10 Rules of Thumb Analysis

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Rules of Thumb Is This Rule Being Is This Rule Violated?

How Can This Rule Further

Applied? How So? How So? Improve Usability, Utility
and Desirability?

1. Visibility of system status No,because IRCTC homepage

contains so much of content that
make a user confused. So much
text and elements make it so clutter

2. Match between system and the No,I didn’t find elements/Icons

real world relating to real world,this would
create difficulty for user.

3. User control and freedom There is lack of user control, there

is no undo or redo option for user
for emergency

4. Consistency and standards

5. Error prevention

6. Recognition rather than recall

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

9. Help users recognize, diagnose

and recover from errors

10. Help and documentation

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