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ESIA of CASA Electrode Station & Electrode Line

World Bank Comment Response Matrix

S# Comment Response
1 Chapter 6. Socioeconomic Baseline:
Please explain / justify the process used to determine the The population of 2,343,943 mentioned in report is from the secondary
sample size for a population of 2,343,943 in the project area. data (District Census Report) and is for all the district. The affected
The sample size depends on several factors, such as the level of population is about 257 households as per the RAP report of the project.
precision, variability, and confidence level in the population. A The sample of 100 HHs was selected from the 257 HHs for
sample of 100 households was chosen from 17 villages, is this socioeconomic survey and is supposed to be enough.
sample size sufficient to accurately represent the population
size of 2,343,843 in the project area?
2 Chapter 7. Social risk and impact:
According to the ESIA, a total of 62.644 acres of land will be
acquired for the construction of electrode station, and a total As mentioned in the ESIA, a total of 257 households will be affected.
of 191.4 acres of land will be affected. Of this affected land, This includes 51 PAPs permanently losing about 63 acres of land, 195
173.224 acres are cultivated land, 3.31 acres are barren land, households experiencing crop damage during construction and
and 2.31 acres are government land. However, it is unclear how devaluation of land due to installation of towers over an area of about
many individuals will be affected and if the same people will 111 acres, and 11 households whose barren/grazing land will be
experience multiple losses such as land, crops, trees, and other affected. The remaining impacts such as loss of trees and structures
assets. For instance, it is unclear if the 51 PAHs affected by the belong to the same households already mentioned above.
loss of 62.644 acres of land for construction of the ES are the
same as the 51 PAHs affected by crops damage. Additionally,
the ESIA states that a total of 195 PAHs will be affected due to The table has been revised in the ESIA.
the decrease in land value, but the specific implications of this
are unclear. To clarify and address these issues, we suggest to
include a table in the ESIA that provides a clear breakdown of
the number of affected persons and the specific losses they will
3 9.8 Grievance Redress Mechanism GRM:
The ESIA should provide a comprehensive and detailed Yes, we agree with the statements.
description, guidance and process necessary to establish a The NTDC has an effective GRM system duly approved by the World
robust Grievance Redress Mechanism to ensure that the Bank. The copy is attached as Annex 8 in the report.
project stakeholders have a mechanism effective, accessible
S# Comment Response
and accountable and promote a positive relationship between
project and affected communities. Please ensure that the GRM Annex 8 has been added in the report. Text added relating to
should provide a confidential reporting system, investigations SEA/SH
and remedies and support for individuals to reports any
incidents of GBV, SEA/SH. The mechanism should also have a
system for monitoring and evaluation effectiveness in
addressing GBV and SEA/SH.

4 Chapter 10. Stakeholder Consultation:

During consultation process, the PAPs (project Affected These concerns of the affected people have been well taken care of in
Persons) have expressed concerns regarding reduction in the the RAP report of the project. The persons losing value of their land will
value of their land and the decrease in crop production due to be compensated by giving them the compensation for their land taken
TL. They have also requested for employment opportunities for tower. In addition, they will be provided with the severe impact
and the supply of free electricity to their communities where allowance and productivity enhancement allowance.
their land will be affected. One potential solution to these Text has been added to describe CSP and the coordination mechanism
concerns could be the implementation of the benefit-sharing between CSP and the proposed project.
program along the TL corridor. We suggest that the ESIA include
recommendations as well as coordination mechanism between
CSP (Community Support Program) to address these concerns. Text updated in the report.

5 Labor Influx:
The ESIA found that the influx of labor in the project area my The remedial measures are already there in the ESIA and it will be
cause social conflict, illicit behavior, crime and burden on public ensured that they become the part of contractor’s implementation
services. To address these risks, ESIA should clearly include plans and will be monitored throughout the project cycle. Code of
measures such as inclusive engagement with stakeholders, conduct and some additional measures added under mitigations.
establishing a Code of conduct for labor, promoting local
employment opportunities, and awareness-raising programs
for workers and communities. These measures should be
integrated into project design and implementation plans and
monitored throughout the project life cycle to ensure

6 Quarrying:
S# Comment Response
Indicate if environmental and social considerations are All the sub-contractors and suppliers will be selected considering their
included in licensing of construction materials suppliers. necessary licenses related to the Environment and Social
considerations. Additional measures added to include E&S
considerations for the quarries.
7 Tower installation and stringing: Done. Mitigation measures have been added in ESIA.
Please include a consideration of CHS during construction
phase for these activities e.g. access control, task-specific Text Updated in the report.
community information/engagement.

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