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good morning sir how can I help you.

I need something for my foot what's the matter exactly

it's my big toe on my left foot lot

my big toe on my left foot it hurts a lot it feels like a kick something what happened did
something fall on it no actually I think it's my new shoes I think they're too small well

oh well here's some cream that might help and wear sandals for a couple of days

Marcelo: Good morning sir, how can I help you?

Miguel Angel: I need something for my stomachache.

Marcelo: what's the matter exactly?

Miguel Angel: Something I ate was bad for me, my stomach hurts a lot, I feel a lot of
stomachache, yesterday I went to a cevicheria that sells cheap and I ate rice with seafood that
was stale.

Marcelo: oh well, here I leave you a pill that can help you heal your stomachache.

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