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MODULE 5 (Architecture in the Asia Pacific) QUIZ

1. Which civilization in ancient In Ancient Indian Architecture, the holiest part of a temple that
housed the representation of a deity.
a. Nagara
b. Garbhagriha
c. Mandapa
d. Vesara
2. Under the Maurya empire, what form did sculptors master and incorporate into the
decorations of stupas and temples?
a. Human Body
b. Geometric Shapes
c. Buddhist Symbols
d. Animal Body
3. During the reign of King Ashoka, what construction method was primarily used to build
caves and pillars?
a. Stone grinding
b. Ivory grinding
c. Wood carving
d. Rock cutting
4. Early in the Mauryan period, _____ was polished so much that it would shine like a mirror.
a. Wood
b. Stone
c. Brick
d. Rock
5. Which of these is NOT one of the defining aesthetic characteristics of the Taj Mahal?
a. Ornate and intricate details
b. Austere walls and surfaces
c. Islamic arches and domes
d. Symmetry
6. The Taj Mahal is best seen as an example of the architecture of what empire?
a. Persian
b. Gupta
c. Ottoman
d. Mughal
7. Many builders of the Taj Mahal, including its principal architects came from where?
a. Italy
b. China
c. Persia
d. Japan
8. Who was Mumtaz Mahal?
a. The main architect of the Taj Mahal
b. The wife of the emperor who commissioned the Taj Mahal
c. The emperor who commissioned the Taj Mahal
d. The architect who designed the dome of the Taj Mahal
9. Which religious philosophy was the first to have a major impact on Chinese architecture?
a. Communism
b. Buddhism
c. Taoism
d. Confucianism
10. In Chinese Architecture, what is “dougong”?
a. A support column
b. A load – bearing wall
c. A design pattern or alternating colors that emphasized different visual elements
d. A system of brackets that dispersed ceiling weight onto the columns
11. What was the primary building material of Ancient China?
a. Clay or mud-brick
b. Stone
c. Wood
d. Silk
12. Chinese Taoist-influenced structures traditionally emphasized:
a. Horizontality
b. Verticality
c. Concentric circles
d. Asymmetry
13. Pagodas are the descendants of what ancient Indian building type?
a. Shrine
b. Stupa
c. Temple
d. Sorin
14. What architectural component is NOT common to Japanese pagodas?
a. Beams counterbalanced by columns
b. Tiered concrete construction
c. Central pillar
d. Sorin
15. Japanese pagodas are different from Chinese ones in which ways?
a. They are primarily built out of wood, have larger roof overhangs and are seen
as secondary structures
b. They are taller, have smaller roof overhangs and are used as temples
c. They are primarily constructed from stone, have larger roof overhangs and are used as
d. They are shorter, have larger roof overhangs and are seen as secondary structures
16. What do the five levels of Japanese pagodas represent?
a. Rock, sea, smoke, weather and sky
b. Hardness, moistness, heat, mobility and stillness
c. Earth, water, fire, wind and space
d. Lotus flowers, grave, deities, bodhisattvas, enlightenment
17. What is the concept of negative space in a traditional Japanese home?
a. The amount of room that an object occupied.
b. The amount of time it takes one culture to emulate another.
c. The amount of time that went into planning the zen garden.
d. The attention paid to the space around the object as well as the object itself.
18. In Japanese Architecture, how is a kaidan tansu different from a regular tansu?
a. The kaidan tansu was in the shape of and had the function of a staircase
b. A kaidan tansu was made of rice paper while a regular one was made of wood
c. They are two names for the exact same object
d. The kaidan tansu was not portable and thus was much bigger and sturdier
19. Why did many pieces of Japanese furniture have handles on the sides?
a. So it can have multiple functions
b. So it could have some decoration
c. So it could be moved quickly in case of fire
d. So the furniture appeared as simple as possible
20. What is the purpose of the shoji screen in a traditional Japanese home?
a. Prayer
b. Storage
c. Seating and sleeping
d. Opening (and closing) rooms from each other and the outside

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