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1. Brexit plays a major role in the British crisis; it devastated 25% of investments in the
2. The implementation of the immigration system in the UK erased skilled labor, which
is the reason for state productivity.
3. Britain is a low-investment nation; to cover its deficit, the nation denies its
investments in health care, roads, and transportation, as well as in the educational
4. As the country increases its tax cut rates, eventually it has more side effects that
drastically diminish the purchasing power of the people.
5. The Ukraine and Russia war left a remarkable spot over the UK energy needs. The
lack of petrol and food raised the chaos in individuals. Heat, or EAT, is to be selected
by the people, even though the government provides subsidies for the heaters.

Economic trends in the UK vs India

1. India has a diverse economy with significant contributions from agriculture,

manufacturing, and service sectors, but the UK has a strong focus on finance,
technology,Technology and health.
2. India has its own trade rules from the beginning and has experienced rapid economic
growth, but challenges like income inequality and infrastructure shortages have
prevented Britain from exiting the European Union. Changes in trade relationships
and regularities influenced economic dynamics.
3. India has been undergoing a digital transformation to stand out in the digital
payments, e-commerce, and technology-driven industries. And also, India has
strengthened its global relations through trade agreements, partnerships, etc.
4. Britain loses some of its global relations, which directly affects the growth rate. To
sustain against the inflation The Bank of England adjusted its monetary policy, but it
went to decrease the purchasing power of the people.
5. Hence, deficits in money circulation pull out the economic growth of Britain

Britian's current economic goals

1. Childcare support and tax relief on investment in plant machinery and labor
2. Tax incentives that could potentially apply to investments other than plant and
machinery would strengthen investor confidence.
3. Upskilling, knowledge, and development—higher investment in the education and
training of young adults—can strengthen human capital and raise labor potential.
4. Women in the work environment boost the nation's growth.

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