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St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc

Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

“The Level of Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students of St. Augustine Catholic

School, Academic Year 2022-2023”

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of St. Augustine Catholic School Dela Rama St.,
Dumangas, Iloilo

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Graduation in Senior High School


Roosevelt Descaya

Al Joseph Destua

Rey Angelo Deveza

Ena Kristelle De Nuevo

Bhea Bianca Dequito

Beverly Joy Dichoso

Ysabelle Hope Digna

Stephanie Doria

April 2023
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Approval Sheet
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and sincerest

appreciation to the following persons who assisted, facilitated, and guided them for

the success of their research paper.

First and foremost, to the Lord Almighty who always give the researchers all

the blessings, the spirit of wisdom and knowledge that inspire them to pursue this


To our dear parents who are always there to give us moral, emotional,

especially financial support and for their selfless and never ending love which inspires

the researchers to continue this study despite all the challenges and difficulties. A

milllion thanks to you.

To Mr. Rufel A. Batallones, research adviser for sharing his knowledge

without hesitation, for giving the researchers the attention they needed, and for

motivating them to develop their self-confidence and intelligence.

Instr. Michelle Dechavez, thesis statistician for extending her valuable time

and full understanding, noble assistance and interpretation of the researchers' data


To Mrs. Carmela Lanzar, Mrs. Joe Ann Adelantar, Mrs. Ivy Cruz, and Ms.

Arvhle Glenn Casicas our panel members for the recommendation and suggested

revisions in the deliberation of the study.

Lastly, to our dear Alma Mater for providing us with a nurturing environment

especially the support of our teachers. The motivation and encouragement you have

extended to us is very inspiring and encouraging.

To God be all the honor and glory, forever and ever.

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo



Background of the Study

Learning how to read is a crucial part of developing your linguistic abilities. It is

an essential part of any kind of learning, formal or otherwise. The ability to read is a

receptive skill because it requires one to be able to make sense of the symbols of a

language that have been written down or graphically represented. Reading reveals the

wealth of information waiting to be discovered, and the skills and understanding acquired

through reading make it possible for individuals to contribute to and benefit from the

global culture and civilization in which they find themselves. For this reason, instilling a

love of reading in everyone, beginning with young children, is crucial if we are to gain

access to the wealth of information available in the world.

According to Shihab (2019), reading is more than just passively taking in

information; rather, it is an interactive process in which the reader actively produces

meaning through a series of mental processes. The relationship between the reader and

the text is obviously dynamic. Because critical reading is connected to thinking, it is

impossible for us to read without first thinking about what we are reading. The ability to

predict, acknowledge, compare, evaluate, and make decisions is all necessary for critical

reading. Therefore, it is possible to classify reading as a receptive skill requiring the

ability to recognize and make sense of written symbols. Perhaps this is what McGrath

(1995) means when he defines reading as an "active thinking process" that requires
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

making sense of what you are reading, making associations between new information and

what you already know, and structuring everything you have read so that it is easy to

remember and apply. Mastering the language's alphabet and the reading skills necessary

to use it effectively are essential first steps in learning to read (Okwilagwe, 1988). The

skills should be taught well because anyone who wants to make a living by exploring the

universe will find them useful. A child's readiness to read can be measured by how well

they know and use the alphabet of the language they are learning.

This study is extremely significant because of the fact that children in today's

society spend countless hours being distracted by derivative forms of media such as

television, computers, and other technologies designed specifically for children. It is

therefore absolutely necessary to reawaken a culture of reading among children who are

exposed to a variety of other ways to spend their leisure time. One of the ways to help

children imbibe a reading culture is to get them reading-ready.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the reading readiness of grade 7 students at St.

Augustine Catholic School for the school year 2022-2023.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of reading readiness of grade 7 students at St. Augustine

Catholic School as a whole and when grouped according to sex, section, and last

school attended?
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

2. Are there any significant differences in the level of reading readiness of grade 7

students at St. Augustine Catholic School when taken as a whole and when

grouped according to sex, section, and last school attended?


Based on the foregoing problem, the following hypothesis will be tested:

1. There is no significant difference in the reading readiness of grade 7 students at St.

Augustine Catholic School when taken as a whole and when grouped according to

sex, section, and last school attended.

Theoretical Framework

Reading is a complex process that involves a multitude of cognitive and linguistic

skills. It is influenced by numerous factors, including the reader's prior knowledge and

learning experiences. Prior knowledge refers to all the experiences a reader has had

throughout their life, including the information they have learned elsewhere and the

environmental factors that have shaped their understanding of the world. This knowledge

is used to bring the written word to life and make it more relevant in the reader's mind.

One theory that supports the idea of prior knowledge's influence on reading

comprehension is schema theory. Schema theory was first theorised by a British

psychologist named Sir Frederick Charles Bartlett and further developed in the 1970s by

Richard Anderson, an American educational psychologist. The starting assumption of this

theory is that "every act of comprehension involves one’s knowledge of the world."
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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

According to this theory, knowledge is a network of mental frames or cognitive

constructs called schema (pl. schemata). Schemas are categories of information stored in

long-term memory. A schema contains groups of linked memories, concepts, or words.

This grouping of things acts as a cognitive shortcut, making storing new things in your

long-term memory and retrieving them much quicker and more efficient (Education

Corner et al., 2022).

Multiple researchers have found that schema theory can be associated with

reading. It was introduced by Rumelhert (1980), Carrel (1981), and Hudson (1982) when

discussing the important role of background knowledge in reading. The fundamental

tenet of schema theory is that written text does not carry meaning by itself. Rather, a text

only provides directions for readers as to how they should retrieve or construct meaning

from their own previously acquired knowledge. (An, 2013). Schema theory in Reading

can be supported by Rumelhert (1980). According to him, "Schema can represent

knowledge at all levels—from ideologies and cultural truths to knowledge about the

meaning of a particular word to knowledge about what patterns of excitation are

associated with what letters of the alphabet." We have schemas to represent all levels of

our experience at all levels of abstraction. Finally, our schemas are our knowledge. " All

of our generic knowledge is embedded in schemas."

In conclusion, including schema theory in our study helps us understand how our

independent variable, the 7th grade student's last school attended, can affect their reading
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

readiness. By taking the reader's prior knowledge into account, we can better understand

how they approach a given text and what factors influence their comprehension of it.

Another theory that supports the idea of prior knowledge's influence on learning

is Thorndike's theory of learning. This theory was developed by Edward Thorndike, an

American psychologist who was fascinated by the way animals pick up new behaviors

through reinforcement and positive remarks from their surroundings. This theory has

important implications in any learning environment, as it shows that positive

reinforcement and rewards can foster an interest in learning in students (Teachmint et al.,


In 1932, Thorndike's theory was proven and became known as "Thorndike's Law

of Learning," which consists of three laws that help psychologists understand how

humans and animals learn and can be trained (Philonotes et al., 2023).

The first law of learning is the law of effect, which states that behavior that is

followed by a positive consequence is more likely to be repeated in the future, while

behavior that is followed by a negative consequence is less likely to be repeated. This

principle is often referred to as "reward and punishment" and has important implications

for teaching and parenting (Philonotes et al., 2023).

The second law is the law of exercise, which states that the more an individual

practises a behaviour, the stronger that behaviour becomes. This principle is based on the

idea that repeated practise strengthens the connections between neurons in the brain,
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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

making it easier for the behaviour to occur in the future. This law highlights the

importance of practise and repetition in the learning process (Philonotes et al., 2023).

The last law of learning is Thorndike's law of readiness, which explains how an

individual's readiness to respond to a particular situation can influence their ability to

learn and perform. This law highlights the importance of ensuring that students are ready

and willing to learn before presenting them with new information or tasks (Philonotes et

al., 2023).

By understanding these principles of learning, we can better understand how

individuals acquire new knowledge, behaviors, and skills. It is important for educators

and parents to consider these principles when designing learning activities and providing

feedback to students. Positive reinforcement, practise, and ensuring readiness can all

contribute to successful learning outcomes.

Conceptual Framework

In this study, the reading readiness of grade 7 students is the dependent variable,

and sex, section, and last school attended are the independent variables. The grade 7

students of St. Augustine Catholic School are respondents to the study.

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Reading Readiness of
Section Grade 7 Students

Last school attended

Figure 1

A schematic diagram showing the dependent variable, which is the level of

reading readiness of grade 7 students, and the independent variables, which are sex,

section, and last school attended.

Significance of the Study

The study focuses on the importance of promoting a culture of reading among

children who are trapped by modern technologies such as television and computers. It

aims to make children reading-ready to help establish this culture and explores the causes

of reading deficiencies and ways to remediate them.

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

School Administrators- The data given will provide the school administrators

with information on how the grade 7 students of St. Augustine Catholic School are

prepared for reading, as well as those who are not. The data gathered will help the school

administrators initiate collaborations among the faculty, parents, and teachers to guide

and help any improvement in the reading readiness of the grade 7.

Teachers- In this study, teachers may gain insights and awareness on the state of

reading readiness of the grade 7 students at St. Augustine Catholic School. With the

results, they may be able to know the percentage of students that are equipped and ready

to read. The study, on the other hand, can provide information on students who are

deficient in and unable to perform reading readiness. This study can be used as evidence

of how effective their technique for developing reading readiness is. With these, they

could give priority to the improvement of the reading abilities of their students.

Students- This study may be important to students because they will know their

reading abilities; they will have the opportunity to improve their reading comprehension

skills and plan for a better instructional strategy to improve their reading disabilities.

With the findings of this study, students could be able to improve their reading with

expressions that help promote fluency and comprehension and their vocabulary,

grammar, and language skills as well.

Parents- This study helps parents monitor their children's ability to read and

identify if their child has slow reading comprehension. If the results have a highly
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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

positive impact on the grade 7 students' reading readiness, then it will improve the

students' reading skills, vocabulary, grammar, and language abilities. However, if the

results of the study show that a lot of grade 7 students at St. Augustine Catholic School

have slow reading comprehension skills, then parents could find ways to improve their

children's reading readiness.

Future Researchers- The findings will benefit researchers doing the same study

as we do, who will regard this study as part of their related literature or as the basis of a

future study. This may also provide information for those researchers who want to know

if modules and online classes have been effective for the reading readiness of the grade 7

students at the time this study will be conducted.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to determine the reading readiness of grade 7 students at St.

Augustine Catholic School. This study will be conducted at St. Augustine Catholic

School. The scope and delimitation of this study are limited to grade 7 students at St.

Augustine Catholic School for the school year 2022–2023 only.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and understanding, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally:

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Reading- It is the action or practice of a person who reads. It is the oral

interpretation of written language. In this study, "reading" refers to the skills or

capabilities of the grade 7 students to identify the list of words printed or written.

Grade 7 Students- It is the seventh year of school, when students are 11 to 13

years old.

The group to which this study refers in this study is grade 7 students; they are the

study's respondents.

Reading readiness- is defined as the point at which a person is ready to learn to

read and the time during which a person transitions from being a non-reader into a reader.

One term for reading readiness includes early literacy and emergent reading.

In this study, "reading readiness" refers to the independent variable, which is the

variable that we are interested in understanding and measuring.

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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo



This chapter is composed of two parts: (1) Related Literature and (2) Related


Part One, Related Literature, includes the writings that relate to this study.

Part Two, Related Studies, shows the studies that are related to this research work.

Related Literature

Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for students to be successful in their

academic and professional lives. However, in Iran, students do not receive enough

exposure to reading activities, which leads to a lack of interest in reading. Al-Jarf (2007)

suggests that this is due to a lack of challenging reading instruction provided by teachers,

resulting in students not developing cognitive and metacognitive reading abilities. Ng et

al. (2013) emphasize the importance of comprehension in reading, as it allows students to

understand the relationships between words in a written text and achieve a

comprehensive understanding.

Reading comprehension is a complex skill that requires the development of other

skills such as vocabulary and decoding. According to Becker et al. (2010),

comprehension is a complex cognitive construct requiring multiple component skills.

Many middle and secondary school teachers today face the challenge of students entering
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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

their classrooms without the necessary knowledge, skills, or disposition to read

and comprehend the materials presented to them (RAND, 2002). At the same time, the

curriculum demands the comprehension of complex texts. Teachers often lack the support

and direct attention needed to develop their students' reading comprehension abilities.

Policies and programs intended to improve reading comprehension often lack empirical

evidence and adequate evaluation (RAND, 2002).

Reading is not only beneficial for academics but also for personal growth and

development. Dolch (1951) defines reading as "imagining, thinking, and feeling about

ideas and thoughts made from past experiences that are suggested by the perception of

printed words." Reading is an activity that requires the use of different capabilities of the

mind as the reader processes words and their meanings. Aikat (2007) states that reading

plays a vital role in developing young individuals' minds, enhancing their capacity for

focused attention, and promoting imaginative growth. Research shows a positive

relationship between individuals' reading habits and their active involvement in other


Reading readiness is the stage of development that allows a child to successfully

receive instruction in reading. The development of reading readiness is complex and

includes a combination of intangible and easily identifiable factors. Harris (1936) and

other experts in the field of reading readiness agree on the factors that are included in the

development of reading readiness.

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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Recent research has highlighted a number of factors that may affect the reading

readiness of 7th grade students. According to Brakas et al. (2008) and Fountas & Prinnell

(1996), global reading standards adapt higher order thinking of reading skills during early

reading teaching stages since kindergarten, and reading comprehension skills are not just

essential for academic and career success, but also necessary for success in social and

civil productive life. These skills exceed the limits of learning to read and help to build

capacity for independent learning, comprehend information from different sources, and

study literature with deep awareness.

The study by Benner et al. (2021) examines the impact of word recognition

strategies on students with reading difficulties. The study employed an experimental

design involving pre- and post-test measurements of reading fluency and comprehension

after teaching word recognition strategies and found that the use of word recognition

strategies can have a positive impact on reading fluency and comprehension for students

with reading difficulties.

Uysal et al. (2018), in their study "An Investigation on the Relationship between

Reading Fluency and Level of Reading Comprehension According to the Type of Texts,"

found that there is a positive relationship between reading fluency and comprehension.

They also found that the type of text can affect this relationship.
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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Although reading had been continued in a blended learning environment for the

past 3 years, Chuanpit Sriwichai (2020) stated in his study that there are certain factors

that may hinder a student's readiness to read. According to the study, the major problems

and challenges the students confronted in learning included losing focus on learning in

the classroom due to considerable class size, limited access to online lessons caused by a

severe Learning Management System (LMS) crash, difficulty of online interaction with

teachers and classmates, a lack of experience and skills with digital tools, and time

management for two learning modes.

Local Studies

A series of studies have been conducted to understand the impact of reading on

cognitive development and the factors that influence reading levels. In her study, Reyes

(2017) discovered that reading has a positive impact on cognitive development, as being

able to comprehend written text can enhance the mind's abilities. By teaching children to

read from an early age, they are able to improve their language skills and hone their

listening abilities.

In another study by Lacambra and Padasas (2018) titled "Reading and Writing

Skills of Grade 1 Pupils", it was found that when taken as a whole and grouped by sex,

there is a significant relationship between the reading and writing skills of students for

effective reading. The researchers used the researchers'-made test as a data gathering

instrument in order to determine the reading and writing levels of the students at Pulao

Elementary School.
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

In a research study titled "Assessment of the Reading Levels of Grade 4 Learners"

by Bito-onon and Drilon (2019), it is stated that the reading assessments of the entire

group are "very high." The learners at P.D. Monfort Central Elementary School and

Dumangas Central Elementary School have gained mastery of reading since the reading

levels of the respondents are very high. It was therefore found that there is no significant

difference in the reading levels of the learners as to monthly family income, meaning that

parents' earnings don't influence the learners' abilities.

Finally, Martinez J.S. (2022) discovered that reading readiness significantly and

positively predicts students’ reading level, whereas brain intelligence, interest, and

motivation do not significantly predict the reading level of pupils in the exclusion group.

Therefore, among the variables correlated, the researcher concluded that reading

readiness is a very significant factor to consider in teaching reading. If learners have the

readiness to learn to read, there is a greater chance of improving their reading level.
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo



The Research Design

In this study, the descriptive method of research will be executed. The purpose of

descriptive research is to learn more about a particular field. A description study may be

used to develop theory, identify problems with current practice, justify current practice,

make judgments, or determine which variables were manipulated; however, no attempt is

made to establish causality.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the grade 7 students enrolled at St. Augustine

Catholic School for the academic year 2022-2023. The grade 7 students at St. Augustine

Catholic School will be used to determine their reading readiness.

Profile of the Respondents

Category f %

Entire Group 103 100.00


St. John Stone 35 34.0

St. Ezekiel 33 32.0

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

St. Alfonso 35 34.0


Male 57 55.3

Female 46 44.7

Last School Attended

Private 39 37.9

Public 64 62.1

Sampling Technique

The researchers used stratified random sampling to select study participants. The

fishbowl sampling method is intended to provide each respondent with a random chance

of being selected as a sample.

Locale of the Study

The study is conducted at St. Augustine Catholic School, located at de la Rama

St., Dumangas, Iloilo. St. Augustine Catholic School was established in 1998 to provide

Catholic education in Dumangas after parents and parishioners expressed a need for such

a school. The school was formed by a group of parents and a priest and registered as a

non-profit organization. The school initially started with a two-classroom building and

expanded over time to include a high school, which was later made a recipient of

government funding. Several priests have served as directors of the school, each
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

contributing to its development and improvement. The current school director, Rev. Fr.

Jesus Glofel H. Mana-ay, assumed the office in 2011.

Research Instrument

In order to gather the necessary data, the researchers used a researcher-made

reading material to determine the reading readiness of grade 7 students at St. Augustine

Catholic School for the school year 2022–2023.

The research material has two parts. Part 1 was composed of the respondents'

personal data, such as their sex, section, and last school attended. Part 2 was composed of

a passage from a book titled "Essential Elements of Effective Discipline". This passage

has a total of 64 words, resulting in a score of 64 points.

Data Gathering Procedure

To determine the reading readiness of the grade 7 students at St. Augustine

Catholic School, the researchers asked permission from the school authorities to conduct

the study. The researchers used a reading readiness assessment excerpted from the book

"Essential Elements of Effective Discipline" and personally distribute it to the

respondents. The researchers assessed the respondents' pronunciation of the words in a

64-word passage by asking them to read it aloud. The participants received one point for

each correctly pronounced word, and their overall score is based on the number of words

they pronounce correctly.

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Statistical Data Analysis

To determine the level of reading readiness of Grade 7 students at St. Augustine

Catholic School, the data to be gathered from the respondents was analysed with the use

of the following statistical tools: mean, frequency count, percentage, standard deviation,

Mann-Whitney U Test, and Kruskal-Wallis Test.

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo



Chapter 4 contains the results and corresponding analysis of this investigation. It

consists of only one part: The Descriptive Data Analysis.

The Descriptive Analysis presents the frequency count and percentage and the

mean of The Level of Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students of St. Augustine Catholic

School, Academic Year 2022-2023 categorized as a whole and when grouped according

to sex, section, and last school attended.

The Level of Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students when the respondents were

taken as a whole are as follows:

Table 2. The Level of Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students of St. Augustine Catholic

School as a Whole and as to Variables (Section, Sex, and Last School Attended)

Category Mean SD Description

Entire Group 58.43 10.432 Very Ready


St. John Stone 55.83 12.791 Very Ready

St. Ezekiel 60.09 10.029 Very Ready

St. Alfonso 59.46 7.582 Very Ready

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Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo


Male 56.60 12.589 Very Ready

Female 60.70 6.321 Very Ready

Last School Attended

Private 57.74 12.409 Very Ready

Public 58.84 9.103 Very Ready

Scale Description

53 – 65 Very Ready

40 - 52 Ready

26 – 39 Somewhat Ready

13 – 25 Slightly Ready

0 – 12 Not Ready

Table 2. Difference in the Level of Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students as to Sex and

Last School Attended

Mean Sig.

Compared Means Rank Uvalue (2-tailed) Interpretation


Male 46.11

975.50* .023 Significant

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Female 59.29

Last School Attended

Private 53.76

1179.50 .634 Not Significant

Public 50.93
* p < .05 alpha

Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine significant differences in The Level

of Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students when grouped according to sex and last school


Table 2 presents the Mann-Whitney U test results, which shows a significant

difference in the level of reading readiness of grade 7 students when grouped according

to sex [U = 975.50, p = 0.023]. The two-tailed probability of 0.023 was less than the

significance level of 0.05 alpha. The results further revealed that the level of reading

readiness of male and female 7th grade students differed from one another. More so, no

significant difference was noted in the level of reading readiness of grade 7 students

when grouped according to the last school attended [U = 1179.50, p = 0.634].

Table 3. Differences in the difficulties encountered by the respondents according to grade


Sources of Mean Sig.

Variations df rank X2value (2-tailed) Interpretation

ST JOHN 43.60
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

ST EZEKIEL 2 61.55 6.424* .040 Significant

* p < .05 alpha

Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine significant differences in The Level of

Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students when grouped according to section.

Table 3 presents the Kruskal-Wallis test result, which shows a significant

difference in the level of reading readiness in Grade 7 when grouped according to section

[X2(2) = .747, p = .525]. The two-tailed probability of 0.525 was less than the significance

level of 0.05 alpha. The results further revealed that the level of reading readiness of

Grade 7 students differed by section. Furthermore, multiple comparisons revealed that the

mean difference was noted as significant between St. John and St. Ezekiel students.
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo



Chapter Five is divided into three sections: (1) a summary, (2) conclusions, and

(3) recommendations.

The first section, Summary, provides a brief overview of the study.

The second section, Conclusions, presents the findings of the analysis regarding

the hypothesis.

The third section, Recommendations, offers suggestions to the individuals

involved in the research.


This study aimed to determine the reading readiness of grade 7 students at St.

Augustine Catholic School for the academic year 2022-2023.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of reading readiness of grade 7 students at St. Augustine Catholic

School as a whole and when grouped according to sex, section, and last school

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

2. Are there any significant differences in the level of reading readiness of grade 7

students at St. Augustine Catholic School when taken as a whole and when grouped

according to sex, section, and last school attended?

The researcher's study started exactly on the month of November. During the

conduct of the study, the researchers utilized the mann-withney u sampling method in

selecting samples for the study. The respondents were 81 learners of grade 7 were

selected of St. Augustine Catholic School, categorized according to sex and school

graduated from.

The result of the study showed that the grade 7 learners when taken as a whole, in

Addition is "Advance", Subtraction "Advance", Multiplication "Approaching Proficiency

and Division "Developing".

On the category of variable such as type of school graduated from, the result of the

study revealed that both of Grade 7 students who graduated their elementary level from

private schools and public schools shows that in Addition they are "Advance",

Subtraction "Advance", Multiplication "Approaching Proficient" and Division


The study findings revealed that the overall readiness of the respondents was

"very ready," as indicated by a mean of 58.43 and a standard deviation of 10.432. When

grouped by sex, both males and females were found to be very ready, with males having

a mean score of 56.60 and a standard deviation of 12.589, and females having a mean

score of 60.70 and a standard deviation of 6.321. Moreover, when the respondents were
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

grouped according to their section, St. John Stone obtained a very ready score with a

mean of 55.83 and a standard deviation of 12.791, while St. Ezekiel Moreno and St.

Alfonso de Orozco also received a very ready score with respective means of 60.09 and

59.46 and standard deviations of 10.029 and 7.582. Lastly, when grouped by the last

school attended, both private and public school students were very ready, with mean

scores of 57.74 and 58.84, respectively, and standard deviations of 12.409 and 9.103.


The study concluded that the grade 7 students enrolled at St. Augustine Catholic

School, when taken as a whole and when grouped according to sex, section, and last

school attended, were determined to be very ready based on the research findings.


School administrators should continue to encourage and support reading

readiness initiatives to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary skills for

academic success. School administrators have an important role to play in promoting and

supporting reading readiness initiatives in their schools. This can include providing

resources and support for teachers to implement reading-focused activities and strategies

in their lessons, as well as promoting the importance of reading readiness to students and

parents. Additionally, schools can consider partnering with community organizations or

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

libraries to provide students with access to a wider range of reading materials and


Teachers can incorporate more reading-related activities and strategies into their

lesson plans to further enhance students' reading readiness. Teachers play a critical role in

promoting reading readiness among their students. They can incorporate more reading-

focused activities and strategies into their lesson plans to further enhance students'

reading skills. This could include assigning reading tasks that are relevant to the subject

matter, encouraging students to read widely and regularly, and using reading

comprehension strategies to help students better understand the texts they read. Teachers

can also provide feedback and support to students to help them improve their reading


Parents can play an active role in their children's reading development by

fostering a love for reading at home and encouraging them to practice their reading skills

regularly. Parents can make a significant contribution to their children's reading readiness

by fostering a love for reading at home. They can read to their children regularly, provide

them with age-appropriate reading materials, and encourage them to read independently.

Parents can also help their children practice their reading skills by asking them questions

about what they have read, discussing the meaning of new vocabulary words, and helping

them identify the main ideas of a text. Additionally, parents can create a conducive

reading environment at home by setting aside a quiet and comfortable space for their

children to read and by limiting screen time to encourage more time spent reading.
St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Overall, by implementing these recommendations, school administrators,

teachers, and parents can work together to enhance students' reading readiness, ultimately

setting them up for greater academic success.

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Gemma F. Sarduma

School Registrar

Dear Ms. Sarduma,

A research study is one of the requirements for every Grade 12 student in order to
graduate from Senior High School. We the Grade 12 STEM learners of section St.
Thomas Aquinas namely: Roosevelt Descaya, Al Joseph Destua, Rey Angelo Deveza,
Ena Kristelle De Nuevo, Bhea Bianca Dequito, Beverly Joy Dichoso, Ysabelle Hope
Digna, and Stephanie Doria will conduct a research study entitled “The Level of
Reading Readiness of Grade 7 Students of St. Augustine Catholic School, Academic
Year 2022-2023”.

In connection, we would like to respectfully ask permission from your good office
for a copy of the list of enrollees of Grade Seven students for Academic Year 2022 -

Hoping for your positive response.

Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,








St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo


School Director


School Principal

Dear Father Mana-ay,

Greetings of Peace!

We the Grade 12 STEM learners of section St. Thomas Aquinas namely:

Roosevelt Descaya, Al Joseph Destua, Rey Angelo Deveza, Ena Kristelle De Nuevo,
Bhea Bianca Dequito, Beverly Joy Dichoso, Ysabelle Hope Digna, and Stephanie Doria
will conduct a research study entitled “The Level of Reading Readiness of Grade 7
Students of St. Augustine Catholic School, Academic Year 2022-2023”.

In connection, we would like to respectfully ask permission from your good office
to allow us to conduct our research study among the Grade 7 students of St. Augustine
Catholic School. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain absolutely
confidential and to be used in academic purposes only.

We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish the requirement as a
compliance for our subject. We hope for your positive response on this humble matter.
Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and assistance with this research.

Respectfully yours,





St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo

Section: St. John Stone Sex: Male Female

St. Ezekiel de Moreno

St. Alfonso de Orozco

Last school attended: Private Public

"Value of Discipline"

Discipline is a positive quality that refers to following rules and principles to

guide one's actions. It teaches self-control and respect for laws and is necessary in various

aspects of life, such as education, sports, and society. It leads to a sense of duty and helps

maintain order, honesty, and sincerity in work. Without discipline, there will be disorder

and no peace in society.

St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo













St. Augustine Catholic School-Dumangas, Inc
Dela Rama St., Dumangas Iloilo


Descaya, Roosevelt A.

Destua, Al Joseph D.

Deveza, Rey Angelo S.

De Nuevo, Ena Kristelle A.

Dequito, Bhea Bianca

Dichoso, Beverly Joy D.

Digna, Ysabelle Hope A.

Doria, Stephanie

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