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Spencer Grigoryev

Career Life Connections 12

Mr. Green
December 6th, 2023

Capstone Project Proposal

My chosen Capstone strand is Project.

Proposed Title: Rubik’s Cube

Inquiry Question

How can I portray an individual struggling with themselves using inanimate objects and no
portrayal of a human being?


I am choosing to do this project because I am extremely interested in philosophy and film and
want to be able to portray my interests in one of my favourite types of media. I would like to
create a project I can send to film festivals and something that I could learn from years down the
line when I go into the world of the film industry for my future career.


I have extensive knowledge and experience with using a camera and story building, as story
building was something I was interested in when I was younger. I also have a deep interest in
philosophy and Socratic questioning.

Career Connections

For my future career, I intend to squeeze myself into the film industry. I would love to be a film
director who makes films about topics that are deep, something that will make the average
person question the things around them. I am someone who wants my movies to portray
commentary on the world around me as I perceive it and be able to show my inner utmost
Spencer Grigoryev
Career Life Connections 12
Mr. Green
December 6th, 2023

Interdisciplinary and Core Competencies Connections

Creative thinking – this project will require me to think creatively to come up with a compelling
story, visuals, symbolism, and such that do not neglect portraying my main

Social responsibility – solving problems in a civil and calm manner is important in order to
ensure everything still goes according to plan even if something does not
work out.

Communication – I will need to communicate with my teacher about the progress of my project.

Philosophy – I will be exploring philosophical ideas throughout this short film due to my interest
in them.

Visual art – I will be creating storyboards to plan out every scene so that it flows, and everything
connects smoothly.

Cinematic art – I will be portraying my message in an aesthetically pleasing and cinematic

manner to make my message digestible to the average person.

Capstone presentation medium

I will be creating a PowerPoint slideshow to show the work I have done for my capstone.

Description of my Capstone

I will be creating a short film about and unnamed student, who will be portrayed using an
inanimate object, creating a list of rules to live life by, only to then throw them all away at the
end because they realized that there is no one way to live a fulfilling life, and that it is what the
individual makes of it. Only you can decide when your life is fulfilling.
Spencer Grigoryev
Career Life Connections 12
Mr. Green
December 6th, 2023


I will need to improve on my film making skills, mostly with camera work and my directing
skills. Decision making skills will need to be improved upon as well due to time constraints and
my physical ability to create the movie I want. I will be borrowing film equipment from my Film
teacher throughout the filming process, as well as set myself a schedule on when I could film. If
needed, I will ask my friends for help. I also have the program I need to edit the film.

Mentors/Community Connections

As my mentors, I was fortunate enough to have met Slava and her husband Shawn (or Sean, not
exactly sure) through my mother’s friend. Slava and her husband both work in the film industry
from the Vancouver side of things, and they have fortunately agreed to be my mentors
throughout this process. I also have my film teacher Mr. Cawdell who is able to give me
feedback as well.

Project Limitations

There are quite a few hurdles that are impassable for my project. Time constraints are a huge
one, as not everyone has a schedule that works with mine or works with each other's and I have a
packed schedule myself due to many afterschool extracurricular activities that I partake in.
Monetary and creative limitations are a big one as well, I am not able to afford decent actors or
better equipment for what I want, so I will need to work with what I have.

Other considerations
Spencer Grigoryev
Career Life Connections 12
Mr. Green
December 6th, 2023

Time management – how much time will I have to create a project I am truly proud of? Due to
my busy schedule, I will have to cut down on a lot of my ideas in order to
make them fit my time constraints.


 Due to my project not needing necessary academically reviewed references, the following
references are from unacademically reviewed sources.

Monroe, J. (2018, February 14). Adolescent Depression in Schools. Newport Academy; Newport
World Health Organization. (2022, March 2). COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in
prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. World Health Organization
Miller, C. (2022, December 19). Does Social Media Cause Depression? Child Mind Institute;
Child Mind Institute
Forshee, Stephanie. (2017, October 30). How to Become a Film Director.
Twitter, & Instagram. (2023, February 2). Explaining Hollywood: How to get a job as a director.
Los Angeles Times
Kowarski, llana. (2021, September 23). How to Become a Filmmaker and Why

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