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FTIR Spectroscopy of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: A Simple

Approachto Study the Nitrogen Doping

Article in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology · July 2007

DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2007.723 · Source: PubMed


94 11,414

4 authors, including:

Pawan K Tyagi Padmnabh Rai

Delhi Technological University UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences


Devi Misra
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and IIa Technology Singapore


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Copyright © 2007 American Scientific Publishers Journal of
All rights reserved Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Printed in the United States of America Vol. 7, 1820–1823, 2007

FTIR Spectroscopy of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes:

A Simple Approach to Study the Nitrogen Doping
Abha Misra, Pawan K. Tyagi, Padmnabh Rai, and D. S. Misra∗
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India

The nitrogen doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were synthesized by microwave
plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) technique. In this paper, we report the results of FTIR,
Raman, and TGA studies to confirm the presence of N-doping inside carbon nanotubes. Fourier
transform infrared (FTIR) studies were carried out in the range 400–4000 cm−1 to study the attach-
ment of nitrogen impurities on carbon nanotubes. FTIR spectra of the virgin sample of MWNTs show
dominant peaks which are corresponding to Si–O,
Delivered byC–N, N–CHto:
Ingenta 3 , CNT, C–O, and C–Hx , respectively.
The Si–O peak has its origin inRensselaer
silicon substrate
Polytechnic Institutepeaks are due to the precursor
whereas the other
gases present in the gas mixture. The peaks are sharp and highly intense showing the chemisorp-
IP :
tion nature of the dipole bond. The intensity of the peaks due to N–CH3 , C–N, and C–H reduces
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 14:18:21
after annealing. It is interesting to note that these peaks vanish on annealing at high temperature

(900 C). The presence of C–N peak may imply the doping of the MWNTs with N in substitution
mode. The position of this intense peak is in agreement with the reported peak in carbon nitride
samples prepared by plasma CVD process, since the Raman modes are also expected to be delo-
calized over both carbon and nitrogen sites it was found that the intensity ratio of the D and G
peaks, I(D)/I(G), varies as a function of ammonia concentration. The TGA measurements, carried
out under argon flow, show that the dominant weight loss of the sample occurs in the temperature

range 400–600  C corresponding to the removal of the impurities and amorphous carbon.
Keywords: MWNTs, FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, TGA/DTA.

1. INTRODUCTION Despite the possibility of various synthesis routes, the

mechanism of the N-doping inside carbon layers is still
The presence of defects and impurities that are electron- an open question. Many groups have proposed that the
ically and chemically active can change effectively the electronic structure of N doped CNTs are as pyridine-
properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Nitrogen (N) dop- like or graphite like with triple-bonded CN.9–11 Another
ing into carbon layers is one of the effective approaches to group has proposed that N atoms might exist mainly
modify these properties, as the controlled electrical proper- inside the inner core of CNTs.12 In this paper, we inves-
ties are very important in electronic devices at nanoscale. tigate the nitrogen doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes
There are several recent reports1–4 on the synthesis of (MWNTs) using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spec-
N-doped CNTs using different approaches. For exam- troscopy and Raman spectroscopy supported by thermo
ple Terrones et al.5 prepared N-doped carbon nanotubes gravimetric analysis (TGA).
by pyrolyzing various C/N sources including triazine,
melamine, ferrocene, melamine mixture, and ferrocene/C60
mixtures in ammonia atmosphere. Ma et al.6 obtained N- 2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
doped carbon nanofibers on large scale using microwave MWNTs encapsulated with nickel nanorods used in this
plasma-assisted CVD with a mixture of methane and nitro- study were synthesized by microwave plasma chemical
gen. Han et al.7 concluded that pyrolysis in the presence of vapor deposition (MPCVD) technique, the details of which
NH3 proves an efficient route to achieve N-doped carbon are reported elsewhere.13 The nickel layers having a thick-
nanotubes. From these results, it is clear that the presence ness of 5–10 m were treated in the plasma of NH3 gas
of N2 during the CNTs growth process is proven to be an for 10 seconds in the temperature range 300  C–750  C
efficient method of N doping.8 at 10 torr for the formation of nano-sized nickel catalyst,
which was the precursor for subsequent CNTs growth

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The flow rate

1820 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2007, Vol. 7, No. 6 1533-4880/2007/7/1820/004 doi:10.1166/jnn.2007.723

Misra et al. FTIR Spectroscopy of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: A Simple Approach to Study the Nitrogen Doping

of ammonia ranged from 180–250 sccm. Methane (CH4 )

and hydrogen (H2 ) were used with respective flow rates
of 6 sccm and 40 sccm. The temperature of the substrate
was maintained at 820  C ± 20  C at deposition pressure
40 torr. The MWNTs were treated with isopropyl alco-
hol in an ultrasonic bath and were dispersed onto a car-
bon coated copper micro grid for transmission electron
microscopy (TEM). The lattice imaging of the walls of
CNTs as well as of the nickel nanorods is recorded using
the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in a JEOL
TEM 2010 (UHR model) operated at 200 kV.
The FTIR spectra were recorded on Nicolet Magna 550
FT-IR Spectrometer. The samples for FTIR studies were
prepared by suspending approximately 6 mg of MWNTs
materials in ∼15 ml isopropyl alcohol by sonication with
an ultra sonic probe for several minutes. One drop of this
solution was sprayed onto silicon wafer and a uniform thin
MWNT film on the IR transparent silicon substrate was
thus obtained. FTIR studies were carried out in the range
Delivered by Ingenta to:
400–4000 cm−1 in the absorbance mode. The FTIR results
along with the TGA give a reasonably good picture of the
Polytechnic Institute
IP :
nitrogen attachment on the carbon nanotubes. Raman spec-
tra were recorded in backscattering geometry Tue, 17 Jul
for 514.5 nm 2007 14:18:21
excitation from an Ar ion laser using Jobin-Yvon HR800.
Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) were carried out on
Mettler-Toledo (TGA/SDTA851) thermal analyzer under
argon flow at the heating rate of 5  C/min to obtain infor-
mation on the decomposition and the burning properties of
carbon nanotubes and impurities present in it. The temper-

Fig. 1. (a) SEM micrograph of a sample of multi-walled carbon nano-
ature of the sample was varied from room temperature to tubes on a copper substrate. The high density of tubes is noteworthy.

900 C. The bonding was studied by infrared and Raman (b) TEM image of the MWNTs.
Out of the above identified bonds, the presence of C–N and
N–CH3 bonds at 1250 and 1372 cm−1 is most interesting.
The strong peaks at 1250 and 1372 cm−1 are consistent
Figure 1(a)–(b) shows the SEM and TEM micrographs of with C–N and N–CH3 stretching vibrations attributed by
high density MWNTs grown on nickel coated copper sub-
strate after ammonia plasma treatment, respectively. The
average length and diameter of the tubes are 100 micron (d)
and 20 nm, respectively.
Using NH3 gas is an efficient way to incorporate nitro- (c)
Absorbance (arb. units)

gen in carbon nanotubes lattice during growth. NH3 gas

not only plays role in MWNTs growth but also increases (b)

nitrogen concentration in the carbon nanotubes. FTIR is CNT

used to characterize the functional elements absorbed by N-CH3
carbon nanotubes. Figures 2(a–d) shows the FTIR spec- Si-O (a)
tra in the range 400–4000 cm (a) of as-grown tubes,
(b) of the tubes collected after TGA at 400  C, (c) of the CNT
tubes annealed at 600  C, and (d) of the tubes collected
after TGA at 900  C. FTIR of (a) shows dominant peaks
at 1026, 1250, 1372, 1445, 1736, 2362, 2851, 2925 cm−1
which corresponds to Si–O, C–N, N–CH3 , CNT, C–O, and 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
C–Hx , respectively. The infra-red absorbance at 1026 cm−1 –1
consistent with Si–O stretching vibrations due to slightly Wave number (cm )
different concentrations in the native oxide layer of the Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of (a) as grown MWNTs, (b) after TGA at 400  C,
silicon before and after coating with MWNTs film.14 (c) after annealing at 600  C, (d) after TGA at 900  C.

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 1820–1823, 2007 1821

FTIR Spectroscopy of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: A Simple Approach to Study the Nitrogen Doping Misra et al.

Choi et al.12 to the presence of intercalated N atoms Table I. The peak position, full width at half maxima (FWHM) and
relative intensities I(D)/I(G) of D and G bands with increasing N
between the graphite layers at the inner part of the nano-
tube walls. The intercalated nitrogen atoms in between the
graphite walls, however, may not be strongly IR active. D band G band
It has been pointed out9 15–17 that substituting an N atom Position FWHM Position FWHM
in place of a C atom in a sp2 bonded carbon network will No. (cm−1 ) (cm−1 ) (cm−1 ) (cm−1 ) I(D)/I(G)
induce strong IR activity due to a net dipole moment; con-
1 1342 4935 1569 34 0.42
sequently the absorption in the 1200–1600 cm−1 region is 2 1347 5877 1576 51 0.55
expected if the N atoms are bonded into the carbon net- 3 1347 617 1578 42 1.32
work. This suggests that the N-doping in carbon nanotubes
can take place in two ways; either N can substitute for
carbon in benzene ring which is pyridine like ring or N full width at half maxima (FWHM) and relative intensities
can be located between graphite planes which give rise to I(D)/I(G) of D and G bands with increasing N concen-
a C–N  bond or both. The half widths of the C–N and tration are shown in Table I. Since N doping is very
N–CH3 peaks are 36.72 and 18.53 cm , respectively, and effective in introducing defects inside graphite network,
suggest that the chemisorptions process may be dominant results upshift of both D and G band with the N concen-
implying chemical bonding between carbon and nitrogen tration. The substantial shifts of Raman bands give clear
atoms. From their relative intensities we therefore strongly evidence of modification of phonon and electron struc-
believe that N doping in graphene sheets of theDelivered tures of carbon layers due to N doping. The FWHM of the
inner walls by Ingenta to:
G band has increased with N concentration as shown in
is more favorable than N cross-linking between graphitic
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
planes of outer planes. Features at 1445 and 1736 −1 Table I. However the presence of a relatively high inten-
IP : cm
sity G band provides evidence for high crystalline behav-
may be attributed to MWNT vibrational modes Tue,are
17 also
Jul 2007 14:18:21
18 −1
apparent. The peak at 2362 cm corresponds to the ior in the CNTs. The increase in the I(D)/I(G) ratio as
C–O bonds and the features between 2851–2925 cm−1 are a function of N concentration is attributed to bong angle
consistent with C–Hx stretching vibrations of chemisorbed and bond length disorder induced by introduction of N.
hydrogen of various types presents in all carbon A small peak at 1120 cm−1 may corresponds to single
films.19 20 C–N bonds arises due to N bonding to outer graphitic
Raman spectra as a function of NH3 concentration i.e., layers.21 22
N concentration are presented in Figure 3. All these spec- The intensity of the peaks due to N–CH3 , C–N, and C–H

tra are characterized by mainly two bands D band/G band. are gradually suppressed, after annealing at 400  C. The
The G band is assigned to E2g symmetric vibrational mode suppression of the peaks would be related to the gradual
of graphite layers and the D band is originated from the removal of nitrogen and hydrogen bonded species as impu-
level of disordered carbons. Both the bands shift towards rity. The bonding of N with carbon atom in graphene sheet
higher wave number as we increased the NH3 concen- will give rise to a defect in structure, which would get
tration from 180 sccm to 250 sccm. The peak position, annealed, at high temperature. This results in the reduction
of the intensity of the IR peaks with annealing. Further
annealing of the sample at 600  C does not induce any

Raman intensity (A.U.)


Weight percent

40 DTA

1 20

1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

– 20
Wave number (cm–1) – 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Temperature (˚C)
Fig. 3. Raman spectra of MWNTs samples prepared at different NH3
concentration. Fig. 4. TGA/DTA results for MWNTs.

1822 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 1820–1823, 2007

Misra et al. FTIR Spectroscopy of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: A Simple Approach to Study the Nitrogen Doping

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Received: 16 March 2006. Revised/Accepted: 16 June 2006.

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 1820–1823, 2007 1823

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