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School DMMMSU-MLUC LHS Grade Grade 9-B

Pre-service Sahilan, Jan Patrick E. Subject English
Date & Time January 04, 2024 School 2023-2024
8:00 – 9:00 AM Year Second Quarter

Pre-service Teacher’s Activity

I. Objectives Use conditionals in expressing arguments (EN9G-IIe-20)
a. Identify the types of conditionals
b. Differentiate the patterns and uses of the types of
c. Construct conditional sentences from a specific
situation and probable scenarios
II. Content/Subject CONDITIONALS
III. Learning Resources References: ENGLISH 9 QUARTER 1 MODULE 2 pg. 4-7
Materials: Power point presentation, visual aids
IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. ACTIVITY 1 _____ _____ for love Learners will be Group 1: Rain by
Motivation:“4 Pics 1 grouped into four groups. They will be Beatles
Word” given manila papers and written on it are If the rain comes
lines from the song that they are going to they run and hide
listen. They are going to fill out the missing their heads.
words from the song to complete the When the sun
sentence. Each group must choose a shines, they slip
representative to present their work. into the shade.
Group 1: Rain by Beatles When the sun
If the rain _____, they _____ and _____ shines down, and
their heads. sip their lemonade.
When the sun ______, they _____ into the Group 2: It Will
shade. Rain by Bruno
When the sun _____ down, and _____ their Mars
lemonade. ‘Cause there will be
no sunlight, if I lose
Group 2: It Will Rain by Bruno Mars you baby.
‘Cause there _____ _____ no sunlight, if I There will be no
_____ you baby. clear skies, if I lose
There _____ _____ no clear skies, if I _____ you baby.
you baby. If you walk away,
If you ______ away, everyday it _____ everyday it will
_____. rain.

Group 3: If We Ever Broke Up by Mae Group 3: If We

Stephens Ever Broke Up by
If we ever _____ up, I _____ _____ _____ Mae Stephens
sad. If we ever broke
If we ever _____ up, I _____ _____ your up, I would never
dad. be sad.
If we ever broke
Group 4: If it hadn’t been for Love by up, I would call
Adele your dad.
Never _____ _____ to Birmingham if it
_____ Group 4: If it
Never _____ _____ the train to Louisiana if hadn’t been for
it _____ _____ _____ for love. Love by Adele
Never would
hitchhiked to
Birmingham if it
had not been for
Never would caught
the train to
Louisiana if it had
not been for love.
B. ANALYSIS Ask the learners the following questions: Learners’ answer
may vary
1. How do you feel doing the If clauses are
activity? common in the
2. What is common in the sentences.
3. What is the verb form in the if They are not in the
clauses? Are they the same in same form. Some
form? verbs are in the
present, past, and
4. Are the verbs in the main past perfect tense.
clauses the same? Justify. No. some verbs are
5. What do you call these in the present,
sentences? future, and past
participle tense.
Situational Analysis (Real-life situations) The sentences are
Learners will stay in their groups and they called conditionals.
will answer the given situation to them. A
representative in their group will present
their work.
Group 1: What will you do if you achieve
your dream job? If I were to achieve my
dream job, ___________
Group 2: If you were given three wishes,
what would you wish? If I were given three
wishes, ___________
Group 3: What would you do if you saw a
person shoplifting? If I
Group 4: If you had enough money to
giveaway, who would you help? Why? If I
C. ABSTRACTION *Lead the learners to abstract the topic If the water
through a video clip presentation. reaches 100
degrees Celsius, it
Conditional Sentences are also known as boils.
Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are If the demand is
used to express that the action in the main high and the supply
clause (without if) can only take place if a is low, the price is
certain condition (in the clause with if) is high.
If I commit a crime,
There are four types of Conditional I might be put in
Sentences; jail.
Zero Conditional
- Facts which are generally true or
scientific facts
- The condition always has the same
 If + Simple Present, …+ Simple
 What will happen to water if it
reaches 100 degrees Celsius?
 What will happen to the price if the
demand is high and the supply is
 What will happen to you if you
commit a crime?(ESP)
First Conditional
- A possible situation in the future
- Predicting a likely result in the
future (if the condition happens)
 If + Simple Present, …+ will/won’t +
base form of the verb
Second Conditional
- Hypothetical or unlikely situations
- Unreal or improbable situation now
in the future
 If + Simple Past, …+ would + base
form of the verb
Third Conditional
- The person is imagining a different
- Imaginary situation that did not
 If + Past Perfect, …+ would have +
past participle

 How do we form conditionals?

 What are the different types of
 What is the difference of the four
types of conditional?
D. APPLICATION Learners will play the activity What Will
Happen. Students take turns to roll the
dice. If a student lands on a square marked
IF, they can make any conditional sentence
they like. If they form the sentence
correctly, they stay on the square. If not,
the student goes back two spaces.

Learn Go
Wear anothe back
IF sweat r 1
er langua spac
ge e
Go to
the Move 2
cine spaces
skip! Feel
IF the
Move sick
a Go out
new IF tonigh
phon t
Be Move Go
Go to
very 4 on
happ spaces holid
y ahead ay
ya Oh no!
lot Go
IF Start
of back to
spo start
V. Evaluate Identify the conditional clause used in the Key Answers:
following sentences. Write A=Zero
Conditional, B=First Conditional, C=Second 1. A
Conditional, and D=Third Conditional. 2. B
3. D
1. If I get up early in the 4. B
morning, I feel sick. 5. C
2. She will come if you 6. C
invite her. 7. C
3. I would have helped 8. C
him if he had asked 9. D
me. 10.D
4. If he comes I will ask
him to wait.
5. If he worked hard, he
would pass the test.
6. If I were you, I
wouldn’t do it.
7. If she recognized us
why didn’t she say Hi?
8. If I had the time, I
would help you.
9. If she hadn’t changed
jobs, she would never
have been promoted.
10. 10. If the people had
followed the health
protocols properly,
then the spread of
the pandemic would
have been lessened.
VI. Assignment/ Fill in the blanks with the correct form of
Agreement the verbs in brackets. Then, continue the
sentence to form a conditional sentence.
Example: If I _____ (find) a lot of money
in the street, _____.
Answer: If I found a lot of money in the
street, I would go to the nearest police
station and report about it.

1. If my teacher _____ (ask) me to share

some good traits that I think would help a
person be successful, _____.
2. If I _____ (get) very upset, _____.
3. If I _____ (see) someone stealing from
the supermarket earlier, _____.
4. If there _____ (be) no rules in school,
5. If I _____ (have) problems with studying,

Prepared by:


Pre-service Teacher’s Signature over Printed Name

Reviewed by:


Cooperating Teacher

Verified by:

Pre-service Teacher Supervisor’s Signature over Printed Name

Noted by:


OIC-Principal, Laboratory High School

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