Son Father Novel

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Chapter 9: She Finally Understood!

Translator: Zayn_ This person was none

other than Qin Chuan! And at this moment, Mu Yuncang also saw Qin Chuan,
and his expression slightly changed. Qin Chuan was actually able to receive his
attack? He was at the half-step Pure Yang realm! The power of half-step Pure
Yang realm was enough to easily crush someone at the peak of Origin Core
realm. Even a perfect Origin Core realm expert wouldn’t be able to resist it.
Unless… Qin Chuan had also broken through!! But, how was this possible? To
break through to the half-step Pure Yang realm, one needed pure yang qi or
Pure Yang Pills. And these things were practically monopolized by the Nine Sun
Imperial family and the various major powers. It was impossible for a small place
like Xunyang City to have them! If he couldn’t figure it out, he didn’t want to think
about it anymore. His face sank and he said coldly, “Qin Chuan, your son wants
to assassinate my daughter. How do you explain this?” At this point, they were
destined to fall out, so he no longer held back and called Qin Chuan by his name.
“Brother Mu, please don’t be angry.” Qin Chuan cupped his hands and looked at
his cheap son, saying, “I don’t think things are simple. My son was obviously
drugged and lost his mind.” Mu Yuncang was shocked. He had been angry about
this too. He suddenly realized that Qin Zi’s face was red and his body was
emitting hot air. Those were really the symptoms of being drugged. Then, his
face stiffened and his expression turned ugly. “Don’t tell me… that I drugged him
myself?!” “Brother Mu, you’re wrong.” Qin Chuan shook his head and said, “With
Brother Mu’s love for his daughter, he definitely wouldn’t do such a thing.”
“Moreover, I also believe in Brother Mu’s character… otherwise, I wouldn’t dare
bring my son to the City Lord’s manor.” These words instantly raised Mu
Yuncang up! A loving father. Character! This combination of flattering attacks
made Mu Yuncang dizzy. He couldn’t even get angry if he wanted to. After all,
one shouldn’t hit a smiling face! “Then… then tell me, what’s going on?” Mu
Yuncang’s tone softened. “Maybe there’s someone with ulterior motives who
wants to sow discord.” Qin Chuan calmly analyzed, “After all, doing so will not
benefit you or me.” “As for my son, no matter how muddle-headed he is, he
knows that it is impossible to assassinate the lady of the City Lord’s mansion. He
would only be seeking his own death.” “Therefore, it can only be that someone
drugged my son and wanted to sow discord between the two of us.” At this point,
he narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, “Brother Mu, you have to be
careful. I suspect that… there is a mole in the City Lord’s mansion. Think about it.
Do you have any enemies?” Whoosh!! Mu Yuncang’s expression changed
drastically. Of course, he had enemies, and there were quite a number of them.
These people might not go against him on the surface, but it was normal for them
to cause trouble in the dark. The surrounding guards and maids looked at each
other and started to get nervous. One could foresee that in the years to come,
each of them would be severely investigated by the City Lord. Who knew how
many little secrets would be dug out, and even… Perhaps there really was a spy
who was going to be exposed… “Sigh… Brother Qin, I’m sorry…” After a long
while, Mu Yuncang sighed and said, “After what happened today, I don’t have the
heart to do anything else. Let’s rest early.” “As for what we talked about just
now… If Brother Qin has the intention, you can tell me tomorrow morning. If you
don’t, just pretend that I didn’t say anything.” With that, he left with everyone. He
was afraid that he would have to stay up all night to treat his daughter’s injuries.
Although it wasn’t a serious injury, she would probably be in pain… “Qianyun, did
you hurt your chest?” “No.” “Sigh, what a pity…” “Father, what did you say?” “Oh,
it’s good that you’re fine. It’s good that you’re fine.” After watching the father and
daughter leave, Qin Chuan looked at Qin Zi. He saw that the boy had his head
lowered and said anxiously, “Father, I… I don’t know why, but I suddenly became
a hooligan and wanted to hit someone…” “Let’s talk in the room.” Qin Chuan said
calmly. “Okay.” Qin Zi said obediently. Soon. The father and son returned to the
guest room. After Qin Chuan poured out the remaining tea in the teapot, he
brewed a new pot of tea and put some refreshing medicinal herbs in it. “Drink
some.” After Qin Zi finished drinking, the medicinal effects completely
disappeared and he finally returned to normal. Without waiting for Qin Zi to say
anything, Qin Chuan directly asked, “Little Zi, what did you learn from today’s
incident?” “Ah?!” Qin Zi’s mouth was wide open. This sudden interrogation left
him at a loss. But since his father asked, he naturally had to answer seriously. He
thought for a moment and his eyes lit up. “I got it! You have to be careful when
you go out, and when you go to other people’s homes, you have to be even more
careful!” “Got it? But at the banquet earlier, you were like a reincarnated starving
ghost. You ate everything.” Qin Chuan said calmly. “You mean… you put the
medicine in the dishes?” Qin Zi’s eyes widened and asked in return, “But… didn’t
you guys eat it too?” Qin Chuan looked at him quietly and said, “We’re fine.
You’re the only one who’s not fine. Haven’t you thought about why?” “Could it be
that my cultivation is the lowest, so the medicine is ineffective against you and
only effective against me?” Qin Zi said with uncertainty. “Yes, it’s possible, but it’s
not comprehensive enough.” Qin Chuan nodded and said, “Actually, it’s still
possible. This medicine is a combination of many kinds of medicine. If you eat
several dishes at the same time, it will take effect.” “It’s also possible that this
medicine was in the wine. Perhaps the other cups had been coated with the
antidote, but yours wasn’t.” “It’s even possible… that you weren’t poisoned at the
dining table, but had been poisoned long ago. Think about it. Have you eaten
anything before?” Qin Zi thought for a moment and said, “After I entered the City
Lord’s mansion, I drank a cup of tea, and it was you who gave it to me.” “With
your strength, if there’s something wrong with the tea, it’s impossible for you not
to notice it.” “That’s true.” Qin Chuan nodded and asked, “But… what if I did it on
purpose?” “What?!” As if struck by bolt of lightning under a clear sky, Qin Zi
looked at his father in disbelief and asked, “It… It was you who did it?” “Yes.” Qin
Chuan said calmly. “Why?!” Qin Zi asked, confused and even a little angry. Why
did his father, whom he trusted so much, lie to him?! He really felt very
uncomfortable. “Pa!” Qin Chuan slapped the top of his head and said seriously,
“Why do you think it was? Could it be that I did it for fun?” Qin Zi was suddenly
stunned. The anger that had just been ignited seemed to have been doused with
a basin of cold water. It was instantly extinguished and then he felt guilty. That’s
right. How could his father harm him? What was he thinking!! His father must
have had a deeper reason for doing this. And at this moment, Qin Chuan said, “I
want you to know that you must be cautious at all times, no matter who you’re
with!” “You think that I can’t harm you, but I drugged you today. Although there’s
a reason for it, I did drug you.” “Think about it. If I didn’t save you in time today, or
if I wasn’t strong enough to save you… What would happen to you?” Qin Zi was
stunned. His heart was in a mess. It seemed like too many things had been
poured into him at once and he couldn’t accept it. Qin Chuan continued, “So, you
have to be careful at all times. Because the one who ultimately kills you… might
not be the enemy.” “Maybe someone originally wanted to help you, but they
made a mistake and that eventually put you in a desperate situation…” With that,
Qin Chuan walked towards the bedroom, leaving Qin Zi in a daze in the living
room, unable to calm down for a long time. Qin Zi was not the only one in a daze.
Even the blonde woman in the ring was stunned. Qin Chuan’s words echoing in
her mind. She finally understood! Read latest Chapters at WuxiaWorld.Site Only
So he drugged his son to teach him some principles. These principles seemed
simple, but they were actually extremely important! “Sigh, if someone had taught
me these things back then, I wouldn’t have ended up in this situation…” After a
long while, she sighed sadly and became even more in awe of Qin Chuan in her
heart. This person was simply unfathomable!! If you find any errors ( broken
links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know via our discord so we can
fix it as soon as possible. Chapter 9 Comments for chapter "Chapter 9"
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