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Chapter 13: The Invitation of Minghao City Lord Translator: Zayn_ After a long

time, Qin Chuan and his son arrived at the chosen courtyard under the guidance
of the steward, Lu Ming. When they opened the gate, the first thing they saw was
a clear circular pool with a white jade bridge carved with dragons and phoenixes.
After passing the white jade bridge, they saw a garden with green bamboo and
various flowers, as well as a pavilion for enjoying the cool air. In the depths of the
garden, one could see a very grand building standing tall. That was the
residence. “Sir, the relevant procedures for this courtyard have been completed.
From now on, this courtyard belongs to you.” “As for the maids and servants that
go with the courtyard, the Chamber of Commerce will soon send them over.” “Of
course, if you are worried about using them, you can also go to the slave market
and buy a few servants yourself.” Lu Ming said politely. “Okay, then we will go
and buy the servants ourselves. Thank you,” Qin Chuan cupped his hands and
said. “Ahem, you are too kind, Sir.” Lu Ming was a little flattered, then said, “If
you have no other instructions, then I will take my leave.” “Go.” Qin Chuan
nodded. Lu Ming turned around and left respectfully. “Wow! This courtyard is so
luxurious. It’s much better than our house in the Qin family!” After seeing Lu Ming
leave, Qin Zi couldn’t hold it in any longer. He was so excited that he almost
jumped up. “Slap!” Qin Chuan slapped his forehead and said indifferently,
“Useless. Isn’t it just a courtyard where Pure Yang realm cultivators live?” “You
will know in the future that the real super existences all live in the Immortal
Palaces. Even…” Even what? Don’t say it!! There would be suspense. Suspense
was the best. “OH.” Qin Zi calmed down after being splashed with cold water,
and he worshipped his father even more. His father was indeed a man who had
seen the world, and nothing could faze him at all! “Let’s go to the new house and
see which room you want to stay in. Son… you can choose first.” Qin Chuan’s
voice was slightly gentle. Although. His cheap son was here to take over the
business. It was indeed very cheap, but he was willing to treat him a little better
without harming his interests. Humans were not plants. Who could be heartless?
It took the father and son a long time to familiarize themselves with the structure
of the courtyard. Although no one lived here for a long time, it was spotless
because the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce sent people to clean it regularly
every month. In the spacious and bright hall. Qin Chuan said, “We don’t have any
servants at home now. I’m still worried about using the servants from the
Chamber of Commerce.” “Especially since you have a secret. Although it’s not a
big deal, it’s still not good for you if it’s exposed…” “So, you’d better go and buy a
few servants yourself.” Qin Zi’s eyes lit up when he heard that! “Really?” Let him
go again? He had messed up buying a house before, and now he had to go and
buy servants? Did his father trust him so much? “Yes, Father doesn’t mid. It’s
mainly about what kind of servants you like. You pick them yourself, and it’ll be
convenient to use them.” Qin Chuan said. Instantly, Qin Zi’s face showed a touch
of gratitude. So, Father was thinking of him. He took a deep breath, clenched his
fists, and said confidently, “Father, don’t worry. I’ll definitely buy a few obedient
servants!” After saying that, he walked out. He was going to do it! As for Qin
Chuan, he looked at his cheap son’s back and revealed a warm smile. This time,
he didn’t want to cheat his son. Because even if he was a good-for-nothing main
character, it was impossible for him to have conflicts with people every time he
went out, right? Generally speaking. If the right person went shopping, it was
very likely that he would buy a broken version of an ancient divine artifact from a
roadside stall. Or, he would pick up a dirty little girl with a special bloodline and
physique, and after this little girl was picked up and cleaned, she would turn out
to be very beautiful… In short. This was an opportunity for his cheap son. He
also didn’t think of snatching the opportunity from his cheap son. Firstly, he still
had a bottom line, and secondly, there was no need. After all, the stronger his
son was, the stronger his ability to stir up trouble would be, and the stronger he
would become. He and his son were actually in a relationship where both of them
would rise and fall together. If one day, his son was really killed, then he would…
well, he could actually have more children. He could even have many more.
However, he was afraid that he wouldn’t do that, because he didn’t want his child
to be used as a tool by his father to rise in this world. If it wasn’t for love… Why
would he let the child be born? He wouldn’t easily give birth to a child. And now,
he wouldn’t really hurt this “cheap son” who called him father. He would just use
him reasonably. He had to use him! Because in this kind of world, without
strength, there would be nothing! If he softened his heart today, became
sentimental, and couldn’t bear to harm his son, then in the future, when his
cheap son faced despair, when his family was separated, when his master was
sacrificed, when his friends died tragically… What could he do? He could only do
nothing! He did not want to be a person who could do nothing at the crucial
moment, nor did he want to be an insignificant person. Therefore, he had to
become stronger. The system was his only chance. Without the system, how
could he turn the world upside down? The memories of his transmigration could
not give him any advantages. This world was not one where a person could rise
by making money, brewing wine, copying poems, mathematics, physics, and
chemistry. He had to make the best use of the system in order to have the capital
to establish himself in this world! “The Envoy from the City Lord’s Mansion
requests to meet Senior Qin!” At this moment, a clear voice sounded from
outside the courtyard. “Please come in.” Qin Chuan said calmly. The pure yang
expert’s heart was beating like thunder, so even though his voice was low, it still
traveled far. Soon, a group of city guards in silver armor jogged in and stood in
two rows outside the house, forming a welcoming formation. A handsome young
man in white walked in. He was handsome and had a warm smile on his face.
“Bai Yichen from the City Lord’s mansion greets Senior Qin.” The young man in
white bowed slightly and said politely. “So it is the Young City Lord who has
arrived. Sorry for not welcoming you.” Qin Chuan was slightly surprised. This
polite young man in front of him was actually the son of the City Lord of Minghao,
Bai Chen. As a Minghao City was a main city overseeing Xunyang City, Qin
Chuan had some understanding of it, at least enough to have
twice the things you took!” All the cultivators of Heavenly Ghost Sect revealed
furious expressions. “You sure talk big!” “Where did he get the confidence to be
so arrogant in front of the entire Heavenly Ghost Sect?” The group of disciples
and elders were furious when they saw Song Shi. If not for the fact that the sect
master had not spoken, they might have swarmed up and beaten Song Shi up.
Lu Jiu stared at Song Shi and looked into the abyss again.

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