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Ds , freee ager srt di University Grants Commission Se BB aan agra a mnt Rte Sate os ‘esr Sh er rg New Deb 0002 afte ths en ayna/ramt7 Pro Rais in 0230 Rai Ea non DONoF.1-172018(JouralCARE) December, 2019 Respected Sir/Madam, University Grants Commision in its $43" meeting held on 9 August, 2019 approved two Credit Courses for avarencss ebout publication ethics and publistion misconduct ented “Research and Publication Bthies (REE)" to be made compulsory forall Ph.D. students for preregistration course wotk attached as Annexure) In view of the above, you ae requested fo ensure thatthe above two Credit courses may be ‘made compulsory for all PhD. students for pre-registration course work undertaken in your Univesity from the forthcoming academe seston ‘With regards, Yours sincerely jn (Rajaish Jainy ‘TOTHE VICE-CHANCELLORS OF ALL UNIVERSITIES ANNEXURE Course Title: ‘+ Research and Publication Ethies (RPE)-Course for awareness about the publiation ethics and publication misconduct, Course Level: + 2Credit course 30 hs) tiie: + MPhil, PhD. students and interested faculty members (It will be made avalable t post braduate students at ltr date) Fees: ‘+ Asper Universy Rules Facul + Ineerdiscipinary Studies (Qualifications of faculty members ofthe course: ‘PRD. in elevant subject areas having more than 10 years’ of eaching experince About the course Course Code: CPE- RPE, Overview ‘+ This course has otal 6 units focising on basics of philosophy of science and ethics, research integrity publication ethic. Hands-on-sessions are designed to erty research Imisconduct and predatory publications. Indexing and citation delabeses, open access Publications, research metrics (citations, Ivindex, Impact Facior, ete) and plagiarism tools will be introduced in this course Pedagogy: + Classroom teaching, gust lectures, group discussions, and practic! sessions. Evaluation + Continvous assessment will be done through tutorials, assignments, quizes, and group Aiseussions. Weightage will be given for ative partiipation, Final writen caarnitanon willbe conducted atthe end of the cours, ‘Course structure + The course comprises of six mods listed in table below. Each module has 4-5 units, ts [iis [Philosophy and Biles = Scientific Conduct Publication this Practice — RPE Ot [Open Acooss Publishing RPE 05 | Publication Misconduct RPE 06 | Databases and Research Metrics Total ‘THEORY ‘+ RPE 01: PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS (3 brs.) 1. Introduction to philosophy: definition, nature and scape concep, branches 2. Fihis: definition, moral philosophy, nature of moral juigements and teactions ‘+ RPE 02: SCIENTIFICCONDUCT (Shes) this with respect to stience and research Intellectual honesty and research integrity Scientific miscoducs:Falsification, Fabrication, and Plagiarism (FFP) Redundant publiations: duplicate and overlapping publications, salami slicing Seleetive reporting and misrepresenaton of data + PLUS: PUBLICATION ETHICS (Thrs,) 1. Publication ethics: definition, introduction and importance 2. Best practices standards setting initiatives and guidelines: COPE, WAME, et, 3. Confit of intrest ‘4. Publication misconduct: definition, concept, problems hat lad 1 unethical behavior and vie versa ypes Violation of publication ethics, authorship and conebutorship |denttication of publication misconduct, complains ard appeals Predatory publishers and journals PRACTICE, ‘+ RPE 04: OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING(4 hrs.) ‘Open acces publications an initiatives SHERPAROMEO online resource to check publisher copyright & selParchiving policies 3. Software molto identify predatory publications developed by SPU 4 Journal finde joural suggestion tools viz. JANE, Elsevier Journal Finder, Springer Sourmal Sugestr, ete + RPE 05: PUBLICATION MISCONDUCT (Ahrs,) AA. Group Discussions (2 hes.) 1. Subject specific ethical isues, FFP, authorship 2 Confit of intrest 3. Complsnts and appeals: examples and fad from India and abo 1B Softwaretools 2 brs) Use of plagarsm softwar ike Turnitin, Uskund and other open source software tools ‘+ RPE 06: DATABASES AND RESEARCH METRICS (Thrs) ‘A, Databases (4 rs.) 1. Indexing databases 2. Citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus et, B. Research Metrics (8 hrs.) |. Impact Factor of joural as per Joumal Citation Report, SNIP, SUR, IPP, Gte Score 2. Metis: index, index 10 inde, altmetries References Bld A 2006) Posey of Selene Ro, ‘Maing, Asa (196) 4 Short toy of Ee Landon. P-Chasl (2018) Eee: a Competive Reseach Do nt et oop; owt et alred, SONS Sainaionss National Academy of Since, National Academy of Engine and nae of Medicine. (209) On Being ‘Seton a Gute apo Cond mRowareh a aon atonal Nees Pres, Rest. B. (201). What ates nro) & why pact Nao haat of Een Heal Seene, I-10. Reeve fom sor ih gafaseeesasees Machen Bal 1G012) Predation publishes are camping pen oes, Naa, 9413) 119-19, nti org 03041798 Indian National Science Academy INSA), Es Science Education, Reseach and Goveranc(209), 'SON'97E-8-994Hz--7 hewn ads phe Doo

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