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Format for Writing a Internship Report Proposal

The proposal should follow the following order:

1. Cover Page
2. List of Contents
3. List of Tables, Figures & Illustrations (if any used)
4. Introduction
1. Overview of the Organization
2. Brief History
3. Nature of the organization
4. Business Volume
5. Nature and number of the employees
6. Product and Services
7. Organizational Structure
8. Objective
9. Studying the chosen Organization
10. Specific Objective (if any)
11. Methodology (how you are going to prepare your report. The methods that you
will apply)
12. Limitation of the study
13. Conclusion
14. References (APA format)

Things to consider while preparing the proposal

a. Give the general brief about the organization. The red highlighted once are the topic that
you will need to cover in the Introduction section.
b. Use APA format for reference and cite. For other guidelines of report follow the
guidelines (e.g Font size, Font style, Heading style, Line spacing etc.)

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