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Building Homes,Blessing Lives:Unveiling the timeless traditions of Ilocano construction in


a. What are the existing traditions on Ilocano home construction in the community?
b. What are implication of these existing traditions in the life of the members of the community along
the following:
1.Residential area preference,
2. Livelihood, and
3. Family Culture?
c. To what extent do these existing tradition relevant to the community?

4.Flour Power: Exploring the Feasibility and Nutritional Impact of Flour-Based as a Substitute for Meat
a. What are the potentialities of flour-based ingredient as substitute for meat?
b. What are the environmental impact and resource use of alternative protein sources using flour?
c. What are the resource use of alternative protein sources using flour?

5.unveiling the intricate weave of tinguian marriage tradition

a. What are the existing traditions of the Tiguians presented in the following customaries:
1. Pre-marriage,
2. Actual-marriage, and
3. Post-marriage?
b. Wat are the distinctive features presented on each of the above-mentioned customaries?
c. What is the relevance of these existing marriage traditions on the following:
1. Life as a couple,
2. Life as a family, and
3. Life in the community?

6. Igniting Change in Student-led environmental initiatives at Abra high school

a. What are the strategies of the student-leaders in implementing environmental program initiatives?
b. What are the school’s initiatives to foster student-led action on sustainability, and create an
environmental leadership position within a student representative council?
c. What are the impact of the student-led environmental initiatives on learners’ discipline and learning

7.Pinnadigo:Exploring the Flavorful Tradition of Ilocano among the Sao-atan's Close Knit Neighborhood
in bangued
a. What is the frequency of pinnadigo in the neighborhood in a week?
b. What is the significance of pinnadigo or sharing food between families?
c. What are the cultural values presented and learned in practicing pinnadigo?

8.Exploring the Enigmatic World of Dingpil as Folk Healing Practices in Angad Bangued Abra
a. What are the methods applied in applying the Dingpil as a folk health practice?
b. What are the benefits of the Dingpil as a folk healing practice?
c. How culture connects to the significance of the folk healing practice in the community?
9. Panagatang: A food offering practice of Ilocano People.

A. What is the demographics of the key-informants along the following?

a. age,
b. sex,
c. civil status,
d. religion, and
e. practice of Atang?
B. What is the context of the atang of the key-informants?

C. What is the significance of atang on the following perspectives:

a. Intellectual,
b. Rational, and
c. Theological?
A. Demographics of the key-informants
___ Below 18 years old
___ Above 18 years old
___ Male
___ Female
Civil Status
___ Single
___ Married
___Laity (priest or member of the clergy)
___ Catholic
___ Protestant
___ Others (please specify)

Practice Of Atang
___ Yes ___ No ___ Unaware

B. Context of the atang of the key-informants

___ Not important element
___ An important element
___ Most important element

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