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Cambridge Universitu Press

Cambridge Assessment English

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First published 2019

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Printed in Malaysia by Vivar Printing

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ISBN 978-1-108-71362-7 Start SmartActivitg Book

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CaroLine Nixon & Michael TomLinson


Map of the book

-m[,I,, I , I , , , LLLiL! I - In Trm I , I I - Phonics andIn(dI,[1, Cross-curricuLcir i

Main scene Hello. I'm (Jenng/Jim)

Hello ; vocabularg
What number's this?
Page 4 bird, boot, book, bus,cotNumbersI-6Coloursblue,green,orcinge,purple,red,yellow Whc]tcoloLjr'sthis?

Friends and familg What's gour nc]me? Home time Initial sounds: Familgtrees
Friends and mc]n, womc]n, bog, gir(, Mg name's . . . / I'm . . . introduction
A reol-life storgSkillspractice
famiLu fomilg How old ore gou? I'm . . .
Page 8 Morefamitgmum,dcld,brother,sister,pet He's/She's . . .

School What c]re theg? Theg're . . . The bird and the Initial letter sound: Primorg and
At school cat b secondarg colours
I bag, classroom, pencil, Are they . . . ? Yes. / No.
`'\ plagground, tecicher ,
P09e 18
Where's mg . . .? Where is it? A cartoon storg
More schoolboclrd,bookcase, choir,cupboard,tc]ble It's in/on/under . . . Skills prcictice

Food There'sIThere cire . . . In Mr Brown's In iticil letter sou nds: Where food comes
garden b,c from
| c]pple, bonc]no, gropes, How mc]ng . . . clre there?
i :#pihg I orclnge, wc]termelon A lot. An animc]l storg
Page 28
More foodbec]ns,burger, cc]rrot,egg'rice Skills practice

Review units 1-3

Home I'veNou've got . . . The three wishes Initial letter sound: Shapes at home
At home Hove gou got . . . ? C
| bed, clock, computer, A traditionc]l storgSkillspractice
Page 40 Yes, I have.No,Ihc]ven't.
lamp, mirrorROoms

bc]throom, bedroom,garden,kitchen,livingroom I/Weft-heg haven't got . . .

IT- in I , I I , I , I I I , Lue I - Literature Phonlcs and11td1,I., I I , L+1 . . I 11 11 I I . I .

Bodu He's/She's got . . . Mg best friend Initial letter sounds: Keeping clean
Mu bod9 ears, eges, hair, mouth,Hc]s he/she got . . . ? b, c, l
A real-life storgSki`lspractice
Page 50 /e9s Yes, he's/she's got . . .

Describingappearancebig,smc]ll,long, short,beautiful He/She hasn't got . . .

: Togs Do gou (ike . . . ? Mg favourite toy Initial letter sound: Materials

Mu tops I like/love . . . t
| boc]rd game, comero, A real-life storgSkillspractice
'| doll, teddy, train
Page 60
Whc]t's gour favourite . . . ?
More topsball,balloon, bike, car,plane I like/don't like . . .

Review units 4-6

Action verbs I Can you . . . ? The queen of the Initial letter sounds: Emotions
Free time climb, jump, run, swim, Yes, I can. / No, I can't. river f,p
'1 walk
Page 72 I con . . .
A traditional storgSkillspractice
Free time activities What are gou doing?
catch a ball, fly ap(c]ne,plagbclsketboll,plc]gfootbc]lI,plc]gthepiano I'm . . .ing.

; More action verbs I'm . . .ing. clean the beach Initial letter sounds: Weather
We're having day b, t, s
| clean, drink, eat, sleep,Whc]t's he/she . . .jng? What
fun! I take a photo ore gou/theg . . .ing? A fa ntasg storg
Page 82
NCLturebeach,flower, sea, sun,tree Skills practice
He's/She's . . .ing. Theg're•

' CLothes I wclnt/don't wclnt . . . Five good friends Initial letter sounds: Caring for animals
Moving to Do gou want (gour) . . . ? review
I jacket, jeans, shoes, An animal storgSkillspractice
the form | socks,Tshirt | Yes, I do. / No, I don't.I
Page 92
( Farm animals Let's . . .

dog, duck, goc]t, horse,sheep Yes, OK/great/please.No,thankgou.

Review Units 7-9



ae Point and sap the names.

4 Hello. I'm (Jenny|Jim).

Draw and sap.

bird, boat, book, bus, cat 5

Draw Lines and sap.

ofiE Listen and • Sag.


ife . ife ife ife ife ife

6 Numbers I-6
oqE}3 Listen and

+*+ +++
®fi}g Listen and colour.


Colours What number's this? What colour's this?


Friends cEnd fermiL

OLfiE Listen and draw Lines. Listen again
and colour. Sag.

8 Fr.lends c\nd Fc\m.ilg man, woman, boy, girl, familg

0 Lfi}2 Listen and number.

a iqp3 Listen and the tick / or cross X.

What's your name? Mg name's ... / I'm ... How old are you? I'm ... ©
S*:-± L#4 Listen and number.

ffiiq£5 Listen and draw lines.

EL® More lam.ilg mum, dad, brother, sister, pet


lapp Listen and colour.

•` ,.i

® b'® fl


He's/She's... ELEL
Point and sag.

Draw Ben and Map. Point and say.


Is home time at your school the same or different?

12 Text tgpe: A real-life storg

What's this? Look and sag. Listen and check.
•..` `j,`


a±#g List:n and colour.

Skills practice fl3
Listen, point and sap the number. Listen and sap
the words.


I-::, ``S

en mm
Draw Lines. Listen and repeat.

14 Initial sounds: introduction

Look and colour red or blue. Sag.

fflB Draw gour familg tree. Talk to a friend.

Learn about familg trees Erg

0]q}3 Listen and ®. Who is it?


1© Story: Vocabulary and language in context

±qE Listen and colour.


Unit consolidation and self-evaluation flF

2qpfl Listen and Colour. Sag.

Look and draw. Point and sap.

/, E 4+,l=Z


+ ,++try\++


L8 School bag, classroom, pencil, plagground, teacher

0 2ap2 Listen and number.

2#3 Listen and

_z- =5i555E_=


Whataretheg? They're... Are they...?Yes. / No. EL©
2fp4 Listen and circle the tick / or cross X. Sap.

/A`A`^`A. ^xwrrvrf lr¥/¥/¥/~iv 4, i, tc prrf ^

en 2ap5 Listen and draw Lines.

y , rRAh`,,{-

®t@- I
I %xx •ELj;

~R -'`%

I illill

20 More school board, bookcase, chair, cupboard, table

2fi© Listen and point. Listen again and colour.

i:.;.-`:i 2ap7 Listen and draw Lines.


Where's my...? Where is it? It's in/on/under... mEL

Number the pictures in order.

-.-- `- ```_ `




22 Text tgpe: A cartoon storu

2q¥9 Listen and colour.

Skills practice 23
fi2fij® Listen and point.

Cross out X the picture that doesn't start with b. Sap.

ts ae`ffi-



24 Initial lettersound: b
Look and colour. Sag.

colours in orange. Ask and answer.

Learnaboutprimargandsecondargcolours 28
2apfl Listen and the tick / or cross X.

EEffQ ii_#dr|ffi

2© Storg: Vocabularg and language in context

fi 2q}2 Listen and colour.


Unitconsolidationandself-evaluation 27


--; --.---.-- S -==:i-.i;;-` -::--;-.:-.---;i=---i:,-.---:I--,.- +-------- ` `:

3fifl Listen and colour. Sag.

Where is the food? Ask and answer.

2@ Food apple, banana, grapes, orange, watermelon

en3ffi2 Listen and draw.

ffi3fi3 Liste'n and colour.

There's|Thereare... ®&®
en3apfr Listen and number.

B3fi}5 Listen and draw Lines.

8® More food beans, burger, carrot, egg, rice

circle ®
ffi3qp© Look at the pictures. Listen and

I-_-tttH + ` .+,S€+RT^rfe

ftfe -- _- I-_- _=

Count and write the number.
A\sk and ansINer How mang ... are there?

How many . . . are there? A lot. 31
Number the pictures in order.

I ----=l _ -i--J I
[``.'' `` .

Tick / the food Rabbit takes.

HEii RIElhi

32 Texttgpe: An animal storg


Look at the picture. Answer Pour teacher's questions.

Skills practice 33
Write the letter b round the beans and bananas. Colour.

Write the Letter c to complete the caterpillar.

Colour the caterpillar and the carrot.


•: ...-,.,.---.-,.. `...: .

34 Initial lettersounds: b, c
Learn about where food comes from 35
Listen and number.


3© Story: Vocabularu and language in context


Unit consolidation and self-evaluation 3F
zg cs3: as
Listen and colour.

a JB
Look at Activitg 1. Listen and the tick / or cross X.

38 Consolidation of units 1-3

gE! Choose 6. Tick / and sag.

gHi PLau the game. Sap and gour ticks /.

Consolidation of units 1-3 39


enfr£EL Listen and draw Lines. Ask and answer.



ffiB Read and draw Lines. Sap.

mlrror clock computer lamp

40 Home
fufi2 fifi% Listen and draw Lines. Listen and check.

i-=? -:_: I.i .-

4f:EL Look. Listen and yes or no.

E® no , 2 Bes no 3 yes no
&&] Bes no 5 ges no © ges no

I've/You'vegot... Haveyougot...?Yes,Ihave./No,Ihaven't. ELca_

J, Listen and number. Sap.

ffi4#© List;n and the rooms the correct colour.

42 Rooms
ffi4f¥7 Listen and cross out x.

Listen and number. Sap.

I/We/They haven't got... ELB

dim ©the wishes.

Listen and the correct word.

house / classroom house / garden

bed / clock book / lamp

44E Text tgpe: A traditional storg



Skills practice 4Q©

4apfl Listen, point and sap. Colour the words that start with c.


Sap. Listen and draw Lines.

46 Initial lettersound: c
;;;jiifi Look and colour. Sap.


Learn about shapes at home ff¥F

`- 5L±:?±er``` . I-2- I L ai.r -I 'iiltr " :`' ` I I, I

48 Storg: Vocabularu and language in context

¥=-.` 4q4}4 Listen. Draw and colour.

en Self-evaluation.©cameron.


Unit consolidation and self-evaluation 4:t®rB

Mu b®dE5
G Write. Draw Lines. Colour.

Look. Listen and number.

_ __RE`l J5

50 Bodu
¥i`... 5o©2
Listen and draw Lines.
Use red for Pete and blue for Grace.


•S ,3- iil
Look. Listen and write yes or no.

EL _pe5ri

He's/She'sgot... Hashe/shegot...? Yes,he's/she'sgot... EEL

Listen and tick / or cross X.

5®5 Listen and Write. Sap.

lonLg/ haiir / ears



illa RE/ leg a / illillmouth

52 Describing appearance
ffi54¥@ Listen and cross outx.

Listen and tick / or cross X.

T* d:Ad)r,g\ynga„ ' ` `|u,'- -


a\Alice X



He/She hasn'tgot... S@

a big/ ears

® short/ long legs

54 Text tgpe: A real-life storg

Look at the pictures. Look at the Letters. Write the words.


Skills practice 55
d'``b A
5.08 5.,®!:?
Cut out the pictures. Listen and sag.
Listen and put the words in the right baskets.

What has got legs?©and sag.


56 Initial letter sounds: b, c, I

Look and draw what's missing. Write.


brushmu.:.::.:.:.........::::..........:i.::.i....:... wa s h in g : .... i... ::: .... :i...i .... ;... i...... :i ....::,.;

ffi who is keeping clean? Look and tick /. Sag.

Learn about keeping clean 9ff

5fp® Listen and number.

get { tapffiREPeaeREffffi

58 Storu: Vocabularu and language in context


5@fl Listen. Draw and colour.

diEN Self-evaluation.© Cameron.

Unit consolidation and self-evaluation 59


Write. Draw Lines.

g?gi Listen and draw lines.

Sue Bill

6® Togs
©fi}2 Listen and circle,®

6$3 Listen and draw lines.

Jill and Dan Hugo and Tom Grace and Lucy

Do you like...?IIike/love... ©c.

en © and sap the word. write.

--ball` \-/

en6q#:. Listen and draw Lines.

DE#Bm .,- o%S

•1® G@r

.®.©.''- I

OOo ®®®

ffi i,,R

62 More toys
GB66aps Listen and cross out x.

Mark and Pat


•Tfty #


What do you Like? Look and write yes or no.

Ask a friend.

\rENwl :I`'A,`* ,2.`W\',I.` •ts. * ®-±1.®,, .`

eT? , ,,,§ O'? , ,,,S

grapes dolls cats bikes balloons

Your friend

+` ,(i`,,,i"Iife ` '''! ,h,J#

tins ifue ®•##xp## tlS

grapes , dolls cats bikes balloons

What's your favourite...? I like/don't like... ©®

What do theu give Mandu? Draw the toys.

Tick / and colour Mandg's favourite tog.

6fr Text tgpe: A real-life storg

6fi}6 Listen and draw lines.
MandB FreddB Ann

Ben Bill Sue Jill

Skills practice 65
Listen and sap. Listen and draw Lines.

6.07 6.08

zlE -E

ffi Look and sag. Write the letter t or I.

66 Initial letter sound: t

a Draw Pour favourite top. Write and tell a friend.

MB favourite tog is mB -a-iusca ----- gut--,rmi-.,I-a -----. It'S made Of

Learn about materials ©F

6ti=;`;;i,\ Listen and tick / or cross X.

ill;"O RREv ,

6S Storu: Vocabulary and language in context

'3 66o=% Listen. Draw and colour.


Lil --I.:]i-



Unit consolidation and self-evaluation ©©

Draw Lines and colour.

-gil = Lamp A =bed =Car

6qfl LOok. Listen and write yes or no.

1 yes,

7® Consolidation of units 4-6

Choose 6. Write and sag.

PLau the game. Sap and Hour words.


¥:.:lh -di:=3 -----: : -= -==:---i--=

Consolidation of units 4-6 Ffl

Free time


07q?E Listen and number.

72 Action verbs
Listen and number. Listen again and write yes or no.

Listen and tick / or cross X. Write can or carn't.

Mark sing.

Mark walk. Mark „.__i.,.xxx,a|ump.

Cangou...?Yeslcan./No,Ican't.Icon... affB
Listen and draw Lines. Use the colours uou hear. Write.

pteg flu plag catch plag

Sam Eva

TEN a ball

the piano a plane

Listen and tick / or cross X.

74 Free time activities

7q}6 Listen and number.

7fiS Listen and draw lines.

--__, /-_-.`

Whataregoudoing?I' aifB
Read and the correct word.

Cat Frog Toad

can / can't climb. can / can't swim. can / can't sing.

•-'-giv-ir -ir-

Flamingo Frog Toad

c;an / Swlm. can / can'tjump. can/can'tj.ump.

7ap8 Listen and number.


Draw pictures of something uou can do, and something

gou can't do. Tell a friend.

76 Text tgpe: A traditional storg

Look and read. Tick / or cross X .

These are dolls. These are balls.

This is a train. This is a cat.

rirs©© I

Theseareapp,es. Ejii Thisisabird.1'~

¢ >~~ivyyso_
, , , A,,,^^<

Skills practice ffF

en 7flg 7qp® Listen, point and sap. Listen. Draw a © around
the f words and a EE around the p words.

'\`\., -


Write the letter f or p.

78 Initial letter sounds: f, p
illilli Point and sag. Write.
angrg happg sad scared tired

She can swim. Hecan't plag basketball. She can'tflg a plane. ife,
she,s happ~^qu. He,s _marorqu_ _ . She's .

He can't walk. Shecan'tj.ump.

He'S ,,,,,. _.R. _c _.,. _._.. She'S , v,` ..,.,, __ _ ....... A.` ,,....... ~rfu,..+.¥,. I.,in.

What emotions do you sometimes feel? Draw uou. Write.

I,in . ,'m .

Learn about emotions F®

7Gfl Listen and number.
---`_* __::--:,£

- s'g±.i -=
-ed¥ -
±.` -,I--(-",

ffi¥ ae_ r--%¥` #--

8® Story: Vocabulary and language in context

b cL i I EE



Unit consolidation cind self-evaluation ©E

We're hcEvin fELn!
Read and the word.

sleep / clean eat / take a photo

clean / drink sleep / eat drink / take a photo

Write and sap.


o-ee \'. 0 .. ` -,,. tD uT\

Im , Im ,

82 More action verbs

Listen and number.



8#a Readand . Listen and check.

Theg're / Theg aren't He's / He isn't plaging

®/ It isn't climbing.
plaging basketball. the piano.

® ®

Theg're / Th6g aren't She's / She isn't It's / It isn't eating.

swimming. jumping.

I' ©se
Look and write.

beach bird flower sea sun tree

T_=i .>>-

Listen and draw Lines. Use the colours uou hear.

__ --_
9 8apdr Listen and number.


pat i:1ij

sue (qu __i


Read and write yes or no.
fl Ispattakingaphoto? ~riyesvyrvw_ck

2r Issuejumpinginthesea?
3 AreKimandTom plagingbasketball?
fr IsAlexsleeping?
^8 Arethe birdscatchingfish?

© ISMaueatingwatermelon?

What'she/ you/ He's/She''re „.ing. ©8

Tick / the actions from the storu.


W S C I e a n k n e
e t d P a in; I u _9
d clcar}

S in h a t 0 Ls f W r

_wI a I k a n t I
9 I fly

I I 9 S n a 9 9 e n
in u J k f in •; e a k
take a photo
in S I e e P I S 9 I walk

t a k e a P h 0 t 0

86 Text tgpe: A fantasg storg

B8fig Listen and tick/.
1 WhatareBird Bogand DogGirlhavingforlunch?

2 Which is Bird Bou'sfavouritephoto?

3 WhereisDogGirl'sphone?

4 WhoisBird Bogtalkingtoon hiscomputer?

5 WhatarecatBogand DogGirldoinginthegarden?

Skills practice ©7
8.06 8.©7 Cut out the pictures. Listen and say. Put the words
in the right baskets. Listen and check.

RE fiiE
8.08 8.®9 Listen, point and sap. Draw a around the
atriAie around the t words. Listen and check.

88 Initial lettersounds: b, t, s
Look and draw Lines.

ce # di:# ee <#D

It'swindu. It'ssunnu. It'scLoudu. It'ssnowu. It'srainu.

Draw you in Pour favourite weather.

What are gou doing? Write.

Learn about the weather ©©

sfi% Listen and number.

9@ Story: Vocabulary and language in context


8q¥fl Write. Listen. Draw and colour.

fflB Self-evaluation. @ Cameron.

Unit consolidation and self-evaluation 9fl

£f. 9 ]E

/;: +\++\ Read and match. Colour.

1 shoes

Write. j.acket I.eons shoes socks I€bift

fl 8P It,sa--
•. cBgB TheB're

It's a rd


Fab @{ Theg're

92 Clothes
illgSfl Listen and draw lines. Use the colours gou hear.

Eva Lucu Dan

-.....- \d

ffi --:iT.
ffiEN what do gou want? Choose 4.@and write.

teddB bike board game camera

computer Plano

E Iwanta '
2 I want a `*„` aQaaHH in mdrmrfiH7y*F ~Lrymtr ...« v._ .

© I want a.A_Axin* ynyy._ 4]. I want a

Iwant/don'twant... Dogouwant(your)...?Yes,Ido./No,Idon't. Bea

Write. eat dog duck goat horse sheep

®se ®# ®ffi

ill9ap2 Listen and®.


9fr Farm animals

9#S Listen and number.

Write. Listen and check. clean climb pteg take

plag basketball.

Let's... Yes,OK/great/please./No,thankgou. ®8
Number the pictures in order.

Draw your favourite animal from the storu. Who is it?

Write the word.

I like the best.

96 Text tgpe: An animal storg

Look and read. Write ges or no.

There's an apple tree.
The dog is running.

fl Theman'sT-shirtisblue.
2 Therearefiveanimals.
3 Theduckisswimming.
£E Thehorse,issmall.

8 Thehorseiseatingacarrot.

Skills practice ©F
9fi}6 Listen, point and sag. Listen and plag Bingo!

'`i-_` 9.Off Listen, point and sag. Write the letters b, c, f,I and s
to make the words.

bus ag


eg un ock

98 Initial letter sounds: review

Look and write what animals need.

food shelter water

An i rna LS need harm.s>caungevrmeeFgffm..__qxppr .

Animals need. u"Knb„r.._„eexrmx.K„r",_ Anima ls need`„,.i._E{eeasceaQ_yL

en Draw uou Looking after an animal. write.

Mg animal is a • It needs .

Learn about caring for animals
Listen and tick giv¢ or cross %.

-_-_,=- -i-

1®© Storu:Vocabularuand languageincontext

gl 9fi}9 Write. Listen. Draw and colour.


L .... ===, ( Ci 1_i, \`--i Li



dim Self-evaluation. ©\) Cameron.

Unitconsolidation and self-evaluation E©fl

aegQo © the word. Listen and number.
fyrr`r`\ .-\1

swimming / flBing /
drinking swimming



catching / singing / sleeping /

walking cleaning running

en Do uou want these things? Choose four and tick /.

Write. Ask a friend.

Me My fri.end I want

ae some flowers

aJ'acket I want
I _ _ _. _ ,

a horse
I want
a Plano
_ ___. . _ _ __________.____ . , I _ r . 0

a T-shirt
I want
adog I . __ _ _ .___ __` _._ . . ,

1®2 Consolidation of units 7-9

ii3;::i-a Choose 6. Write and sag.

-Ech 1_r ll


ae PLau the game. Sap and your words.

Consolidation of units 7-9 fl©3


Thanks and Acknowledgements

We would like to thank all of the people involved in this project. In porticulcir, we wish Illustrations: Antonio Cuesta; Beth Hughes; Arnold From The Big Red Illustration
to thank Maibritt Shcih cind Jcine Holt for their hard work, enthusiasm and cittention Agencg; Cesar Samaniego; Dcin Crisp; Dean Grau; Gabg Zermeno; Genie Espinosa;
to detail, and Kimberlg Russell for her editing. As alwcigs, we cire enormouslg grateful Hannah Wood; Irgno Boiko; Jake MCDonald; James Hearne; Kellg Kennedg;
to Liane Grciinger for her vision and unflagging good humour. Lesleg Dcinson; Marek Jagucki; Tong Trimmer.

Dedications Cover page iLlustrqtions and photography: Tong Trimmer; Ieremg/istock/Gettg

For mg parents, Pauline cind Eric Nixon for allowing me `supported self-determination' Images Plus/Gettg Images; Prettgvectors/istock/Gettg Images Plus/Gettg Images;
during mg formative gecirs. -CN benngb/istock/Gettg lmciges Plus/Gettg Images; NatuskoDPI/istock/Gettg Images
Plus/Gettg lmciges; Yevhenii Dubinko/istock/Gettg Images Plus/Gettg Images;
ForJavier, Maria Jos6 and Laura. It's a privilege to have gou as friends. -MT
Vectorpower/istock/Gettg Images Plus/Gettg Images; McirgMo_art/istock/Gettg

The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copgright material
Images Plus/Gettu Images; Comicsans/istock/Gettg Images Plus/Gettu Images;
StudioM1/istock/Gettg Images Plus/Gettg Imciges; Tdtiana Zhzhenova/istock/Gettg
and are grateful for the permissions granted. While everg effort hcis been made, it has
not alwags been possible to identifg the sources of all the material used, o`r to trace Images Plus/Gettg Images.

all copgright holders. If ang omissions are brought to our notice, we will be hcippg to Cover design and illustrations: Blooberrg Design
include the appropricite acknowledgements on reprinting cind in the next update to
the digital edition, cis applicable. Audio recording: Ion Harker

Keg: U = Unit. Song and chant composition: Robert Lee

All the photos are sourced from Gettg Images. Song and chant audio production: Ion Harker and Jake Cclrter

ul: JGI/Jamie Grill; Ariel Skelleg/DigitaMsion; MOMo Productions/Digitalvision; Video production: Phaebus
incomible/istock/Gettg Images Plus; RDC_design/istock/Gettg Images Plus;
Animation production: QBS
u3: Bruno Scrclmgnon Chogas/EgeEm; Arisara Tongdonnoi/EgeEm; Rolond
Mognusson/EgeEm; Sarote lmpheng/EgeEm; Anthong Lee/OJ0 Images; Mint Images/ Production project management: M6nica Palacios, Shirish Mishrci
Mint Images RF; Vicki Smith/Moment; Gisela Rentsch; KeithBishop/DigitciMsion
Vectors; VICTOR-/Digitalvision Vectors; U5: Jose Luis Pelaez ]nc/Digitalvision; Klaus Additional editorial project management: Pablo Fernandez de Cordoba
Vedfelt/Digitalvision; Dean Mitchell/E+; Michael H/Digitalvision; GrashAlex/istock/
Design lead: Hannah Todd
Gettg Imciges Plus; Siqui Sanchez/Moment; Catherine Delcihage/DigitaMsion;
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•..( .... :+-. ::,,-.-.. `-.-:i-.: ,..-..-,/,1 Learning, like life, is an exciting adventure
filled with challenges and triumphs.
Power Up is the perfect start to this great
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lsBN 9781316617465 lsBN 9781316 617014 15BN 9781316636237

CAMBRIDGE Cambridge Assessment


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Our aim is to deliver the materials you tell us you need.
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ISBN 978-1-108-71362-7

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