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If you encounter errors after upgrading to Mendix 10.

5, particularly with the CycloneDX Gradle plugin or

repository accessibility issues, follow these steps to resolve them.

Reproduce Error:

Download Mendix 10.5, create blank application – it might already prompt the error, if not add an
external dependency mentioned like here -


Mendix 10.3 and above allow the management of Java dependencies, eliminating the need for manual
downloads in the user lib folder. However, due to internet security measures, Zscaler may block Mendix
from downloading certain required Java plugins(
dependencies/#custom-repos-required-dependencies ) , hindering the managed dependencies feature.

Steps to Resolve:

Trust Zscaler Root Certificate: Mendix (Gradle->Java) needs to trust the Zscaler root certificate to access
the required repositories.

1.Set Java Home:

Download Java from Adoptium

version=11&os=windows&arch=x64&package=jdk ( As we need admin access for adding certificate to
java keystore, either you can get temporary admin access and use the mendix default java (C:\Program
Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk- or download from above link and put in any location

Set Java Home to the installed JDK path and Path Environment variable.

2. Get Zscalaer certificate and add to java keystore

This step is simplified, and we will attach the required certificate in der format.( For additional details
refer java section here
store )

Download following der file:


Run the following keytool command:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <certAlias> -file <certFile> -keystore <trustStoreFile>

Note: Adjust the paths and alias accordingly. If you have not set any password to keystore just click
enter while it prompts or try changeit as password


keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias zscalerrootca -file "C:\Users\hsankerb\Downloads\

ZscalerRootCertificate-2048-SHA256.der" -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts

or go to the cacerts folder location and run

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias zscalerrootca -file "C:\Users\hsankerb\Downloads\

ZscalerRootCertificate-2048-SHA256.der" -keystore cacerts

3. Confirm import and verify the certificate:

keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts

If certificate added successfully, command would prompt alias name.

4. Set the new Jdk directory in mendix (Edit-> preferences->Deployment->JDK directory)

5. Now synchronize manually – APP->Synchronize dependencies

These steps ensure that Mendix can access the required repositories, especially when using the
CycloneDX Gradle plugin. You can verify any new managed dependencies under the vendorlib folder in
project directory.

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