Tourism Industry Risk Assessment Form

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Tourism Industry Risk Assessment Form

Business/Location: _Mountain View Bar and Restaurant /Don


Date: ___SEPTEMBER 11, 2023_____________________

Risk Assessment Team: ___________________________________________


This form is designed to identify and assess risks related to the tourism industry. The
objective is to evaluate potential risks and develop strategies for risk mitigation and
management. Please rate each risk factor based on its likelihood and impact.

 Likelihood is the probability of the risk occurring, rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 =

Very Low, 5 = Very High).
 Impact is the potential consequences or severity of the risk, rated on a scale of 1
to 5 (1 = Very Low, 5 = Very High).

Risk Assessment:

Risk Factor Likelihood Impact Risk Level Risk Mitigation Strategies

1. Natural Disasters Invest in earthquake-resistant

(e.g., earthquakes, structures, disaster recovery
floods) 5 5 HIGH plans

Develop pandemic response

2. Health and Pandemic plans, stockpile essential
Risks 3 5 HIGH supplies.

3. Political Instability 5 4 HIGH Diversity business location,

monitor political
Risk Factor Likelihood Impact Risk Level Risk Mitigation Strategies


Implement robust security

4. Safety and Security measures, conduct regular
Concerns 5 4 HIGH safety drills.

Diversify transportation
5. Transportation providers, maintain buffer
Disruptions 3 3 LOW stock.

Comply with regulations,

implement sustainable
6. Environmental Impact 5 5 HIGH practices.

Diversify investments,
7. Financial Risks (e.g., maintain healthy cash
economic downturn) 5 5 HIGH reserves.

Monitor competitors,
innovate, and adopt to market
8. Competitive Risks 4 3 MEDIUM changes.

9. Technological Risks Cyber security measures,

(e.g., data breaches) 3 3 LOW regular IT audits.
Risk Factor Likelihood Impact Risk Level Risk Mitigation Strategies

Stay informed about

10. Regulatory and regulations, maintain
Legal Compliance 4 4 MEDIUM compliance programs.

Overall Risk Assessment:

 Total Likelihood Score: _42_ (Sum of Likelihood ratings)

 Total Impact Score: _42_(Sum of Impact ratings)
 Overall Risk Level: _84_(Calculated as Total Likelihood Score x Total Impact

Risk Management Plan:

 Describe the specific measures, strategies, and actions that will be taken to
mitigate and manage the identified high-risk factors.






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