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Written Works 1


Name: ______________________________ Grade ___ Section ___ Date: ______ Score: _____

Encircle the letter of your answer. Erasure or alterations is not accepted.

1. Which of the following terms describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software,
and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet?
A. 5G B. AI C. IoT D. VR
2. Cybersecurity is the protection to defend internet-connected devices and services from malicious attacks by hackers, spammers,
and cybercriminals. Why is it important to protect these devices and data?
A. To protect against phishing schemes C. To protect from ransomware attacks
B. To protect against identity theft, data breaches D. All of these
3. Malware is one of the greatest security threats enterprises face. Which of the following is NOT an example of it?
A. Adware B. Ransomware C. Spyware D. Tupperware
4. Cybersecurity is the protection to defend internet-connected devices and services from malicious attacks by hackers, spammers,
and cybercriminals. Who is considered as the Father of Cyber Security?
A. Al-Khwarizmi B. Bob Thomas C. Charles Stark Draper D. Kevin Ashton
5. Internet of Things uses devices, sensors and softwares to exchange data on the internet. Which of the following is NOT an
example of it?
A. Autonomous Vehicles C. Traffic Lights and Posts
B. Personal Medical Devices D. Smart Home Devices
6. Internet of Things uses devices, sensors and softwares to exchange data on the internet. Who is the inventor of Internet of
A. Al-Khwarizmi B. Bob Thomas C. Charles Stark Draper D. Kevin Ashton
7. Which of the following trends refers to the practice of protecting computers, networks, systems and data from digital attacks?
A. Artificial Intelligence B. Cloud Computing C. Cyber Security D. Internet of Things
8. IoT is a collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the
cloud, as well as between the devices themselves. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of IoT?
A. Higher efficiency and productivity C. More business opportunities
B. Improved customer experience D. Protection from cyber threats like scamming, viruses, data
9. Which of the following trends in computing worlds refers to the utilization of computer technology to build an imitated
A. Cloud Computing B. Cyber Security C. Internet of Things D. Virtual Reality
10. Cyber Security is the practice of protecting your computers, networks, systems and data. Which of the following is NOT a
safety cyber practice?
A. Use strong passwords C. Update your software and operating system
B. Use anti-virus software D. Open email attachments from unknown senders
11. Securing your data has a lot of benefits. Which of the following is a benefit of cyber security?
A. Business protection against cyber-attack and data breaches
B. Improve data collection and data sharing and information sharing
C. Can connect to any devices and objects using the internet and can monitor business progress
D. All of the above
12. There are five types of virtual reality: non-immersive virtual reality, semi-immersive virtual reality, fully immersive virtual reality,
augmented virtual reality and collaborative virtual reality. Non-immersive virtual reality uses computer to control the activities
within the experience. Which of the following is an example of non-immersive virtual reality?
A. Dota B. Call of Duty C. Mobile Legends D. All of these
13. Virtual reality has a lot of advantages. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Virtual Reality?
A. It creates a realistic world. C. It helps in exploring places without actually being there.
B. The education system has been improved. D. Develops technical skills with no interaction and very expensive
14. VR technology, when used for good purposes, can offer endless possibilities, opportunities, and excitement. It can benefit a
wide range of fields and industries, such as education, medicine, architecture, and entertainment. How does virtual reality affect
real life?
A. It can make your life miserable. C. It can lead to addiction and isolation.
B. You can learn a lot in virtual reality. D. It can be used as a treatment for mental health issues.
15. VR technology, when used for good purposes, can offer endless possibilities, opportunities, and excitement. It can benefit a
wide range of fields and industries, such as education, medicine, architecture, and entertainment. Why do people prefer virtual
A. Allows users to experience movements and explore virtual environments without physical limitations
B. Helps education by creating immersive lessons that are engaging, memorable and impactful for students
C. Enable users to explore and interact with a virtual surrounding in a way that approximates reality, as it is perceived through
the user’s senses
D. Allows to immerse ourselves in video games as if we were one of the characters, learn how to perform heart surgery or
improve the quality of sports training to maximize performances
16. Virtual reality use a stereoscopic display to give 3D depth to what you are seeing. Which of the following is NOT an example of
virtual reality gadgets?
A. Cyber Shoes B. Google Street View C. Gun Stock D. Virtual Reality Headset
17. Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the internet which include tools and applications like data storage,
servers, databases, networking and software. Which of the following is an example of cloud computing services categories?
A. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS B. IAAS, PAAS, SAAS C. Iaas, Paas, Saas D. IAS, PAS, SAS
18. There are two types of cloud: public and private. Which of the following best describes public cloud?
A. Sells services to anyone on the internet.
B. Sells services to a specific someone on the internet.
C. It can benefit a wide range of fields and industries, such as education, medicine, architecture, and entertainment.
D. The delivery of different services through the internet which include tools and applications like data storage, servers,
databases, networking and software.
19. Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power,
without direct active management by the user. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of cloud computing?
A. Cost Savings B. Decreased Productivity C. High Performance D. Speed and Efficiency
20. Which of the following is a branch of computer science, focused on the creation of intelligent machines capable of performing
tasks that typically require human intelligence?
A. Algorithm B. Artificial Intelligence C. Data Science D. Software Engineering
21. Which of the following is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics
and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data?
A. Algorithm B. Artificial Intelligence C. Data Science D. Software Engineering
22. There are three types of AI: Weak AI, General AI and Super AI. Which of the following is NOT an example of Weak or narrow AI?
A. Alexa by Amazon B. Chatbots C. Google Maps D. Siri
23. Algorithms that power weak AI model human intelligence and work to accomplish specific tasks rather than possess full
cognitive abilities like the human brain. Which of the following is an example of AI?
A. Chatbots B. Facebook C. Instagram D. Youtube
24. Which of the following terms refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property?
A. Cracking B. Copyright C. Hacking D. Plagiarism
25. Which of the following is an example of cyber-attack that attempt to steal sensitive information, typically in the form of
usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, bank account information or other important data to utilize or sell the stolen information?
A. Cyber-attack B. Malware attack C. Phishing D. Scamming
26. Which of the following is NOT an importance of copyright?
A. Promotes creativity B. Protects creators right C. Provides economic benefits D. Preserve food
27. Which of the following is NOT covered by Republic Act 10175 or Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012?
A. Child Pornography B. Cybersex C. Plagiarism D. Prostitution
28. Which of the following terms means trying to get into computer system in order to steal, corrupt or illegitimately view data?
A. Cracking B. Copyright C. Hacking D. Plagiarism
29. Which of the following is an act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorized access to an account or
computer system?
A. Cracking B. Copyright C. Hacking D. Plagiarism

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