ¢é chay Khu vyo ma trong 46 cae thao téc chia chay dang duge tién hanh. 34.213 Phang chay Cac bién phép dugc ap dung 62 dé phéng dam chay bing phat vayho&c han ché hau qua cla né (ISO 8421-1). BA214 Chita chay bang déng nuéc phun tia Xem tia phun ( 31.248 Chira chay bang cét nuée dac phun tia Xem tia phun ( 34.216 Tia phun Chat chira chay, thuong la née, di ra tir voi phun dui dang tia dic, byi nude hodc mang nude (song mi). 34.247 Tia née dic Tia phun ( ra cac tia nuéc o6 4p nhim tao dugc mot khodng chiva chay Ién nhat cd thé. Ngui diéu khién voi phun Xem ngudi didu khidn king chéra chay ( 12 34.214 Fire fighting Taking suitable action to extinguish a fire 34.242 Fire ground Area within which fire fighting operations are in progress 34.243 Fire prevention Measures taken to prevent the out-break of a fire and/or to limit its effect (see ISO 8421-1) BA244 Fire stream See jet ( 34.245 Fire stream, solid See jet, solid ( 34.246 Jet Extinguishing medium, usually water, leaving a nozzle as a solid jet, water spray, or water fog (mist) 34.247 Jet, solid Jet (see with almost parallel sides used to obtain the largest range of force possible 3A. Nozzle man ‘See branch man ( 18 34.219 Phuong an tac chién Vige sir dyng thich hop ngudi, phuong tin va thiét bj & vung 6 chdy hodc tai hién trrdng cia bat ki trvdng hop khan cdp nao. Phuong an chira chay Phuong an dug x4¢ dinh trrée dé trién khai Ong tac chira chay va céc hoat dong ciru nan tal cdc khu vc hod vi tri cy thé 34.2.2 Cieu nan Vige tién hanh cae bign phép thich hgp 48 di chuy&n nguéi ra khdi tinh trang nguy hi&m khi chia chay va cdc thao tac cp ctu khac. 34.2.2 Hai strc ‘Sy phyc hdi hoi thé va nhip dp tim ngu@i bi nan. 34.2.23, iru ho Tién hanh cdc bign phap thich hyp 48 giém nhe thigt hai xdy ra trong khi thao téc chia chy. 34.2.24 L6 théng khéi Tao ra cdc 18 mé trong tda nha 48 dé dang gidm khéi va khi néng trong qué trinh thao téc chia chy (ISO 8421-5). Mang née Nuéc duge phun ra tty voi phun, phan tén thanh tia nhé (suong mi) & ap lc cao a8 hdp thy nhiét nhanh, dy khéi di va gidm téi merc tdi thigu thiét TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 34.219 Operational tactics Appropriate application of personnel, appliance ‘and equipment on the fire ground or at the scene of any other emergency Predetermined fire plan Predetermined plan for fire fighting and rescue operations at specific properties or locations Rescue Taking appropriate measures for the removal of persons from dangerous situations during fire fighting and other emergency operations. Resuscitation Restoration of respiration and heart beat to a person, Salvage ‘Taking appropriate measures to mitigate damage cause during fire fighting operations. Smoke venting Practice of creating openings in a building to facilitate the relief of smoke and hot gases during fire fighting operations (see also ISO 8421-5) Water fog Water discharged from a nozzle in finely dispersed form (mist) at high pressure, used to rapidly absorb heat, eject smoke and minimize water 13 hai do nuée gay ra. Tiép nuéc bang bom ‘Sy van chuyén nude tir noi c4p nuée & xa t6i ving c6 chéy ( bang cdch dat c&c may bom trung gian trén vai chéra chay. 34.2.27 Tiép nuée tiv cdc xe ché nude ‘Sy van chuyén nude tir noi cp nude & xa dén ving 66 chay ( bang cdc xe ché nuée, 31.2.28 Byi noe Nuéc duge phun ra tir King chia chay & dang phan tan 48 dat duge sy dan trai ti da nude chira chay. 3.4.3 Théng tin lién tac 34.3.4 ‘Théng bao try giap Théng bao tir viing c6 chay 48 nghi géri them phuong tién, thidt bj ho&e ngudi téi noi cd chay hoc tdi noi kndn c4p khdc. B6 diéu khién Xem 3.2. Phong didu khién Phéng thudng xuyén o6 nhan vién tryc va durge trang bj day 44, nm trong khu nha cia don vj phéng chay chia chay. Tai dé ngudi ta nhan cdc cudc goi khan cdp va sau dé digu dong ngudi, phuong tign va thiét bj (xem TCVN 9310-3 : 2012 ISO 8421-3), 14 damage 34.2.26 Water relay, pumping ‘Transfer of water to the fire ground (see from a remote water supply by the interposing of intermediate pumps in the hose line 34.227 Water relay, shuttle Transport of water to the fire ground (see from a remote water supply using water tankers. Water spray Water discharged from a nozzle in dispersed form used to obtain maximum spread of the extinguishing medium 3.1.3 Communication Assistance message Message from the fire ground initiating the dispatch of additional appliances, equipment or personnel to a fire or other emergency 31.3.2 Control unit See 3.2. Control room Permanently staffed and fully equipped room in fire service premises in which emergency calls are received and subsequent action is taken to mobilize men, appliances and equipment (see ISO 8421-3) 34.3.4 Bam chay durge kiém soat Xem théng bao dizng ( 34.3.8 Bao tin Bao cdo tinh hinh kiém soat chay cho biét cdc chi tiét v8 bién cd vasho&c sy tién trién cla hoat dong chia chéy. 34.3.6 Bao chay thir cdp Xem théng bdo tre gitip ( 34.3.7 ‘Théng bao dieng Béo cdo cho biét dam chay 4 duge ng&n chan, Khéng ¢6 kha nang phat trién. 3.2. Xe, may diing cho chiva chy va cu nan 3.24 Thiét bj chika chay trén cao Thiét bi chiva chay c6 két hop véi thang ban xoay hoe san thiy Iyc. 3.22 Thiét bj canh béo bang 4m thanh di bao higu hodc cdi béo dong g4n vao thikt bj chika chay va phat ra Am thanh dé bdo rang day la xe di cou nan. 3.23 Xe phong chéng héa chat Xe chira chay cd mang theo nhigu dyng cy va quan do bao hé dé abi phd véi cdc sy cb do hoa chat gay ra, ké cd khi dOc,, TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 Fire under control See stop message ( 34.3.5 Informative message Situation report to fire control giving details of an ‘occurrence and/or the progress of operation 34.36 Second alarm See assistance message ( 34.3.7 Stop message Report indicating that a fire is extinguished to the degree that further spreading is not expected. 3.2 Vehicles for fire fighting and rescue services 324 Aerial appliance Fire appliance incorporating a turntable ladder or a hydraulic platform 3.2.2 Audible warning device Siren or Klaxon fitted to a fire appliance and ‘sounded to indicate that it is an emergency vehicle 3.23 Chemical incident unit Fire appliance which caries a wide range of equipment and protective clothing for dealing with chemical emergencies, including decontamination 15 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3.24 Xe chi huy Xe duge trang bj nhur mét phdng didu khién di déng dé can bé chi huy sir dyng trong cdc trong hep 66 bat ngé lin xay ra Xe duge trang bj cdc hé théng théng tin lign lac. 3.25 Xe khéng ché thiét hai Xe chika chay sir dung nhidu thiét bj 48 gidm téi mirc t6i thiéu hogc dé phéng cdc thiét hai do nude va thigt hai khéc gy ra trong khi thao tac chira chay, 3.26 Xe ding bgt chira chay khd Xe chia chy duge sty dung hoan toan ho&c phan Ién a8 ché va phun bét vao dm chay. 3.2.7 6té chira chay Xe chira chay mang nhiéu thiét bj chuyén ding aé sir dyng & noi 06 chdy hode & truéng hop khan cdp khac. 3.28 Xe chiva chay Xe duge ding ho&c durge trang bj cho myc dich chira chéy valhoge myc dich eu nan: 3.2.9 Thuyén chira chay Thuyén gan d6ng co dug trang bj bom va thiét bj khdc d8 chita chay hode ding trong cdc trréng hop khan cdp khac. 3.2.10 Tau kéo chira chay Tau kéo théng thuéng duge trang bi thém thiét bi chtra chay. 16 3.2.4 Control unit Fire appliance equipped as a mobile control room for use by the officer in charge at major incidents. Usually equipped with radio and other telecommunication systems. 3.2.5 Damage control tender (truck) Fire appliance which carries a wide range of equipment designed to minimize or prevent water and other damage occasioned during fire fighting operation. 3.26 Dry powder appliance Fire appliance wholly or mainly used to carry and apply powder to a fire. 3.2.7 Emergency tender (truck) Fire appliance which carries a wide range of special equipment for use at fires or other emergencies. 3.28 Fire appliance (apparatus, USA) Vehicle used or equipped for fire fighting or other emergencies, 3.2.9 Fire boat Motor vessel equipped with pumps and other equipment for fire fighting equipment. 3.2.40 Fire tug Standard tug boat which is additionally provided with fire fighting equipment. 3.2.41 Xe khém nghigm hign trudng chay Xe chira chay cé mang theo nhidu thiét bj duge sir dung dé x4c dinh nguyén nhan chay. 3.2.12 Xe ché chét tao bot chira chay Xe duge sir dung chi yéu 48 che chat tao bot dam dac va thiét bj, c6 thé phun bot tao ra lén dam cha. 3.2.13 Xe rai voi chira chay Xem xe ché voi (3.2.14). 3.2.14 Xe ché voi Xe dung 8 ché va rai voi chiva chay. 3.245 Toa ché voi Xem xe ché voi (3.2.14). 3.2.46 Mam quay thiy lye ‘Thiét bj chia chay c6 khép néi, van hanh bing thily lye, trén a6 ¢6 Ing hoc san va cb kha nding quay 360° 3.247 Dén higu ‘Dén mau nhdp nhay trén néc xe chika chay dé ra higu rang dé la 6té chia chay. 3.2.48 Xe bom Xem xe bom nuée chira chay (3.2.19). TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 3.2.44 Fire investigation unit Fire appliance which carries a wide range of equipment for the purpose of determining the cause of a fire. 3.2.42 Foam tender (truck) Fire appliance wholly or mainly used for carrying foam concentrate and equipment and capable of applying finished foam to a fire 3.2.43 Hose laying lorry See hose tender (3.2.14) 3.2.14 Hose tender Fire appliance used to carry and to lay out hoses. 3.245 Hose wagon See hose tender (3.2.14) 3.2.46 Hydraulic platform Fire appliance equipped with hydraulically operated articulating boom with a cage or platform at the upper level and capable of rotating through 360° 3.2.47 Identification lamp Coloured flashing light carried on top of a fire appliance to indicate that it is an emergency vehicle 3.2.48 Pumper See pumping appliance (3.2.19) 7 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3.2.19 Xe bom nwée chiva chay Xe chira chay duge trang bi may bom va thuéng 66 két nude, vdi chia chay, dau ndi va cdc thiét bi phy tro khdc kém theo 48 dap tat dam chay. 3.2.20 Xe cru nan Xem 6 t cha chay (3.2.7). 3.2.24 Xe ciru ho Xem xe khéng ché thiét hai (3.2.5). 3.2.22 Xe thang ban quay Xe chiva chay van hanh bang thiy Ive, cb kha nang quay 360° va ding cor hoc 48 van hanh céc oan thang von dai 3.3. Trang thiét bj 334 33.44 Trang bj bao vé cd nhan Quan 4o chju héa chat Quan do bao hé lam bang vat ligu chiu duge héa chat. Nat tai Nat hode nap bit tai 48 bao vé tai khdi tiéng dn. Bao vé tai Xem nit tai ( 18 3.219 Pumping appliance Fire appliance equipped with a pump and usually a water tank, hose, branches and other ancillary equipment required to extinguish fires. 3.2.20 Rescue tender (truck) ‘See emergency tender (truck) (3.2.7) 3.2.24 Salvage tender (truck) ‘See damage control tender (truck) (3.2.5) 3.2.22 Turntable ladder Fire appliance equipped with a mechanically operated sectional extending ladder, usually hydraulically operated, capable of rotating through 360° 3.3 Equipment 3.3.4 Personal protective equipment 3344 Chemical splash suit Protective overall made of chemically resistant material 3.34.2 Ear defenders Plugs or muffs designed to protect the ears from noise Ear protection See ear defenders ( 3.3.14 Riu cia nhan vin chira chay Riu nhé duge nhan vién chtra chdy mang & that lung Ung ciia nhdn vién chia chay Ung an toan khéng th4m nuéc, khéng lam phat sinh tia Ita 3.34.6 Gang tay cia nhan vién chiva chay Gang tay an toan duge thiét ké 48 chéng lai mot hoe nhidu méi nguy hiém (v1 DY: nhu dign, néa chat, nhiét...) Ma an toan cua nhdn vién chia chay MG bdo vé ma nhan vin chia chay di. B6 quan ao chéng khi (a9) BO do lidn quan kin khi ding k&t hgp hoe gn véi thiét bj thé duge thiét ké 48 mac trong mdi trvdng Khi 66 hai. Trang thiét bj phong h§ ca nhan Ao quan hoa thiét bi ding 48 bao vé nhan vién chira chéy khi tiép xtc voi vat ligu gay hei hoe méi nguy hiém khéc. 3.34.40 ‘That lung an toan That lung chuyén ding cd méc gilt, dugc nhan vign chia chay str dung nhu mét phurong tién an toan 8 48 phéng roi ngs. TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 Fire fighter’s axe Small axe carried by fire fighters on their belt Fire fighter’'s boots Waterproof safety boots which will not produce sparks. Fire fighter's gloves Safety gloves designed to counter one or more hazards, e.g. electrical, chemical, heat, etc. 3.34.7 Fire fighter’s helmet Protective headgear worn by fire fighters Gas protection suit One piece gas-tight suit, used in conjunction with or incorporating breathing apparatus, designed to be wom in a hostile atmosphere Personal protective equipment Material or device worn or used to protect the fire fighter from exposure or contact with any harmful material or hazard. 3.31.10 Safety belt Special belt, with a snap hook, used by a fire fighter as a safety measure to prevent falling 19 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3.34.44 B6 day treo an toan BO day treo chuyn diing cé méc gifr dugc nhan vién chia chay sir dyng nhur mét phuong tién an toan dé a8 phéng rai nga. 3.3.2 3.3.21 Thiét bj tho: Thiét bi kin ding khéng khi nén ho&e Oxy ding cho nhan vién chtra chay hoat dong trong méi tru@ng khéng ¢6 khong khi trong mét théi gi nhat dinh, Thiét bj tho Thiét bj the co lién lac Thiét bi thé chuyén dung 6 g4n phuong tién thong tin 48 lién lac gira nhn vin sir dyng thiét bj thé voi ngudi chi huy ai van hanh thiét bj thé. 33.2.3 Thiét bj thd ding khéng khi nén ‘Thidt bi thé ding khéng khi nén trong 66 khéng khi thé ra khéng duge ding Iai va viée cp khong khi duge digu chinh bdi yéu cu thé cia nguéi mang thiét bi. 3.3.24 Bang kidm soat thiét bj tho Bang trén 46 thé hign cdc nh&n higu ching nhan thiét bj thé va 48 ghi théng tin bd sung trén 46, chang han thdi gian st? dyng va vi tri cla ngudi eo thiét bj. Thudng 6 48 mét dng hd va thoi gian bidu lam vige. 33.2.5 Bang kiém soat thiét bj the giai doan 1 Bang kiém soat thiét bj thé dug ding khi chi cé mét diém vao nha va khi ¢6 khéng qué bén ngudi 20 3.34.11 Safety harness Special hamess with a snap hook, used by a fire fighter as a safety measure to prevent falling. 3.3.2 Breathing apparatus 3.3.24 Breathing apparatus. Self-contained apparatus, using compressed ait or oxygen, designed to allow a fire fighter to breathe in an otherwise non-respirable atmosphere for a limited period. Breathing apparatus communication set Standard breathing apparatus incorporating a means of communication between the breathing apparatus control personnel and the leader of the breathing apparatus team Breathing apparatus, compressed air Breathing apparatus, using compressed air, in which the expelled air is not re-used and the supply is governed by the wearer's breathing demand Breathing apparatus control board Display board comprising sections into which breathing apparatus identification tallies can be inserted and on which additional information, e.g. time due out and location of wearer can be recorded. Usually incorporating a clock and working duration tables. 3.3.25 Breathing apparatus control board, stage 1 Breathing apparatus control board used when there is not more than one entry point to a building mang thiét bi thé. Bang kidm soat thiét bj thé giai doan 2 Bang kiém soat thiét bj thé durgc ding khi cé hon mot diém vao nha hoe khi cé qué bén ngudi mang thiét bj nham diéu phéi va kiém soat hoat ng & dim cubi giai doan 1. 3.3.27 Nhan chieng nhan thiét bj the Thé kiém tra ca nhan tran 46 66 ghi tén ngudi mang, thai gian vao nha va 4p lyre xi lanh tai thoi idm 46; thé duge giti di cling v6i nhan vién kiém tra thiét bi the. Thiét bj thé ap Ive dong Thiét bi thé trong dé dp sudt khéng déi, vugt qua ap sudt khi quy€n, duge bao quan trong mat na. Day an toan ctia thiét bj tho Day phat sing duge ding dé gidp ngudi mang thiét bj thé tim thy duge duéng ra khdi méi trong day khéi. Day an toan thiét bj thé ca nhan ‘oan day ciia nhiing ngwei deo thiét bj thé mang theo va ho 6 thé mac né véi day an toan thiét bj thé nhw ld mot bign phap an toan bé sung, 33.244 Thiét bj the tuan hoan (cach ly) ‘Thiét bj the thudng dung dxy, trong dé khdng khi thé ra duge quay ving tré lai va viée cung 4p dug didu chinh theo mét tilé khong ai. TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 in use and when there are not more than four breathing apparatus wearers. Breathing apparatus control board, stage 2 Breathing apparatus control board used when there is more than one entry point to a building in use, or when more than four wearers are deployed, to co-ordinate and control the activities at stage 1 end points. 33.2.7 Breathing apparatus identification tally Personal control tag on which is recorded the name of the wearers, time of entry to the building, and cylinder pressure at that time, the tag is left with the breathing apparatus control officer. Breathing apparatus, positive pressure Breathing apparatus where in a constant pressure, above that of atmospheric pressure, is maintained within the face mask Breathing apparatus safety line Light line, on which there may be indicators, used to assist breathing apparatus wearers to find their way out of a smoke-filed environment Breathing apparatus safety line, personal Short line carried by breathing apparatus wearers and which can be clipped on to a breathing apparatus safety line as an additional safety precaution Breathing apparatus, regenerative Breathing apparatus, usually using oxygen, in which the exhaled air is recycled and the supply is governed at a constant rate. 21 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3.3.242 May b4o nguy hiém ca nh&n bang tin higu Thiét bj ma ngudi sir dyng thiét bj thd mang theo, 1nd 88 vang lén tin higu béo nguy hiém khi dug tac d6ng bang tay hodc ty d6ng. 3.3.3 Trang thiét bj phat hign nguy hiém 3.3.34 Lidu Iwgng ké birc xa ‘Thiét bj cé nhan dung dé dinh lugng birc xa ion héa do nguéi hdp thy trong mét khoding théi gian. Khi cy do 46 nguy hiém nd Xem dau bao khi dé chay nd (Bidu Dau bao khi dé chay nd Thiét bi phat hién khi d& chay nd va ndng 46 hén hop khéng Khi trong ving 48 xéc inh kha nang nd. Phao chan néi Phao chn ndi ding 48 ng&n can ho&c han ché su lan tda ctia chat ban trén mat nude. Dyng cy bjt khe he Nat hode tdi ¢6 thé bom phéng lén ding 48 bit khe hd. ‘Tam hdp thy dau Tam vat ligu hit dau va ky nuée duge ding 48 hp thy chdt ban. 22 33.212 Personal distress signal unit Device carried by breathing apparatus wearers which will sound a distress signal when either manually or automatically actuated. 3.3.3 Hazardous materials equipment 3.3.34 Dosim r Personal instrument for measuring the amount (dose) of ionizing radiation absorbed by a person over a period of time Explosimeter See flammable gas detector ( Flammable gas detector Device to detect the presence of a flammable gas and air mixture concentration in area, in order to determine explosion potential. Floating barrage Floating barrier used to hold back or confine the spread of a pollutant on the surface of water. Leak sealing kit Plugs, or bags, which may be inflatable, used to stop a beak Oil absorbent blanket Material that is oleophilic and hydrophobic, used to absorb a contaminant. Nap céng Nap dung dé ng&n chan ch&t ban tir bén ngoai vao hé théng thot nude. Dau bio bic xa Thiét bj x4ch tay ding 48 phat hién va do sy xudt hign cla bite xa ion héa anpha, gama, béta va notron. 3.3.4 May bom 3.3.41 Nap day BO phan gn vao dau phan phéi, civa vao, duéng ‘éng hut khi khéng sir dyng. May bom xéch tay May bom va may phat dign o6 thd xéch tay durgc. Céng sudt may bom Céng sudt danh dinh clia may bom, duge do bing 6 lit trong mét phat & 4p suat quy dinh. 33.44 B6 phan mai bom ‘Thiét bj co khi diing dé khdi dong dua nude vao may bom bang cach tao ra chan khéng. May bom chim May bom van hanh bang dién duge thiét ké 48 hoat déng dudi née, chi yéu diing 48 bom nude tang ham, kénh, hé nude... TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 Portable manhole cover Device used to stop a contaminant from entering the sewer system, Radiation detector Portable device used to detect and measure the presence of alpha, gamma, beta and neutron ionizing radiation 3.3.4 Pumps 3.3.44 Blank cap Cover fitted to delivery, inlet and suction connections when they are not in use. 3.342 Portable pump Self-contained pump and power unit capable of being manhandled. 3.3.43 Pump capacity ‘The nominal output capacity of a pump, measured in litres per minute, at a given pressure. Pump primer Mechanical device used to initiate the induction of water into a pump by the creation of a vacuum. Pump, submersible ‘An electrically operated pump, designed to operate under-water, primarily used for pumping out basements, ducts, sumps, etc. 23 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 May bom tay May bom diéu khién bang tay tac dyng kép 06 vei gain va véi phun BG loc hat Xem lu6i loc ( Lusi toe Ludi loc duge lp & dau vao may bom nhu mét ‘sy 48 phéng bd sung dé ngan cdc manh vyn lot vao may born. May bom, xe moée May bom va dong co dign gan chat vao xe mode. 3.3.6 Bwéng dng chia chay ‘Tang cugn éng Xem tang cudn éng ciia di chira chdy (, Sy tén that do ma sat ‘Sy tdn tht 4p Ic trong 6ng chiva chay do ma sat gitra chat lng chy va thanh bén trong cla éng. Bai quan éng oan vai bat dugc tao hinh giéng nhu dai, dung boc tam thoi ché ré doc trén than éng c6 ap. Bai kep 6ng bang kim loai Dai kep duge ding dé kep tam thoi ch8 ro doc 24 ‘Stirrup pump Portable, hand-operated, double-action pump with a short hose and nozzle. Suction filter See suction screen ( ‘Suction screen Filter fitted to the inlet of a pump as an additional precaution against debris entering the pump. Trailer pump Self-contained pump and power unit mounted on a wheeled trailer 3.3.5 Hoses Booster reel See hose reel, fire brigade ( Friction loss Pressure loss in a hose line due to friction between the flowing liquid and the internal walls of the hose Hose bandage Length of canvas, shaped like a bandage, used to temporarily stem a minor leak in a length of pressurized hose. Hose bandage, metal Clamp-like piece of equipment used to temporarily trén than éng ¢6 4p (xem dai quAn 6ng Dung cy git? éng Méc kim loai cé phy kign va c6 day dai da trén dinh 8 git cho éng dugc an toan & vi tri va khong can c6 ngudi git, Try d@ éng Xem bé dé dng ( 33.5.7 Dung cy van dai éc néi éng Dung cy dung dé xiét chat hay ndi ling cdc dau néi clta éng chiva chay. Dung cy xiét dai 6c dau néi Xem dung cy van dai dc ndi dng ( Bé a6 dng Bé 06 hai déc nghiéng oé ranh dat dng chira chay 8 a phong hu héng khi dat ngang qua dung cd nhiéu xe 08 chay qua. ‘Ong phan phéi nue ‘Ong dan nude 06 ap, thueng & phia éng day cia may bom, 3.35.11 ‘Ong hut née - hose, suction ‘Ong 4p Ive bén ngoai va duge bé tri gitra nguén ‘cung c4p nude va may bom. TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 stem a minor leak in a length of pressurized hose. ‘See also hose bandage ( Hose branch holder Metal spike with a fitting and with leather strap at the top used to permit charged hose and branch to be secured in position and left unattended. Hose bridge See hose ramps ( Hose coupling spanner Too! for tightening or loosening hose couplings. Hose coupling wrench See hose coupling spanner ( Hose ramps Small double ramps with channel in which hose is laid to prevent damage when laid across a busy road 3.36.10 Hose, delivery Hose used to pass water under pressure, usually on the delivery side of a pump. Hose, suction Hose designed to resist external pressure and used exclusively between the water supply and a pump. TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 Tang cuén dng cia doi chika chay ‘Tang cudn cd duéng kinh nhd, khong ¢6 gia do lap trén thiét bi chika chay va duge néi vao éng nhanhWoi phun & cudi éng phan phéi nude. 3.35.13, Tang cugn voi xach tay Tang cugn nhé gdm cdc doan éng duéng kinh nhé néi vao nhau ¢6 kha nang rai nhanh bang tay. Tang cugn voi dat trén banh xe Tang cugn I6n gdm cae doan éng néi vao nhau, durgc lp trén banh xe va 06 thé thao rdi khdi thiét bi chia chay. Phan lye déng phun Lyc tac déng & huéng nguge lai vei déng nuée thoat ra khdi vai phun. 3.35.16 Phan Iyc vai phun Xem phan lyc déng phun ( 3.3.6 Ong nhénh va voi phun 33.6.1 Ong nhanh ‘Ong néi & dau éng phan phéi cia éng chira chay 6 gidm bot dvdng kinh cia dng va bang cach 46 tang van téc dong nude & vai phun. Ong nhanh diéu khién bing tay Xem voi phun diéu khién bang tay ( 26 3.35.12 Hose reel, fire brigade Spool of small diameter non-mounted on a fire appliance and fitted with a branch/ nozzle at the delivery end, Hose reel, portable Small spool of connected lengths of small diameter delivery hose capable of being rapidly laid out manually. Hose reel, wheeled Large spool of connected lengths of ordinary delivery hose mounted on wheels and which can be detached from the fire appliance 3.35.15 Jet reaction The force acting in the opposite direction to the water stream leaving the nozzle Nozzle reaction See jet reaction ( 3.3.6 Branchpipes and nozzle Branchpipe (UK term) Fitting at the delivery and of a hose which reduces its diameter and thereby increases delivery velocity to the nozzle, Hand-controlled branch See hand-controlied nozzle ( V6i phun didu khién bing tay Voi phun hoe éng nhanh didu khién bang tay, gan dong phun, bang cach thay adi hinh dang va kich c& cla déng phun, hodc bang cach thay d8i 8c tinh cia ching, (M dy: bién thanh byi nuéc). Tang cu6n éng Xem tang cugn éng 66 vai phun ( Tang cugn éng cé voi phun - hose reel nozzle Voi phun ho&e éng nhénh duge gan vao dau tang cugn dng. 33.66 ‘Thiét bj digu khién déng chay Xem lang phun ( Lang phun Loai thiét bj dc biét cia dng nhénh hode vai phun di dng hoc cé dinh chuyén dich bén va thing dig, dugc ding 48 phan phdi mét lwong iin nuéc ho§c bot vio dam chay. Lang phun ¢é djnh Thiét bj phun nude duge gan 6 dinh vao thiét bi chira chay; thuyan chira chay, tau ko chtra chéy; xe thang ban xoay; mam thiy lye hoac gan bén trong ta nha. Lang phun di déng ‘Thiét bj phun nude duge thiét ké dé dat trén nén At ho&c trén xe modc nhé va 06 thé bé tri & bat ky ché nao & ving cé chy. TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 Hand-controlled nozzle Nozzle or branchpipe that is capable of hand control, by shutting off the jet, by altering its shape or size, or by changing its character, e.g. into a spray. Hose reel branch See hose reel nozzle ( Hose reel nozzle Nozzle or branch fitted to the delivery end of a hose ree! Master stream device See monitor ( Monitor Special type of branchpipe or nozzle, with lateral and vertical travel, used for delivering large quantities of water or foam and either portable or fixed Monitor, fixed Monitor which is permanently secured to a fire appliance, fire boat, fire tug, tumtable ladder, hydraulic platform or building, Monitor, portable Monitor designed to stand on the ground or on a small trailer and which can be positioned anywhere on the fire ground. 27 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 Voi phun Phy kién tap vao dau éng phan phéi hose éng nhanh & giam kich o& va lm tang van t6c phun nude. Vai phun tao svong ma ‘Vai phun diéu khién bang tay (, phun nuée ra 6 dang phan tan tao thanh byi nuéc, thudng & ap lye cao. 3.3.7 Phy ting Phy ting néi éng Phy kign ding 48 néi hai hoa néi dai hon éng chiva chay thanh mdt dudng éng chira chay. 33.7.2 Phy tang néi éng cé didu khién Phu kién dung 48 chia tach hode ddu néi duoc gan véi van diu khién 48 huéng dong chay dén hoe chy di hode 6 cd hai dau ra. Phy tung diing dé chia tach éng Phu kién duge ding dé tach mét duéng éng chia chay thénh hai hoac nhiéu duéng éng chiva chay. Phy ting néi ba nhanh Xem phy ting néi éng ¢6 diéu khién ( Phy ting néi ng Xem phy tung néi éng ( Phy tng néi chuyén tiép - hose adaptor Phy kign ding 48 néi cdc doan dng c6 cdc dau néi 28 Nozzle Fitting at the delivery end of a hose or branchpipe which reduces in size and thereby increases water velocity Water fog nozzle Hand-controlied nozzle (see which produces water in finely dispersed (mist) form, generally at high pressure. 3.3.7 Fittings 33.74 Breeching, collecting Fitting used to unite two or more lengths of hose into one. Breeching, controlled Dividing or collecting breeching fitted with a control valve to direct flow to or from either or both outlets. Breeching, dividing Fitting used to divide one line of hose into two or more. 33.7.4 Coupling, gated wye See breeching, controlled ( Coupling, Siamese See breeching, collecting ( Hose adaptor Fitting used for connecting lengths of hose which khac nhau, Phy ting néi éngchiva chay Phy kign ding 48 néi hai doan éng chita chéy lai ‘voi nhau hodc 4& néi thiét bi khac vei éng chOa chay. B6 loc dng hat Bé6 loc néi vi dau dng hut 48 ngain céc manh vyun v.v... [gt vo may bom. Xem lui loc ( 3.3.8 Chat tao bot dam dac chju cén Chat tao bot dam dac sir dyng dé dap cdc dam chdy clia nhién ligu dé tan trong nurée (chdt ling 66 cre) va cde dm chay cia cdc nhién ligu khée 66 kha nang phd hiy bot chia chéy théng thuong, xem TCVN 9310 4 : 2012 (ISO 8421-4). Bot va thiét bj tgo bot Chat tao bot dam aac tao mang nuéc méng Chat tao bot dam dc tao mang nude méng ndi trén bé mat clia hydrocacbon trong didu kién nhat dinh, xem TCVN 9310 ~4 : 2012 (ISO 8421-4). Bot chiva chéy Chat chika chay gém khéi lwgng bot dugc tao tir chat lng bang ce ly ho&ic héa hoc, xem TCVN 9310 -4 : 2012 (ISO 8421-4), Thiét bj tao bot Xem King tgo bot ( TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 have dissimitar couplings Hose coupling The means used to join two lengths of hose together or to connect other equipment to a hose. Strainer, suction hose Filter connected to the end of a suction hose to prevent debris, etc., entering the pump. See also suction screen ( 3.3.8. Foam and foam-making devices Acohol-resistant Foam concentrate: Foam concentrate used of the extinction of fires involving water missible fuel (polar liquids) and other fires of fuels destructive to regular foams (see |SO 8421-4) Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) Foam concentrate forming an aqueous film that floats on the surface of hydrocarbons under defined conditions (see ISO 8421-4) Etinguishing foam Extinguishing medium consisting of a mass of bubbles mechanically or chemically formed by a liquid (see ISO 8421-4) Foam inductor See foam branchpipe ( 29 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 ‘Ong tao bot ‘Ong nhanh duvgc gén vao dau ra clia éng chira chay, trong 46 dung dich bot dug thdi khi dé tao bot thanh phim. Dung dich tgo bot Hn hgp ding nhat ciia nude va chat tao bot dam dc voi ty I thich hgp dé tao bot., xem TCVN 9310 -4 : 2012 (ISO 8421-4). D6 ne cia bot Ty Ié gilra khdi tich bot thu duge va khéi tich dung dich tao bot 68 ding, xem TCVN 9310-4 : 2012(ISO 8421-4). Bot thanh phdm Xem bot chira chdy ( May tao bot Thiét bi dugc bé tri & trén duréng éng chira chady 68 suc khi vao dung dich bot Thiét bj tron bot Thiét bj durge bé tri & may bom cé kha nang dua di bot vao may bom dé cung c4p cho mét hay nhidu éng nhanh, Thiét bj hut chdt tao bot dam dc ‘Thiét bi duge thiét ké 48 dua chat tao bot dam d&c vao déng née, thudng duge bé tri gitra may bom va éng day, xem TCVN 9310 -4 ; 2012 (ISO 8421-4), 30 Foam branchpipe Branchpipe fitted to the end of a delivery hose, in which a foam solution is aerated to produce finished foam. Foam solution Homogeneous mixture of water and foam concentrate in the appropriate proportion for making foam (see ISO 8421-4) Foam, expansion ratio Ratio of the volume of foam to the volume of foam solution from which it is made (see ISO 8421-4) Foam, finished See foam, extinguishing ( Foam generator Device positioned in a line of hose to aerate a foam solution Foam, multiple jet inductor Device positioned at the pump, capable of including sufficient concentrate into the pump, capable of including sufficient concentrate into the pump to supply one or more foam branch pipes. In-line foam concentrate inducer Equipment designed to induce foam concentrate into a water stream, usually positioned between the pump and the branch pipe (see ISO 8421-4). Chit long c6 cyc Xem chat tao bot dam dac chu edn ( 3.3.9 Thang Thang viron dai Thang nhidu doan, thudng durge kéo dai ra bang day thing. Thang g4p Xem thang dang cét ( Thang mc Thang ng4n, c6 bd dd ga gan & dau dé méc vao bau cira sé, lan can ho&c cac g& khac dé leo lén nha. Thang dang cét Thang 06 bée gén vao cdc thanh dmg lién két khép véi nhau sao cho cdc thanh ding ¢6 thé gap lai vao nhau. Thang [én mai Kigu thang méc, ding dé leo lén mai. Thang day Thang o6 day chdo va bac thang bang gd hoc kim logi nhe. Bac thang Cc két cu ném ngang clia thang, thudng duoc TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 Polar liquid See alcohol-resistant foam concentrate ( 3.3.9 Ladders Ladder, extension Multi-section ladder, usually extended by means of aline Ladder, folding See ladder, pole ( Ladder, hook Short ladder, fitted at its head with an arrangement to hook it over a window sill, parapet or other ledge, for the purpose of scaling a building. Ladder, pole Ladder with rounds hinged to the strings in such a way that the two strings can be folded together. Ladder, roof Ladder, similar in design to a hook ladder, used for scaling roofs. Ladder, rope Hanging ladder with two rope strings and rounds ‘of wood or light metal. Ladder, round The horizontal components of a ladder, commonly ci TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 higu Ia bac thang, Thang leo Thang gdm nhiéu doan, durge g4n véi méc kim loai thanh m@t chubi Khi dé m6t vai doan duoc ghép vao nhau va due bude bang day, sao cho ching cé thé due nang Ién hay ha xuéng & nhirng ché hep. Thang ngén Thang c6 hai doan c6 thé kéo dai (bang cach trurot). Thanh ding thang Cac két chu thang ding ctia thang ding 48 4 bac thang ( 3.3.10 Thiét bj ctu nan 3.3.10 Tai khinén Tui cao su duge gia cb 48 khi dug bom khi nén, ‘sé phdng Ién dé nang hoae di chuy&n vat nang. Céng cy cat ding khi nén Dung cu dugc van hanh bang khi nén c6 bO ga lp thich hyp due ding 48 cat kim loai. Cwa ding khinén Cua dye van hanh bang khi nén. Tei nang Xem tdi tay ( 32 known as rungs. Ladder, scaling Tapering sectional ladder, fitted with metal brackets on the strings, such that when several are joined together and roped they can be raised or lowered in restricted circumstances. Ladder, short ‘Two ~section ladder extended. Ladder, string The vertical components of a ladder, which support the rounds (see 3.3.40 Rescue equipment 3.3.104 Air bag Rubber-coated reinforced bag which, when inflated by compressed air, expands to lift or move heavy objects Air chisel Compressed air operated tool with assorted cutting attachments used to cut metal., Air saw Saw operated by compressed air. Com-2-long ‘See winch, hand-operated ( Bia dign Dung cy chiu tai nang dugc van hanh bang dién si dyng va thao téc tuong ty nhu may khoan bang kh nén ( Baa thay Ive Dyng cy hoae t8 hyp cdc dung cu duge van hanh bang thiy Io, lam viée nhur mét bua pitteng va cé kha nang gat vat thé sang mét bén hoac nang vat thé, May ct thiy Ive Dyng cy dugc van hanh bing thiy Ive, dang nguyén ly cat ding a8 cat kim loi, nhya... May day thay lee Dyng cy duge van hanh bing thdy Ie, ob kha nang day, nang va kéo cdc tm kim loai va khéi xay 48 gidi thoat nan nhan bj sap. Baa dap Xem may khoan bang khi nén ( Kich nang Dung cy van hanh theo nguyén li pitténg hoac cat, chi yéu duge ding 48 nang vat thé nang theo huéng thang ding. May khoan bang khi nén Dung cy chiu tai ngng van hanh nhy baa khi nén 6 bd ga lap dung 68 ct, pha bé tong, khdi xay... TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 Electric hammer Heavy duty electrically operated tool similar in use and operation to a pneumatic drill (see Hydraulic ram Hydraulically operated tool, or combination of tools, using the ram principle and capable of spreading objects apart or lifting. Hydraulic cutters Hydraulically operated tool, using the scissor principle, and capable of cutting metal, plastics, etc. Hydraulic spreader Hydraulically operated tool capable of spreading, lifting and pulling metal and masonry to facilitate the release of trapped victims. Jack hammer See pneumatic drill ( Lifting jack Tool, operating on either the piston or scissors principle, principle, primarily used for raising heavy objects in a vertical direction. Pneumatic drill Heavy duly compressed air operated hammer action tool, with interchangeable cutting attachments, used for breaking concrete, masonry, etc. 33 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 Riu céu nan Dung cu da nang chuyén dung, ding a8 choc thing, ct va bay kim loai hoae dap vo va thao de kinh. 33.10.13 Thiét bj hdi sire May cung cép éxy dé lam hé hp nhan tao. 3.340.414 May dé 4m thanh ‘Thiét bi nhay cdm véi Am thanh ding 68 xéc dinh vi tri nan nhan dang bi mc ket. 33.40.15 Toi (kich) tay Toi (kich) thao téc bing tay cé kha ning digu chinh chinh x4c, duge dung trong tinh huéng ctu nan nh nén chinh lai banh lai, ghé ngdi xe 6t6 hoae tao én dinh xe. Toi (kich) co khi Toi (kich) bng may, chay b&ng dong ca hay dign. Xem ti (kich) tay ( 3.3.14 Cac trang thiét bj khac 3.3414 Cao dé tran (cau ligm) Dyng cy gém mét thanh cé mu bang kim loai vudng géc, chi yéu ding 48 dé tran xuéng... 48 tiép can vat dang chay. ‘Thiét bj chiéu sang sy cé Thiét bi chiéu sang ho&c x4ch tay hoe gén cb inh vao thiét bj chira chay due ding 48 chiéu 34 Rescue axe Specially designed multi-purpose tool used for piercing, cutting and prying metal or breaking and removing glass. Resuscitation equipment Apparatus for supplying oxygen, for artificial respiration and aspiration 33.10.14 Sound detectors ‘Sound sensitive device used to locate trapped casualties. Winch, hand-operated Manually operated winch, capable of very fine adjustment, used in rescue situations such as realignment of steering wheels, car seats or stabilizing a vehicle. 33.40.16 Winch, mechanical Power-operated winch driven by the road engine or electrically. See also, winch, hand-operated (33.10.15) 3.3.41 33.114 Ceiling hook Miscellaneous Tool consisting of a pole, having a metal point with a spur at right angles, mainly used to pull down ceilings, gain access to burning materials. Incident lighting Flood lighting, either portable or fixed to a fire appliance, used to illuminate fire brigade sng cho di chira chay thao tac. 33.11.83 Sao chira chay Dyng cy ding 48 dap tt lta, chi yéu & noi byi ram ho&c rugng ddng. 3341.4 Chan chia chay Chan chuyén dung 8 dap tat dam chay nhé. 33.416 Bao Iva MOt ludng khong Khi rt manh véi van téc ce lon 6 vat chay bay theo do dm chay Ién tao ra. Day kéo Xem day thing ( 33.447 ‘Bem nhay Tdém dém bom phdng duge ding dé gidm va cham Khi cé ngudi nhay tir trén cao xuéng. Tdm ae Tam duge cac nhan vién chtra chay dung 48 hing hoc gidm va cham Khi cé nguéi nhdy tir trén cao xubng Luéi ciu nan Xem tdm dé ( Sang ciru nan Xem day phao séng'( TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 operations. Fire beater ‘An implement used for manually beating out fires, chiefly in bushland or crops. Fire blanket Blanket specifically designed to be used for smothering small fires. 33.41.58 Fire storm Air stream of enormous power and velocity with flying brands created by a conflagration, Halyard See line ( Jumping cushion Inflatable mattress used to break the fall of a person jumping from a height, Jumping sheet ‘Sheet held by fire fighters to catch or break the fall of a person jumping from a height. Life net See jumping sheet ( Life gun See line, rocket ( 35 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3.34111 Day thirng Logi day ma nhan vién chia chay ding. Day cou nan Loai day durgc thiét ké 06 c&c dac tinh dac biet d& hd tro vie cu nan trén khong. Day phdo sang Day gan vao dudi qua phao sang diing 8 phong ‘qua m@t hém sau hay mt con sng... 33.11.14 Cao chiva chay Xem cdo d& trin ( 3.311.456 Hoa ké Thiét bj cam bién duge dung dé do nhiét dé bén trong phdng hoae ving chay. Biém chay Vitri chinh cia ving c6 chay. 334147 bj ddy khdi Xem thiét bj hut khdi ( Thi Thiét bj hut khéi ‘Thiét bj x4ch tay ob phuong tién co khi dé dua kh6i ra khdi nha hoéc cong trinh xy dyng khéc. 3.314.419 Camera anh nhigt Thiét bj x4ch tay 48 dd bic xa hdng ngoai va hién 36 Line Any length of rope used by a fire fighter. Line, rescue Special line incorporating features designed to assist rescue with an aerial appliance. 33.14.13 Line, rocket Light line attached to a rocket, designed to project the line across a chasm or river, etc, 33.14.14 Pike pole See ceiling hook ( Pyrometer Sensing device used to measure temperatures within a burning room or area. Seat of fire The location of the main body of a fire 3.344.417 Smoke ejector See smoke extractor ( 33.11.18 ‘Smoke extractor Portable equipment which provides a mechanical means of removing smoke from a building or other structure involved in fire. ‘Thermal imaging camera Portable device which detects infra-red radiation thi nd nhu mét hinh nh nhiét trén éng catét. Thiét bj cat bang ngon lira Thiét bi dung dxy 48 tao nhiét 46 cao dung a8 cét kim loai ho&e béténg. 3.4 Cépnuée 344 Budng dng hit née cé dinh udng éng cd dinh ndi vai bd hut loc va thiét bj clia d6i chira chay tai ngudn cp nuéc dn dinh. 3.4.2 Try née chira chay Van lép cé dinh vai duéng éng chinh cdp nude 4 néi véi thiét bj cia 491 chtva chay dim bdo c4p nwéc lién tye. 3.4.3 Try nuéc chira chay dat ngim Try nuée chia chay duge ldp cdc thiét bi van hanh nm dui tm day hay dia day & ngang mat dt va duge néi cé dinh vei duéng éng chinh cdp nwéc c6 dp a8 sir dung khi chtra chay, xem TCVN 9310 -4 : 2012 3.4.4 ‘Try nwéc chira chay dat ndi Try nuéc chira chay gdm mot hoac mot vai dau néi ra d&t cao hon mat d4t va duge néi cd dinh v6i duéng dng chinh c4p nude cé dp dé sir dyng khi chira chay, xem TCVN 9310 -4 : 2012 (ISO 8421-4). 3.4.5 Cét Idy nvéc chia chay Mot bd phén ca thiét bi duge dung a8 kéo dai dau ra cola try nuéc chiva chay dat ngdm dé cao hon mat dat. TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 and displays it as a thermal image on a cathode ray tube, Thermic lance Device using oxygen to achieve high temperature for cutting metal or concrete. 3.4 Water supply 3.44 Fixed suction installation Fixed pipe incorporating a suction strainer and fire brigade installation located at a static water supply. 3.4.2 Hydrant Valve fitted to a water main which enables fire brigade equipment to be connected and thus obtain a continuous supply of water. 3.4.3 Hydrant, ground Hydrant fitted with its operating means beneath a cover or plate at ground level, and permanently connected to a pressurized distribution main for use in fire fighting (see ISO 8421-4) 344 Hydrant, pillar Hydrant comprising one or more outlet connections projecting above ground level and permanently connected to a pressurized distribution main for use in fire fighting (see ISO 8421-4) 3.45 Hydrant, stand pipe Piece of equipment used to extend the outlet of a ground hydrant to above the ground 7 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3.4.6 Ngudn cép nvéc ngoai tri Xem ngudn cdp nuéc bn dinh (3.4.7). 3.4.7 Nguén cdp nvéc én dinh Ngudn nude cé kha nang dam bdo khéi lvong nuéc Ién cho cdc myc dich chia chay. 3.5 Céc phwong tign chira chy trong nha 3.54 Ong ding cép nude udng éng ding, tong ty nhu éng dizng cdp nuéc lén cao (xem 3.5.9) nhung duge lip dat trong tda nha c6 cdc ting him & cdc cao a9 khdc. nhau dé cp nuréc chira chay. 3.5.2 Thang cita nhan vién chira chay Xem thang may chira chéy (3.5.3). 3.5.3 Thang may chtra chay ‘Thang may & bén trong toa nha cé két cdu bao vé ac bist ho&e & mat truée nha vbi cdc thiét bi, nguén cung cp dién va thiét bj digu khién danh riéng cho di chira chdy str dung trong tinh trang khdn cp (xem ISO 8421-2). 3.54 Li vao chira chay L6i tiép can 68 ngudi va thiét bj cha chdy dén gan hoac vao trong ta nha, cbng trinh (xem 180 8421-2). 3.5.5 Hanh lang phye vy chia chay Hanh lang théng thoang dug bao vé chéng chay thich hop trong dé cé thang méy ciia di chia 38 3.4.6 Open water See static water supply (3.4.7) 3.4.7 Static water supply ‘Water source capable of providing a large volume of water for fire brigade purposes. 3.5 Building facilities 364 Falling main Vertical pipe, similar to a rising main (see 3.5.9) but installed in building with multi-level basements, for the supply of water for fire-fighting 3.5.2 Fire fighters’ elevator See fire lift (8.5.3.) 3.5.3 Fire lift (elevator, USA) Lift or elevator either within a building with especially protected structural enclosure, or on the facade of a building and with machinery, power ‘supplies and controls which can be switched for exclusive use by the fire brigade during an emergency (see ISO 8421-2) 3.54 Fire-fighting access Approach facilities provided to enable the fire service personne! and equipment to gain access to or within the premises (see ISO 8421-2) 3.55 Fire-fighting access lobby Ventilated lobby having an adequate degree of fire protection into which a fire-fighters’ lift and dry-wet chay va cde dudng éng dan khé - uot. 3.5.6 Cau thang chira chay Cau thang dugc bao vé chéng chay (3.5.8) chuyén ding cho déi chiva chay 8 tiép cn voi tda nha va hanh lang phyo vu chia chéy (xem 180 8421-2), 3.5.7 Céng tic ngat dign khicé chay Céng tac ngét dign duge gén bén ngoai toa nha d& dam bao cho phép nhan vién chia chéy cét ngudn khéi cc thiét bj din. CHU THICH: Vi dy nhu ede Gen éng tin higu phat quang gén & mat trvbc tba nha 35.8 Cau thang dugc bao vé chéng chay Cau thang & bén trong ho’c ngoai nha 6 bién phép bdo vé chéng chay thich hgp va tao nén bo phan thoat theo phuong dirng cia mét tuyén thoat nan due bdo vé (xem ISO 8421-2), 3.5.9 ‘Ong dieng cdp nvéc ‘Dudng éng di¢ng duge lap & nha cao tang a8 c4p nuéc chira chay. 3.5.10 ‘Ong dieng, khé ‘Dudng éng cing duge lap c6 dinh bén trong toa nha va ding dé néi vei duéng éng chiva chay 48 c&p nudge chiva chay tai thdi diém sir dung xem TCVN 9310-4 : 2012 (ISO 8421-4). 3.5.11 ‘Ong dieng, wot Budng éng cing duge lép ob dinh bén trong téa nha va duge néi véi nguén cép nuéc dé cAp nuéc cho cdc voi phun (xem TCVN 9310 -4 : 2012) (ISO 8421-4), TCVN 9310-8 : 2012 riding mains discharge. 3.5.6 Stairway, fire-fighting Protected stairway (see 3.5.7) designed for use by the fire brigade to obtain access to a building for fire-fighting purposes and which may be provided with fire-fighting access lobbies (see ISO 8421-2) 3.6.7 Fireman's switch ‘Switch fitted externally to a building to enable fire fighters to isolate electrical apparatus. Note: For example, luminuous discharge tube signs on the face ofthe building 3.5.8 Protected stairway Stairway inside or outside a building having an adequate degree of fire protection and forming the vertical component of a protected escape route (see ISO 8421-2) 3.5.9 Rising main Vertical pipe installed in high buildings for the supply of water for fire fighting, 3.5.40 Rising main, dry Fixed and rigid pipe installed permanently in a building and intended for connection of fire brigade hoses, in order to be charged at the moment of use (see ISO 8421-4) 3.5.14 Rising main, wet Fixed and rigid pipe, installed permanently in a building and which is connected to a water supply for the supply of water to the fire brigade nozzles (see ISO 8421-4) 39 TCVN 9310 -8 : 2012 3.5.42 Cia thoat khéi Céc tém nam trén tung hoac san nha cé thé dé dang 8p vo 48 thoat khéi va khi néng tir tda nha ang chay ra ngoai. 3.5.13 Quat théng khél Quat duge lap ¢6 dinh didu khién bang tay ho&c ty dong, duvgc sir dung a8 aay khéi va kh néng ra khdi tda nha dang chay. 3.5.14 ‘Ong dieng cdp nuéc Xem éng dteng c4p nude (3.5.9). 40 3.5.12 ‘Smoke outlets Readily breakable panels in walls or floors which may be broken to release smoke and hot gases from a building involved in fire. 3.5.13 ‘Smoke ventilators Manually or automatically fixed controlled ventilators which can be operated to release smoke and hot gases from a building involved in fire, 3.6.14 Stand pipe (North American term) See rising main (3.5.9)

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