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Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017 Kelas VII

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Sat. Pendidikan : SMP__________________
Kelas : VII (Tujuh)
Nama Guru :______________________

1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja
3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

1. Weni : Do You Go Jogging ? It’s Good For Your Health, You Know
Puti : I Know, But I Don’t Have A Friend To Go Jogging With.
Weni : Why Don’t You Join Me Tomorrow ?
Does Puti Go Jogging ?
A. Yes, She Does
B. No, She Doesn’t
C. She Usually Does
D. She Certainly Does

2. Anita : Excuse Me, Mrs. Selly

Mrs. Selly : Where Is The Biology Book, Please.
Anita: It Over There
Mrs. Selly : ………,,,,,,,,
A. It’s Okay
B. That’s Right
C. Never Mind
D. You’re Welcome

3. The Following Are Expressing To Ask For Opinion, Except ,,,,,,,.....

A. Do I Look Good In This ?
B. What Do You Mean By This
C. What Do You Think About This ?
D. Does This Suit Me

4. “What Would You Like To Drink” Belong To …,,,,,

A. Offering Something
B. Asking For Something
C. Asking For Help

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D. Offering Help

5. It's A Big Animal With A Very Thick Skin And One Or Two Horns On Its Nose.
What Animal Is It ?
A. Elephant
B. Rhinoceros
C. Llama
D. Dolphin

The Text For Question 6 - 10

Lions, Tigers, Bears And Wolves Are Wild Animals. Most Of Them Belong To A Prairie
Community. The Basic Life Of Prairie Consists Of The Grasses. The Grassland Extend Across
Central Africa. The Grass And Other Plants Support Large Population Of Animals. Many Kinds
Of Antelope, Zebras, Giraffes And Other Creatures Graze On The Grass. Preying On Them Are
Lions And Leopards.
Lions And Tigers Prey On Antelope, Zebras And Giraffes. Wolves And Mountain Lions
Prey The Deer. When Deer Are Very Numerous, Their Enemies Become Numerous Too,
Because There Is So Much To Feed Upon.
Wild Animal Are Found On A Prairie, In The Polar Areas, In The Forest And Grasslands,
And In The Desert.
In Some Countries There Is A Law Against Hunting Wild Animals. If Someone Breaks
The Law, He Or She Will Surely Be Fined Or Punished.

6. The Suitable Title Of The Text Above Is……,,,,

A. Prairie Community
B. Population Of Animals
C. African Animals
D. Wild Animals

8. Which Statement Is Not True According To The Text ?

A. Wild Animal Do Not Live In The Forests.
B. Most Of The Wild Animals Belong To Prairie Community
C. Lions And Tigers Prey On Antelope.
D. Some Countries Have A Law Against Hunting.

9. Wild Animals Can Found In Many Places. Except …,,,…

A. Beach
B. Prairie
C. Zoo
D. Forest

10. These Animals Do Not Depend On Grass For Their Food , Except ……,,,,
A. Lions
B. Wolves
C. Tigers
D. Antelope

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11. The Instruction For This Picture Means …,,

A. Don’t Open Your Mouth
B. Don’t Show Your Teeth
C. Don’t Bite Your Finger
D. Don’t Keep Your Smile

12. Teacher: Come Here Rendi. Where’s Your Homework?

Rendi:: …………,,, , Sir. I Left It At Home.
Teacher: Promise To Submit It Tomorrow, Okay?
Rendi: Yes, Sir. I’ll Do.
A. That’s A Good Idea
B. I’m Sorry
C. It’s Too Bad
D. Excuse Me

Danger !
Wild Dog
13. According The Announcement Means …………..
A. Do Not Look At The Dog
B. Take Another Road, So That You Won’t Meet The Dog
C. Do Not Feed The Dog
D. Do Not Disturb The Dog

The Text For Number 14 – 18

My Brother, Jake.
My Brother Jake Is Such A Slob !
He Always Gets Up At About Ten O’clock. Sometimes He Does Not Shower In The Morning.
He Eats Breakfast In The Living Room In Front Of The Tv. At About Twelve O’clock, He Gets
Dressed, Although Sometimes When I Come Home At Quarter Past Three, He Is Still Sitting
There In There In His Pajamas. And When He Does Get Dressed, He Usually Wears The Same
Clothes For A Whole Week! He Never Has Any Money Because He Does Not Work.
Oh, And Another Thing. He Never Remember My Birthday.

14. What Does Jake Do At Ten O’clock ?

A. He Goes To School
B. He Gets Up
C. He Showers
D. He Goes To Work

15. The Following Statement Are True About Jake, Except ………..
A. He Is Very Diligent
B. He Is Poor
C. He Gets Up Late
D. Perhaps Is Very Diligent

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16. Who Is The Writer ?

A. Jaka’s Mother
B. Jaka’s Sister
C. Jaka’s Friend
D. Jake

17. “Slob” In The First Sentence Might Mean ………………….

A. Poor
B. Pathetic
C. Untidy
D. Diligent

18. What Is The Purpose Of The Text ?

A. To Describe Someone’s Habitual Behavior
B. To Talk About Someone’s Brother
C. To Inform Someone
D. To Tell About Someone

Read The Text To Answer Questions 19 To 21

Hello! My Name Is Rob Fellow. I Come From Dundee. A Town On The East Coast Of
Scotland, But I’m A Student At Durham University, In The North Of England. I’m Studying
French And German, And I Can Speak The Languages Quite Well. I Also Know Little Spanish,
So I Can Speak Four Languages. I’m Enjoying The Course A Lot, But It’s Very Hard Work!
I Live In Durham Castle, Because The Castle Is Part Of The University, With About
Thirty Other Students. The Course Started Two Years Ago, And I’m In My Third Year. After
The Course I’m Going To Work In France, But I Don’t Know Where Yet.

19. Rob Can Speak These Languages Below Except…………,,,,

A. German
B. Spanish
C. English
D. Dutch

20. What’s Rob Going To Do After Course?

A. To Get A Job In France.
B. To Enjoy In Germany.
C. To Study In England.
D. To Learn In Spanish.

21. Rob Fellow Is … Student At Durham University.

A. A Lazy
B. A Diligent
C. A Dull
D. A Discipline

Diunduh dari:


22. Santi: Hi Tasya. How’s Life?

Tasya : Very Well, Thanks. Who Is With You, Santi?
Santi: Meet My New Friend. She’s Nisa. She Is My Classmate
Tasya: Hello Nisa. Glad To See You
Nisa : Glad To See You Too, Tasya.
What Is The Dialogue About?
A. Telling Someone
B. Greeting Someone
C. Describing Someone
D. Introducing Someone

Text For No. 23 - 24

Giraffe As The Tallest Animal, I Saw In Kinantan Zoo. It Is Male. It About Six Meter Tall. It
Has Big Brown Eyes. It Has Brown Spots On Its Skin. It Has Also Two Short Horns On Its
Head. Its Tail Is Long With Thick Hair On The Top Of The Tail. It Likes Eating Grass And
Leaves Of Tree.
23. The Purpose Of The Text Above Is ....,,
A. To Describe Kinantan Zoo
B. To Tell About Tall Animal
C. To Describe About Giraffe
D. To Tell About Tall Animal

24. “Its Tail Is Long With Thick Hair...” The Antonym Of The Underlined Word Is ....
A. Beauty
B. Thin
D. Heavy

25. Say The Right Time!

A. It’s Ten To Five O’clock
B. It’s Four Past Ten Minutes
C. It’s Ten To Six O’clock
D. It’s Five Past Fifty Minutes

II. Complete The E-Mail By Using Words In The Box Below.

Pleasure Contact Enjoy Contact Regards

From : 'Laurent' <Laurent@Nglaispassimple.Com>

Cc : All Staff
To : 'Lucile' <Lucile@Nglaispassimple.Com>
Subject: Welcome To Our Team!

Dear Lucy,
Welcome To Our Team !

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It Is A……(1)……To Welcome You To The Staff Of @Nglaispassimple.Com.

We Are Excited To Have You Join Our Team, And We Hope That You Will ……(2)……….
Working On Our Website.

On The First Saturday Of Each Month We ……..(3)……….

A Special Staff Lunch To Welcome Any New Voluntary Worker
Please Be Sure To Come Next Week To Meet All Of Our Senior Staff.
Brigitte Will E-Mail You With Further Details.

If You Have Any Questions During Your Training Period

Please Do Not Hesitate To …………(4)…… Me.
You Can Reach Me At My Email Box.


III. Essay
Describes the words below in English!
1. Giraffe:......,,,,,,,.....................
2. Rhinoceros :.......,,,,,,.............
3. Kangaroo: ,,.....................
4. Tiger : ,,.....................
5. Weasel: ....................

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