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NAMA: Rahmi Elfitriati

KELAS: 11-5
Taman Safari

Taman Safari Indonesia is an environmentally friendly family tourist attraction that is

oriented towards animal habitats in the wild. The Indonesian Safari Park is located in
Cibeureum Village, Cisarua District, Bogor Regency, West Java or better known as
the Puncak area.

In the Bogor Safari Park, we not only enjoy the beauty of nature and animals, but we
can also interact directly with these animals that roam freely in nature. We can also
travel in the area, exploring the wild habitat using a car or bus while feeding the
animals is a favorite activity for visitors.

Apart from that, there are also animal attractions ranging from orangutans, dogs and
even goats. This interesting and unique attraction is usually held for about half an
Elsewhere there are also bird parks, animal training shows, reptiles, baby animal
parks, elephant and horse rides, or night safari trips

Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

Ragunan Wildlife Park or also called Ragunan Zoo is the first zoo in Indonesia.
Ragunan Zoo is a tourist destination for all Indonesian people. Ragunan Zoo is
located in the Ragunan area, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Indonesia.

This zoo has many rare animal species, including cockatoos, orangutans, gorillas,
anoas and elephants. Ragunan Zoo has many types of animals, including mammals,
aves and reptiles. Apart from seeing animals, Ragunan Zoo also provides bicycle
rental facilities.

Not just seeing various species of animals and plants, at Ragunan Zoo there are also
several educational and exciting recreation facilities. This tourist location is very
suitable to visit with small children.

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