Simple Present

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Name :

Grade :

A. Change the verbs in the brackets into the correct verbs!

1. The boys basketball atschool every afternoon. (play)

2. The sailor always the fish using the big net. (catch)
3. My grandfather the newspaper everyday.(read)
4. The director of the company in his office. (be)
5. Her English teacher the lesson well. (explain)
6. The woman the room for a meeting. (arrange)
7. You very attentive on this school project. (be)
8. The man usually his bike in his workshop.(fix)
9. She watching electronic cinema on TV. (be)
10. I often some books from the library. (take)

B. Change the sentences into the form requested!

1. (+) The doctor examines the patient carefully.

2. (-) We do not start the meeting in the morning.


3. (+) Those girls clean their bedroom after sleeping.

4. (?) Are you junior high school student?
5. (+) The students are in theor classroom.

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