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Blood was gushing down following the water from the tap.

Ariana saw the horror moment and

screamed on top of her lungs. It started at school, it was rainy and Ariana was rushing to class as she was
running late. “Sorry Sir Raihan, I was late because of the congestion.” She apologized, gasping for air. Sir
Raihan, was explaining about school project and I was partnered with a gloomy and quiet student in the
class named Daniel. Little did she know that the pairing would change her life forever.

After that, they started planning on the project and they decided to buy things for the project at
Servay. As soon as school ended, they went straight to Servay by ordering Maxim. Ariana being gleeful
decided that she wanted to play a practical joke on Daniel. “Hey Daniel, can you reach that manila card
on top the shelf?” Ariana asked mischievously. As Daniel grabbing the manila card, Ariana quickly pulled
Daniel’s trousers. Daniel’s face was as red as tomato when all the customers were looking at him being
half naked. He galloped to the toilet and locked the door. When Ariana got to the toilet, she saw blood
flowing on the floor. She kicked the door and after a few attempts, it finally opened. To her horror, she
saw Daniel laying on the floor his wrists was slit and he was unconscious.

The ambulance came and took Daniel to the hospital but unfortunately it was too late and
Daniel died on the way. The next day, Ariana went to his funeral and her eyes were flooding with tears.
She regretted what she did as she discovered that Daniel had a severe depression and the prank lead to
him taking his life away.

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