Vocab Day 7

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Sharath Sir's


affinity bolster chic denotative encumber

affliction bombast chicanery denounce endemic

affluent boon chide deplete endorse

aggrandize boor chimerical deprecate enduring

alacrity braggart chivalrous dereliction enervate

alienate brandish choleric deride enfranchise

p le asure
a rn w ith
at we le for ge t
Wh W e ne ver
Meaning attraction, closeness
Sample sentence
Although Adam is very different than me, I have an affinity for him
which I cannot describe.
I have a natural affinity for politics, which explains my extreme
interest in the subject.

Meaning Suffering, pain , torment
Memory Trigger INFECTION causes AFFLICTION
Sample sentence
If his only affliction is the inability to tell a lie, he will never make it in
A good percentage of all homeless people suffer from some
untreated mental affliction

Meaning wealthy, plentiful

Memory Trigger AFFLUENT- FLUENCE If you are AFFLUENT you can INFLUENCE
Sample sentence
Members of the affluent country club must pay thousands of dollars
in fees to be a part of the well-heeled association.
Though her husband’s family was poor and penniless, Geneva came
from an affluent clan of billionaires.

Meaning increase, enhance, exxaggerate
Memory Trigger A-GGRAND-SIZE
Sample sentence
I hate listening to that snobbish radio talk show host self-
My uncle claims that those that aggrandize their status in the eyes of
others end up losing whatever it is that they have.

Meaning promptness, cheerful readiness
ALACRITY- ALARM -CITY, When the ALARM buzzed in the CITY
Memory Trigger
everyone moved with ALACRITY
Sample sentence
A lack of alacrity to serve caused unwilling men to be drafted into
the war.
The eager student attacked all school work with a rarely seen

Meaning To make unfriendly, separate
Memory Trigger ALIEN - ALLY are antonyms
Sample sentence
Teachers will alienate their students if they talk down to them.

By highlighting his pro-abortion views during his speech, the

politician managed to alienate his Christian supporters
Meaning support, strengthen
Sample sentence
In order to bolster its profits, the computer company is cutting its
John’s recent lottery win is sure to bolster his appeal to women

Meaning using inflated langauge, talking high about oneself

Memory Trigger BOMBAST- BOAST

Sample sentence
Because he is a bit too bombastic for me, I will not be voting for that
politician again!

I cannot believe the minister’s bombastic sermon lasted three hours

Meaning benefit, blessing

Memory Trigger BOONS- BONUS

Sample sentence
The week long rains was a boon to farmers

To be born into a wealthy family is a boon from god

Meaning a rude or insensitive person, uncivilized
Memory Trigger BOOR- BURA ( in hindi means bad person)
Sample sentence
Jill was not invited to the society dinner because everyone knew he
was a boor
My aunt left her husband because he acted like a boor and never
paid attention to her feelings.

Meaning boaster, show off
Sample sentence
He was a prodigious braggart and a liar
My rich uncle is a braggart who constantly boasts about his

Meaning exhibit aggrresively
Memory Trigger BANDIT BRANDISHED a knife
Sample sentence
Riding on a horse back the warrior princess brandished her sword

I knew my daughter was afraid when she began to brandish a stick

in front of the growling dog.
Meaning elegantly and stylishly fashionable
Memory Trigger She looks CHIC
Sample sentence
The fashion critics praised the young woman’s chic outfit.

Meaning Trickery, deception
Memory Trigger CHIC- TRICK
Sample sentence
People don't trust you because of your chicanery

Let us expose that business for its financial chicanery and reveal
how they waste our tax dollars.

Meaning Scold, yell at

Memory Trigger Dont CHIDE the CHILD infront of others

Sample sentence
I don’t want sir to chide me for being late again, so I’m setting the
alarm for a half hour earlier.
I enjoyed watching the mother bird chatter and chide the babies
until they finally made their first awkward attempt at flight.

Meaning an invention of an individual’s imagination
Memory Trigger chiMERICAL-MIRACLE are imaginative
Sample sentence
After my daughter read the book about the chimerical creatures,
she found it difficult to believe vampires and werewolves were not
My delusional aunt lives in a chimerical world where she is a queen
with a hundred servants

Meaning courageous, courteous


Sample sentence
When the chivalrous man politely asked me to dance, I immediately
accepted his invitation.
The chivalrous knight bowed before greeting the ladies of the

Meaning quick to anger
Memory Trigger 0
Sample sentence
Because Frank knew his wife was in a choleric mood, he tried to
avoid doing anything that would upset her.
Even the slightest noise would disturb the choleric man and send
him into a rage.
Meaning indicating or representing meaning
Memory Trigger DENOTE a name or meaning
Sample sentence
The word ‘mule’ is sometimes used to refer to a stubborn person,
but its denotation means ‘a cross between a horse and a donkey.
The literal meaning of a word is its denotation, but the way it is used
or perceived is referred to as its connotation.

Meaning to critisize harshly and publicly

Memory Trigger to talk about someone using BAD NOUNS

Sample sentence
When the flight attendants learned about their proposed pay cuts,
they decided to denounce the airlines at a news conference.

The dictator made a speech to denounce the actions of his enemies.

Meaning to exhaust the supply

Memory Trigger opposite of COMPLETE

Sample sentence
The company will be in ruins if we deplete our financial resources.
When we continually cut down forests, we are choosing to deplete
one of our greatest resources. 🔊

Meaning to criticize or express disapproval
Memory Trigger opposite of APPRECIATE
Sample sentence
Unfortunately my mother-in-law’s urge to deprecate me is stronger
than her urge to inspire me.
Coach Jones is a good coach because he does not deprecate his
players even when they make mistakes.

Meaning the neglect or disregard for something or someone
Memory Trigger NEGLECTION of duties is called DERELICTION
Sample sentence
Elderly nursing home patients may suffer from severe bedsores due
to the dereliction of their caretakers who are not taking care of their
When the vandals spray painted the churches in the neighborhood,
their dereliction could be felt by their lack of remorse for their

Meaning to subject to bitter ridicule
Memory Trigger DERIDE -de RIDICULE
Sample sentence
Bullies are individuals who deride other people in order to feel
When I am a parent, I will not deride my children and make them feel
Meaning to restrict or burden in such a way that action is limited
LUMBER-TIMBER-ENCUMBER- all are heavy and represent
Memory Trigger
Sample sentence
The tax plan will encumber many average Americans to the point
they cannot take yearly vacations.
If you do not want your baby to encumber you when you jog, you
should push her in the stroller instead of carrying her.

Meaning native to a specific area or group of individuals
Sample sentence
As we hiked through the rainforest, we saw endemic creatures we
could not have observed anywhere else on the planet.
The poisonous snake must have come from another country
because it is not endemic to our nation.

Meaning To express one’s support or approval

Memory Trigger Virat Kohli ENDORSEs many brands

Sample sentence
In order to get the job, Jane must find someone to endorse her as a
good babysitter.
The doctor will endorse the product because he believes in its

Meaning Lasting, Surviving
Memory Trigger enDURING, DURABLE
Sample sentence
It can be difficult to endure the emotional pain from a divorce.

Though he planned to diet, he could not endure the food deprivation

Meaning weaken

Memory Trigger ENERVATE: He never ate, so no energy

Sample sentence
The alcohol appeared to enervate Jason's ability to focus at work.
The wrestler's plan was to deliver a crushing blow which would
enervate his opponent.

Meaning to extend privileges or rights
Memory Trigger enFRANCHISE- Franchise=Freedom
Sample sentence
Even before slavery was abolished, the plantation owner made
plans to enfranchise freedom to his slaves.
The civil rights laws were enacted to end discrimination and
enfranchise equal rights to all citizens.

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