Royal Abilities

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Royal Abilities


1. Regen
2. Clone
3. Martial arts
4. Scan
5. Hi-Jump
6. Climbing
7. Shield
8. Copy
9. Grapple Beam

Base Forms

1. Base
2. Strength
3. Armored
4. Blast
5. Absorb
6. Speed
7. Summon
8. Construct
9. Rest
10. Wrath (Special)
11. Zen (Special


1. Flight (Bird)
2. Jet (Falcon)
3. Swim (Fish)
4. Stealth (Cat)
5. Tiny (Ferret)
6. Giga (Elephant/Mech)
7. Super (Watch)
8. Sense (Dog)
9. Motor (Horse/Motorcycle)
10. Survival (Camel)
11. Rocket
12. UFO (?)


1. Sword
2. Gun
3. Spear
4. Hammer
5. Axe
6. Lance
7. Throwing Knifes
8. Bow
9. Bomb Bag
10. Rifle
11. Missile
12. Launcher
13. Staff
14. Book
15. Mirror
16. Boombox
17. Whip
18. Bounce Ball
19. Yo-yo
20. Umbrella


1. Fire
2. Lightning
3. Ice
4. Air
5. Water
6. Earth
7. Art
8. Sand
9. Beast
10. Metal
11. Shadow
12. Crystal
13. Thorn
14. Balloon
15. Bubble
16. Glass
17. Ancient
18. Circus
19. Sleep
20. Game
21. Doctor
22. Bone
23. Gender
24. Ghost
25. Love
26. Blood
27. Wine
28. Life
29. Death
30. Smoke
31. Spore
32. Clean
33. Dawn
34. Dusk
35. Twilight
36. Cook
37. Psychic
38. Trickery
39. Laser
40. Day
41. Night
42. Plant
43. Spider
44. Beetle
45. Swarm
46. Light
47. Dark
48. Magic
49. Festival
50. Sound
51. Toxin
52. Void
53. Luck
54. Fear
55. Combo
56. Zombie (only with Super)
57. Fairy (only with Super)
58. Nuke
59. Void
60. Time
61. Dragon (only with Motor + Super)
62. Giant (only with Giga + Super)
63. Angel (only with Zen)
64. Demon (only with Wrath)
65. Sun (Special K)
66. Moon (Special Q)
67. Star (Special W)

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