Chemistry - Exam 01 - 2023

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Chemistry I

Section A - MCQ questions

a) Select the correct answer for the given questions.

1 What is the relative mass of neutron, proton and electron respectively?

1) 1, 1, 0
2) 1, 1, 1/1840
3) 2, 1, 1/18.4
4) 1/184, 1 ,1

2 How many electrons in a H2?

1) 1
2) 0
3) 2
4) 1, 1

3 Which answer shows the number of neutrons and number of (electrons + ptotons)

1) 24, 12
2) 6, 6
3) 6, 12
4) 12, 12,

4 Which answer shows the number of protons and number of electrons of N3- ion

1) 15, 18
2) 7, 10
3) 7, 18
4) 5, 10

M.J. Dheerasinghe 1 | 5
5 Which answer shows only molecules.

1) O2, H2, N
2) O2, H2, Cl2
3) Cl2, N2, Na
4) H, F2O, CO

6 How many sub-energy levels in 2nd and 3rd principal energy level (principal quantum
shell) respectively.

1) 2, 4
2) 2, 6
3) 1, 2
4) 2, 3

7 Which answer shows the number of orbitals in the p, d, and f sub-energy levels

1) 7, 5, 3
2) 6, 10, 14
3) 3, 10, 14
4) 3, 5, 7

8 Which factor will not influence ionisation energy?

1) Number of Protons
2) Number of inner shells
3) Number of neutrons
4) Distance of outer electrons from the nucleus

9 Which actor will affect the shielding effect primarily?

1) Valance shell electrons

2) Number of protons
3) Distance of outer electrons from the nucleus
4) The number of inner shell electrons.

10 Which answer shows the increasing order of the ionic radius?

1) Na > Mg+ > Al2- > Si

2) Li > Be2+ > B2+ > C2+
3) Na > Mg2+ > Al3+ > C3+
4) Li > B > Li+ > Be2+

(Total marks = 10 x 4 = 40)

Section B – Essay questions

(Total marks = 60)
1. Chlorine has two naturally occurring isotopes.

Complete the below table

35 37
17𝐶𝑙 17𝐶𝑙
Number of Protons
Number of electrons
Number of neutrons

(Marks = 06)

2. Complete the below table using cation and anion knowledge

16 2- 31 3-
8𝑂 15𝑃
Number of Protons
Number of electrons
Number of neutrons

(Marks = 09)

The electronic configuration of two elements, A and B, are given below:
A = 1s2, 2s2, 2p5
B = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d2

1. What blocks do elements A and B belong to in the Periodic Table?

(Marks = 04)
2. What groups and periods do elements A and B belong to in the Periodic Table?

(Marks = 08)
3. Write the number of valance electrons in elements A and B.

(Marks = 03)
1. Write down the electronic configurations of the below elements and ions.
a. B

b. Cr

c. Cu+

d. Mn2+

(Marks = 15)

1. Define shielding effect and effective nuclear charge.

(Marks = 06)

2. What are the three factors that influence ionisation energy?

(Marks = 03)
3. Draw a graph for the first ionisation energies of the first 20 elements.

(Marks = 06)

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