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Class: 12th CBSE

English Project

Submitted by: Varad K


The renowned Swedish author Selma Lagerlf is

the author of the short story “Rattrap”. It is a
passage from “The Emperor of Portugallia”, a
book she wrote and had published the year before.
A destitue wanderer in search of food and shelter
comes into a crofter’s cottage in the story’s
wooded setting. The wanderer is shown to be a
thieving individual who tries to take from the
crofter. But then the plot unexpectedly turns, and
the wanderer’s life is completely transformed.

1. Cover Page

2. Index

3. Introduction

4. About the author

5. About the main characters of story

6. Summary

7. Conclusion

8. Certificate
About the Author

· Swedish author Selma Lagerlof was born in Marbacka,

Sweden, on November 20, 1858. Her works have been
translated into more than 50 different language, and she was the
firs women to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1901. She
gained notoriety for writing “The Wonderful Adventures of
Nils”, a children’s book that is revered in Swedish literature.
· In her 30s, Lagerlof began writing, and she has since produced
a number of plays, short tales, and novels. Her writings
frequently expressed her love of animals and the natural world
and addressed issues like social injustice and interpersonal
connections. She supported women’s rights and participated in
a number of social initiatives.
· The writing style of Lagerlof was renowned for its vivid
descriptions, symbolic usage, and profound knowledge of
human nature. She passed suddenly in Sweden on March 16,
1940, leaving behind a rich literary legacy.
The Characters
The “Rattrap” story consist of the following funny yet remarkable

The vagabond: The protagonist and central character, who is a poor

vagabond who sells rattraps. He is kind, gentle, and optimistic, but
often mistreated by others.

The Crofter: A kind and caring man who offers the peddler a place to
stay, food, tobacco, and company.

The Ironmaster: The owner of Ramsjo Ironworks, who mistakes the

peddler for an old friend from the army.

Elda Wilmonsson: A kind and generous character who convinces the

peddler to stay at her house for Christmas.
The story begins with a rattrap peddler who is in a rugged condition. He is dressed in
rags and is very frail and looks starved. He leads a lonely life with no one to care about
him. On one cold evening, he reaches at a cottage to ask for shelter. An old crofter
lived in that cottage who gave shelter to the poor man.

The crofter needed company so he welcomes the peddler. He gives him hot food and
asks him to rest for sometime. They play cards and start talking. The peddler learns that
the crofter got thirty kronor for selling his cow which he keeps in a pouch on the
window frame. The peddler leaves the next day but after seeing the crofter leave his
cottage, he comes back to steal the pouch of money.

After stealing it, he takes the woods to remain unsuspected. In the wood, the peddler
meets an ironmaster who mistakes him to be his old comrade. He invites him over for
Christmas but he refuses. After that, the ironmaster’s daughter, Edla visits him and
insists him to stay with them. In between, he feels sorry for stealing the crofter’s
money. They help him to get some nice outfit and ask him to share his beard. But after
this the ironmaster confesses that he has made a mistake by faslely thinking the peddler
as his comrade.

Thus, the ironmaster thinks he is a fraud and decides to leave him alone. However,
Edla insists on letting him stay and celebrate Christmas with them. Her father agrees,
and they celebrate Christmas together. Next day, the ironmaster and Edla learn that the
peddler was a thief through the church about the incident at the old crofter’s. They
head home in a hurry thinking he must have stolen all the silver. However, to their
surprise, the peddler did not steal a thing. He left a note for Edla in the form a tiny
rattrap. There was also a note thanking her for her kindness which saved him from the
rattrap he got caught in. Most importantly, he also left the crofter’s money asking to

The story “The Rattrap” concludes

that people can change the world through
kindness and compassion. It also teaches
that materialistic things do not bring inner
joy, but instead, love and respect do.

This is to certify that Master. Varad Khanapure of

Class 12th of Raja Narayanlal Lahoti English
School has successfully completed his English
project file. He has taken proper care and utmost
sincerity in completion of his project. All the work
related to the project was done by the candidate
himself. The approach towards the subject has been
sincere and legitimate.

I certify that this project is upto my expectations and

as per the guidelines issued by the CBSE.


English Teacher Principal

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