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Installation manual

Daikin Altherma 3 M


EDLA06E23V3 Installation manual
EDLA08E23V3 Daikin Altherma 3 M
EU – Safety declaration of conformity UE – Declaración de conformidad sobre seguridad ЕС – Заявление о соответствии требованиям по EU – Samsvarserklæring for sikkerhet EU – Izjava o sukladnosti za sigurnost EU – Varnostna izjava o skladnosti ЕС – Декларация за съответствие за безопасност
EU – Sicherheits-Konformitätserklärung UE – Dichiarazione di conformità in materia di sicurezza безопасности EU – Turvallisuuden vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus EU – Biztonsági megfelelőségi nyilatkozat EÜ – Ohutuse vastavusdeklaratsioon ES – Drošības atbilstības deklarācija
UE – Déclaration de conformité de sécurité ΕΕ – Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης για την ασφάλεια EU – Sikkerheds-overensstemmelseserklæring EU – Bezpečnostní prohlášení o shodě UE – Deklaracja zgodności z wymogami bezpieczeństwa ЕС – Декларация за съответствие за безопасност EÚ – Vyhlásenie o zhode Bezpečnosť
EU – Conformiteitsverklaring veiligheid UE – Declaração de conformidade relativa à segurança EU – Konformitetsdeklaration för säkerhet UE – Declarație de conformitate de siguranță AB – Güvenlik uygunluk beyanı

Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o.

01 declares under its sole responsibility that the products to which this declaration relates: 09 заявляет, исключительно под свою ответственность, что продукция, к которой относится настоящее заявление: 17 deklaruje na własną wyłączną odpowiedzialność, że produkty, których ta deklaracja dotyczy:
02 erklärt in alleinige Verantwortung, dass die Produkte, auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht: 10 erklærer som eneansvarlig, at produkterne, som er omfattet af denne erklæring: 18 declară pe proprie răspundere că produsele la care se referă această declarație:
03 déclare sous sa seule responsabilité que les produits visés par la présente déclaration: 11 deklarerar i egenskap av huvudansvarig, att produkterna som berörs av denna deklaration innebär att: 19 z vso odgovornostjo izjavlja, da so izdelki, na katere se izjava nanaša:
04 verklaart hierbij op eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat de producten waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft: 12 erklærer et fullstendig ansvar for at produktene som er underlagt denne erklæringen: 20 kinnitab oma vastutusel, et tooted, mille kohta käesolev deklaratsioon kehtib:
05 declara bajo su única responsabilidad que los productos a los que hace referencia esta declaración: 13 ilmoittaa yksinomaan omalla vastuullaan, että tämän ilmoituksen tarkoittamat tuotteet: 21 декларира на своя отговорност, че продуктите, за които се отнася тази декларация:
06 dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che i prodotti a cui è riferita questa dichiarazione: 14 prohlašuje na svou plnou odpovědnost, že výrobky, ke kterým se toto prohlášení vztahuje: 22 savo išskirtine atsakomybe pareiškia, kad gaminiai, kuriems ši deklaracija taikoma:
07 δηλώνει βάσει της αποκλειστικής της ευθύνης ότι τα προϊόντα στα οποία αναφέρεται η παρούσα δήλωση: 15 izjavljuje pod isključivo vlastitom odgovornošću da su proizvodi na koje se ova izjava odnosi: 23 ar pilnu atbildību apliecina, ka izstrādājumi, uz kuru attiecas šī deklarācija:
08 declara sob sua exclusiva responsabilidade que os produtos a que esta declaração se refere: 16 teljes felelőssége tudatában kijelenti, hogy a termékek, melyekre e nyilatkozat vonatkozik: 24 vyhlasuje na vlastnú zodpovednosť, že výrobky, na ktoré sa vzťahuje toto vyhlásenie:
25 tek sorumluluğu kendisine ait olmak üzere, bu beyanın ilgili olduğu ürünlerin:

EBLA04E2V3, EBLA06E2V3, EBLA08E2V3, EBLA04E23V3, EBLA06E23V3, EBLA08E23V3,

EDLA04E2V3, EDLA06E2V3, EDLA08E2V3, EDLA04E23V3, EDLA06E23V3, EDLA08E23V3,

01 are in conformity with the following directive(s) or regulation(s), provided 05 están en conformidad con la(s) siguiente(s) directiva(s) o reglamento(s), 09 отвечает требованиям упомянутых ниже директив или нормативных 12 er i overensstemmelse med følgende direktiv(er) eller forskrift(er), 17 spełniają wymogi następujących dyrektyw lub rozporządzeń, pod 21 са в съответствие със следната директива(и) или регламент(и), при
that the products are used in accordance with our instructions: siempre que se utilicen de acuerdo con nuestras instrucciones: документов при условии эксплуатации данной продукции в forutsatt at produktene brukes i henhold til våre instruksjoner: warunkiem że produkty używane są zgodnie z naszymi instrukcjami: условие че продуктите се използват в съответствие с нашите
02 folgender/n Richtlinie/n oder Vorschrift/en entsprechen, vorausgesetzt, 06 sono conformi alle direttive o ai regolamenti seguenti, a patto che i соответствии с нашими инструкциями: 13 ovat seuraavien direktiivien tai asetusten mukaisia, edellyttäen että 18 sunt în conformitate cu următoarele directive sau regulamente, cu инструкции:
dass diese gemäß unseren Instruktionen verwendet werden: prodotti vengano usati in conformità alle nostre istruzioni: 10 overholder bestemmelserne i følgende direktiv(er) eller bestemmelse(r), tuotteita käytetään ohjeidemme mukaisesti: condiția ca produsele să fie utilizate în conformitate cu instrucțiunile 22 atitinka toliau nurodytas direktyvas arba reglamentus, su sąlyga, kad
03 sont conformes à la/aux directive(s) ou règlement(s) suivant(s), à 07 συμμορφώνονται με την(ις) ακόλουθη(ες) οδηγία(ες) ή κανονισμό(ούς), forudsat at produkterne anvendes i overensstemmelse med vores 14 jsou ve shodě s následujícími směrnicemi nebo předpisy za předpokladu, noastre: gaminiai bus eksploatuojami laikantis mūsų instrukcijų:
condition que les produits soient utilisés conformément à nos υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι τα προϊόντα χρησιμοποιούνται σύμφωνα με τις instruktioner: že tyto výrobky jsou používány v souladu s našimi pokyny: 19 v skladu z naslednjo direktivo(-ami) ali predpisom(-i) pod pogojem, da se 23 atbilst šādām direktīvām vai regulām, ja vien šie izstrādājumi tiek lietoti
instructions: οδηγίες μας: 11 uppfyller följande direktiv eller föreskrift(er), under förutsättning att 15 u skladu sa sljedećom direktivom(ma) ili odredbom(a), uz uvjet da se izdelki uporabljajo v skladu z našimi navodili: saskaņā ar mūsu instrukcijām:
04 in overeenstemming zijn met de volgende richtlijn(en) of verordening(en), 08 estão em conformidade com a(s) seguinte(s) diretiva(s) ou produkterna används i enlighet med våra instruktioner: proizvodi koriste sukladno našim uputama: 20 vastavad järgmise (järgmiste) direktiivi(de) ja määruse (määruste) 24 sú v zhode s nasledujúcou(imi) smernicou(ami) alebo predpisom(mi) za
op voorwaarde dat de producten worden gebruikt overeenkomstig onze regulamento(s), desde que os produtos sejam utilizados de acordo com 16 megfelelnek az alábbi irányelv(ek)nek vagy egyéb szabályozás(ok)nak, nõuetele, tingimusel, et neid kasutatakse vastavuses meie juhistele: predpokladu, že sa výrobky používajú v zhode s našimi pokynmi:
instructies: as nossas instruções: ha a termékeket előírás szerint használják: 25 talimatlarımız doğrultusunda kullanılması koşuluyla aşağıdaki direktife/
direktiflere veya yönetmeliğe/yönetmeliklere uygun olduğunu beyan eder:
01 as amended, 08 conforme emendado, 14 v platném znění, 20 koos muudatustega,
Pressure Equipment 2014/68/EU** 02 in der jeweils gültigen Fassung, 09 в действующей редакции, 15 kako je izmijenjeno amandmanima, 21 с техните изменения,
03 telles que modifiées, 10 som tilføjet, 16 és módosításaik rendelkezéseit, 22 ir jos tolesnes redakcijas,
Low Voltage 2014/35/EU 04 zoals gewijzigd, 11 med tillägg, 17 z późniejszymi zmianami, 23 ar grozījumiem,
Electromagnetic Compatibility 2014/30/EU* 05 en su forma enmendada, 12 med foretatte endringer, 18 cu amendamentele respective, 24 v poslednom platnom vydaní,
06 e successive modifiche, 13 sellaisina kuin ne ovat muutettuina, 19 kakor je bilo spremenjeno, 25 değiştirildiği şekliyle,
07 όπως έχουν τροποποιηθεί,

01 following the provisions of: 10 under iagttagelse af: 19 v skladu z določbami: EN 60335-2-40,
02 gemäß den Bestimmungen in: 11 enligt bestämmelserna för: 20 vastavalt nõuetele:
03 conformément aux dispositions de: 12 i henhold til bestemmelsene i: 21 следвайки клаузите на:
04 volgens de bepalingen van: 13 noudattaen säännöksiä: 22 vadovaujantis šio dokumento nuostatomis:
05 siguiendo las disposiciones de: 14 za dodržení ustanovení: 23 atbilstoši šādu standartu prasībām:
06 secondo le disposizioni di: 15 prema odredbama: 24 nasledovnými ustanoveniami:
07 σύμφωνα με τις προβλέψεις των: 16 követi a(z): 25 şu standartların hükümlerine:
08 seguindo as disposições de: 17 zgodnie z postanowieniami:
09 в соответствии с положениями: 18 urmând prevederile:
01 * as set out in <A> and judged positively by <B> according to the 06 * delineato nel <A> e giudicato positivamente da <B> secondo 11 * enligt <A> och godkänts av <B> enligt Certifikatet <C>. 16 * a(z) <A> alapján, a(z) <B> igazolta a megfelelést, a(z) <C> tanúsítvány 21 * както е изложено в <A> и оценено положително от <B> съгласно
Certificate <C>. il Certificato <C>. ** i enlighet med den Tekniska Konstruktionsfilen <D> som positivt intygats szerint. Сертификата <C>. <A> DAIKIN TCF034/C12
** as set out in the Technical Construction File <D> and judged positively by ** delineato nel File Tecnico di Costruzione <D> e giudicato positivamente av <E> (Fastsatt modul <F>). <G>. Riskkategori <H>. Se även nästa ** a(z) <D> műszaki konstrukciós dokumentáció alapján, a(z) <E> igazolta ** както е заложено в Акта за техническа конструкция <D> и оценено
<E> (Applied module <F>). <G>. Risk category <H>. Also refer to next da <E> (Modulo <F> applicato). <G>. Categoria di rischio <H>. Fare sida. a megfelelést (alkalmazott modul: <F>). <G>. Veszélyességi kategória положително от <E> (Приложен модул <F>). <G>. Категория риск <B> CSA Group Bayern GmbH (NB1948)
page. riferimento anche alla pagina successiva. 12 * som det fremkommer i <A> og gjennom positiv bedømmelse av <B> <H>. Lásd még a következő oldalon. <H>. Вижте също на следващата страница.
02 * wie in <A> aufgeführt und von <B> positiv beurteilt gemäß 07 * όπως καθορίζεται στο <A> και κρίνεται θετικά από το <B> σύμφωνα με ifølge Sertifikat <C>. 17 * zgodnie z dokumentacją <A>, pozytywną opinią <B> i 22 * kaip nustatyta <A> ir kaip teigiamai nuspręsta <B> pagal <C> 80103655-00 Rev_0
Zertifikat <C>. το Πιστοποιητικό <C>. ** som det fremkommer i den Tekniske Konstruksjonsfilen <D> og gjennom Świadectwem <C>. Sertifikatą <C>.
** wie in der Technischen Konstruktionsakte <D> aufgeführt und von <E> ** όπως προσδιορίζεται στο Αρχείο Τεχνικής Κατασκευής <D> και κρίνεται positiv bedømmelse av <E> (Anvendt modul <F>). <G>. Risikokategori ** zgodnie z archiwalną dokumentacją konstrukcyjną <D> i pozytywną ** kaip nurodyta Techninėje konstrukcijos byloje <D> ir patvirtinta <E> <D> Daikin.TCFP.0183A/1
(Angewandtes Modul <F>) positiv ausgezeichnet. <G>. Risikoart <H>. θετικά από το <E> (Χρησιμοποιούμενη υπομονάδα <F>). <G>. <H>. Se også neste side. opinią <E> (Zastosowany moduł <F>). <G>. Kategoria zagrożenia <H>. (taikomas modulis <F>). <G>. Rizikos kategorija <H>. Taip pat žiūrėkite ir
Siehe auch nächste Seite. Κατηγορία επικινδυνότητας <H>. Ανατρέξτε επίσης στην επόμενη σελίδα. 13 * jotka on esitetty asiakirjassa <A> ja jotka <B> on hyväksynyt Patrz także następna strona. kitą puslapį. <E> VINÇOTTE nv (NB0026)
03 * tel que défini dans <A> et évalué positivement par <B> conformément 08 * tal como estabelecido em <A> e com o parecer positivo de <B> Sertifikaatin <C> mukaisesti. 18 * aşa cum este stabilit în <A> şi apreciat pozitiv de <B> în conformitate cu 23 * kā norādīts <A> un atbilstoši <B> pozitīvajam vērtējumam saskaņā
au Certificat <C>. de acordo com o Certificado <C>. ** jotka on esitetty Teknisessä Asiakirjassa <D> ja jotka <E> on hyväksynyt Certificatul <C>. ar sertifikātu <C>. <F> D1
** tel que stipulé dans le Fichier de Construction Technique <D> et jugé ** tal como estabelecido no Ficheiro Técnico de Construção <D> e com o (Sovellettu moduli <F>). <G>. Vaaraluokka <H>. Katso myös seuraava ** conform celor stabilite în Dosarul tehnic de construcţie <D> şi apreciate ** kā noteikts tehniskajā dokumentācijā <D>, atbilstoši <E> pozitīvajam
positivement par <E> (Module appliqué <F>). <G>. Catégorie de risque parecer positivo de <E> (Módulo aplicado <F>). <G>. Categoria de risco sivu. pozitiv de <E> (Modul aplicat <F>). <G>. Categorie de risc <H>. lēmumam (piekritīgā sadaĮa: <F>). <G>. Riska kategorija <H>. Skat. arī <G> —
<H>. Se reporter également à la page suivante. <H>. Consultar também a página seguinte. 14 * jak bylo uvedeno v <A> a pozitivně zjištěno <B> v souladu Consultaţi de asemenea pagina următoare. nākošo lappusi.
04 * zoals vermeld in <A> en positief beoordeeld door <B> overeenkomstig 09 * как указано в <A> и в соответствии с положительным решением <B> s osvědčením <C>. 19 * kot je določeno v <A> in odobreno s strani <B> v skladu 24 * ako bolo uvedené v <A> a pozitívne zistené <B> v súlade <H> II
Certificaat <C>. согласно Свидетельству <C>. ** jak bylo uvedeno v souboru technické konstrukce <D> a pozitivně s certifikatom <C>. s osvedčením <C>.
** zoals vermeld in het Technisch Constructiedossier <D> en ** как указано в Досье технического топкования <D> и в соответствии zjištěno <E> (použitý modul <F>). <G>. Kategorie rizik <H>. ** kot je določeno v tehnični mapi <D> in odobreno s strani <E> (Uporabljen ** ako je to stanovené v Súbore technickej konštrukcie <D> a kladne
in orde bevonden door <E> (Toegepaste module <F>). <G>. с положительным решением <E> Viz také následující strana. modul <F>). <G>. Kategorija tveganja <H>. Glejte tudi na naslednji posúdené <E> (Aplikovaný modul <F>). <G>. Kategória nebezpečia <H>.
Risicocategorie <H>. Zie ook de volgende pagina. (Прикладной модуль <F>). <G>. Категория риска <H>. Также 15 * kako je izloženo u <A> i pozitivno ocijenjeno od strane <B> prema strani. Viď tiež nasledovnú stranu.
05 * como se establece en <A> y es valorado positivamente por <B> смотрите следующую страницу. Certifikatu <C>. 20 * nagu on näidatud dokumendis <A> ja heaks kiidetud <B> järgi vastavalt 25 * <A>’da belirtildiği gibi ve <C> Sertifikasına göre <B> tarafından olumlu
de acuerdo con el Certificado <C>. 10 * som anført i <A> og positivt vurderet af <B> i henhold til Certifikat <C>. ** kako je izloženo u Datoteci o tehničkoj konstrukciji <D> i pozitivno sertifikaadile <C>. olarak değerlendirildiği gibi.
** tal como se expone en el Archivo de Construcción Técnica <D> ** som anført i den Tekniske Konstruktionsfil <D> og positivt vurderet af ocijenjeno od strane <E> (Primijenjen modul <F>). <G>. Kategorija ** nagu on näidatud tehnilises dokumentatsioonis <D> ja heaks kiidetud ** <D> Teknik Yapı Dosyasında belirtildiği gibi ve <E> tarafından
y juzgado positivamento por <E> (Modulo aplicado <F>). <G>. Categoría <E> (Anvendt modul <F>). <G>. Risikoklasse <H>. Se også næste side. opasnosti <H>. Također pogledajte na slijedećoj stranici. <E> järgi (lisamoodul <F>). <G>. Riskikategooria <H>. Vaadake ka olumlu olarak (Uygulanan modül <F>) değerlendirilmiştir. <G>.
de riesgo <H>. Consulte también la siguiente página. järgmist lehekülge. Risk kategorisi <H>. Ayrıca bir sonraki sayfaya bakın.

Yasuto Hiraoka
Managing Director
Pilsen, 1st of November 2022 U Nové Hospody 1/1155, 301 00 Plzeň Skvrňany, Czech Republic

EU – Safety declaration of conformity UE – Declaración de conformidad sobre seguridad ЕС – Заявление о соответствии требованиям по EU – Samsvarserklæring for sikkerhet EU – Izjava o sukladnosti za sigurnost EU – Varnostna izjava o skladnosti ЕС – Декларация за съответствие за безопасност
EU – Sicherheits-Konformitätserklärung UE – Dichiarazione di conformità in materia di sicurezza безопасности EU – Turvallisuuden vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus EU – Biztonsági megfelelőségi nyilatkozat EÜ – Ohutuse vastavusdeklaratsioon ES – Drošības atbilstības deklarācija
UE – Déclaration de conformité de sécurité ΕΕ – Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης για την ασφάλεια EU – Sikkerheds-overensstemmelseserklæring EU – Bezpečnostní prohlášení o shodě UE – Deklaracja zgodności z wymogami bezpieczeństwa ЕС – Декларация за съответствие за безопасност EÚ – Vyhlásenie o zhode Bezpečnosť
EU – Conformiteitsverklaring veiligheid UE – Declaração de conformidade relativa à segurança EU – Konformitetsdeklaration för säkerhet UE – Declarație de conformitate de siguranță AB – Güvenlik uygunluk beyanı

01 continuation of previous page: 05 continuación de la página anterior: 08 continuação da página anterior: 12 fortsettelse fra forrige side: 15 nastavak s prethodne stranice: 19 nadaljevanje s prejšnje strani: 22 ankstesnio puslapio tęsinys:
02 Fortsetzung der vorherigen Seite: 06 continua dalla pagina precedente: 09 продолжение предыдущей страницы: 13 jatkoa edelliseltä sivulta: 16 folytatás az előző oldalról: 20 eelmise lehekülje järg: 23 iepriekšējās lappuses turpinājums:
03 suite de la page précédente: 07 συνέχεια από την προηγούμενη σελίδα: 10 fortsat fra forrige side: 14 pokračování z předchozí strany: 17 ciąg dalszy z poprzedniej strony: 21 продължение от предходната страница: 24 pokračovanie z predchádzajúcej strany:
04 vervolg van vorige pagina: 11 fortsättning från föregående sida: 18 continuarea paginii anterioare: 25 önceki sayfadan devam:

01 Design Specifications of the products to which this declaration relates: 07 Προδιαγραφές σχεδιασμού των προϊόντων με τα οποία σχετίζεται η δήλωση: 13 Tätä ilmoitusta koskevien tuotteiden rakennemäärittely: 20 Tooted, mille kohta käesolev deklaratsioon kehtib:
02 Konstruktionsspezifikationen der Produkte, auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht: 08 As especificações de projeto dos produtos a que esta declaração se aplica: 14 Specifikace konstrukce výrobků, ke kterým se vztahuje toto prohlášení: 21 Проектниспецификациинапродуктите, закоитосеотнасядекларацията:
03 Spécifications de conception des produits auxquels se rapporte cette déclaration: 09 Проектныехарактеристикипродукции, ккоторойотноситсянастоящеезаявление: 15 Specifikacije dizajna za proizvode na koje se ova izjava odnosi: 22 Toliau nurodytos gaminių dizaino specifikacijos, su kuriomis susieta ši deklaracija:
04 Ontwerpspecificaties van de producten waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft: 10 Typespecifikationer for de produkter, som denne erklæring vedrører: 16 A jelen nyilatkozat tárgyát képező termékek tervezési jellemzői: 23 Šīs deklarācijas aptverto izstrādājumu specifikācijas:
05 Especificaciones de diseño de los productos a los cuales hace referencia esta declaración: 11 Designspecifikationer för de produkter som denna deklaration gäller: 17 Specyfikacje konstrukcyjne produktów, których dotyczy deklaracja: 24 Konštrukčné špecifikácie výrobkov, ktorých sa týka toto vyhlásenie:
06 Specifiche di progetto dei prodotti cui fa riferimento la presente dichiarazione: 12 Konstruksjonsspesifikasjoner for produktene som er underlagt denne erklæringen: 18 Specificațiile de proiectare ale produselor la care se referă această declarație: 25 Bu beyanın ilgili olduğu ürünlerin Tasarım Özellikleri:
19 Specifikacije tehničnega načrta za izdelke, na katere se nanaša ta deklaracija:

01 ∙ Maximum allowable pressure (PS): <K> (bar) 06 ∙ Pressione massima consentita (PS): <K> (bar) 10 ∙ Maks. tilladt tryk (PS): <K> (bar) 15 ∙ Najveći dopušten tlak (PS): <K> (bar) 19∙ Maksimalni dovoljeni tlak (PS): <K> (bar) 24 ∙ Maximálny povolený tlak (PS): <K> (bar)
∙ Minimum/maximum allowable temperature (TS*): ∙ Temperatura minima/massima consentita (TS*): ∙ Min./maks. tilladte temperatur (TS*): ∙ Najniža/najviša dopuštena temperatura (TS*): ∙ Minimalna/maksimalna dovoljena temperatura (TS*): ∙ Minimálna/maximálna povolená teplota (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimum temperature at low pressure side: <L> (°C) * TSmin: temperatura minima nel lato di bassa pressione: <L> (°C) * TSmin: Min. temperatur på lavtrykssiden: <L> (°C) * TSmin: Najniža temperatura u području niskog tlaka: <L> (°C) * TSmin: Minimalna temperatura na nizkotlačni strani: <L> (°C) * TSmin: Minimálna teplota na nízkotlakovej strane: <L> (°C)
* TSmax: Saturated temperature corresponding with the maximum * TSmax: temperatura satura corrispondente alla pressione massima * TSmax: Mættet temperatur svarende til maks. tilladte tryk (PS): <M> * TSmax: Standardna temperatura koja odgovara najvećem dopuštenom * TSmax: Nasičena temperatura, ki ustreza maksimalnemu dovoljenemu * TSmax: Nasýtená teplota korešpondujúca s maximálnym povoleným
allowable pressure (PS): <M> (°C) consentita (PS): <M> (°C) (°C) tlaku (PS): <M> (°C) tlaku (PS): <M> (°C) tlakom (PS): <M> (°C)
∙ Refrigerant: <N> ∙ Refrigerante: <N> ∙ Kølemiddel: <N> ∙ Rashladno sredstvo: <N> ∙ Hladivo: <N> ∙ Chladivo: <N>
∙ Setting of pressure safety device: <P> (bar) ∙ Impostazione del dispositivo di controllo della pressione: <P> (bar) ∙ Indstilling af tryksikringsudstyr: <P> (bar) ∙ Postavke sigurnosne naprave za tlak: <P> (bar) ∙ Nastavljanje varnostne naprave za tlak: <P> (bar) ∙ Nastavenie tlakového poistného zariadenia: <P> (bar)
∙ Manufacturing number and manufacturing year: refer to model nameplate ∙ Numero di serie e anno di produzione: fare riferimento alla targhetta del ∙ Produktionsnummer og fremstillingsår: se modellens fabriksskilt ∙ Proizvodni broj i godina proizvodnje: pogledajte natpisnu pločicu modela ∙ Tovarniška številka in leto proizvodnje: glejte napisno ploščico ∙ Výrobné číslo a rok výroby: nájdete na výrobnom štítku modelu
02 ∙ Maximal zulässiger Druck (PS): <K> (Bar) modello 11 ∙ Maximalt tillåtet tryck (PS): <K> (bar) 16 ∙ Legnagyobb megengedhető nyomás (PS): <K> (bar) 20∙ Maksimaalne lubatud surve (PS): <K> (bar) 25 ∙ İzin verilen maksimum basınç (PS): <K> (bar)
∙ Minimal/maximal zulässige Temperatur (TS*): 07 ∙ Mέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη πίεση (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Min/max tillåten temperatur (TS*): ∙ Legkisebb/legnagyobb megengedhető hőmérséklet (TS*): ∙ Minimaalne/maksimaalne lubatud temperatuur (TS*): ∙ İzin verilen minimum/maksimum sıcaklık (TS*):
* TSmin: Mindesttemperatur auf der Niederdruckseite: <L> (°C) ∙ Ελάχιστη/μέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη θερμοκρασία (TS*): * TSmin: Minimumtemperatur på lågtryckssidan: <L> (°C) * TSmin: Legkisebb megengedhető hőmérséklet a kis nyomású oldalon: * TSmin: Minimaalne temperatuur madalsurve küljel: <L> (°C) * TSmin: Düşük basınç tarafındaki minimum sıcaklık: <L> (°C)
* TSmax: Sättigungstemperatur die dem maximal zulässigen Druck (PS) * TSmin: Ελάχιστη θερμοκρασία για την πλευρά χαμηλής πίεσης: <L> * TSmax: Mättnadstemperatur som motsvarar maximalt tillåtet tryck (PS): <L> (°C) * TSmax: Maksimaalsele lubatud survele (PS) vastav küllastunud * TSmax: İzin verilen maksimum basınca (PS) karşı gelen doyma
entspricht: <M> (°C) (°C) <M> (°C) * TSmax: A legnagyobb megengedhető nyomásnak (PS) megfelelő temperatuur: <M> (°C) sıcaklığı: <M> (°C)
∙ Kältemittel: <N> * TSmax: Κορεσμένη θερμοκρασία που αντιστοιχεί με τη μέγιστη ∙ Köldmedel: <N> telítettségi hőmérséklet: <M> (°C) ∙ Jahutusaine: <N> ∙ Soğutucu: <N>
∙ Einstellung der Druck-Schutzvorrichtung: <P> (Bar) επιτρεπόμενη πίεση (PS): <M> (°C) ∙ Inställning för trycksäkerhetsenhet: <P> (bar) ∙ Hűtőközeg: <N> ∙ Surve turvaseadme seadistus: <P> (bar) ∙ Basınç emniyet düzeninin ayarı: <P> (bar)
∙ Herstellungsnummer und Herstellungsjahr: siehe Typenschild ∙ Ψυκτικό: <N> ∙ Tillverkningsnummer och tillverkningsår: se modellens namnplåt ∙ A túlnyomás-kapcsoló beállítása: <P> (bar) ∙ Tootmisnumber ja tootmisaasta: vaadake mudeli andmeplaati ∙ İmalat numarası ve imalat yılı: modelin ünite plakasına bakın
des Modells ∙ Ρύθμιση της διάταξης ασφάλειας πίεσης: <P> (bar) 12 ∙ Maksimalt tillatt trykk (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Gyártási szám és gyártási év: lásd a berendezés adattábláján 21∙ Максимално допустимо налягане (PS): <K> (bar)
03 ∙ Pression maximale admise (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Αριθμός κατασκευής και έτος κατασκευής: ανατρέξτε στην πινακίδα ∙ Minimalt/maksimalt tillatt temperatur (TS*): 17 ∙ Maksymalne dopuszczalne ciśnienie (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Минимално/максимално допустима температура (TS*): <K> PS 46 bar
∙ Température minimum/maximum admise (TS*): αναγνώρισης του μοντέλου * TSmin: Minimumstemperatur på lavtrykkssiden: <L> (°C) ∙ Minimalna/maksymalna dopuszczalna temperatura (TS*): * TSmin: Минимална температура от страната на ниското налягане:
* TSmin: température minimum côté basse pression: <L> (°C) 08 ∙ Pressão máxima permitida (PS): <K> (bar) * TSmax: Metningstemperatur i samsvar med maksimalt tillatt trykk (PS): * TSmin: Minimalna temperatura po stronie niskociśnieniowej: <L> (°C) <L> (°C) <L> TSmin –30 °C
* TSmax: température saturée correspondant à la pression maximale ∙ Temperaturas mínima e máxima permitidas (TS*): <M> (°C) * TSmax: Temperatura nasycenia odpowiadająca maksymalnemu * TSmax: Температура на насищане, съответстваща на максимално <M> TSmax 68 °C
admise (PS): <M> (°C) * TSmin: Temperatura mínima em baixa pressão: <L> (°C) ∙ Kjølemedium: <N> dopuszczalnemu ciśnieniu (PS): <M> (°C) допустимото налягане (PS): <M> (°C)
∙ Réfrigérant: <N> * TSmax: Temperatura de saturação correspondente à pressão máxima ∙ Innstilling av sikkerhetsanordning for trykk: <P> (bar) ∙ Czynnik chłodniczy: <N> ∙ Охладител: <N> <N> R32
∙ Réglage du dispositif de sécurité de pression: <P> (bar) permitida (PS): <M> (°C) ∙ Produksjonsnummer og produksjonsår: se modellens merkeplate ∙ Nastawa ciśnieniowego urządzenia bezpieczeństwa: <P> (bar) ∙ Настройка на предпазното устройство за налягане: <P> (bar)
∙ Numéro de fabrication et année de fabrication: se reporter à la plaquette ∙ Refrigerante: <N> 13 ∙ Suurin sallittu paine (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Numer fabryczny oraz rok produkcji: patrz tabliczka znamionowa modelu ∙ Фабричен номер и година на производство: вижте табелката <P> 46 bar
signalétique du modèle ∙ Regulação do dispositivo de segurança da pressão: <P> (bar) ∙ Pienin/suurin sallittu lämpötila (TS*): 18 ∙ Presiune maximă admisibilă (PS): <K> (bar) на модела
04 ∙ Maximaal toelaatbare druk (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Número e ano de fabrico: consultar a placa de especificações * TSmin: Alhaisin matalapainepuolen lämpötila: <L> (°C) ∙ Temperatură minimă/maximă admisibilă (TS*): 22∙ Maksimalus leistinas slėgis (PS): <K> (bar)
∙ Minimaal/maximaal toelaatbare temperatuur (TS*): da unidade * TSmax: Suurinta sallittua painetta (PS) vastaava kyllästyslämpötila: * TSmin: Temperatură minimă pe partea de presiune joasă: <L> (°C) ∙ Minimali/maksimali leistina temperatūra (TS*):
* TSmin: Minimumtemperatuur aan lagedrukzijde: <L> (°C) 09 ∙ Максимально допустимое давление (PS): <K> (бар) <M> (°C) * TSmax: Temperatură de saturaţie corespunzând presiunii maxime * TSmin: Minimali temperatūra žemo slėgio pusėje: <L> (°C)
* TSmax: Verzadigde temperatuur die overeenstemt met de maximaal ∙ Минимально/Максимально допустимая температура (TS*): ∙ Kylmäaine: <N> admisibile (PS): <M> (°C) * TSmax: Prisotinta temperatūra, atitinkamti maksimalų leistiną slėgį
toelaatbare druk (PS): <M> (°C) * TSmin: Минимальная температура на стороне низкого давления: ∙ Varmuuspainelaitteen asetus: <P> (bar) ∙ Agent frigorific: <N> (PS): <M> (°C)
∙ Koelmiddel: <N> <L> (°C) ∙ Valmistusnumero ja valmistusvuosi: katso mallin nimikilpi ∙ Reglarea dispozitivului de siguranţă pentru presiune: <P> (bar) ∙ Šaldymo skystis: <N>
∙ Instelling van drukbeveiliging: <P> (bar) * TSmax: Температура кипения, соответствующая максимально 14 ∙ Maximální přípustný tlak (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Numărul de fabricaţie şi anul de fabricaţie: consultaţi placa de identificare ∙ Apsauginio slėgio prietaiso nustatymas: <P> (bar)
∙ Fabricagenummer en fabricagejaar: zie naamplaat model допустимому давлению (PS): <M> (°C) ∙ Minimální/maximální přípustná teplota (TS*): a modelului ∙ Gaminio numeris ir pagaminimo metai: žiūrėkite modelio pavadinimo
05 ∙ Presión máxima admisible (PS): <K> (bar) ∙ Хладагент: <N> * TSmin: Minimální teplota na nízkotlaké straně: <L> (°C) plokštelę
∙ Temperatura mínima/máxima admisible (TS*): ∙ Настройка устройства защиты по давлению: <P> (бар) * TSmax: Saturovaná teplota odpovídající maximálnímu přípustnému 23 ∙ Maksimālais pieļaujamais spiediens (PS): <K> (bar)
* TSmin: Temperatura mínima en el lado de baja presión: <L> (°C) ∙ Заводской номер и год изготовления: смотрите паспортную табличку tlaku (PS): <M> (°C) ∙ Minimālā/maksimālā pieļaujamā temperatūra (TS*):
* TSmax: Temperatura saturada correspondiente a la presión máxima модели ∙ Chladivo: <N> * TSmin: Minimālā temperatūra zemā spiediena pusē: <L> (°C)
admisible (PS): <M> (°C) ∙ Nastavení bezpečnostního tlakového zařízení: <P> (bar) * TSmax: Piesātinātā temperatūra saskaņā ar maksimālo pieļaujamo
∙ Refrigerante: <N> ∙ Výrobní číslo a rok výroby: viz typový štítek modelu spiedienu (PS): <M> (°C)
∙ Ajuste del presostato de seguridad: <P> (bar) ∙ Dzesinātājs: <N>
∙ Número de fabricación y año de fabricación: consulte la placa ∙ Spiediena drošības ierīces iestatīšana: <P> (bar)
de especificaciones técnicas del modelo ∙ Izgatavošanas numurs un izgatavošanas gads: skat. modeļa
izgatavotājuzņēmuma plāksnītie

01 Name and address of the Notified body that judged positively 06 Nome e indirizzo dell’Ente riconosciuto che ha riscontrato la conformità 10 Navn og adresse på bemyndiget organ, der har foretaget en positiv 14 Název a adresa informovaného orgánu, který vydal pozitivní posouzení 19 Ime in naslov organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki je pozitivno ocenil 24 Názov a adresa certifikačného úradu, ktorý kladne posúdil zhodu so
on compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive: <Q> alla Direttiva sulle apparecchiature a pressione: <Q> bedømmelse af, at udstyret lever op til kravene i PED (Direktiv for shody se směrnicí o tlakových zařízeních: <Q> združljivost z Direktivo o tlačni opremi: <Q> smernicou pre tlakové zariadenia: <Q>
02 Name und Adresse der benannten Stelle, die positiv unter Einhaltung der 07 Όνομα και διεύθυνση του Κοινοποιημένου οργανισμού που απεφάνθη Trykbærende Udstyr): <Q> 15 Naziv i adresa prijavljenog tijela koje je donijelo pozitivnu prosudbu o 20 Teavitatud organi, mis hindas Surveseadmete Direktiiviga ühilduvust 25 Basınçlı Teçhizat Direktifine uygunluk hususunda olumlu olarak
Druckanlagen-Richtlinie urteilte: <Q> θετικά για τη συμμόρφωση προς την Οδηγία Εξοπλισμών υπό Πίεση: 11 Namn och adress för det anmälda organ som godkänt uppfyllandet av usklađenosti sa Smjernicom za tlačnu opremu: <Q> positiivselt, nimi ja aadress: <Q> değerlendiren Onaylanmış kuruluşun adı ve adresi: <Q>
03 Nom et adresse de l’organisme notifié qui a évalué positivement la <Q> tryckutrustningsdirektivet: <Q> 16 A nyomástartó berendezésekre vonatkozó irányelvnek való 21 Наименование и адрес на упълномощения орган, който
conformité à la directive sur l’équipement de pression: <Q> 08 Nome e morada do organismo notificado, que avaliou favoravelmente a 12 Navn på og adresse til det autoriserte organet som positivt bedømte megfelelőséget igazoló bejelentett szervezet neve és címe: <Q> се е произнесъл положително относно съвместимостта <Q> VINÇOTTE nv
04 Naam en adres van de aangemelde instantie die positief geoordeeld conformidade com a directiva sobre equipamentos pressurizados: <Q> samsvar med direktivet for trykkutstyr (Pressure Equipment Directive): 17 Nazwa i adres Jednostki notyfikowanej, która wydała pozytywną opinię с Директивата за оборудване под налягане: <Q> Jan Olieslagerslaan 35
heeft over de conformiteit met de Richtlijn Drukapparatuur: <Q> 09 Название и адрес органа технической экспертизы, принявшего <Q> dotyczącą spełnienia wymogów Dyrektywy dot. Urządzeń Ciśnieniowych: 22 Atsakingos institucijos, kuri davė teigiamą sprendimą pagal slėginės 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium
05 Nombre y dirección del Organismo Notificado que juzgó positivamente el положительное решение о соответствии Директиве об оборудовании 13 Sen ilmoitetun elimen nimi ja osoite, joka teki myönteisen päätöksen <Q> įrangos direktyvą pavadinimas ir adresas: <Q>
cumplimiento con la Directiva en materia de Equipos de Presión: <Q> под давлением: <Q> painelaitedirektiivin noudattamisesta: <Q> 18 Denumirea şi adresa organismului notificat care a apreciat pozitiv 23 Sertifikācijas institūcijas, kura ir devusi pozitīvu slēdzienu par atbilstību
conformarea cu Directiva privind echipamentele sub Spiediena lekārtu Direktīvai, nosaukums un
presiune: <Q> adrese: <Q>

Yasuto Hiraoka
Managing Director
Pilsen, 1st of November 2022 U Nové Hospody 1/1155, 301 00 Plzeň Skvrňany, Czech Republic

UKCA – Safety declaration of conformity

Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o.

declares under its sole responsibility that the products to which this declaration relates:

EBLA04E2V3, EBLA06E2V3, EBLA08E2V3, EBLA04E23V3, EBLA06E23V3, EBLA08E23V3,

EDLA04E2V3, EDLA06E2V3, EDLA08E2V3, EDLA04E23V3, EDLA06E23V3, EDLA08E23V3,

are in conformity with the following directive(s) or regulation(s), provided that the products are used in accordance with our instructions:

S.I. 2016/1105: Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016** as amended,

S.I. 2016/1101: Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016
S.I. 2016/1091: Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016*

following the provisions of: BS EN 60335-2-40,

* as set out in <A> and judged positively by <B> according to the Certificate <C>. <A> DAIKIN TCF034/C12
** as set out in the Technical Construction File <D> and judged positively by <E> (Applied module <F>). <G>. Risk category <H>. Also refer to next page. <B> —
<C> 80103655-00 Rev_0
80119473-00 Rev_0
<D> Daikin.TCFP.0183A/1
<E> HPi Verification Services Ltd.
<F> D1
<G> —
<H> II

Yasuto Hiraoka
Managing Director
Pilsen, 1st of November 2022 U Nové Hospody 1/1155, 301 00 Plzeň Skvrňany, Czech Republic

UKCA – Safety declaration of conformity

continuation of previous page:

Design Specifications of the products to which this declaration relates:

Maximum allowable pressure (PS): <K> (bar) <K> PS 46 bar

Minimum/maximum allowable temperature (TS*): <L> TSmin –30 °C

* TSmin: Minimum temperature at low pressure side: <L> (°C) <M> TSmax 68 °C
<N> R32
* TSmax: Saturated temperature corresponding with the maximum allowable pressure (PS): <M> (°C)
<P> 46 bar
Refrigerant: <N>
Setting of pressure safety device: <P> (bar)
Manufacturing number and manufacturing year: refer to model nameplate

Name and address of the Notified body that judged positively on compliance with the Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations: <Q> <Q> HPi Verification Services Ltd.
The Manor House
Howbery Business Park
OX10 8BA
United Kingdom

Yasuto Hiraoka
Managing Director
Pilsen, 1st of November 2022 U Nové Hospody 1/1155, 301 00 Plzeň Skvrňany, Czech Republic

Table of contents
8.2.7 Configuration wizard: Tank .......................................... 34
Table of contents 8.3 Weather-dependent curve.......................................................... 35
8.3.1 What is a weather-dependent curve? .......................... 35
8.3.2 2-points curve .............................................................. 36
1 About this document 6 8.3.3 Slope-offset curve ........................................................ 36
8.3.4 Using weather-dependent curves ................................ 37
2 Specific installer safety instructions 7 8.4 Settings menu ............................................................................ 37
8.4.1 Main zone .................................................................... 37
3 About the box 8
8.4.2 Additional zone ............................................................ 38
3.1 Outdoor unit............................................................................... 8
8.4.3 Information ................................................................... 38
3.1.1 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit....... 8
8.5 Menu structure: Overview installer settings................................ 39
4 Unit installation 8
9 Commissioning 40
4.1 Preparing the installation site .................................................... 8
9.1 Checklist before commissioning................................................. 40
4.1.1 Installation site requirements of the outdoor unit ........ 8
9.2 Checklist during commissioning ................................................. 40
4.1.2 Additional installation site requirements of the
9.2.1 To check the minimum flow rate .................................. 40
outdoor unit in cold climates ....................................... 9
9.2.2 To perform an air purge ............................................... 41
4.2 Mounting the outdoor unit.......................................................... 9
9.2.3 To perform an operation test run ................................. 41
4.2.1 To provide the installation structure ............................ 9
9.2.4 To perform an actuator test run ................................... 41
4.2.2 To install the outdoor unit............................................ 10
9.2.5 To perform an underfloor heating screed dryout.......... 41
4.2.3 To provide drainage .................................................... 10
4.2.4 To prevent the outdoor unit from falling over .............. 10 10 Hand-over to the user 42
4.3 Opening and closing the unit..................................................... 11
4.3.1 To open the outdoor unit............................................. 11 11 Technical data 43
4.3.2 To rotate the switch box.............................................. 11 11.1 Piping diagram: Outdoor unit...................................................... 43
4.3.3 To close the outdoor unit ............................................ 11 11.2 Wiring diagram: Outdoor unit ..................................................... 45

5 Piping installation 12
5.1 Preparing water piping .............................................................. 12
5.1.1 To check the water volume and flow rate ................... 12 1 About this document
5.1.2 Third-party tank requirements..................................... 13
5.2 Connecting water piping............................................................ 13
Target audience
5.2.1 To connect the water piping........................................ 13 Authorised installers
5.2.2 To fill the water circuit ................................................. 13
Documentation set
5.2.3 To protect the water circuit against freezing ............... 14
5.2.4 To fill the domestic hot water tank .............................. 15 This document is part of a documentation set. The complete set
5.2.5 To insulate the water piping ........................................ 15 consists of:
▪ General safety precautions:
6 Electrical installation 15
6.1 About electrical compliance....................................................... 15 ▪ Safety instructions that you must read before installing
6.2 Guidelines when connecting the electrical wiring...................... 15 ▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the outdoor unit)
6.3 Connections to the outdoor unit ................................................ 15
▪ Operation manual:
6.3.1 To connect the electrical wiring to the outdoor unit..... 17
6.3.2 To connect the main power supply ............................. 17 ▪ Quick guide for basic usage
6.3.3 To connect the backup heater power supply .............. 19 ▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the outdoor unit)
6.3.4 External backup heater kit .......................................... 20
6.3.5 To connect the user interface ..................................... 22
▪ User reference guide:
6.3.6 To connect the shut-off valve...................................... 24 ▪ Detailed step-by-step instructions and background information
6.3.7 To connect the electricity meters ................................ 25 for basic and advanced usage
6.3.8 To connect the domestic hot water pump ................... 25 ▪ Format: Digital files on
6.3.9 To connect the alarm output ....................................... 25 and-manuals/product-information/
6.3.10 To connect the space cooling/heating ON/OFF
output .......................................................................... 26 ▪ Installation manual:
6.3.11 To connect the changeover to external heat source... 26 ▪ Installation instructions
6.3.12 To connect the power consumption digital inputs ....... 27
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the outdoor unit)
6.3.13 To connect the safety thermostat (normally closed
contact) ....................................................................... 27 ▪ Installer reference guide:
6.3.14 To connect a Smart Grid............................................. 27
▪ Preparation of the installation, good practices, reference
7 Finishing the outdoor unit installation 29 data, …
7.1 To check the insulation resistance of the compressor .............. 29 ▪ Format: Digital files on
8 Configuration 29
8.1 Overview: Configuration ............................................................ 29
▪ Addendum book for optional equipment:
8.1.1 To access the most used commands ......................... 30 ▪ Additional info about how to install optional equipment
8.2 Configuration wizard.................................................................. 31
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the outdoor unit) + Digital files on
8.2.1 Configuration wizard: Language ................................. 31
8.2.2 Configuration wizard: Time and date .......................... 31 information/
8.2.3 Configuration wizard: System ..................................... 31
8.2.4 Configuration wizard: Backup heater .......................... 33 Latest revisions of the supplied documentation may be available on
8.2.5 Configuration wizard: Main zone................................. 33
the regional Daikin website or via your dealer.
8.2.6 Configuration wizard: Additional zone......................... 34

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

Daikin Altherma 3 M
6 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
2 Specific installer safety instructions
The original documentation is written in English. All other languages WARNING
are translations.
Make sure installation, servicing, maintenance and repair
Technical engineering data comply with instructions from Daikin and with applicable
▪ A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional legislation and are executed ONLY by authorised persons.
Daikin website (publicly accessible). Mounting the outdoor unit (see "4.2 Mounting the outdoor
▪ The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikin unit" 4
[ 9])
Business Portal (authentication required).
Online tools Fixing method of the outdoor unit MUST be in accordance
In addition to the documentation set, some online tools are available with the instructions from this manual. See "4.2 Mounting
for installers: the outdoor unit" 4
[ 9].
▪ Daikin Technical Data Hub Opening and closing the unit (see "4.3 Opening and closing the
▪ Central hub for technical specifications of the unit, useful tools, unit" 4
[ 11])
digital resources, and more.
▪ Publicly accessible via
▪ Heating Solutions Navigator DANGER: RISK OF BURNING/SCALDING
▪ Digital toolbox that offers a variety of tools to facilitate the
installation and configuration of heating systems. Piping installation (see "5 Piping installation" 4
[ 12])

▪ To access Heating Solutions Navigator, registration to the WARNING

Stand By Me platform is required. For more information, see
Field piping method MUST be in accordance with the
instructions from this manual. See "5 Piping
▪ Daikin e-Care installation" 4
[ 12].
▪ Mobile app for installers and service technicians that allows you In case of freeze protection by glycol:
to register, configure and troubleshoot heating systems.
▪ The mobile app can be downloaded for iOS and Android
devices using the QR codes below. Registration to the Stand Ethylene glycol is toxic.
By Me platform is required to access the app.
App Store Google Play
Due to the presence of glycol, corrosion of the system is
possible. Uninhibited glycol will turn acidic under the
influence of oxygen. This process is accelerated by the
presence of copper and high temperatures. The acidic
uninhibited glycol attacks metal surfaces and forms
galvanic corrosion cells that cause severe damage to the
system. Therefore it is important that:
▪ the water treatment is correctly executed by a qualified
2 Specific installer safety water specialist,
instructions ▪ a glycol with corrosion inhibitors is selected to
counteract acids formed by the oxidation of glycols,
Always observe the following safety instructions and regulations.
▪ no automotive glycol is used because their corrosion
Installation site (see "4.1 Preparing the installation site" 4
[ 8]) inhibitors have a limited lifetime and contain silicates
WARNING which can foul or plug the system,

Follow the service space dimensions in this manual for ▪ galvanized pipes are NOT used in glycol systems since
correct installation of the unit. See "4.1.1 Installation site the presence may lead to the precipitation of certain
requirements of the outdoor unit" 4[ 8]. components in the glycol's corrosion inhibitor.

Special requirements for R32 (see "4.1.1 Installation site Electrical installation (see "6 Electrical installation" 4
[ 15])
requirements of the outdoor unit" 4
[ 8])
▪ Do NOT pierce or burn refrigerant cycle parts. WARNING

▪ Do NOT use means to accelerate the defrosting Electrical wiring connection method MUST be in
process or to clean the equipment, other than those accordance with the instructions from:
recommended by the manufacturer. ▪ This manual. See "6 Electrical installation" 4
[ 15].
▪ Be aware that R32 refrigerant does NOT contain an ▪ The wiring diagram, which is delivered with the unit,
odour. located at the inside of the service cover. For a
translation of its legend, see "11.2 Wiring diagram:
WARNING Outdoor unit" 4
[ 45].
The appliance shall be stored so as to prevent mechanical
damage and in a well-ventilated room without continuously WARNING
operating ignition sources (example: open flames, an ALWAYS use multicore cable for power supply cables.
operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater).

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3 About the box
CAUTION 2 After opening the unit (see "4.3.1 To open the outdoor
unit" 4
[ 11]), remove the accessory inside the unit.
Do NOT push or place redundant cable length in the unit.

The backup heater MUST have a dedicated power supply
and MUST be protected by the safety devices required by
the applicable legislation.
To guarantee the unit is completely earthed, ALWAYS
connect the backup heater power supply and the earth
m Shutoff valve
Stripped wire. Make sure that stripped wire cannot make
contact with possible water on the bottom plate.
4 Unit installation
Commissioning (see "9 Commissioning" 4
[ 40])

WARNING 4.1 Preparing the installation site

Commissioning method MUST be in accordance with the
instructions from this manual. See
"9 Commissioning" 4
[ 40]. The appliance shall be stored so as to prevent mechanical
damage and in a well-ventilated room without continuously
operating ignition sources (example: open flames, an
operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater).
3 About the box
4.1.1 Installation site requirements of the
3.1 Outdoor unit outdoor unit
Mind the following spacing guidelines:
3.1.1 To remove the accessories from the
outdoor unit b >300 b >300

1 Remove the accessories on top and in front of the unit.

a a


a b c d e f g ≥500 >250
1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1×

(mm) (mm)

>300 >350



i j k (mm)
2× 4× 3×
a Air outlet
b Air inlet
The outdoor unit is designed for outdoor installation only, and for the
following ambient temperatures:
l Cooling mode 10~43°C
4× 8× 4× 8× Heating mode –25~25°C
DHW production –25~35°C

Mind the measurement guidelines:

a Installation manual vibration dampers
b General safety precautions Maximum height difference between domestic hot 5m
c Operation manual water tank and outdoor unit
d Installation manual
e Addendum book for optional equipment Maximum distance between outdoor unit and…
f Energy label
g WLAN cartridge domestic hot water tank 10 m
h User interface (front plate, rear plate, screws, and wall (25 m(a), (b))
3-way valve 10 m
i Unit mounting plate
j Vibration dampers (25 m(a), (b))
k Cable tie external backup heater kit 10 m
l Bolts, nuts, washers, and spring washers

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

Daikin Altherma 3 M
8 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
4 Unit installation
If tank thermistor EKTESE1 and EKTESE2 is used. In any case, provide at least 300 mm of free space below the unit.
Precise water piping length can be determined using the Hydronic Additionally, make sure the unit is positioned at least 100 mm above
Piping Calculation tool. The Hydronic Piping Calculation tool is the maximum expected level of snow. See "4.2 Mounting the
part of the Heating Solutions Navigator which can be reached via
outdoor unit" 4
[ 9] for more details. Please contact your
dealer if you have no access to Heating Solutions Navigator. In heavy snowfall areas it is very important to select an installation
site where the snow will NOT affect the unit. If lateral snowfall is
possible, make sure that the heat exchanger coil is NOT affected by
4.1.2 Additional installation site requirements the snow. If necessary, install a snow cover or shed and a pedestal.
of the outdoor unit in cold climates
In areas with low ambient temperatures and high humidity, or in 4.2 Mounting the outdoor unit
areas with heavy snowfall, remove the suction grille to ensure proper
4.2.1 To provide the installation structure
Non-exhaustive list of areas: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, This topic shows different installation structures. For all, use 4 sets
Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, … of M8 or M10 anchor bolts, nuts and washers. In any case, provide
1 Remove the screws holding the suction grille. at least 300 mm of free space below the unit. Additionally, make
sure the unit is positioned at least 100 mm above the maximum
2 Remove the suction grille, and dispose of it. expected level of snow.
3 Reattach the screws to the unit.
The maximum height of the upper protruding part of the
bolts is 15 mm.

Option 1: On mounting feet "flexi-foot with strut"

0 mm

1 3 a >100

a Suction grille
Protect the outdoor unit against direct snowfall and take care that the

outdoor unit is NEVER snowed up.




a Maximum snowfall height

Option 2: On plastic mounting feet

In this case, you can use the bolts, nuts, washers and spring
washers delivered with the unit as accessories.


a Snow cover or shed

b Pedestal 0 mm
c Prevailing wind direction
d Air outlet

EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 Installation manual

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4P685229-1D – 2022.10 9
4 Unit installation

4.2.2 To install the outdoor unit

a a 2
To avoid injury, do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium
fins of the unit.

Do NOT remove the protective cardboard before the unit is
installed properly.
1 Carry the unit using the slings attached to the unit. Pull up both
sides of the sling at the same time to prevent disconnection of 3
the sling from the unit.

2 2 a Air outlet

Properly align the unit. Make sure the backside of the unit
does NOT protrude.
4 Remove the protective cardboard and instruction sheet.

a Protective cardboard
b Instruction sheet

4.2.3 To provide drainage

2 While handling the unit:
Make sure that condensation water can be evacuated properly.
▪ Keep both sides of the sling level.
▪ Keep your back straight. INFORMATION
If necessary, you can use a drain pan (field supply) to
prevent drain water from dripping.
If the drain holes of the outdoor unit are blocked up,
provide space of at least 300 mm below the outdoor unit.

If the unit CANNOT be installed fully level, always make
sure that the inclination is towards the backside of the unit.
This is required to guarantee proper drainage.
3 Install the outdoor unit as follows:
▪ (1) Put the unit into position.
4.2.4 To prevent the outdoor unit from falling
▪ (2) Remove the slings (by pulling 1 side of the sling). over
▪ (3) Fix the unit. In case the unit is installed in places where strong wind can tilt the
unit, take following measure:
1 Prepare 2 cables as indicated in the following illustration (field
2 Place the 2 cables over the outdoor unit.
3 Insert a rubber sheet between the cables and the outdoor unit
to prevent the cables from scratching the paint (field supply).

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10 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
4 Unit installation
4 Attach the ends of the cables.
5 Tighten the cables.

2 Rotate the switch box out of the unit.

4.3 Opening and closing the unit

4.3.1 To open the outdoor unit

3 Rotate the switch box back until it engages properly in the



4.3.3 To close the outdoor unit

4.3.2 To rotate the switch box NOTICE

During the installation, you will need access to the inside of the Speed nut. Make sure the speed nut for the top screw is
outdoor unit. To have easier front access, rotate the switch box out correctly attached to the service cover.
of the unit as follows:
Prerequisite: The front plate has been removed.
1 Push down the clip of the switch box holder.

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4P685229-1D – 2022.10 11
5 Piping installation

a 5.1.1 To check the water volume and flow rate

Minimum water volume

3.55 N.m
Check that the total water volume in the installation is higher than
5× the minimum water volume, the internal water volume of the outdoor
unit NOT included:
If… Then the minimum water
volume is…
1 2 Cooling operation 10 l
Heating/defrost operation and…
Preheating on the tank is possible. 0l
This is possible in the following
2 cases:
▪ EKHWP* tank + booster heater
a Speed nut ▪ EKHWS*D* tank + booster heater
+ DHW pump
Preheating on the tank is not 10 l
5 Piping installation possible, but a backup heater
(internal or external) is present.
Preheating on the tank is not
5.1 Preparing water piping possible, there is no backup heater,
The return flow temperature is 20 l
In case of plastic pipes, make sure they are fully oxygen >15°C
diffusion tight according to DIN 4726. The diffusion of
The return flow temperature is 50 l
oxygen into the piping can lead to excessive corrosion.
Water circuit requirements. Make sure to comply with the
Never use less water than the minimum water volume. It
water pressure and water temperature requirements
may cause the unit to malfunction.
below. For additional water circuit requirements, see the
installer reference guide.
▪ Water pressure. The maximum water pressure is 4 bar. Provide When circulation in each space heating/cooling loop is
adequate safeguards in the water circuit to ensure that the controlled by remotely controlled valves, it is important that
maximum pressure is NOT exceeded. the minimum water volume is guaranteed, even if all of the
▪ Water temperature. All installed piping and piping accessories valves are closed or the overpressure bypass valve is
(valve, connections,…) MUST withstand the following installed in front of the space heating/cooling loop.
Minimum flow rate
INFORMATION Check that the minimum flow rate (required during defrost/backup
The following figure is an example and may NOT heater operation (if applicable)) in the installation is guaranteed in all
completely match your system layout conditions.
If operation is… Then the minimum required
flow rate is…
89°C (*) Cooling 10 l/min
Heating 6 l/min
BUH operation 12 l/min
Heating defrost 12 l/min
DHW 25 l/min
65°C (*)


A MP If glycol was added to the water circuit, and the

temperature of the water circuit is low, the flow rate will

NOT be displayed on the user interface. In this case, the
minimum flow rate can be checked by way of the pump

When circulation in each or certain space heating loops is
controlled by remotely controlled valves, it is important that
the minimum flow rate is guaranteed, even if all valves are
closed. In case the minimum flow rate cannot be reached,
(*) Maximum temperature for piping and accessories
a flow error 7H will be generated (no heating or operation).
See the installer reference guide for more information.

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12 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
5 Piping installation
See the recommended procedure as described in "9.2 Checklist
during commissioning" 4
[ 40].

5.1.2 Third-party tank requirements

In case of a third-party tank, the tank shall adhere to the following
▪ The heat exchanger coil of the tank is ≥1.05 m² and ≤3.7 m².
▪ The tank thermistor must be located above the heat exchanger b
▪ The booster heater must be located above the heat exchanger
coil. b 1
Performance. Performance data for third-party tanks
CANNOT be provided, and performance CANNOT be 2

5.2 Connecting water piping
Always use valves to control water circulation in the unit. If a Water OUT (screw connection, male, 1")
b Water IN (screw connection, male, 1")
the fan coil unit is off, but water keeps circulating in the c Shut-off valve with integrated filter (delivered as
unit, condensation will form on the unit and water can drip accessory)(2× screw connection, female, 1")
within 4 hours. d Thread sealant
2 Connect the field piping to the shut-off valve.
3 Connect the field piping to the outdoor unit water outlet.
Do not use excessive force when connecting the piping.
This could deform the unit piping. Deformation of the piping NOTICE
can cause the unit to malfunction.
About the shut-off valve with integrated filter (delivered as
5.2.1 To connect the water piping
▪ The installation of the valve at the water inlet is
NOTICE mandatory.

Do NOT use excessive force when connecting the field ▪ Mind the flow direction of the valve.
piping and make sure the piping is aligned properly.
Deformation of the piping can cause malfunctioning of the NOTICE
unit. For service purposes, it is recommended to also install a
shut-off valve and drain point to the water OUT connection.
NOTICE This shut-off valve and drain point are field supplied.
When connecting the field piping, hold the nut on the inside
of the unit in place using a spanner to provide extra NOTICE
leverage. Install air purge valves at all local high points.

In case an optional domestic hot water tank is installed: A
pressure relief valve (field supply) with an opening
pressure of maximum 10 bar (= 1 MPa) must be installed
on the domestic cold water inlet connection in accordance
with the applicable legislation.

1 Connect the shut-off valve (with integrated filter) to the outdoor

unit water inlet, using thread sealant. 5.2.2 To fill the water circuit
To fill the water circuit, use a field supply filling kit. Make sure you
comply with the applicable legislation.

The unit contains an automatic air purge valve. Make sure
it is open. All automatic air purge valves in the system (in
the unit, and in the field piping – if any) must remain open
after commissioning.

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4P685229-1D – 2022.10 13
5 Piping installation

5.2.3 To protect the water circuit against Types of glycol

freezing The types of glycol that can be used depend on whether the system
contains a domestic hot water tank:
About freeze protection If… Then…
Frost can damage the system. To prevent the hydraulic components The system contains a domestic Only use propylene glycol(a)
from freezing, the software is equipped with special frost protection hot water tank
functions such as water pipe freeze prevention and drain prevention The system does NOT contain a You can use either propylene
(see the installer reference guide) that include the activation of pump domestic hot water tank glycol(a) or ethylene glycol
in case of low temperatures. (a)
Propylene glycol, including the necessary inhibitors, classified as
However, in case of a power failure, these functions cannot Category III according to EN1717.
guarantee protection.
Required concentration of glycol
Do one of the following to protect the water circuit against freezing:
The required concentration of glycol depends on the lowest
▪ Add glycol to the water. Glycol lowers the freezing point of the
expected outdoor temperature, and on whether you want to protect
the system from bursting or from freezing. To prevent the system
▪ Install freeze protection valves. Freeze protection valves drain the from freezing, more glycol is required.
water from the system before it can freeze. Insulate the freeze
Add glycol according to the table below.
protection valves in a similar way as the water piping, but do NOT
insulate the inlet and outlet (release) of these valves. Lowest expected Prevent from Prevent from
outdoor bursting freezing
NOTICE temperature
If you add glycol to the water, do NOT install freeze –5°C 10% 15%
protection valves. Possible consequence: Glycol leaking –10°C 15% 25%
out of the freeze protection valves.
–15°C 20% 35%
NOTICE –20°C 25% —
If you add glycol to the water, you also need to install a –25°C 30% —
flow switch (EKFLSW2). –30°C 35% —

Freeze protection by glycol INFORMATION

About freeze protection by glycol ▪ Protection against bursting: the glycol will prevent the
piping from bursting, but NOT the liquid inside the
Adding glycol to the water lowers the freezing point of water. piping from freezing.
WARNING ▪ Protection against freezing: the glycol will prevent the
liquid inside the piping from freezing.
Ethylene glycol is toxic.
▪ The required concentration might differ depending on
Due to the presence of glycol, corrosion of the system is
the type of glycol. ALWAYS compare the requirements
possible. Uninhibited glycol will turn acidic under the
from the table above with the specifications provided by
influence of oxygen. This process is accelerated by the
the glycol manufacturer. If necessary, meet the
presence of copper and high temperatures. The acidic
requirements set by the glycol manufacturer.
uninhibited glycol attacks metal surfaces and forms
galvanic corrosion cells that cause severe damage to the ▪ The added concentration of glycol should NEVER
system. Therefore it is important that: exceed 35%.
▪ the water treatment is correctly executed by a qualified ▪ If the liquid in the system is frozen, the pump will NOT
water specialist, be able to start. Mind that if you only prevent the
system from bursting, the liquid inside might still freeze.
▪ a glycol with corrosion inhibitors is selected to
counteract acids formed by the oxidation of glycols, ▪ When water is at standstill inside the system, the
system is very likely to freeze and get damaged.
▪ no automotive glycol is used because their corrosion
inhibitors have a limited lifetime and contain silicates Glycol and the maximum allowed water volume
which can foul or plug the system,
Adding glycol to the water circuit reduces the maximum allowed
▪ galvanized pipes are NOT used in glycol systems since water volume of the system. For more information, see the installer
the presence may lead to the precipitation of certain reference guide (topic "To check the water volume and flow rate").
components in the glycol's corrosion inhibitor.
Glycol setting
Glycol absorbs water from its environment. Therefore do
NOT add glycol that has been exposed to air. Leaving the If glycol is present in the system, setting [E-0D] must be
cap off the glycol container causes the concentration of set to 1. If the glycol setting is NOT set correctly, the liquid
water to increase. The glycol concentration is then lower inside the piping can freeze.
than assumed. As a result, the hydraulic components
might freeze up after all. Take preventive actions to ensure Freeze protection by freeze protection valves
a minimal exposure of the glycol to air.
About freeze protection valves
When no glycol is added to the water, you can use freeze protection
valves to drain the water from the system before it can freeze.

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14 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
6 Electrical installation
▪ Install freeze protection valves (optional – field supply) at all
lowest points of the field piping.
6.1 About electrical compliance
▪ Normally closed valves (recommended – field supply) can prevent Equipment complying with EN/IEC 61000‑3‑12 (European/
that all water from indoor piping is drained when the freeze International Technical Standard setting the limits for harmonic
protection valves open. currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage
systems with input current >16 A and ≤75 A per phase.).
When freeze protection valves are installed, set the 6.2 Guidelines when connecting the
minimum cooling setpoint (default=7°C) at least 2°C higher
than the maximum opening temperature of the freeze electrical wiring
protection valve. If lower, freeze protection valves can Tightening torques
open during cooling operation.
Item Tightening torque (N•m)
For more information, see the installer reference guide.
X1M 2.45 ±10%
X2M 0.88 ±10%
5.2.4 To fill the domestic hot water tank
X3M 0.88 ±10%
See the installation manual of the domestic hot water tank.
X4M 2.45 ±10%
X5M 0.88 ±10%
5.2.5 To insulate the water piping
X7M 0.88 ±10%
The piping in the complete water circuit MUST be insulated to
X9M 2.45 ±10%
prevent condensation during cooling operation and reduction of the
heating and cooling capacity. X10M 0.88 ±10%

Outdoor water piping insulation

6.3 Connections to the outdoor unit
Outside piping. Make sure the outside piping is insulated Item Description
as instructed to protect against hazards. Power supply (main) See "6.3.2 To connect the main power
supply" 4
[ 17].
For piping in free air, it is recommended to use the insulation
thickness as shown in below table as a minimum (with λ=0.039 W/ Power supply (backup See "6.3.3 To connect the backup heater
mK). heater) power supply" 4
[ 19].

Piping length (m) Minimum insulation thickness (in case of outdoor unit
(mm) with integrated backup
<20 19
Backup heater kit + See "6.3.4 External backup heater
20~30 32
Bypass valve kit kit" 4
[ 20].
30~40 40
(in case of external
40~50 50 backup heater kit)
For other cases the minimum insulation thickness can be determined User interface See "6.3.5 To connect the user
using the Hydronic Piping Calculation tool. interface" 4
[ 22].
The Hydronic Piping Calculation tool is part of the Heating Solutions Shut-off valve See "6.3.6 To connect the shut-off
Navigator which can be reached via https:// valve" 4
[ 24]. Electricity meters See "6.3.7 To connect the electricity
Please contact your dealer if you have no access to Heating meters" 4
[ 25].
Solutions Navigator. Domestic hot water See "6.3.8 To connect the domestic hot
pump water pump" 4[ 25].
This recommendation ensures good operation of the unit, however,
local regulations may differ and shall be followed. Alarm output See "6.3.9 To connect the alarm
output" 4
[ 25].
Space cooling/heating See "6.3.10 To connect the space cooling/
operation control heating ON/OFF output" 4[ 26].
6 Electrical installation Changeover to See "6.3.11 To connect the changeover to
DANGER: RISK OF ELECTROCUTION external heat source external heat source" 4
[ 26].

WARNING Power consumption See "6.3.12 To connect the power

digital inputs consumption digital inputs" 4
[ 27].
ALWAYS use multicore cable for power supply cables.
Safety thermostat See "6.3.13 To connect the safety
CAUTION thermostat (normally closed
contact)" 4
[ 27].
Do NOT push or place redundant cable length in the unit.
Smart Grid See "6.3.14 To connect a Smart
NOTICE Grid" 4
[ 27].

The distance between the high voltage and low voltage

cables should be at least 50 mm.

EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 Installation manual

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4P685229-1D – 2022.10 15
6 Electrical installation
Item Description Item Description
Room thermostat In case of wireless room Heat pump convector There are different controllers and
(wired or wireless) thermostat, see: setups possible for the heat pump
▪ Installation manual of the wireless
room thermostat Depending on the setup, you also
need to implement a relay (field
▪ Addendum book for optional
supply, see addendum book for
optional equipment).
In case of wired room thermostat
For more information, see:
without multi-zoning base unit, see:
▪ Installation manual of the heat
▪ Installation manual of the wired
pump convectors
room thermostat
▪ Installation manual of the heat
▪ Addendum book for optional
pump convector options
▪ Addendum book for optional
In case of wired room thermostat
with multi-zoning base unit, see:
Wires: 0.75 mm²
▪ Installation manual of the wired
room thermostat (digital or Maximum running current: 100 mA
analogue) + multi-zoning base unit For the main zone:
▪ Addendum book for optional ▪ [2.9] Control
▪ [2.A] Ext thermostat type
▪ In this case:
For the additional zone:
▪ You need to connect the wired
room thermostat (digital or ▪ [3.A] Ext thermostat type
analogue) to the multi-zoning ▪ [3.9] (read-only) Control
base unit
Remote outdoor See:
▪ You need to connect the multi- sensor
▪ Installation manual of the remote
zoning base unit to the outdoor
outdoor sensor
▪ Addendum book for optional
▪ For cooling/heating operation,
you also need to implement a
relay (field supply, see Wires: 2×0.75 mm²
addendum book for optional
equipment) [9.B.1]=1 (External sensor =
Wires: 0.75 mm²
[9.B.2] Ext. amb. sensor offset
Maximum running current: 100 mA
For the main zone: [9.B.3] Averaging time

▪ [2.9] Control Remote indoor sensor See:

▪ [2.A] Ext thermostat type ▪ Installation manual of the remote

indoor sensor
For the additional zone:
▪ Addendum book for optional
▪ [3.A] Ext thermostat type equipment
▪ [3.9] (read-only) Control Wires: 2×0.75 mm²

[9.B.1]=2 (External sensor = Room)

[1.7] Room sensor offset
Human Comfort See:
▪ Installation and operation manual of
the Human Comfort Interface
▪ Addendum book for optional
Wires: 2×(0.75~1.25 mm²)
Maximum length: 500 m
[2.9] Control
[1.6] Room sensor offset

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16 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
6 Electrical installation
Item Description OR
(in case of DHW tank) See:
3‑way valve ▪ Installation manual of the 3-way a1 b
▪ Addendum book for optional
Wires: 3×0.75 mm²
Maximum running current: 100 mA
[9.2] Domestic hot water

(in case of DHW tank) See:

Domestic hot water ▪ Installation manual of the domestic
tank thermistor hot water tank
▪ Addendum book for optional
Wires: 2
The thermistor and connection wire
(12 m) are delivered with the domestic
hot water tank. A thermistor (30 m) is
optionally available.
[9.2] Domestic hot water e f d

a Accessories in standalone domestic hot water tank

(in case of DHW tank) See: (EKHWS*D* and EKHWSU*D*)
Power supply for ▪ Installation manual of the domestic a1: Contactor
booster heater (from hot water tank a2: Terminal block
b Connection kit for third‑party tank with built‑in thermostat
outdoor unit to thermal
▪ Addendum book for optional (EKHY3PART2)
protector of booster c Flow switch (EKFLSW2)
heater) d Demand PCB (A8P: EKRP1AHTA)
Wires: (2+GND)×2.5 mm² e Digital I/O PCB (A4P: EKRP1HBAA)
f Smart grid relay kit (EKRELSG)
[9.4] Booster heater
6.3.1 To connect the electrical wiring to the
(in case of DHW tank) See: outdoor unit
Power supply for ▪ Installation manual of the domestic 1 Open the service cover. See "4.3.1 To open the outdoor
booster heater (from hot water tank unit" 4
[ 11]. If necessary, rotate the switch box. See "4.3.2 To
mains to outdoor unit) rotate the switch box" 4
[ 11].
▪ Addendum book for optional
equipment 2 Insert the cables at the back of the unit, and route them through
Wires: 2+GND the unit to the appropriate terminal blocks.
Maximum running current: 13 A a
[9.4] Booster heater c
b d
WLAN cartridge See:
▪ Installation manual of the WLAN
a High voltage options
▪ Installer reference guide b Low voltage options
— c Power supply for backup heater (in case of unit with
integrated backup heater)
Wiring for backup heater kit (in case of external backup
[D] Wireless gateway heater kit)
d Unit power supply
Flow switch See installation manual of the flow 3 Connect the wires to the appropriate terminals, and fix the
switch cables with cable ties.
Wires: 2×0.5 mm²
6.3.2 To connect the main power supply

This topic describes 2 possible ways to connect the main power
Location extra components
▪ In case of normal kWh rate power supply
The following illustration shows the location of the extra components
that you need to install on the outdoor unit when using certain option ▪ In case of preferential kWh rate power supply

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In case of normal kWh rate power supply
Normal kWh rate Wires: 1N+GND 1N~
power supply
Maximum running current: Refer to name
plate on unit.



1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the

electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17]. Q1DI
2 Connect as follows:
1N~, 50 Hz,
220-240 V AC

180° 1N~




1N~, 50 Hz,
220-240 V AC

180° 1N~ X1M


3 If necessary, connect the separate normal kWh rate power


Some types of preferential kWh rate power supply require
X1M a separate normal kWh rate power supply to the outdoor
unit. This is required in the following cases:
▪ if the preferential kWh rate power supply is interrupted
when active, OR
▪ if no power consumption of the hydro module of the
outdoor unit is allowed at the preferential kWh rate
3 Fix the cables with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.
power supply when active.
In case of preferential kWh rate power supply
Preferential kWh Wires: 1N+GND
rate power supply


Maximum running current: Refer to name

plate on unit.
Separate normal Wires: 1N
kWh rate power
Maximum running current: 6.3 A
Preferential kWh Wires: 2×(0.75~1.25 mm²) L N
rate power supply 1N~, 50 Hz,
Maximum length: 50 m. 230 V AC, 6.3 A
Preferential kWh rate power supply
contact: 16 V DC detection (voltage
supplied by PCB). The voltage-free
contact shall ensure the minimum
applicable load of 15 V DC, 10 mA.
[9.8] Benefit kWh power supply

1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the

electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the preferential kWh rate power supply.

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6 Electrical installation
180° 6.3.3 To connect the backup heater power
This topic is only applicable in case of models with integrated
backup heater. For instructions in case of an external backup heater
X2M kit, see "6.3.4 External backup heater kit" 4
[ 20].
56 Backup heater Power supply Wires
*3V 1N~ 230 V 2+GND
[9.3] Backup heater

The backup heater MUST have a dedicated power supply
and MUST be protected by the safety devices required by
the applicable legislation.

4 Connect the preferential power supply contact. CAUTION

To guarantee the unit is completely earthed, ALWAYS
connect the backup heater power supply and the earth
X5M.10 S1S
Connect the power supply of the backup heater as follows:
1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
180° 2 Connect the power supply cable (including earth) to the
appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below.

9 10


1 3

2 4


5 In case of a separate normal kWh rate power supply, L N

1N~, 50 Hz
disconnect X11Y from X11YA, and connect X11Y to X11YB. 230 V AC

F1B Overcurrent fuse (field supply). Recommended fuse:

2‑pole; 16 A; curve 400 V; tripping class C.
Q1DI Earth leakage circuit breaker (field supply)
X19A X6M Terminal (field supply)

X1A 180°

X11Y X11YA X11YB





X11Y X11YB

3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.
6 Fix the cables with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.

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6 Electrical installation

6.3.4 External backup heater kit Capacity – F1B X14M

Power supply
For models without integrated backup heater, you can install the
3 kW 1N~ 230 V F1B X14M
external backup heater kit (EKLBUHCB6W1).
6 kW 1N~ 230 V 1 2 3 4 5 6
If you do so, then under certain conditions you also need to install a
bypass valve kit (EKMBHBP1). L N

▪ "To connect the backup heater kit" 4
[ 20]
▪ "Bypass valve kit necessity" 4
[ 21]
▪ "To connect the bypass valve kit" 4
[ 22]

To connect the backup heater kit

The installation of the external backup heater kit is described in the


installation manual of the kit. However, certain parts of it are
superseded by the information described here. It concerns the
▪ To connect the backup heater kit power supply
▪ To connect the backup heater kit to the outdoor unit
Wires: See installation manual of the backup heater kit
1N~ , 50 Hz
230 V AC
[9.3] Backup heater
6 kW 3N~ 400 V F1B X14M
9 kW 3N~ 400 V 1 2 3 4 5 6
To connect the backup heater kit power supply
L1 L2 L3 N
To guarantee the unit is completely earthed, ALWAYS
connect the backup heater power supply and the earth

The backup heater MUST have a dedicated power supply
and MUST be protected by the safety devices required by



the applicable legislation.
Depending on the configuration (wiring on X14M, and settings in
[9.3] Backup heater), the backup heater capacity can vary. Make Q3DI
sure that the power supply is in accordance with the backup heater
capacity, as listed in the table below.
L1 L2 L3 N
Backup Backup Power Maximum Zmax(Ω)
3N~ , 50 Hz
heater type heater supply running 400 V AC
capacity current
*6W 3 kW 1N~ 230 V 13 A — 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.
6 kW 1N~ 230 V 26 A(a)(b) — During connection of the backup heater, miswiring is possible. To
6 kW 3N~ 400 V 8.6 A — detect possible miswiring, it is highly recommended to measure the
resistance value of the heater elements. Depending on the capacity
9 kW 3N~ 400 V 13 A —
and power supply, following resistance values (see table below)
This equipment complies with EN/IEC 61000‑3‑11 (European/ should be measured. ALWAYS measure the resistance on the
International Technical Standard setting the limits for voltage contactor clamps K1M, K2M, and K5M.
changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage
supply systems for equipment with rated current ≤75 A) provided 3 kW 6 kW 6 kW 9 kW
that the system impedance Zsys is less than or equal to Zmax at the
1N~ 230 V 1N~ 230 V 3N~ 400 V 3N~ 400 V
interface point between the user's supply and the public system. It
is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to K1M/1 K5M/13 52.9Ω 52.9Ω ∞ ∞
ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator if K1M/3 ∞ 105.8Ω 105.8Ω 105.8Ω
necessary, that the equipment is connected only to a supply with
a system impedance Zsys less than or equal to Zmax. K1M/5 ∞ 158.7Ω 105.8Ω 105.8Ω
Electrical equipment complying with EN/IEC 61000-3-12 K1M/3 K1M/5 26.5Ω 52.9Ω 105.8Ω 105.8Ω
(European/International Technical Standard setting the limits for
harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public K2M/1 K5M/13 ∞ 26.5Ω ∞ ∞
low-voltage systems with input current >16 A and ≤75 A per K2M/3 ∞ ∞ 52.9Ω 52.9Ω
K2M/5 ∞ ∞ 52.9Ω 52.9Ω
1 Connect the backup heater power supply. A 4‑pole fuse is used K2M/3 K2M/5 52.9Ω 52.9Ω 52.9Ω 52.9Ω
for F1B.
K1M/5 K2M/1 ∞ 132.3Ω ∞ ∞
2 If required, modify the connection on terminal X14M.
Example measure resistance between K1M/1 and K5M/13:

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6 Electrical installation

K1M K2M 180°


1 3 5 13 1 3 5 13
12 3 45

2 4 6 14 2 4 6 14


1 3 5 13

2 4 6 14

To connect the backup heater kit to the outdoor unit

The wiring between the backup heater kit and the outdoor unit is as
follows: 3 On the outdoor unit, connect the LV cable to the appropriate
A terminals as shown in the illustration below.
X3M 1 2 3 4 5 X5M 1 2

X15M 6 7 8 9 10 X15M 1 2
1 2

A Outdoor unit 180°

B Backup heater kit
HV High voltage connections (backup heater thermal
protector + backup heater connection) X5M
LV Low voltage connection (backup heater thermistor)
The distance between the high voltage and low voltage
cables should be at least 50 mm.
1 On the backup heater kit, connect the LV and HV cables to the
appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below.

12 6 7 8 9 10

4 Fix the cables with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.

Bypass valve kit necessity

For reversible systems (heating+cooling) in which an external
backup heater kit is installed, the installation of valve kit EKMBHBP1
LV HV is required if condensation is expected inside the backup heater.
2 On the outdoor unit, connect the HV cable to the appropriate
terminals as shown in the illustration below.




6 7 8 9 10

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6 Electrical installation
31 31

28 28

25 25

22 22 FHL1
A (°C)

A (°C)
19 19

16 16

13 13 D B

10 10
Cu Alpex
18°C 0.25 m 0.1 m
5°C 0.5 m 0.2 m
7 7
20 23 26 29 32
2 On the outdoor unit, connect B to the appropriate terminals as
B (°C DB) shown in the illustration below.
A Leaving water evaporator temperature
B Dry-bulb temperature
Relative humidity 40%
Relative humidity 60%
Relative humidity 80%
Example: Given are an ambient temperature of 25°C and a relative
humidity of 40%. If the leaving water evaporator temperature is X2M.4 Y
<12°C, condensation will occur.
X2M.3 N
Note: See the psychrometric chart for more information.
X2M.14a L M4S
To connect the bypass valve kit
The information in this topic supersedes that of the instruction sheet 180°
delivered with the bypass valve kit.
Wires: 3×0.75 mm²

34 14a
The components of the bypass valve kit are as follows. You only
need B and D.


1 Integrate components B and D as follows in the system:

3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.

6.3.5 To connect the user interface

This topic describes the following:
▪ Connecting the user interface cable to the outdoor unit.
▪ Installing the user interface, and connecting the user interface
cable to it.
▪ (if necessary) Opening the user interface after it is installed.

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6 Electrical installation
Connecting the user interface cable to the outdoor unit
Wires: 4×(0.75~1.25 mm²)
Maximum length: 200 m
[2.9] Control
[1.6] Room sensor offset

1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the

electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the user interface cable to the outdoor unit. Fix the
cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.
a a
3 P1P2
X5M.16 +
2 PSU b

a User interface: Required for operation. Delivered with the

unit as accessory.

X5M d
11 12 15 16

a Front plate
b Rear plate
c Screws
d Wall plugs
1 Mount the rear plate to the wall.
▪ Use the 2 screws and wall plugs.
▪ Use any of the 6 holes. The holes are compatible with
standard electrical box extenders of 60 mm.

Installing the user interface, and connecting the user interface

cable to it
You need the following user interface accessories (delivered on top a 60 mm b
of the unit):

a Holes
b Electrical box extender (field supply)
2 Connect the user interface cable to the user interface.
▪ Choose one of the 4 possible wiring intakes (a, b, c or d).
▪ If you choose the left or right side, make a hole for the cable
in the part of the casing where the casing is thinner.

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6 Electrical installation

A a B

6.3.6 To connect the shut-off valve
Shut-off valve usage example. In case of one LWT zone,
and a combination of underfloor heating and heat pump
convectors, install a shut-off valve before the underfloor
c heating to prevent condensation on the floor during cooling
a Top side
b Left side Wires: 2×0.75 mm²
c Bottom side
d Right side Maximum running current: 100 mA
3 Mount the front plate. 230 V AC supplied by PCB
▪ Align the positioning pins and push the front plate onto the —
rear plate until it moves into place with a click.
▪ The connector pins are automatically inserted correctly. 1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the valve control cable to the appropriate terminals as
shown in the illustration below.
Only connect NO (normally open) valves.

b X2M.3

a Positioning pins M2S

b Connector pins X2M.4 (NO)

Opening the user interface after it is installed

If you need to open the user interface after it is installed, proceed as
1 Remove the WLAN cartridge and USB memory stick (if any).


2 Push the rear plate on each of the 4 spots where the snap-fits
are located.
3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.

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6 Electrical installation

6.3.7 To connect the electricity meters

Wires: 2 (per meter)×0.75 mm²
Electricity meters: 12 V DC pulse detection (voltage supplied
by PCB)
[9.A] Energy metering X2M.1

In case of an electricity meter with transistor output, check

the polarity. The positive polarity MUST be connected to 180°
X5M/6 and X5M/4; the negative polarity to X5M/5 and
1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the electricity meters cable to the appropriate terminals
as shown in the illustration below. 12

X5M.6 S2S

X5M.4 S3S

3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.

6.3.9 To connect the alarm output
3456 Wires: (2+1)×0.75 mm²
Maximum load: 0.3 A, 250 V AC
[9.D] Alarm output

1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the

electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the alarm output cable to the appropriate terminals as
shown in the illustration below.
1+2 Wires connected to the alarm
2 1 output
3 Wire between X2M and A4P
3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings. X2M 7 9
A4P Installation of EKRP1HBAA is
6.3.8 To connect the domestic hot water pump
Wires: (2+GND)×0.75 mm²
DHW pump output. Maximum load: 2 A (inrush), 230 V AC,
1 A (continuous)
[9.2.2] DHW pump
[9.2.3] DHW pump schedule

1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the

electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the domestic hot water pump cable to the appropriate
terminals as shown in the illustration below.

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6 Electrical installation
180° X2M 180° X2M

7 9 7 9

A4P a A4P a


X2M.9 X2M.9


a Installation of EKRP1HBAA is required. a Installation of EKRP1HBAA is required.

Stripped wire. Make sure that stripped wire cannot make Stripped wire. Make sure that stripped wire cannot make
contact with possible water on the bottom plate. contact with possible water on the bottom plate.
3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings. 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.

6.3.10 To connect the space cooling/heating ON/ 6.3.11 To connect the changeover to external
OFF output heat source
Cooling is only applicable in case of reversible models. Bivalent is only possible in case of 1 leaving water
temperature zone with:
Wires: (2+1)×0.75 mm²
▪ room thermostat control, OR
Maximum load: 0.3 A, 250 V AC
▪ external room thermostat control.

Wires: 2×0.75 mm²
1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the Maximum load: 0.3 A, 250 V AC
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17]. Minimum load: 20 mA, 5 V DC
2 Connect the space cooling/heating ON/OFF output cable to the [9.C] Bivalent
appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below.
1+2 Wires connected to the space
1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the
2 1 cooling/heating ON/OFF
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
X2M 7 9 2 Connect the changeover to external heat source cable to the
3 Wire between X2M and A4P
appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below.
A4P Installation of EKRP1HBAA is
3 required.






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6 Electrical installation
180° 6.3.13 To connect the safety thermostat
(normally closed contact)
Wires: 2×0.75 mm²
Maximum length: 50 m

X1 X2
Safety thermostat contact: 16 V DC detection (voltage
supplied by PCB). The voltage-free contact shall ensure the
minimum applicable load of 15 V DC, 10 mA.

1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the

X1 X2
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the safety thermostat (normally closed) cable to the
appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below.

a Installation of EKRP1HBAA is required.

3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings. X5M.14

6.3.12 To connect the power consumption digital X5M.13
Wires: 2 (per input signal)×0.75 mm²
Power limitation digital inputs: 12 V DC / 12 mA detection X5M X5M
(voltage supplied by PCB)
[9.9] Power consumption control. 1314 13 14
1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17].
2 Connect the power consumption digital inputs cable to the
appropriate terminals as shown in the illustration below.

A8P.1 S6S (DI4)

A8P.2 S7S (DI3)

S8S (DI2) a Remove jumper
A8P.4 S9S (DI1) 3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.
Make sure to select and install the safety thermostat
180° according to the applicable legislation.
In any case, to prevent unnecessary tripping of the safety
a thermostat, we recommend the following:
▪ The safety thermostat is automatically resettable.
▪ The safety thermostat has a maximum temperature
X801M variation rate of 2°C/min.

A8P ▪ There is a minimum distance of 2 m between the safety
thermostat and the motorized 3‑way valve delivered
with the domestic hot water tank.

Error. If you remove the jumper (open circuit) but do NOT
connect the safety thermostat, stop error 8H-03 will occur.

6.3.14 To connect a Smart Grid

a Installation of EKRP1AHTA is required.
This topic describes 2 possible ways to connect the outdoor unit to a
3 Fix the cable with cable ties to the cable tie mountings. Smart Grid:
▪ In case of low voltage Smart Grid contacts
▪ In case of high voltage Smart Grid contacts. This requires the
installation of the Smart Grid relay kit (EKRELSG).

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6 Electrical installation
The 2 incoming Smart Grid contacts can activate the following Smart 180°
Grid modes:
Smart Grid contact Smart Grid operation mode X5M

1 2
3 4 5 6 9 10 13 14
0 0 Free running
0 1 Forced off
1 0 Recommended on
1 1 Forced on

The use of a Smart Grid pulse meter is not mandatory:

If Smart Grid pulse meter is… Then [9.8.8] Limit setting kW
Used Not applicable
([9.A.2] Electricity meter 2 ≠
3 Fix the cables with cable ties to the cable tie mountings.
Not used Applicable
In case of high voltage Smart Grid contacts
([9.A.2] Electricity meter 2 =
None) Wires (Smart Grid pulse meter): 0.5 mm²
Wires (high voltage Smart Grid contacts): 1 mm²
In case of low voltage Smart Grid contacts
[9.8.4]=3 (Benefit kWh power supply = Smart grid)
Wires (Smart Grid pulse meter): 0.5 mm²
[9.8.5] Smart grid operation mode
Wires (low voltage Smart Grid contacts): 0.5 mm²
[9.8.6] Allow electrical heaters
[9.8.4]=3 (Benefit kWh power supply = Smart grid)
[9.8.7] Enable room buffering
[9.8.5] Smart grid operation mode
[9.8.8] Limit setting kW
[9.8.6] Allow electrical heaters
[9.8.7] Enable room buffering The wiring of the Smart Grid in case of high voltage contacts is as
[9.8.8] Limit setting kW

The wiring of the Smart Grid in case of low voltage contacts is as

X10M 1 2 3 4 10 9 6 5 14 13 4 3
A1 A1
3 4 5 6 9 10 13 14 e
A2 A2
a NL N L K1A K2A K1A K2A S4S
2 1
2 1 a b c d
S4S S11S S10S
a Jumper (factory-mounted). If you also connect a safety
thermostat (Q4L), replace the jumper with the safety STEP 1 Smart Grid relay kit installation
STEP 2 Low voltage connections
thermostat wires.
STEP 3 High voltage connections
S4S Smart Grid pulse meter (optional)
1 High voltage Smart Grid contact 1
1 /S10S Low voltage Smart Grid contact 1
2 High voltage Smart Grid contact 2
2 /S11S Low voltage Smart Grid contact 2
K1A Relay for Smart Grid contact 1
1 Access the electrical connections. See "6.3.1 To connect the K2A Relay for Smart Grid contact 2
electrical wiring to the outdoor unit" 4
[ 17]. a, b Coil sides of relays
c, d Contact sides of relays
2 Connect the wiring as follows: e Jumper (factory-mounted). If you also connect a safety
thermostat (Q4L), replace the jumper with the safety
thermostat wires.
S4S S4S Smart Grid pulse meter (optional)
X5M.10 1 Install the components of the Smart Grid relay kit as follows:
1 S10S
X5M.6 d
X5M.5 2 S11S a

b K1A K2A
K1A Relay for Smart Grid contact 1
K2A Relay for Smart Grid contact 2
X10M Terminal block
a Screws for X10M
b Screws for K1A and K2A
c Sticker to put on the high voltage wires
d Wires between the relays and X5M (AWG22 ORG)

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7 Finishing the outdoor unit installation
e Wires between the relays and X10M (AWG18 RED) 180°


5 6 9 10

1 23 4

b b
a K1A b

4 Fix the cables with cable ties to the cable tie mountings. If
2 Connect the low voltage wiring as follows: necessary, bundle excessive cable length with a cable tie.


S4S 7 Finishing the outdoor unit

X5M.3 installation

S4S Smart Grid pulse meter (optional) 7.1 To check the insulation resistance
180° of the compressor
If, after installation, refrigerant accumulates in the
34 13 14 compressor, the insulation resistance over the poles can
drop, but if it is at least 1 MΩ, then the unit will not break
▪ Use a 500 V mega-tester when measuring insulation.
▪ Do NOT use a mega-tester for low voltage circuits.
1 Measure the insulation resistance over the poles.
If Then
≥1 MΩ Insulation resistance is OK. This procedure
is finished.
<1 MΩ Insulation resistance is not OK. Go to the
next step.
3 Connect the high voltage wiring as follows:
2 Turn ON the power and leave it on for 6 hours.
Result: The compressor will heat up and evaporate any
refrigerant in the compressor.
3 Measure the insulation resistance again.

X10M.2 1
8 Configuration
Cooling is only applicable in case of reversible models.
1 High voltage Smart Grid contact 1
2 High voltage Smart Grid contact 2
8.1 Overview: Configuration
This chapter describes what you have to do and know to configure
the system after it is installed.

This chapter explains only the basic configuration. For
more detailed explanation and background information,
see the installer reference guide.

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8 Configuration

If you do NOT configure the system correctly, it might NOT work as
expected. The configuration influences the following:
▪ The calculations of the software
▪ What you can see on and do with the user interface
Advanced user pin code
You can configure the system via the user interface.
The Advanced user pin code is 1234. Additional menu items for the
▪ First time – Configuration wizard. When you turn ON the user user are now visible.
interface for the first time (via the unit), the configuration wizard
starts to help you configure the system. Advanced user

▪ Restart the configuration wizard. If the system is already
configured, you can restart the configuration wizard. To restart the
configuration wizard, go to Installer settings >
Configuration wizard. To access Installer settings, see
"8.1.1 To access the most used commands" 4 [ 30].
▪ Afterwards. If necessary, you can make changes to the User pin code
configuration in the menu structure or the overview settings.
The User pin code is 0000.

When the configuration wizard is finished, the user
interface will show an overview screen and request to
confirm. When confirmed, the system will restart and the
home screen will be displayed.

Accessing settings – Legend for tables

You can access the installer settings using two different methods. To access the installer settings
However, NOT all settings are accessible via both methods. If so,
1 Set the user permission level to Installer.
the corresponding table columns in this chapter are set to N/A (not
applicable). 2 Go to [9]: Installer settings.
Method Column in tables To modify an overview setting
Accessing settings via the breadcrumb in the # Example: Modify [1‑01] from 15 to 20.
home menu screen or the menu structure.
For example: [2.9] Most settings can be configured via the menu structure. If for any
To enable breadcrumbs, press the button
in the home screen. reason it is required to change a setting using the overview settings,
then the overview settings can be accessed as follows:
Accessing settings via the code in the Code
overview field settings. 1 Set the user permission level to Installer. See "To —
For example: [C-07] change the user permission level" 4[ 30].
See also: 2 Go to [9.I]: Installer settings > Overview
field settings.
▪ "To access the installer settings" 4
[ 30]
3 Turn the left dial to select the first part of the setting
▪ "8.5 Menu structure: Overview installer settings" 4
[ 39]
and confirm by pressing the dial.

8.1.1 To access the most used commands 00 05 0A

0 01 06 0B
To change the user permission level
1 02 07 0C
You can change the user permission level as follows: 2 03 08 0D
3 04 09 0E
1 Go to [B]: User profile.
4 Turn the left dial to select the second part of the
User profile
00 05 0A
01 15 06 0B
1 02 07 0C
03 08 0D
2 Enter the applicable pin code for the user permission —
04 09 0E
▪ Browse through the list of digits and change the
5 Turn the right dial to modify the value from 15 to 20.
selected digit.
▪ Move the cursor from left to right. 00 05 0A
▪ Confirm the pin code and proceed. 01 20 06 0B
1 02 07 0C
Installer pin code 03 08 0D
The Installer pin code is 5678. Additional menu items and 04 09 0E
installer settings are now available.
6 Press the left dial to confirm the new setting.

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8 Configuration
7 Press the center button to go back to the home # Code Description
screen. [9.2.1] [E‑05](a) ▪ No DHW
INFORMATION [E‑06](a) No tank installed.
When you change the overview settings and you go back [E‑07](a) ▪ EKHWS/E, small volume
to the home screen, the user interface will show a popup Tank with booster heater installed at
screen and request to restart the system. the side of the tank, with a volume of
When confirmed, the system will restart and recent 150 l or 180 l.
changes will be applied. ▪ EKHWS/E, big volume
Tank with booster heater installed at
8.2 Configuration wizard the side of the tank, with a volume of
200 l, 250 l or 300 l.
After first power ON of the system, the user interface starts a
configuration wizard. Use this wizard to set the most important initial ▪ EKHWP/HYC
settings for the unit to run properly. If required, you can afterwards Tank with optional booster heater
configure more settings. You can change all these settings via the installed at the top of the tank.
menu structure.
▪ 3rd party, small coil

8.2.1 Configuration wizard: Language Third-party tank with a coil size larger
than 1.05 m².
# Code Description ▪ 3rd party, big coil
[7.1] N/A Language
Third-party tank with a coil size larger
than 1.80 m².
8.2.2 Configuration wizard: Time and date (a)
Use the menu structure instead of the overview settings. Menu
structure setting [9.2.1] replaces the following 3 overview settings:
# Code Description • [E-05]: Can the system prepare domestic hot water?
[7.2] N/A Set the local time and date • [E-06]: Is a domestic hot water tank installed in the system?
• [E-07]: What kind of domestic hot water tank is installed?
In case of EKHWP, we recommend to use the following settings:
By default, daylight savings time is enabled and clock
format is set to 24 hours. These settings can be changed # Code Item EKHWP
during initial configuration or via the menu structure [7.2]: [9.2.1] [E‑07] Tank type 5: EKHWP/HYC
User settings > Time/date. N/A [4-05] Thermistor type 0: Automatic
[5.8] [6-0E] Maximum tank ≤70°C
8.2.3 Configuration wizard: System temperature
Backup heater type In case of EKHWS*D* / EKHWSU*D*, we recommend to use the
▪ For models with integrated backup heater, this is fixed to 3V. following settings:

▪ For other models, this can be set to No heater, or External # Code Item EKHWS*D* / EKHWSU*D*
heater (i.e. when the optional external backup heater kit is 150/180 200/250/300
installed). [9.2.1] [E‑07] Tank type 0: EKHWS/E, 3: EKHWS/E,
# Code Description small volume big volume
[9.3.1] [E‑03] ▪ 0: No heater N/A [4-05] Thermistor type 0: Automatic
▪ 1: External heater [5.8] [6-0E] Maximum tank ≤60°C ≤75°C
▪ 2: 3V
In case of a third-party tank, we recommend to use the following
Domestic hot water settings:
The following setting determines if the system can prepare domestic
# Code Item Third-party tank
hot water or not, and which tank is used. Set this setting according to
the actual installation. Coil≥1.05 m² Coil≥1.8 m²
[9.2.1] [E‑07] Tank type 7: 3rd party, 8: 3rd party,
small coil big coil
N/A [4-05] Thermistor type 0: Automatic
[5.8] [6-0E] Maximum tank ≤60°C ≤75°C

When the heat pump fails to operate, the backup heater and/or
booster heater can serve as an emergency heater. It then takes over
the heat load either automatically or by manual interaction.
▪ When Emergency is set to Automatic and a heat pump failure
occurs, the backup heater automatically takes over the heat load,
and the booster heater in the optional tank takes over the
domestic hot water production.

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8 Configuration
▪ When Emergency is set to Manual and a heat pump failure # Code Description
occurs, the domestic hot water heating and space heating stops.
[4.4] [7‑02] ▪ 1: Dual zone
To manually recover it via the user interface, go to the
Two leaving water temperature zones.
Malfunctioning main menu screen and confirm whether the
The main leaving water temperature
backup heater and/or booster heater can take over the heat load
zone consists of the higher load heat
or not.
emitters and a mixing station to
▪ Alternatively, when Emergency is set to: achieve the desired leaving water
temperature. In heating:
▪ auto SH reduced/DHW on, space heating is reduced but
domestic hot water is still available.
▪ auto SH reduced/DHW off, space heating is reduced and
domestic hot water is NOT available.
▪ auto SH normal/DHW off, space heating operates as
normally but domestic hot water is NOT available.
Similarly as in Manual mode, the unit can take the full load with
the backup heater and/or booster heater if the user activates this
via the Malfunctioning main menu screen.
To keep energy consumption low, we recommend to set Emergency
to auto SH reduced/DHW off if the house is unattended for longer c
# Code Description
a Additional LWT zone: Highest
[9.5.1] [4-06] ▪ 0: Manual
▪ 1: Automatic
b Main LWT zone: Lowest temperature
▪ 2: auto SH reduced/DHW on
c Mixing station
▪ 3: auto SH reduced/DHW off
▪ 4: auto SH normal/DHW off
NOT configuring the system in the following way can cause
INFORMATION damage to the heat emitters. If there are 2 zones, it is
important that in heating:
The auto emergency setting can be set in the menu
structure of the user interface only. ▪ the zone with the lowest water temperature is
configured as the main zone, and
▪ the zone with the highest water temperature is
If a heat pump failure occurs and Emergency is set to configured as the additional zone.
Manual, the room frost protection function, the underfloor
heating screed dryout function, and the water pipe NOTICE
antifreeze function will remain active even if the user does If there are 2 zones and the emitter types are wrongly
NOT confirm emergency operation. configured, water of high temperature can be sent towards
Number of zones a low temperature emitter (underfloor heating). To avoid
The system can supply leaving water to up to 2 water temperature
zones. During configuration, the number of water zones must be set. ▪ Install an aquastat/thermostatic valve to avoid too high
temperatures towards a low temperature emitter.
INFORMATION ▪ Make sure you set the emitter types for the main zone
Mixing station. If your system layout contains 2 LWT [2.7] and for the additional zone [3.7] correctly in
zones, you need to install a mixing station in front of the accordance with the connected emitter.
main LWT zone.
# Code Description
An overpressure bypass valve can be integrated in the
[4.4] [7‑02] ▪ 0: Single zone system. Keep in mind that this valve might not be shown
Only one leaving water temperature on the illustrations.
Glycol Filled system
This setting gives the installer the possibility to indicate whether the
system is filled with glycol or water. This is important in case glycol is
used to protect the water circuit against freezing. If NOT set
correctly, the liquid in the piping can freeze.
# Code Description
N/A [E-0D] Glycol Filled system: Is the system
filled with glycol?
▪ 0: No
a ▪ 1: Yes
a Main LWT zone

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8 Configuration
If you add glycol to the water, you also need to install a During normal operation, the capacity of the second step of
flow switch (EKFLSW2). the backup heater at nominal voltage is equal to
8.2.4 Configuration wizard: Backup heater INFORMATION
INFORMATION If [4‑0A]=3 and emergency mode is active, the power
usage of the backup heater is maximal and equal to
▪ For models with integrated backup heater (3V models),
most of the backup heater settings are fixed.
▪ For other models, the backup heater settings are only Capacity step 1
applicable in case the optional external backup heater # Code Description
kit is installed.
[9.3.4] [6‑03] ▪ The capacity of the first step of the
The backup heater is adapted to be connected to most common backup heater at nominal voltage.
European electricity grids. If the backup heater is available, the
voltage, configuration and capacity must be set on the user Additional capacity step 2
interface. Restriction: Only applicable in case the external backup heater kit
The capacities for the different steps of the backup heater must be is installed.
set for the energy metering and/or power consumption control # Code Description
feature to work properly. When measuring the resistance value of [9.3.5] [6‑04] ▪ The capacity difference between the
each heater, you can set the exact heater capacity and this will lead second and first step of the backup
to more accurate energy data. heater at nominal voltage. Nominal
Backup heater type value depends on backup heater
▪ For models with integrated backup heater, this is fixed to 3V.
▪ For other models, this can be set to No heater, or External
8.2.5 Configuration wizard: Main zone
heater (i.e. when the optional external backup heater kit is
installed). The most important settings for the main leaving water zone can be
set here.
# Code Description
[9.3.1] [E‑03] ▪ 0: No heater Emitter type
▪ 1: External heater Heating up or cooling down the main zone can take longer. This
depends on:
▪ 2: 3V
▪ The water volume of the system
▪ The heater emitter type of the main zone
▪ For a 3V model, this is fixed to 230V, 1ph.
The setting Emitter type can compensate for a slow or a quick
▪ The optional external backup heater can be set to 230V, 1ph or heating/cooling system during the heat up/cool down cycle. In room
400V, 3ph. thermostat control, Emitter type influences the maximum
# Code Description modulation of the desired leaving water temperature, and the
possibility for usage of the automatic cooling/heating changeover
[9.3.2] [5‑0D] ▪ 0: 230V, 1ph based on the indoor ambient temperature.
▪ 2: 400V, 3ph It is important to set Emitter type correctly and in accordance with
your system layout. The target delta T for the main zone depends on
The backup heater can be configured in different ways. It can be
chosen to have a 1-step only backup heater or a backup heater with # Code Description
2 steps. If 2 steps, the capacity of the second step depends on this [2.7] [2‑0C] ▪ 0: Underfloor heating
setting. It can also be chosen to have a higher capacity of the ▪ 1: Fancoil unit
second step in emergency.
▪ 2: Radiator
▪ For a 3V model, this is fixed to Relay 1.
▪ The optional external backup heater can be set to the following: The setting of the emitter type has an influence on the space heating
setpoint range and the target delta T in heating as follows:
# Code Description
Description Space heating Target delta T in
[9.3.3] [4‑0A] ▪ 0: Relay 1
setpoint range heating
▪ 1: Relay 1 / Relay 1+2 0: Underfloor Maximum 55°C Variable
▪ 2: Relay 1 / Relay 2 heating
▪ 3: Relay 1 / Relay 2 Emergency Relay 1: Fancoil unit Maximum 55°C Variable
1+2 2: Radiator Maximum 60°C Fixed 8°C

Settings [9.3.3] and [9.3.5] are linked. Changing one
setting influences the other. If you change one, check if the
other is still as expected.

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8 Configuration
NOTICE ▪ In Weather dependent LWT setpoint mode, the scheduled
actions consist of desired shift actions, either preset or custom.
Average emitter temperature = Leaving water
temperature – (Delta T)/2 # Code Description
This means that for a same leaving water temperature [2.1] N/A ▪ 0: No
setpoint, the average emitter temperature of radiators is ▪ 1: Yes
lower than that of underfloor heating because of a bigger
delta T.
8.2.6 Configuration wizard: Additional zone
Example radiators: 40–8/2=36°C
The most important settings for the additional leaving water zone
Example underfloor heating: 40–5/2=37.5°C
can be set here.
To compensate, you can:
Emitter type
▪ Increase the weather-dependent curve desired
For more info about this functionality, see "8.2.5 Configuration
temperatures [2.5].
wizard: Main zone" 4
[ 33].
▪ Enable leaving water temperature modulation and
# Code Description
increase the maximum modulation [2.C].
[3.7] [2‑0D] ▪ 0: Underfloor heating
▪ 1: Fancoil unit
Define how the operation of the unit is controlled.
▪ 2: Radiator
Control In this control...
Leaving water Unit operation is decided based on the leaving Control
water temperature regardless the actual room The control type is displayed here, but cannot be adjusted. It is
temperature and/or heating or cooling demand determined by the control type of the main zone. For more info about
of the room. the functionality, see "8.2.5 Configuration wizard: Main zone" 4
[ 33].
External room Unit operation is decided by the external # Code Description
thermostat thermostat or equivalent (e.g. heat pump
[3.9] N/A ▪ 0: Leaving water if the control type
of the main zone is Leaving water.
Room thermostat Unit operation is decided based on the ambient
temperature of the dedicated Human Comfort ▪ 1: External room thermostat if the
Interface (BRC1HHDA used as room control type of the main zone is
thermostat). External room thermostat or Room
# Code Description
Setpoint mode
[2.9] [C‑07] ▪ 0: Leaving water
For more info about this functionality, see "8.2.5 Configuration
▪ 1: External room thermostat wizard: Main zone" 4
[ 33].
▪ 2: Room thermostat # Code Description
Setpoint mode [3.4] N/A ▪ 0: Fixed

Define the setpoint mode: ▪ 1: WD heating, fixed cooling

▪ Fixed: the desired leaving water temperature does not depend on ▪ 2: Weather dependent
the outdoor ambient temperature.
If you choose WD heating, fixed cooling or Weather
▪ In WD heating, fixed cooling mode, the desired leaving water dependent, the next screen will be the detailed screen with weather-
temperature: dependent curves. Also see "8.3 Weather-dependent curve" 4 [ 35].
▪ depends on the outdoor ambient temperature for heating Schedule
▪ does NOT depend on the outdoor ambient temperature for Indicates if the desired leaving water temperature is according to a
cooling schedule. Also see "8.2.5 Configuration wizard: Main zone" 4
[ 33].
▪ In Weather dependent mode, the desired leaving water # Code Description
temperature depends on the outdoor ambient temperature.
[3.1] N/A ▪ 0: No
# Code Description
▪ 1: Yes
[2.4] N/A Setpoint mode:
▪ Fixed 8.2.7 Configuration wizard: Tank
▪ WD heating, fixed cooling
This part only applies to systems with an optional domestic hot water
▪ Weather dependent tank installed.

When weather dependent operation is active, low outdoor Heat up mode

temperatures will result in warmer water and vice versa. During The domestic hot water can be prepared in 3 different ways. They
weather dependent operation, the user can shift the water differ from each other by the way the desired tank temperature is set
temperature up or down by a maximum of 10°C. and how the unit acts upon it.
Indicates if the desired leaving water temperature is according to a
schedule. Influence of the LWT setpoint mode [2.4] is as follows:
▪ In Fixed LWT setpoint mode, the scheduled actions consist of
desired leaving water temperatures, either preset or custom.

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8 Configuration
# Code Description # Code Description
[5.6] [6-0D] Heat up mode: [5.3] [6-0B] Eco setpoint:
▪ 0: Reheat only: Only reheat ▪ 30°C~min(50,[6‑0E])°C
operation is allowed.
Reheat setpoint
▪ 1: Schedule + reheat: The domestic
hot water tank is heated according to a Desired reheat tank temperature, used:
schedule and between the scheduled ▪ in Schedule + reheat mode, during reheat mode: the
heat up cycles, reheat operation is guaranteed minimum tank temperature is set by the Reheat
allowed. setpoint minus the reheat hysteresis. If the tank temperature
▪ 2: Schedule only: The domestic hot drops below this value, the tank is heated up.
water tank can ONLY be heated ▪ during storage comfort, to prioritize the domestic hot water
according to a schedule. preparation. When the tank temperature rises above this value,
domestic hot water preparation and space heating/cooling are
See the operation manual for more details. executed sequentially.
INFORMATION # Code Description
Risk of space heating capacity shortage for domestic hot [5.4] [6-0C] Reheat setpoint:
water tank without internal booster heater: In case of
▪ 30°C~min(50,[6‑0E])°C
frequent domestic hot water operation, frequent and long
space heating/cooling interruption will happen when Hysteresis (reheat hysteresis)
selecting the following:
Applicable when domestic hot water preparation is scheduled
Tank > Heat up mode > Reheat only. +reheat. When the tank temperature drops below the reheat
temperature minus the reheat hysteresis temperature, the tank heats
Settings for Reheat only mode up to the reheat temperature.
During Reheat only mode, the tank setpoint can be set on the user
# Code Description
interface. The maximum allowed temperature is determined by the
following setting: [5.A] [6-08] Reheat hysteresis

# Code Description ▪ 2°C~20°C

[5.8] [6-0E] Maximum:

The maximum temperature that users 8.3 Weather-dependent curve
can select for the domestic hot water.
You can use this setting to limit the 8.3.1 What is a weather-dependent curve?
temperature at the hot water taps.
Weather-dependent operation
The maximum temperature is NOT
applicable during disinfection function. The unit operates 'weather dependent' if the desired leaving water or
See disinfection function. tank temperature is determined automatically by the outdoor
temperature. It therefore is connected to a temperature sensor on
To set the heat pump ON hysteresis: the North wall of the building. If the outdoor temperature drops or
# Code Description rises, the unit compensates instantly. Thus, the unit does not have to
wait for feedback by the thermostat to increase or decrease the
[5.9] [6-00] Heat pump ON hysteresis
temperature of the leaving water or tank. Because it reacts more
▪ 2°C~40°C quickly, it prevents high rises and drops of the indoor temperature
and water temperature at tap points.
Settings for Schedule only mode and Schedule + reheat mode
Comfort setpoint
Weather-dependent operation reduces energy consumption.
Only applicable when domestic hot water preparation is Schedule
only or Schedule + reheat. When programming the schedule, you Weather-dependent curve
can make use of the comfort setpoint as a preset value. When you To be able to compensate for differences in temperature, the unit
later want to change the storage setpoint, you only have to do it in relies on its weather-dependent curve. This curve defines how much
one place. the temperature of the tank or leaving water must be at different
The tank will heat up until the storage comfort temperature has outdoor temperatures. Because the slope of the curve depends on
been reached. It is the higher desired temperature when a storage local circumstances such as climate and the insulation of the
comfort action is scheduled. building, the curve can be adjusted by an installer or user.
Additionally, a storage stop can be programmed. This feature puts a Types of weather-dependent curve
stop to tank heating even if the setpoint has NOT been reached. There are 2 types of weather-dependent curves:
Only program a storage stop when tank heating is absolutely
undesirable. ▪ 2-points curve

# Code Description ▪ Slope-offset curve

[5.2] [6-0A] Comfort setpoint: Which type of curve you use to make adjustments, depends on your
personal preference. See "8.3.4 Using weather-dependent
▪ 30°C~[6‑0E]°C
curves" 4
[ 37].
Eco setpoint Availability
The storage economic temperature denotes the lower desired The weather-dependent curve is available for:
tank temperature. It is the desired temperature when a storage
economic action is scheduled (preferably during day). ▪ Main zone - Heating

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8 Configuration
▪ Main zone - Cooling ▪ Change the offset to equally increase or decrease the
temperature of the leaving water for different ambient
▪ Additional zone - Heating
temperatures. For example, if leaving water temperature is always
▪ Additional zone - Cooling a bit too cold at different ambient temperatures, shift the offset up
▪ Tank (only available to installers) to equally increase the leaving water temperature for all ambient
To operate weather dependent, correctly configure the
Weather-dependent curve when slope is selected:
setpoint of the main zone, additional zone or tank. See
"8.3.4 Using weather-dependent curves" 4
[ 37]. c
a b e
8.3.2 2-points curve d

Define the weather-dependent curve with these two setpoints: Y4

▪ Setpoint (X1, Y2) Y3

▪ Setpoint (X2, Y1) Y1

X1 X2
Weather-dependent curve when offset is selected:
a b e
X1 X2 Y2
Item Description
a Selected weather dependent zone: X1 X2
▪ : Main zone or additional zone heating
Item Description
▪ : Main zone or additional zone cooling
a WD curve before changes.
▪ : Domestic hot water b WD curve after changes (as example):
X1, X2 Examples of outdoor ambient temperature ▪ When slope is changed, the new preferred
Y1, Y2 Examples of desired tank temperature or leaving water temperature at X1 is unequally higher than the
temperature. The icon corresponds to the heat emitter preferred temperature at X2.
for that zone: ▪ When offset is changed, the new preferred
temperature at X1 is equally higher as the preferred
▪ : Underfloor heating
temperature at X2.
▪ : Fan coil unit c Slope
▪ : Radiator d Offset
e Selected weather dependent zone:
▪ : Domestic hot water tank ▪ : Main zone or additional zone heating
Possible actions on this screen ▪ : Main zone or additional zone cooling
Go through the temperatures.
▪ : Domestic hot water
Change the temperature.
X1, X2 Examples of outdoor ambient temperature
Go to the next temperature.
Y1, Y2, Examples of desired tank temperature or leaving water
Confirm changes and proceed. Y3, Y4 temperature. The icon corresponds to the heat emitter
for that zone:
8.3.3 Slope-offset curve
▪ : Underfloor heating
Slope and offset
▪ : Fan coil unit
Define the weather-dependent curve by its slope and offset:
▪ : Radiator
▪ Change the slope to differently increase or decrease the
temperature of the leaving water for different ambient
temperatures. For example, if leaving water temperature is in ▪ : Domestic hot water tank
general fine but at low ambient temperatures too cold, raise the
slope so that leaving water temperature is heated increasingly
more at decreasingly lower ambient temperatures.

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8 Configuration
Possible actions on this screen To fine-tune the weather-dependent curve: slope-offset curve
Select slope or offset. The following table describes how to fine-tune the weather-
dependent curve of a zone or tank:
Increase or decrease the slope/offset.
When slope is selected: set slope and go to offset. You feel … Fine-tune with slope and
When offset is selected: set offset.
At regular outdoor At cold outdoor Slope Offset
Confirm changes and return to the submenu. temperatures … temperatures …
OK Cold ↑ —
8.3.4 Using weather-dependent curves OK Hot ↓ —
Configure weather-dependent curves as following: Cold OK ↓ ↑
To define the setpoint mode Cold Cold — ↑
To use the weather-dependent curve, you need to define the correct Cold Hot ↓ ↑
setpoint mode: Hot OK ↑ ↓
Go to setpoint mode … Set the setpoint mode to … Hot Cold ↑ ↓
Main zone – Heating Hot Hot — ↓
[2.4] Main zone > Setpoint WD heating, fixed cooling To fine-tune the weather-dependent curve: 2-points curve
mode OR Weather dependent
The following table describes how to fine-tune the weather-
Main zone – Cooling
dependent curve of a zone or tank:
[2.4] Main zone > Setpoint Weather dependent
You feel … Fine-tune with
Additional zone – Heating
At regular outdoor At cold outdoor Y2(a) Y1(a) X1(a) X2(a)
[3.4] Additional zone > WD heating, fixed cooling temperatures … temperatures …
Setpoint mode OR Weather dependent
OK Cold ↑ — ↑ —
Additional zone – Cooling
OK Hot ↓ — ↓ —
[3.4] Additional zone > Weather dependent
Cold OK — ↑ — ↑
Setpoint mode
Cold Cold ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Cold Hot ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑
[5.B] Tank > Setpoint mode Restriction: Only available to
installers. Hot OK — ↓ — ↓

Weather dependent Hot Cold ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓

Hot Hot ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
To change the type of weather-dependent curve (a)
See "8.3.2 2-points curve" 4
[ 36].
To change the type for all zones (main + additional) and for the tank,
go to [2.E] Main zone > WD curve type.
Viewing which type is selected is also possible via: 8.4 Settings menu
▪ [3.C] Additional zone > WD curve type You can set additional settings using the main menu screen and its
submenus. The most important settings are presented here.
▪ [5.E] Tank > WD curve type
Restriction: Only available to installers. 8.4.1 Main zone
To change the weather-dependent curve
Ext thermostat type
Zone Go to …
Only applicable in external room thermostat control.
Main zone – Heating [2.5] Main zone > Heating WD
curve NOTICE
Main zone – Cooling [2.6] Main zone > Cooling WD If an external room thermostat is used, the external room
curve thermostat will control the room frost protection. However,
Additional zone – Heating [3.5] Additional zone > the room frost protection is only possible if [C.2] Space
Heating WD curve heating/cooling=On.

Additional zone – Cooling [3.6] Additional zone > # Code Description

Cooling WD curve [2.A] [C–05] External room thermostat type for the
Tank Restriction: Only available to main zone:
installers. ▪ 1: 1 contact: The used external room
[5.C] Tank > WD curve thermostat can only send a thermo
ON/OFF condition. There is no
INFORMATION separation between heating or cooling
Maximum and minimum setpoints
▪ 2: 2 contacts: The used external
You cannot configure the curve with temperatures that are
room thermostat can send a separate
higher or lower than the set maximum and minimum
heating/cooling thermo ON/OFF
setpoints for that zone or for the tank. When the maximum
or minimum setpoint is reached, the curve flattens out.

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8 Configuration

8.4.2 Additional zone

Ext thermostat type
Only applicable in external room thermostat control. For more info
about the functionality, see "8.4.1 Main zone" 4
[ 37].
# Code Description
[3.A] [C–06] External room thermostat type for the
additional zone:
▪ 1: 1 contact
▪ 2: 2 contacts

8.4.3 Information
Dealer information
The installer can fill in his contact number here.
# Code Description
[8.3] N/A Number that users can call in case of

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

Daikin Altherma 3 M
38 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
8 Configuration

8.5 Menu structure: Overview installer settings

[9] Installer settings [9.2] Domestic hot water
Configuration wizard Domestic hot water
Domestic hot water DHW pump
Backup heater DHW pump schedule
Booster heater
Emergency [9.3] Backup heater
Backup heater type
Water pipe freeze prevention
Benefit kWh power supply Configuration
Power consumption control Capacity step 1
Energy metering Additional capacity step 2
Sensors Equilibrium
Bivalent Equilibrium temperature
Alarm output Operation
Auto restart [9.4] Booster heater
Power saving function
Disable protections Capacity
BSH allowance schedule
Forced defrost
BSH eco timer
Overview field settings Operation
Export MMI settings
[9.6] Balancing
Space heating priority
Priority temperature
Offset BSH setpoint
Anti-recycle timer
Minimum running timer
Maximum running timer
Additional timer

[9.8] Benefit kWh power supply

Allow heater
Allow pump
Benefit kWh power supply
Smart grid operation mode
Allow electrical heaters
Enable room buffering
Limit setting kW

[9.9] Power consumption control

Power consumption control
Limit 1
Limit 2
Limit 3
Limit 4
Priority heater
(*) BBR16 activation
(*) BBR16 power limit

[9.A] Energy metering

Electricity meter 1
Electricity meter 2

[9.B] Sensors
External sensor
Ext. amb. sensor offset
Averaging time

[9.C] Bivalent
Boiler efficiency

(*) Only applicable in Swedish language.

Depending on the selected installer settings and unit type,
settings will be visible/invisible.

EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 Installation manual

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9 Commissioning
The power supply voltage matches the voltage on the
9 Commissioning identification label of the unit.
NOTICE There are NO loose connections or damaged electrical
components in the switch box.
General commissioning checklist. Next to the
commissioning instructions in this chapter, a general There are NO damaged components or squeezed
commissioning checklist is also available on the Daikin pipes on the inside of the outdoor unit.
Business Portal (authentication required). Only for models with integrated backup heater (F1B: field
The general commissioning checklist is complementary to supply), or if the external backup heater kit (F1B: factory-
the instructions in this chapter and can be used as a mounted in the backup heater kit) is installed:
guideline and reporting template during commissioning and Backup heater circuit breaker F1B is turned ON.
hand-over to the user. Only for tanks with built-in booster heater:
NOTICE Booster heater circuit breaker F2B (field supply) is
turned ON.
ALWAYS operate the unit with thermistors and/or pressure
sensors/switches. If NOT, burning of the compressor might The correct pipe size is installed and the pipes are
be the result. properly insulated.
There are no water leaks inside the outdoor unit.
The unit contains an automatic air purge valve. Make sure The shut-off valves are properly installed and fully open.
it is open. All automatic air purge valves in the system (in
the unit, and in the field piping – if any) must remain open The automatic air purge valve is open.
after commissioning.
The pressure relief valve purges water when opened.
Clean water MUST come out.
The minimum water volume is guaranteed in all
conditions. See "To check the water volume and flow rate"
INFORMATION in "5.1 Preparing water piping" 4
[ 12].
Protective functions – "Installer-on-site mode". The (if applicable) The domestic hot water tank is filled
software is equipped with protective functions, such as completely.
room antifrost. The unit automatically runs these functions
The automatic air purge valve is open.
when necessary.
During installation or service this behaviour is undesired.
Therefore, the protective functions can be disabled:
9.2 Checklist during commissioning
▪ At first power-on: The protective functions are
disabled by default. After 12 hours they will be The minimum flow rate is guaranteed in all conditions.
automatically enabled. See "To check the water volume and flow rate" in
▪ Afterwards: An installer can manually disable the "5.1 Preparing water piping" 4
[ 12].
protective functions by setting [9.G]: Disable To perform an air purge.
protections=Yes. After his work is done, he can
enable the protective functions by setting [9.G]: To perform a test run.
Disable protections=No.
To perform an actuator test run.
9.1 Checklist before commissioning
Underfloor screed dryout function
1 After the installation of the unit, check the items listed below.
The underfloor screed dryout function is started (if
2 Close the unit. necessary).
3 Power up the unit.
You read the complete installation instructions, as 9.2.1 To check the minimum flow rate
described in the installer reference guide.
1 Check the hydraulic configuration to find out which —
The outdoor unit is properly mounted.
space heating loops can be closed by mechanical,
electronic, or other valves.
The switchbox is rotated back and correctly engaged in
the switchbox holder. 2 Close all space heating loops that can be closed. —
3 Start the pump test run (see "9.2.4 To perform an —
Field wiring
actuator test run" 4
[ 41]).
Be sure that the field wiring has been carried out
4 Read out the flow rate(a) and modify the bypass valve —
according to the instructions described in the chapter
setting to reach the minimum required flow rate + 2 l/
"6 Electrical installation" 4
[ 15], according to the wiring
diagrams and according to the applicable legislation.
During pump test run, the unit can operate below the minimum
The system is properly earthed and the earth terminals
required flow rate.
are tightened.
The fuses or locally installed protection devices are If operation is… Then the minimum required
installed according to this document, and have NOT been flow rate is…
bypassed. Cooling 10 l/min
Heating 6 l/min

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

Daikin Altherma 3 M
40 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
9 Commissioning
If operation is… Then the minimum required 2 Go to [A.2]: Commissioning > Actuator test run.
flow rate is… 3 Select a test from the list. Example: Pump.
BUH operation 12 l/min 4 Select OK to confirm.
Heating defrost 12 l/min
Result: The actuator test run starts. It stops
DHW 25 l/min automatically when ready (±30 min).
To stop the test run manually: —
9.2.2 To perform an air purge 1 In the menu, go to Stop test run.
Conditions: Make sure all operation is disabled. Go to [C]: 2 Select OK to confirm.
Operation and turn off Space heating/cooling and Tank
operation. Possible actuator test runs
1 Set the user permission level to Installer. See "To — ▪ Booster heater test
change the user permission level" 4[ 30].
▪ Backup heater 1 test
2 Go to [A.3]: Commissioning > Air purge.
▪ Backup heater 2 test
3 Select OK to confirm.
▪ Pump test
Result: The air purge starts. It stops automatically
when air purge cycle is finished. INFORMATION
To stop the air purge manually: —
Make sure that all air is purged before executing the test
1 Go to Stop air purge. run. Also avoid disturbances in the water circuit during the
2 Select OK to confirm. test run.
▪ Diverter valve test (3-way valve for switching between space
9.2.3 To perform an operation test run heating and tank heating)

Conditions: Make sure all operation is disabled. Go to [C]: ▪ Bivalent signal test
Operation and turn off Space heating/cooling and Tank ▪ Alarm output test
▪ C/H signal test
1 Set the user permission level to Installer. See "To —
▪ DHW pump test
change the user permission level" 4[ 30].
2 Go to [A.1]: Commissioning > Operation test
9.2.5 To perform an underfloor heating screed
3 Select a test from the list. Example: Heating.
4 Select OK to confirm. Conditions: Make sure all operation is disabled. Go to [C]:
Operation and turn off Space heating/cooling and Tank
Result: The test run starts. It stops automatically operation.
when ready (±30 min).
1 Set the user permission level to Installer. See "To —
To stop the test run manually: —
change the user permission level" 4[ 30].
1 In the menu, go to Stop test run.
2 Go to [A.4]: Commissioning > UFH screed dryout.
2 Select OK to confirm.
3 Set a dryout program: go to Program and use the
UFH screed dryout programming screen.
4 Select OK to confirm.
If the outdoor temperature is outside the range of
operation, the unit may NOT operate or may NOT deliver Result: The underfloor heating screed dryout starts.
the required capacity. It stops automatically when done.
To stop the test run manually: —
To monitor leaving water and tank temperatures
1 Go to Stop UFH screed dryout.
During test run, the correct operation of the unit can be checked by
monitoring its leaving water temperature (heating/cooling mode) and 2 Select OK to confirm.
tank temperature (domestic hot water mode).
To monitor the temperatures:
To perform an underfloor heating screed dryout, room frost
1 In the menu, go to Sensors. protection needs to be disabled ([2‑06]=0). By default, it is
2 Select the temperature information. enabled ([2‑06]=1). However, due to the "installer-on-site"
mode (see "Commissioning"), room frost protection will be
automatically disabled for 12 hours after the first power-on.
9.2.4 To perform an actuator test run
If the screed dryout still needs to be performed after the
Purpose first 12 hours of power-on, manually disable room frost
Perform an actuator test run to confirm the operation of the different protection by setting [2‑06] to "0", and KEEP it disabled
actuators. For example, when you select Pump, a test run of the until the screed dryout has finished. Ignoring this notice will
pump will start. result in cracking of the screed.

Conditions: Make sure all operation is disabled. Go to [C]:

Operation and turn off Space heating/cooling and Tank
1 Set the user permission level to Installer. See "To —
change the user permission level" 4[ 30].

EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 Installation manual

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4P685229-1D – 2022.10 41
10 Hand-over to the user
For the underfloor heating screed dryout to be able to start,
make sure the following settings are met:
▪ [4‑00]=1
▪ [C‑02]=0
▪ [D‑01]=0
▪ [4‑08]=0
▪ [4‑01]≠1

10 Hand-over to the user

Once the test run is finished and the unit operates properly, please
make sure the following is clear for the user:
▪ Fill in the installer setting table (in the operation manual) with the
actual settings.
▪ Make sure that the user has the printed documentation and ask
him/her to keep it for future reference. Inform the user that he can
find the complete documentation at the URL mentioned earlier in
this manual.
▪ Explain the user how to properly operate the system and what to
do in case of problems.
▪ Show the user what to do for the maintenance of the unit.
▪ Explain the user about energy saving tips as described in the
operation manual.

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

Daikin Altherma 3 M
42 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
11 Technical data

11 Technical data
A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional Daikin website (publicly accessible). The full set of latest technical data is
available on the Daikin Business Portal (authentication required).

11.1 Piping diagram: Outdoor unit

EBLA04~08E23V3, EDLA04~08E23V3


h R1T
g o
i p

a2 n




e s t


3D139436 A
A Hydro module B1PW Space heating water pressure sensor
B Compressor module B1PR Refrigerant pressure sensor
S1PH High pressure switch
A1 Water IN (screw connection, male, 1")
A2 Water OUT (screw connection, male, 1") Thermistors (hydro module):
b Drain valve (water circuit) R1T Outlet water heat exchanger
c Expansion vessel R3T Refrigerant liquid side
d Flow sensor R4T Inlet water
e Plate heat exchanger
f Backup heater Thermistors (compressor module):
g Automatic air purge valve R1T Outdoor air
h Safety valve R2T Air heat exchanger
i Pump R3T Compressor discharge
j Connection for optional flow switch
k Liquid stop valve Refrigerant flow:
l Filter Heating
m Electronic expansion valve Cooling
n Muffler with filter
o Distributor Connections:
p Heat exchanger Screw connection
q 4‑way valve Flare connection
r Accumulator Quick coupling
s Compressor Brazed connection
t Muffler
u Gas stop valve with service port

EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 Installation manual

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11 Technical data
EBLA04~08E23V3, EDLA04~08E23V3


g R1T

i h n

a2 m




e s

j r

3D139353 A
A Hydro module B1PW Space heating water pressure sensor
B Compressor module B1PR Refrigerant pressure sensor
S1PH High pressure switch
a1 Water IN (screw connection, male, 1")
a2 Water OUT (screw connection, male, 1") Thermistors (hydro module):
b Drain valve (water circuit) R1T Outlet water heat exchanger
c Expansion vessel R3T Refrigerant liquid side
d Flow sensor R4T Inlet water
e Plate heat exchanger
f Automatic air purge valve Thermistors (compressor module):
g Safety valve R1T Outdoor air
h Pump R2T Compressor discharge
i Connection for optional flow switch R3T Compressor suction
j Liquid stop valve
k Filter Refrigerant flow:
l Electronic expansion valve Heating
m Muffler with filter Cooling
n Distributor
o Heat exchanger Connections:
p 4‑way valve Screw connection
q Accumulator Flare connection
r Compressor Quick coupling
s Muffler Brazed connection
t Gas stop valve with service port

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

Daikin Altherma 3 M
44 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
11 Technical data

11.2 Wiring diagram: Outdoor unit

Compressor module English Translation
See the internal wiring diagram supplied with the unit (on the inside SA1 Surge arrestor
of the top plate). The abbreviations used are listed below.
SHM Terminal strip fixed plate
Translation of text on wiring diagram: U, V, W Connector
English Translation V3, V4, V401 Varistor
(1) Connection diagram (1) Connection diagram X*A Connector
Outdoor Outdoor X*M Terminal strip
Hydro Hydro module Y1E Electronic expansion valve
(2) Notes (2) Notes Y1S Solenoid valve (4-way valve)
Connection Z*C Noise filter (ferrite core)
X1M Main terminal Z*F Noise filter
Earth wiring
Field supply
1 When operating, do not short-circuit protection device(s)
Option S1PH and Q1L.
Wiring depending on model 2 Colours: BLK: black; RED: red; BLU: blue; WHT: white; GRN:
Switch box green; YLW: yellow

PCB Hydro module

Protective earth The wiring diagram is delivered with the unit, located at the inside of
the service cover.
Field wire
Translation of text on wiring diagram:
(3) Legend (3) Legend
*: Optional; #: Field supply English Translation

A1P Hydro kit main PCB (1) Connection diagram (1) Connection diagram

AL* Connector Hydro Hydro module

C* Capacitor Outdoor Outdoor

DB* Rectifier bridge 1N~, 230 V, 3/6 kW 1N~, 230 V, 3 kW or 6 kW

DC* Connector 3N~, 400 V, 6/9 kW 3N~, 400 V, 6 kW or 9 kW

DP* Connector 2-point SPST valve 2-point SPST valve

E* Connector Booster heater power supply Booster heater power supply

F1U Fuse T 6.3 A 250 V Compressor switch box Compressor switch box

FU1, FU2 Fuse T 3.15 A 250 V External BUH External backup heater

FU3 Fuse T 30 A 250 V For DHW tank option (only *** ) For DHW tank option (only ***)

H* Connector For external BUH option For external backup heater

IPM* Intelligent power module
For normal power supply For normal power supply
L Connector (standard) (standard)
LED A Pilot lamp For preferential kWh rate power For preferential kWh rate power
L* Reactor supply (outdoor) supply (outdoor)
M1C Compressor motor Hydro SWB power supplied from Hydro switch box power supplied
M1F Fan motor compressor SWB from compressor switch box

MR* Magnetic relay Normal kWh rate power supply Normal kWh rate power supply

N Connector SWB Switch box

PCB1 Printed circuit board (main) Use normal kWh rate power Use normal kWh rate power
supply for hydro SWB supply for hydro switch box
PS Switching power supply
(2) Hydro SWB layout (2) Hydro switch box layout
Q1L Thermal protector
For external BUH model For external backup heater
Q1DI # Earth leakage circuit breaker model
Q* Insulated gate bipolar transistor For internal BUH model For internal backup heater model
Rear Rear
R1T Thermistor (air)
(3) Notes (3) Notes
R2T Thermistor (heat exchanger)
X1M Main terminal
R3T Thermistor (discharge)
X2M Field wiring terminal for AC
RTH2 Resistor
X3M External backup heater terminal
S Connector
X4M Booster heater power supply
S1PH High pressure switch terminal
S2~80 Connector X5M Field wiring terminal for DC

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11 Technical data
English Translation English Translation
X9M Internal backup heater power S1S # Preferential kWh rate power
supply terminal supply contact
X10M Smart Grid terminal S2S # Electricity meter pulse input 1
Earth wiring S3S # Electricity meter pulse input 2
Field supply S4S # Smart Grid feed-in
1 Several wiring possibilities S6S~S9S * Digital power limitation inputs
Option S10S, S11S # Low voltage Smart Grid contact

Wiring depending on model SS1 (A4P) * Selector switch

TR1 Power supply transformer
Switch box
X4M * Terminal strip (booster heater
power supply)
Legend (4) Legend X8M # Terminal strip (power supply at
*: Optional; #: Field supply client side)
A1P Main PCB X9M Terminal strip (integrated backup
A2P * ON/OFF thermostat (PC=power heater power supply)
circuit) X10M * Terminal strip (Smart Grid power
A3P * Heat pump convector supply)

A4P * Digital I/O PCB X*, X*A, X*Y Connector

A8P * Demand PCB X*M Terminal strip

A11P MMI (= standalone user interface Z*C Noise filter (ferrite core)
delivered as accessory) – Main (5) Option PCBs (5) Option PCBs
PCB Alarm output Alarm output
A13P * LAN adapter Changeover to ext. heat source Changeover to external heat
A14P * User interface PCB source
A15P * Receiver PCB (wireless ON/OFF For demand PCB option For demand PCB option
thermostat) For digital I/O PCB option For digital I/O PCB option
CN* (A4P) * Connector Max. load Maximum load
DS1 (A8P) * DIP switch Min. load Minimum load
E*P (A9P) Indication LED Power limitation digital inputs: 12 Power limitation digital inputs:
F1B # Overcurrent fuse backup heater V DC / 12 mA detection (voltage 12 V DC / 12 mA detection
F2B Overcurrent fuse booster heater supplied by PCB) (voltage supplied by PCB)

F1U, F2U (A4P) * Fuse 5 A 250 V for digital I/O Options: ext. heat source output, Options: external heat source
PCB alarm output output, alarm output

K1A, K2A * High voltage Smart Grid relay Options: On/OFF output Options: On/OFF output

K1M Contactor backup heater Space C/H On/OFF output Space cooling/heating On/OFF
K3M * Contactor booster heater
SWB Switch box
K*R (A4P) Relay on PCB
(6) Options (6) Options
M2P # Domestic hot water pump
230 V AC Control Device 230 V AC control device
M2S # 2-way valve for cooling mode
Continuous Continuous current
M3S * 3-way valve for floorheating /
domestic hot water DHW pump output Domestic hot water pump output

M4S * Valve kit Electric pulse meter input: 12 V Electric pulse meter input:
DC pulse detection (voltage 12 V DC pulse detection (voltage
PC (A15P) * Power circuit supplied by PCB) supplied by PCB)
PHC1 (A4P) * Optocoupler input circuit Ext. ambient sensor option External ambient sensor option
Q2L * Thermal protector booster heater (indoor or outdoor) (indoor or outdoor)
Q4L # Safety thermostat For cooling mode For cooling mode
Q*DI # Earth leakage circuit breaker For HP tariff For heat pump tariff
R1H (A2P) * Humidity sensor For HV smartgrid For high voltage Smart Grid
R1T (A2P) * Ambient sensor ON/OFF For LV smartgrid For low voltage Smart Grid
thermostat For safety thermostat For safety thermostat
R1T (A14P) * Ambient sensor user interface For smartgrid For Smart Grid
R2T (A2P) * External sensor (floor or ambient) For *** For ***
R5T * Domestic hot water thermistor Inrush Inrush current
R6T * External indoor or outdoor NO valve Normal open valve
ambient thermistor
Only for LAN adapter Only for LAN adapter
S1L * Flow switch
Optional for *** Optional for ***

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

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46 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
11 Technical data
English Translation English Translation
Preferential kWh rate power Preferential kWh rate power A8P * Demand PCB
supply contact: 16 V DC supply contact: 16 V DC F1B # Overcurrent fuse backup heater
detection (voltage supplied by detection (voltage supplied by
PCB) PCB) K1A, K2A * High voltage Smart Grid relay

Remote user interface Remote user interface K1M Safety contactor backup heater

Safety thermostat contact: 16 V Safety thermostat contact: K3M * Contactor booster heater
DC detection (voltage supplied 16 V DC detection (voltage Q1DI # Earth leakage circuit breaker
by PCB) supplied by PCB) TR1 Power supply transformer
Smartgrid contacts Smart Grid contacts X4M * Terminal strip (booster heater
Smartgrid PV power pulse meter Smart Grid photovoltaic power power supply)
pulse meter X6M # Terminal strip (power supply at
SWB Switch box client side)
(7) External On/OFF thermostats (7) External On/OFF thermostats X9M Terminal strip (integrated backup
and heat pump convector and heat pump convector heater power supply)
Additional LWT zone Additional leaving water X10M * Terminal (high voltage Smart
temperature zone Grid)
Main LWT zone Main leaving water temperature X*A Connector
zone X*M Terminal strip
Only for ext. sensor (floor or Only for external sensor (floor or
ambient) ambient)
Only for heat pump convector Only for heat pump convector
Only for wired On/OFF Only for wired On/OFF
thermostat thermostat
Only for wireless On/OFF Only for wireless On/OFF
thermostat thermostat
Only for *** Only for ***

Hydro module — Internal backup heater

Translation of text on wiring diagram:
English Translation
(1) Connection diagram (1) Connection diagram
For internal BUH option For models with integrated
backup heater
Hydro Hydro module
Outdoor Outdoor
SWB Hydro switch box
(2) Notes (2) Notes
X1M Terminal (main)
X2M Terminal (field wiring for AC)
X4M Terminal (booster heater power
X5M Terminal (field wiring for DC)
X9M Terminal (integrated backup
heater power supply)
X10M Terminal (Smart Grid)
Earth wiring
Field supply
1 Several wiring possibilities
Wiring depending on model
Switch box
(3) BUH switch box (3) Backup heater switch box
Rear Rear
(4) Legend (4) Legend
*: Optional; #: Field supply
A1P Main PCB
A4P * Digital I/O PCB

EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 Installation manual

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4P685229-1D – 2022.10 47
11 Technical data
Electrical connection diagram
For more details, please check the unit wiring.
COMPRESSOR SIDE - In case of signal cable: keep minimum distance to power cables >5 cm
3 core
X1M: 1-2-3
230 V
3 core
230 V
Unit power supply: 3 core X1M: L-N-earth
230 V + earth 230 V
X1M: 1-2-3
1 Only for preferential kWh rate power supply installation

Normal kWh rate power supply for hydro: 2 core A1P: X19A
X2M: 5-6
FIELD SUPPLY Only for normal power supply installation 1
2 core A1P: X1A
2 Preferential kWh rate power 2×0.75 Compressor power supply for hydro: 230 V
supply contact X5M: 9-10


Only for low voltage Smart Grid
Only for *KRP1HB*
2 Smart Grid contact S10S
A4P: Y1-YC 2 core
X2M: 7-9 Alarm indication
OPTIONAL PART Alarm output 230 V
Only for high voltage Smart Grid
2 Smart Grid contact K1A A4P: X1-X2 2 core
Changeover to External heat source (e.g. boiler)
2 core ext. heat source output signal
2×0.75 A4P: Y2-YC
Smart Grid relay K1A X10M: 1-2 2 core Cooling/heating ON/OFF output
X2M: 7-9
2 core Cooling/heating 230 V
2×0.75 ON/OFF output
Smart Grid relay K2A X10M: 3-4
4 core
2 core Circulation pump for domestic hot water
HV smartgrid control supply: 230 V X2M: 1-2
230 V
3 X5M: 13
FIELD SUPPLY X5M: 14 2 core Electricity meter pulse input 1 5
X5M: 5-6
3 Safety thermostat Q4L 2 core signal
X5M: 13-14
2×0.75 Only for high voltage Smart Grid 5
Smart Grid contact K2A
4 Only for EB/DLA*
Integrated backup heater power supply (3 kW): 3 core
X6M X9M: L-N-PE Only for low voltage Smart Grid 5
230 V + earth 230 V
(F1B) Smart Grid contact S11S
2 core
Clixon X7M: 5-6
230 V
2 core 2 core Electricity meter pulse input 2 6
X5M: 3-4
Thermistor A1P: X6A signal
2 core Smart Grid pulse meter 6
Safety contactor A1P: X11A
230 V

OPTIONAL PART 2-way valve 8

2 core M2S for cooling mode
4 NO valve: X2M: 3-4
230 V
External backup heater
Thermistor X15M: 1-2 X5M: 1-2 Only for EKMBHBP1 (bypass valve kit) 8
3 core M4S bypass valve
X2M: 3-4-14a
Contactor X15M: 8-9-10 5 core X3M: 3-4-5 230 V

Clixon X15M: 6-7 230 V X3M: 1-2 OPTIONAL PART

5 or 3 core 2 core
F1B: 2-4-6-8 + earth A1P: X45A Flow switch
400 or 230 V signal
External backup heater power supply (3/6/9 kW):
Only for KRCS01-1 or EKRSCA1
400 V or 230 V + earth 2 core
(F1B) X5M: 7-8 External thermistor (indoor or outdoor)
External room thermostat / Heat pump convector (main and/or additional zone)
Domestic hot water tank
7 3 core for C/H operation Only for *KRTW (wired room thermostat)
2 core for H only operation
R5T Thermistor water temperature A1P: X9A main: X2M: 30-34-35
signal add: X2M: 30-34a-35a A2P: X1M: C-com-H
3 core
Booster heater 3G×2.5 7 5 core for C/H operation Only for *KRTR (wireless room thermostat)
Q2L 4 core for H only operation 2 core
230 V X4M: L-N + earth (3m included)
main: X2M: 30-31-34-35 A15P: X1M: H-C-com
add: X2M: 30-31-34a-35a X2M: L-N 9 A2P: X1M: 1-3
signal signal
only for EKRTR1
Booster heater power supply (2.4 kW): 3 core
X8M Only for heat pump R2T External sensor
230 V + earth 230 V K3M: 2-4 + earth 7 convector 9 A2P: X1M: 1-2 (floor or ambient)
(F2B) main: X2M: 30-35
add: X2M: 30-35a Only for
4 core only for EKRTRB Only for *KRTETS
3-way valve main & add: X2M: 3-4 signal EDLA*
M3S (when *KHW is installed) 3 core
Selection domestic hot water – Floor heating X2M: 12-13-14a
230 V 2 core
X5M: 11-12 A14P: P1-P2 user interface Only for remote user Interface
FIELD SUPPLY Only for *KRP1AHTA communication
Only for *KRP1AHTA 2 core
2 core 2×0.75
Power limitation demand input 1 A8P: X801M: 1-5 A13P: P1-P2 user interface Only for LAN adapter
signal communication
Power limitation demand input 2 2 core
A8P: X801M: 2-5
signal MMI
Power limitation demand input 3 2 core WLAN cartridge
A8P: X801M: 3-5 4 core A11P: X1B: 3-4 A11P: X10
Optional part for EWA*/EWYA*
2 core X5M: 15-16 A11P: X1B: 1-2
Power limitation demand input 4 A8P: X801M: 4-5
4D139354 A

Installation manual EBLA04~08E2V3+E23V3 + EDLA04~08E2V3+E23V3

Daikin Altherma 3 M
48 4P685229-1D – 2022.10
Copyright 2022 Daikin

4P685229-1D 2022.10
Verantwortung für Energie und Umwelt

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