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“Kaya ni Juan: Towards the Realization of the

Sustainable Development Goals”

12Kit: A Kit for a Kid

An Advocacy Project Paper submitted to the

Humanities and Social Sciences Unit
of De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research 4: Work Immersion

Baligod, Pauline Ashley G.
Cahimat, Camry Nicole P.
Capacete, Isaac C.
Laurilla, Sean Anthony D.
Magat, Jasmine Eline B.
Mercado, Isabella Bianca L.
(Group no. 4)

Ms. Alyssa Jade Saniel

Research 4 Teacher

I. Abstract ………………………………………………………………… 1

II. Context ………………………………………………………………… 2-5

III. Project Justification ………………………………………………………………… 5-10

IV. Project Aims ………………………………………………………………… 10-12

V. Project Implementation

a. Target Group ………………………………………………………………… 13

b. Activities ………………………………………………………………… 13

c. Expense sheet ………………………………………………………………… 15-16

VI. Management and Personnel ………………………………………………………………… 17-18

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation ………………………………………………………………… 19

VIII. Project Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 20

IX. References ………………………………………………………………… 21-22

X. Annexes ………………………………………………………………… 23-26

XI. About the Proponents ………………………………………………………………… 27-29

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 1


12 Kit: A Kit for a Kid is a project by the entire 12 - K section which aims to discuss

topics and provide useful items that, in the case of the children of Sitio

Makabuhay, may aid in developing their cognitive skills through play. Education is

an integral part of a child’s life and, play, an activity that children partake in

everyday, can serve to supplement their learning by helping to develop their

cognitive skill rather than hamper it. The land where the community is built,

however, is not owned by its residents and thus, objects given to them must be

portable. To solve this issue, the idea of a kit that contains small but useful items

was conceived. All the toys in the kit will act as supplementary items to the child’s

education because playing in itself is an instrument that can immediately develop

and nurture skills that other institutions, like the school, cannot provide (Lester and

Russell). Numerous toys including building blocks, house blocks, Legos, Rubik’s

cubes, alphabet books and coloring books with crayons were added into the kit,

all of which cost the project P6,101. On the day of implementation, the children

were gathered and were given a brief discussion on the activities and the

importance of play in their lives, after which they were given time to play with the

toys included in the kits as well as a few games with the researchers and even a

movie to make the day more fun for them. The kits were given to the community

after the implementation activities.

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 2


Based on observation, the researchers saw that the community of Sitio

Makabuhay has numerous underlying factors that could affect the children’s

learning and skill growth. One factor is the very little time they spend in school due

to lack of transportation and their added roles at home. These roles involve the

children helping their parents with their work and taking care of their other siblings.

Certainly, there is nothing wrong with the responsibilities given to the children,

however this prevents them from playing which is a very important phenomenon.

Thus, this study focuses on the children and their play activities. The researchers

believe that enhancing their mental and physical skills at a young age will act as

a tool for a bright future.

According to an interview and survey conducted by the researchers in Sitio

Makabuhay last August 2019, it was determined that many of the children play

outside where it is unsafe and unsanitary. Instead of depriving the children of the

opportunity to play due to the unsafe location, the researchers decided to

provide toys and activities that can be used either indoors or outdoors. The items

in the kit include Legos, building blocks, Rubik's cubes and the like. By allowing kids

to do recreational activities while they are young, they are able to equip and

prepare for their future career; International Play Equipment Manufacturers

Association (IPEMA) indicated that leisure contributes to forming the foundations

of social skills, emotionally, physically and mentally. In addition, playing provides a

safe and necessary way to practice skills that children will later use in reality.
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 3

The focus of the research is not only on skills and cognitive growth but to

enlighten the parents on the importance of play in a child’s life and their

emotional growth. According to an organization called Healthy Children, playing

is a safe environment for children to learn and grow since they are in control of

their imaginations and actions and most importantly they don’t feel judged or


Politically speaking, one condition that is being faced by the community is child

labor. According to the International Labour Organization (2011), the Philippine

Statistics Authority (PSA) conducted a survey in 2011 stating that there are 2.1

million child labourers aged 5-17 in the Philippines and about 95% of them do

hazardous work. The fact that children have to work lowers their physical, mental

and emotional health. The effects vary depending on the kind of job they do.

According to the PSA, the jobs that are available for them are mostly in coal mines,

factories and plantations. Having the children work at a young age they are not

able to study and play and the majority are unable to attend secondary school

because they have to work to help their families. This research does not indicate

that it is bad for the children to work nor are the children discouraged to work at

a young age. It is just the idea that they may be missing out on a very important

stage in their development.

On the other hand, economics deals with this problem in regards to the lack of

access for quality education and learning. Most of the children within the

community attend public schools, which, according to an article by Malipot M.H

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 4

on the Manila Bulletin news website published on June 2, 2019, are often

underfunded with classrooms that are too small for the number of students in class

as well as a lack of access to better utilities for learning and teachers that have to

shoulder some of the costs of operating the school.

Due to the norm and belief that learning is best done in schools, parents tend

to ignore the importance of play as they believe that the knowledge and

information that their children need are found in textbooks. While this method of

learning is by no means a disadvantage, it has cut time for the children to play,

effectively decreasing opportunities for an alternative learning technique that

allows children to practice the skills they learned and cope with the pressures of

school. Rosenfeld and Hallowell (2000 and 2002) mentioned that childhood and

adolescent depression is on the rise through college years which may have a

linkage to the reduced time for play. In order to help solve this situation, pediatric

health professionals consider parents to balance between preparing their children

for the future and living fully in the present through play, child-centered organized

activities, and many more.

Overall, child labor, the lack of quality education and the focus on textbook

learning are the concepts that make up the researchers’ project for the

community of Sitio Makabuhay. These are a few of the main reasons why this

project was executed and brought to life. Not only will this project benefit the

children, but the families and the generations to come. The information regarding
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 5

the importance of play will be passed on to the parents in hope that they will

continue to pass it on to others as well.


The residents of Sitio Makabuhay live in poverty and a piece of land that they

cannot call their own. While the families that live there are able to provide their

needs, they still suffer from a scarcity of resources due to low income and a

substandard location to settle. Public schools in the Philippines are underfunded

and lacking in modern-day learning facilities, thus the quality of education they

provide is low despite its importance as an institution. They need resources and a

better quality of education and learning, but they also need solutions that are not

tied down to their location. The kit that was distributed to the children contained

different kinds of toys per age group. Since this project relates to cognition and

the ability to learn and understand, the items provided may help as a supplement

to their learning. The activities and games found in the kit will act as educational

tools to ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood

development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary

education (United Nations, 2019). Quality Education, which is under one of the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), may then be a step closer to being

fulfilled with the execution of this proposal. As mentioned, play is an important

activity in a child’s life. Therefore, providing activities that they can both enjoy and

at the same time learn and grow from may just give them the edge they need to

have a better future.

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 6

There are many rising problems in Sitio Makabuhay but this project focused on

the children and aspects of play because the researchers believe that shaping

and enhancing the minds and skills of children at a very young age is significant

especially for the future. Many other projects focused on solving evident problems

such as the lack of resources. However, 12Kit: A Kit for a Kid is unique because it

tackles the human psyche. Changes may not be seen immediately, but that is the

beauty of it. The project is sustainable, because it requires time and hard work for

it to come to life.

Based on the information gained from observing the surroundings and

environment of Sitio Makabuhay, the problems in the community involve the lack

of a safe play area and a shortage of facilities. Despite thorough research and

observation, there is no definite timeline on when this problem occurred. The

mothers in the community indicated that the children were never really given a

definite play area, since the outside area is already considered the “playing

area.” Given this statement, it is safe to assume that this problem dates way back.

These problems may be lessened or even eradicated by giving out kits to children.

This indicates that the residents don’t have to buy it themselves and the children

will have toys that can be used indoors with their friends. This kit project is in

collaboration with the other groups and for the researchers, they will be

contributing or putting in functional toys or playing activities that will help the

children enhance their cognitive skills and development.

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 7

According to Ginsburg (2007), play is essential to the development of a child’s

physical and psychological skills. While it offers benefits and opportunities for every

child to learn, the community still does not realize its importance and how it will

balance an individual’s way on how to deal with the real world. The study also

states the many factors that affect their thinking towards play, such as hurried

lifestyle and focusing more on technology. These factors are also connected to

the environmental barriers that Sitio Makabuhay has. Based on Clayton and

Forton’s research (2001), the physical surroundings are highly influential to a child’s

feelings, actions, and behavior. However, if the area is not safe enough, it is

possible that it could cause more harm than good. It will only bring negative

effects to the children that may give disruptions to their physical and cognitive

development. With this, the aforementioned attributes are due to the lack of

resources in the community.

The substandard location of the community and the issue of land ownership

are the two main contributors as to why they are having a shortage of materials.

Based on the researchers’ observation, there is no space available for the children

to play in, both inside and outside of their homes. Even the concept of building a

playground is unfeasible due to their land ownership. Each and every resident

living in the community do not own the area, making it possible for them to move

to another place in the future. Another contributor is their financial status. They

have insufficient funds that hinders them from buying such toys because they

need to focus more on their everyday basic needs. Hence, the children also lack

playing materials that they can use. Due to this, the group implemented a project
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that will be sustainable and mobile. Solving the issues of the lack of resources is the

main priority of the group because it shows how difficult it is for the community to

provide materials that will be beneficial for them someday.

Having and using the kit will help every child in the community to form the

foundation of social, physical, and psychological skills. Knowing the state that the

children are in, which is poverty, negativity may inhabit the minds of the children.

The researchers want to expose the children to play because it improves their

emotional state and lead to confidence and competence (Entin, 2011). Since the

concept of play is being able to bring happiness to the children, the project will

not only give enjoyment but it will also be able to provide enlightenment and

knowledge. This way, it will help each individual to acquire and enhance certain

skills that may be needed in the future. According to the study of Zosh et al.,

children are born to learn through play. Without it, there is a possibility that they

will not be able to learn even the simplest things. It is also indicated that learning

should not only be enclosed in a classroom setting. A safe and open environment

is what they also need in order to expose themselves to the outside world. Most

children nowadays are relying on textbook learning, and that should not be the

case. With play, it makes an individual become street smart (Berkun, “Book smarts

vs. street smarts”). It is also proven that being street smart is much more essential

to a person rather than being book smart. Being street smart allows you to analyze

situations and become aware of your surroundings. On the other hand, being

book smart also encloses you to have a deeper understanding of your milieu.
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 9

The topic regarding the play activities of the children in Sitio Makabuhay has

not been addressed before. The main focus of most past researchers involved the

basic needs that the residences lacked. Knowing that the play activities of the

children have not been tackled before, it is safe to say that this need has been

present ever since the residences moved to Sitio Makabuhay. This issue targets the

children from ages 3 to 12, because this is the stage wherein one’s skills and

intellect begin to develop. One issue that play can help solve or address is

performance in work and unemployment. According to the researchers’

observation and interviews, many do not have jobs due to the lack of educational

background, but through the functional activities that the researchers will provide,

the children may then gain sufficient knowledge and skills that may make them

eligible for employment. Having an educational background is very important in

itself, but playing is also crucial in a child’s growth. Playing in itself is an instrument

that can immediately develop and nurture skills that other institutions, like the

school, cannot provide (Lester and Russel). Also, according to survey results from

the study, the children spend most of their time playing. Some of the children do

not go to school at all, meaning they spend most of their hours playing, while those

who do go to school still play as soon as they get home. Since playing takes up

most of their time, the researchers saw this as an opportunity to improve or make

better the valuable time the children spent playing. The researchers’ goal is for the

children to continue doing what they enjoy and are habituated to, which is

playing, whilst still being able to learn and enhance skills that are beneficial for

their future and growth.

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According to Jean Piaget’s theory, children move through four different stages

of mental development and these are sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage,

concrete and formal operational stage. Since majority of the kids in Sito

Makabuhay are within the age range of 3-12, the researchers decided to be

guided by the preoperational stage because this is when children begin to think

symbolically and use words and pictures to represent objects and the concrete

stage is when the children begin to think logically in a very concrete way. Thus,

the researchers made sure to provide the children with toys that best suits the

stages and their objectives. Having stated the goal and strategy used, the

objectives of this project will be expounded further.

The core problem being dealt in this project is the lack of facilities the

community has for playing. Upon visiting Sitio Makabuhay, the researchers

observed that the children do not have a respective area for playing, because

the land is not theirs and as mentioned, they do not have enough facilities. Apart

from the insufficient means, the parents are not fully aware of the benefits playing

contributes to their children. This then led to the first objective which aimed to

inform the parents about the importance of playing through informative brochures

that were handed out during the class implementation. Resulting to their

awareness of the cruciality of this phenomenon. The second objective involved

providing age appropriate activities that the children may use independently.

Playing without adult supervision is also important because it allows a child to have
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 11

independence and explore the world on the child’s own terms and create their

own identities according to Gleave and Cole-Hamilton (Armitage 2004). These

activities are classified in such a way that the children may focus and learn

specific skills that can be enhanced depending on their capabilities at a certain

age. The last objective aimed to provide games that the youth may bring with

them wherever they go. According to the community of Sitio Makabuhay, the

land they currently live in is not theirs. Therefore providing facilities, such as a

playground, is not viable. Instead, the kits that will be given will not only be

convenient but sustainable as well since this may be used wherever they go and

even after a number of years. Playing provides a safe and necessary way to

practice skills that children will later use in reality (Rosoff 2007).
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 12


The project, 12Kit: A Kit for a Kid, is not only educational, but also informative in

nature. This project aims to raise awareness on the importance of play, more

specifically the importance of functional play. It does not only target children

from ages three to twelve, but the parents of these children as well. An informative

brochure was given to the parents by the researchers. Apart from the brochure,

the researchers gave each family a kit that contains different activities and toys.

In order for the children to be able to make use of the kit independently, during

the parents’ talk the researchers gathered the children and guided them on how

to use these toys and activities. By teaching and guiding the children, this project
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 13

will then become sustainable, because they can use these kits even when the

researchers are not present. These kits can be brought with them wherever they

go and can be used even after a number of years. The goal of this project is to

make a change in the views and lives of both the children and their parents.


The target group of this project is the children of Sitio Makabuhay from ages

3-12 years old along with their parents. The researchers gave the parents a

brochure in which they will be informed on the importance of play so that the

parents may be aware and mayy gain knowledge as to why physical and

functional play is important for their children. As for the children from ages 3-12, a

kit was provided for them to play and use independently that may aid in

developing their cognitive skills.


The activity plan consisted of two main project activities; 12Kit: A Kit for a Kid

which is handing out kits and brochures to each family. The kits were given out to

each family and this project’s aim is to provide different activities and games for

the children at the ages of 3 up to 12 which are not only for fun but activities that

will also function as a learning tool. The brochure was given to each family that

received the kits in order to understand how to use and take care of the kits. From

there, the project will become sustainable because the children will then learn

how to use these independently and because they can bring the kits wherever

they go.
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 14


1. Look for possible Start End Notes

sponsors for the product

January 7, February Program
materials needed.
2020 12, 2020 Manager (PM)

1.1. Contact potential January 9, February Consultant

sponsors and wait for 2020 12, 2020

response and approval

1.2. Reception of materials January February Consultant

14, 2020 27, 2020

1.3. Provision of non-sponsor January February Consultant

materials 17, 2020 27, 2020

2. Production of kits February February All project team

27 , 2020 27, 2020 members

2.1. Discussion of project January March 5, Project manager

execution 25, 2020 2020


De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 15

1. Distribute brochures about the Start End Notes

importance of playing in a child’s

March March Program
cognitive development
6, 2020 6, 2020 Manager (PM)

1.1. Demonstrate to the kids how to March March Consultant

use and do the activities that 6, 2020 6, 2020

come with the kit.

1.2. Demonstrate to the children on March March Consultant

how to take care of the kit. 6, 2020 6 2020

1.3. Show the parents on how to use March March Consultant

and take care of the kit that will 6, 2020 6, 2020

be given.


Activities Units Quantity per Phase Cost Funding Cost per Phase Total
and per Source Costs
Resources Unit

Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase

1 2 3 1 2 3

Bags 35 35 16.46 Research 576


Rubik’s 35 35 35 Research 1,225

Cubes Funds
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 16

Crayons 40 40 13 Research 520



Building 14 14 40.5 567

14 14 40.5 Research 567
Square Funds
12 12 40.5 486

Legos 40 40 22.5 Research 900


Color Coloring 40 40 31.5 Research 1,260

Books Funds

Total 6,101
for the kit

Crinkles Fundraiser
(Batch 1)

Red Velvet 17 17 135 2295

Premium 9 155 1395

Crinkles Fundraiser
(Batch 2) Payments

Red 24 24 125 3,000


25 25 130 3,250

Crinkles Fundraiser
(Batch 3) Payments

Red 23 23 135 2,955


6 6 155 930

Total 13,825
for the
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 17

Presented above is the list of expenses for the project implementation. In

order to purchase all the items that are listed above (Rubik’s Cubes, building

blocks, crayons, etc.) the researchers conducted a fundraiser to earn necessary

funds. The price varied depending on the flavor of the crinkles. Red velvet flavored

crinkles were sold for 200PHP whilst premium flavors were sold for 250PHP. The

original price of the distributor for the Red Velvet crinkles is 135PHP and 155PHP for

the Premium, However, the researchers sold each tub for a retail price of 200PHP

for Red Velvet and 250PHP for the Premium, producing an income of 65PHP and

95PHP per sold tub. Due to the great number of orders, the researchers had a total

of 3 batches of orders. Thus, resulting to a total income of 13,825PHP. Other

expenses, such as the food, printing of posters, and transportation were handled

by the finance committee of the 12K class, which is why it is not seen in the

expense list of this group.


Community Isaac C. Is responsible for communicating with the

Director Capacete participants in Sitio Makabuhay about the
venue, schedule, and transportation.

Sean Anthony Oversees and tracks all the expenses of

Finance Director
D. Laurilla the group.

Camry Nicole
Logistics P. Cahimat In charge of preparing the materials
Committee Jasmine Eline needed from planning to the project
B. Magat execution.
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 18

Social Action
Pauline Ashley Responsible for communicating with the
G. Baligod school’s Social Action Office and aids the
Community Director with his/her task.

Oversees the whole project from planning
Project manager Bianca L.
to execution and directs the rest of the
group about their assigned tasks.

Pauline Ashley
G. Baligod
Camry Nicole
P. Cahimat
Isaac C. Facilitates the project implementation
Capacete alongside the rest of the class and
Sean Anthony prepares all the materials needed for the
D. Laurilla event.
Jasmine Eline
B. Magat
Bianca L.


a. Objective

The first and main objective of the project is to be able to provide adequate

learning for the children through the kits that will be given to each family in the

community. With this, it enables the participants to equip abilities that will be

beneficial for them in the future. Examples of these skills are confidence building,

problem solving, and creative thinking. From the workshop that will be done, the

children will be aided by the researchers as to how the kit is used and how they

will be able to maintain it.

b. Monitoring and Evaluation

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 19

Monitoring shall be conducted by the researchers starting from the beginning

up until the end of the project. With this, the group will be able to oversee all of

the tasks that must be done in order for the intended activity for the community

to be successful. This will also help determine if the participants have learned

various skills based on the aims mentioned above.

On the other hand, the evaluation will be done at the end of the activity. It will

be answered by all of the participants through a printed survey made by the

researchers to have a definitive answer if the activity has made an impact to the

participants. Also, the survey will be a way for the parents and the children to rate

their experience from the activity and be able to give feedback. This evaluation

is highly significant to the researchers because it serves as the foundation as to

how the group will learn and improve in the future.

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 20


The most significant problem encountered definitely affected the class as a

whole. Each group had their own individual problems, however the greatest issue

was the sudden change in the number of expected participants. Only about half

of those expected to come actually arrived. This resulted in last minute changes

not only in the program, but in each individual project as well. As for the project

12Kit: A Kit for a Kid, there researchers were expecting thirty children, apparently

only five arrived. Most of the planned activities had to be canceled which brought

the spirits of the members down. Around two years of sweat and tears seemed to

go to waste. Not being able to execute the project as planned was more than

discouraging, but surprisingly it turned out well. Having only five children to take

care of, each member of the group was able to spend quality time with the

children. All interactions were more intimate, opening a window to become closer

with the kids and to know them personally. Despite this unforeseen situation, the

kits were still distributed to the children in Sitio Makabuhay. Instead of dwelling on

the current problems, the researchers made use of all the resources available and

created a safe, fun environment for the children. This is one of the strengths of this

project. Both the researchers and target group may adjust to any problem,

because the project only requires the presence of children and their eagerness to

play. There is more than what meets the eye, which means playing is more than a

luxury but a basic need. In relation, Fred Rogers once said, “play gives children the

opportunity to practice what they learn.

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 21


Barriers to education and strategies to address them. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Benefits of Play. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Berkun, S. (2016, April 5). Book smarts vs. Street smarts. Retrieved from

Child labour in the Philippines. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2019, from

Clayton, M. K., & Forton, M. B. (2001). Classroom spaces that work. Greenfield,

MA: Northeast Foundation for Children.

Del Rosario, R., & Bonga, M. A. (2000). Child labor in the Philippines: A review of

selected studies and policy papers. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research

and Development, University of the Philippines.

Entin, E. (2011, October 12). All Work and No Play: Why Your Kids Are More

Anxious, Depressed. Retrieved from


Ginsburg, K. R. (2007). The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child

Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. Pediatrics,

119(1), 182–191. doi: 10.1542/peds.2006-2697

Gordon, K. A., Garcia-Nevarez, A., J., R. H. W., & Valero-Kerrick, A. (2014). Early

childhood education: becoming a professional. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Gosso, Y., & Carvalho, A. (2013, June). Play: Play and Cultural Context. Retrieved
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 22

October 14, 2019, from


Jean Piaget. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Lester, S., & Russell, W. (2010). Childrens right to play: an examination of

the importance of play in the lives of children worldwide. The Hague: Bernard van

Leer Foundation.

Malipot, M. H. (2019, June 2). 'Same old problems' to welcome 27.2 million learners

to school this year.’ Retrieved December 8, 2019




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Unal, Merve. (2009). The Place and Importance of Playgrounds in

Child Development.

Zosh, J. N., Hopkins, E., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Neale, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., … Whitebread,

D. (2017). Learning through play: a review of the evidence. Billund Denmark: LEGO

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The research paper, “The World is a Child’s Playground: A Study on

How Play Affects the Cognitive Development of the Children in Sitio

Makabuhay”, and the project, 12Kit: A Kit for a Kid ,would not be possible

without the following proponents: Isabella Bianca L. Mercado, Pauline

Ashley G. Baligod, Camry Nicole P. Cahimat, Isaac C. Capacete, Sean

Anthony D. Laurilla, and Jasmine Eline B. Magat.

The overall head and leader of this group is Isabella Bianca L.

Mercado, also known as Ella. She is the daughter of two wonderful

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mercado, and the youngest of two siblings. Ella is

currently a grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences student from De La

Salle Santiago Zobel-Vermosa who was just recently accepted in Ateneo

De Manila with the course of Development Studies. The foundation of her

leadership skills have been bred from her experience as a student body

officer for three years straight. In light of this research experience, Ella has

never been more excited to enter a new chapter in her life, college, and

pursue a career that will create a big change and impact on society.

Pauline Ashley G. Baligod is a member of 12K’s Research Group 4. She

comes from a wonderful family of eight whom each follow their heart to

work hard and pursue their interests and dreams. Pauline is an upcoming
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 28

college freshman in De La Salle University with the course of Bachelor of Arts

in Political Science and faith and determination are what keep her striving

to accomplish everything that life brings her. Infact, those are what kept

her working to execute this successful research project. Through the whole

experience of her research, she is more than excited and determined to do

anything to help others in any way possible.

Camry Nicole P. Cahimat is another member of this project. She is about

to graduate senior high school along with her other group mates in the

Humanities and Social Sciences strand in De La Salle Santiago Zobel-Vermosa.

Camry recently got accepted into Assumption College with the course

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Major in Media Production. She wishes to

pursue a career in the media industry to fulfil her lifelong dream of becoming

an influencer to the masses.

Isaac C. Capacete is a member of 12K’s Research Group 4. He is soon

graduating from the 12th grade from the Humanities and Social Sciences

Strand. He is still unsure on which college he wants to study in, and is hoping

to be a future psychiatrist.

Jasmine Eline B. Magat is one of the members who contributed to this

project. She is soon to be graduating from Grade 12, with the strand
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School – Vermosa 29

Humanities and Social Sciences from De La Salle Santiago Zobel School.

She recently passed and got accepted in De La Salle University Manila with

the course Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Sciences Major in Organizational

and Social Systems Development.

Sean Anthony D. Laurilla is a fellow member of research group 4 that

was recently accepted in the Political Science course of De La Salle

University Manila. Hoping to one day change the world, he strives to

continuously improve and to become a better person who can be relied


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