Using Calculator Mark Scheme

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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 4.6 cao nfww 2 B1 for 4.57 or 4.58 or

4.579 to 4.580
If 0 scored, SC1 for their
calculation rounded to
2sf if more than 2sf

2(a) 6 1

2(b) 2.15 or 2.154.... 1

3 4.01 or 4.007 to 4.008 1

4 0.839 or 0.8386 to 0.8387 1

5 6.59 or 6.594 to 6.595 1

6 12 1

7 2.29 or 2.292… 1

8 5.89 or 5.885 to 5.886 1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

9 157 900 cao 2 B1 for 158 000 or

157 860 or 157 862 to
157 863
If zero scored, SC1 for
their answer to more than
4 figs correctly rounded
to 4 sf

10 1.72 1

11 18.88 cao final answer 1

12 [0].101 or [0].1005 to [0].1006 1

13 1.3 1

14 1.62 or 1.62... 1

15 [0].85 final answer 2 B1 for 0.853[5…] or 13.7

and 16.05 seen

16 7.16[1…] 1

17 3.5 oe 1

18 7.37 or 7.371... 1

19 20 1
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

20 9.61 2 B1 for 9.609[1...]

or for their answer seen
rounded to 2.d.p

21 1.37 2
B1 for 0.866... or or

0.5 or

or B1 for 1.366... as final


22 -107 1

23 1.49 or 1.491... 1

24 1.37 or 1.37[4...] 1

25 1.49 or 1.491... 1

26 1.37 2
B1 for 0.866… or or

0.5 or

or B1 for 1.366… as final


[Total: 33]

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