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Role-Play Script

M: Hi welcome to our show. Today we are going to show you some part of
UTCC. Now we are at building 24 5th floor I call it a relax zone. You might confuse
why I call a relax zone well on the afternoon you can play VR or playstation and
also have lots of boardgames to let you borrow some of them come sit here to
relax or do some work. Also have some plenty of books here to read. And for this
side have lots of sofa and also have meeting room when you gonna discuss
project work or watching Netflix.
———————————————Café Zone———————————————
M: We’re still in the same floor right now we are at Café Zone. So many drinks
and bakery you can order. By the way I remember that Book is waiting me here
let’s find him.
M:Oh there he is, Hello Book, what are you doing here?
Book: Im just sitting and relax.
M: I thought you order some menu.
Book: Well, I just have breakfast.
M: Do you go anywhere else?
Book: No, I don’t.
M: Great come with me I need your help. So not only 5th floor is a relax zone but
also 6th floor. I usually not come here because most of the time it’s crowded. But
sometimes, I knew that they come take a nap here. So, I think if I come up to
this floor, I will fall asleep too. Let’s move to the next one.
—————————————7th floor (Change host) ————————————
Book: Time to change role. After this I will continue the show. Because M is busy,
he needs to clear some work. As right now we’re at 7th floor we have to be quiet
this is a library room. Porsche and Whale told me that they’re here I don’t know
what are they doing right now? We will find them later. Im gonna show you how
UTCC library looks like. So right here we have a sofa some of them come sleep
here too. At the back of me you will see a lot of bookshelves so many
categories you can read. Let’s find my friend I think they are waiting me for too
long now.
Book: Alright I found them. Let’s talk with them.
Book: Hello.
Porsche & Whale: Hi
Book: What are you doing?
Porsche: We are playing game.
Book: Oh, I thought you do some work or revise the lesson.
Whale: It quiet here so we come sit here. Oh, between Will you guys go eat
lunch with me?
Porsche: Sure, But I will go late a bit.
Whale: Why?
Porsche: I just realize I haven’t done present project yet and it will take in 10
minutes, but you guys don’t have to worry about me It’s little information.
Whale: I see. Lucky you realize before time or else your team might be angry at
you because no responsible. Shall we go now? Im so hungry.
Porsche: Alright let's go.
Book: Oh, wait I didn’t end the show yet.
Whale: I will do it. So, I hope you guys enjoy this show so many things we
haven’t show yet but today we not have enough time. Thank you for watching.

Member List
1. วรวุฒ ศิริคุม 2310411101011
2. พีรวัฒน์ กึกก้อง 2310411101028
3. ศีลนำ ศรีไพรวรรณ 2310411101039
4. ชัยวิชิต ศันสนียสุนทร 2310411101040

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