Strategic Planning in Companies of Pharmaceutical

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Indian Streams Research Journal

ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at




Antonio Siviero1 and Gislaine de Souza dos Santos 2

Professor and Researcher in Management at Federal University of Rondonia – UNIR, Department of Business
Administration, Campus Prof. Francisco Gonçalves Quiles. Cacoal City .
Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Federal University of Rondonia - UNIR. Campus Prof. Francisco
Gonçalves Quiles. Cacoal City .

Abstract— This article aims to check the management practices used for the development of strategic planning
in the face of the fierce competition in the pharmaceutical sector in 2 nd June Avenue in the municipality of
Cacoal, State of Rondônia (Brazil). This sector has grown significantly in recent years, and the high number of
companies working in the same branch justifies the need for the adoption of management practices necessary to
meet the demands of consumers regarding the products and services offered, so as to create differentials that
increase competitiveness. This study was carried out by means of bibliographic research, descriptive and
exploratory, with qualitative approach and deductive method. To check if the companies use the technique of
strategic planning, was applied questionnaire with 21 questions for managers of 08 companies. Through this
research it was observed that all managers are aware of the importance of strategic planning, and recognize that
this tool directs the actions that will lead the company to comply with the goals and objectives, allowing you to
detect opportunities and protect yourself against possible threats, however, it is important the number of
managers who do not apply this technique. This demonstrates that the lack of knowledge of administration,
makes planning activities very complex. Soon, we feel the need of managers of pharmacies seek knowledge on
administration and at the same time apply them, and thus the development of the company.

Keywords: Planning . Mission. Vision. Strategy.


As Soon As at the beginning of the course of administration, we begin to learn the basic functions of
the administrator, studied initially in general theory of administration, and throughout the course, we learned
that plan, organize, direct and control (PODC) are the basic functions of the administrator.
We have learned that the strategic planning is an administrative tool of high importance to the
organizations, since, through him is able to maximize the opportunities and minimize the risks and threats
Based on the relevance of this theme we chose to work this vital tool that is for organizational
performance and in this outbreak was searched 08 (eight) organizations of the pharmaceutical sector in the city
center of Cacoal.
The principle perceives that the pharmaceutical industry has grown significantly in recent years in the
municipality of Cacoal-Rond Youth, this large number of pharmaceutical companies has been driven by
population growth and by the insertion of new hospitals, which allowed an increase in the flow of people in the
municipality for the treatment of specific diseases.
This increase caused fierce competition between pharmacies which justifies the need for the adoption
of management practices necessary to meet the demands of consumers when it comes to products and services

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

Electronic copy available at:

Indian Streams Research Journal
ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at

offered by these companies, so as to create differentials that increase the competitiveness in the market.
It is known that the goal of these organizations is the return on the capital invested, and this often leads
managers to only be concerned with the end result, i.e. the profit, leaving aside the important factors that are the
ways to reach the ultimate objective which is the profit.
If the company has as objectives survive on the market, growth goals, greater participation in the
market, this should be very well defined and the strategic planning is a tool that directs the company objectives
cited above.
Strategic Planning is important in times of competitive market to create differentials that may raise the
quality and innovation of the companies that operate in this sector. In particular in Avenida 2 June, where they
are concentrated in the pharmacies studied.
This study search whether the mentioned companies adopt the tools of strategic planning as an
important tool of organizational management, so as to meet the needs of customers, produce results that its
organization; revenue, profits, etc. and maintain a prominent position in the market, in relation to the



Strategy is an old concept that was used by military organizations with the aim of overcoming the
competitors, i.e. , to reach to vitoria. In the 20th century, the concept strategy has reached the business
organizations being linked directly to the decisions that affect the objectives of the companies, as soon as,
strategy became the art business developed to ensure performance objectives such as: survival, size that you
want to achieve, competitors you want to face, position you want to have on the market (Wolfgang 2007).
Develop strategic capacity is fundamental to the organization, because it means knowing how to
analyze skills, abilities or strategic styles, second Cavalcanti (2007), the strategy focuses on the efforts of the
organization, giving You direction, awareness, and synthesizing different visions with a great degree of


The purpose of strategic planning can be defined as the development of processes, techniques and
administrative attitudes, allowing us assess future implications that decisions present may cause, in function of
the business objectives that facilitate decision-making in the future, fast, consistent, efficient and effective.
Within this reasoning it can be said that the exercise of systematic planning reduces the uncertainties involved in
decision-making processes, which increases the possibility of achieving the objectives, overcome challenges and
achieve the goals established Oliveira (2007).
Almeida (2007) emphasizes this concept by saying that nobody earns money just because it is hard
and works very hard, it is necessary to drive the efforts for what brings positive results, and this is possible with
the strategic planning. Of course, the planning will not perform a miracle, however, will show how to administer
the day to day work of helping professional organize the ideas in order to reach the results.

Strategic Planning is an administrative technique that search sort the ideas of

people, so that you can create a vision of the path to be followed (strategy). After
sorting the ideas, are ordered actions, that is the implementation of the Strategic
Plan, for which no effort is wasted walk in the direction desired Almeida (2007, p .

According to Levering (1997), the strategic planning is the establishment of a set of actions to be
taken by the executive to the situation in which the future tends to be different from the past. This is the
administrative procedure that provides methodological support to establish the best direction to be followed by
the company, aiming to optimized degree of interaction with the environment and acting in an innovative way
and differentiated.
According Wolfgang (2007) strategic planning is a process of structuring and clarification of the
courses of action of the company and the goals you want to achieve, and the main components of process:

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

Electronic copy available at:

Indian Streams Research Journal
ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at


I. The mission, which is the reason for the organization.

II. The performance that are the results actually achieved. III. The challenges and
opportunities of the environment.

IV. The strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

V. The powers, i.e. the knowledge of techniques, their attitudes in relation to the future and your
interest in planning.

Milk (2000) argues that the changes occur daily, either in the organizational environment, social
relations within the organization or in economic relations outside it, for both, the Planning should be organized
on the basis of results in the short, medium and long term, and because this planning process provides for
changes and continuous improvements.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that strategic planning is a tool for management, which has the
purpose of making the work of an organization more efficient. This may mean that what you are currently
doing, needs to be done differently and better, or that the work needs to be done in another way.


Second Bergamini and Beraldo (1988), the mission and the determination of the central motive of
strategic planning, i.e. the determination of where the company wants to go. Corresponds to a horizon within
which the company operates or may act. Therefore, the mission is the reason for the company.
As Kotler (2000), the mission of the company should be defined in terms of meeting the needs of the
external environment, and not in terms of offering any product or service to market. For Chiavenato (2005), the
mission it means the right to be their own business, for which he was created and for which it exists. Thus, it
appears that the organizational mission is the purpose, or the reason for the company, and should help to focus
the effort, ensure compatibility of organizational processes, provide a logical reason for the allocation of
resources, indicate the general areas of functional responsibility and provide the foundations for the
organizational objectives.
In addition to the mission, it is necessary to also set the vision that gives the entrepreneur the great
design of strategic planning, i.e. the vision represents what the company wants to be. According to Chiavenato
(2005), the vision is the image that the entrepreneur is about the future of your business. Is what he wants the
business to be within a certain time horizon.

For Light (1995), the vision is conceptualized as the limits that the owners and top executives of the
company they see within a longer period of time and a broader approach .


The model de Almeida (2007) proposes that the strategic planning (PE) follow the following steps:
I. Analysis of the internal aspects: awareness of the strengths and weaknesses, a fundamental
step to maximize the efficiency of organization.

II. Analysis of the environment: is the activity more complex and usually the more important
(PE), because it is given the opportunity and threats, which will be the basis to achieve the

III. Comparison with the playing field: consists of checking the consistency between what the
company is bound to do, and what is actually doing, which is very important for the success
of the organization.

IV. Establishment of existing strategy: it is necessary to know the strategy adopted, and follow it, in

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

Electronic copy available at:

Indian Streams Research Journal
ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at

order to maintain the continuity of the same.
Almeida warns that these four activities are basic for the planning of any organization, and that shall
guide them you must have defined the mission or vocation of the organization, and the approximate vision
Almeida (2007).


The Consolidated statement of the importance of strategic planning, de Oliveira (2007) lists some,
among a series of advantages that the PE provides to the company as a whole.

I. Identifies areas that require decisions, having in view the results expected;
II. Establishes a flow more rigid of important information for the managers;
III. Improves internal communication, this makes it easy to change Organizational, making it
easier to implement the plans.
IV. Through the direction of efforts, enhances the involvement of professionals of the company for the
objectives, challenges and goals, enabling greater consensus, commitment and consistency.

Given the advantages of PE, de Oliveira (2007) says that no executive may have doubts about the
viability of the same, because in addition guide the development of planning tactical and
operational, facilitate the allocation of resources, strengthen and streamline the budgeting process the PE
transforms business in reactive proactive companies, and in situations optimized, in interactive business.


For implementation of this article was used to search for literature, descriptive and exploratory, using a
qualitative approach and the deductive method.
To check if the pharmacies that are concentrated along the Avenida 2 June in Cacoal area-RO, using
the technique of strategic planning, was applied questionnaire (Appendix A), with 21 (twenty-one) and open-
ended questions to the managers of 08 (eight) companies mentioned.


The present study sought to evaluate the relevant criteria and required that the managers of these
companies use in the administrative process, as a way of demonstrating that the tools used by these, focus on the
parameters of the strategic plan.
Before the analysis of the profile of the respondents, it was observed that 50% of managers are male
and 50% are female, whereas that of this total, only 12% are graduated in business administration and 88% are
graduates in other areas of education specific, in particular pharmaceutical area.
In relation to the age of the interviewees, it can be observed as shown in graph (picture 1), 12% has
aged less than 25 years, 50% have between 25 and 35 years and 38% have over 36 years.

Picture 1 – The age of the interviewees.

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

Electronic copy available at:

Indian Streams Research Journal
ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at


Source: The authors, Cacoal City. 2014.

It can be observed as shown in picture 2, that there are companies that are relatively new in the
market, whereas 37% were established less than 02 years, 13% were formed between 02 and 05 years and 50%
have been on the market for more than 05 years. This factor highlights the market opportunity for companies
going out of business in the city, while 37% said that at the time of the opening of the company already had
many competitors and 63% stated that there were not many competitors, however all stated that the geographical
position of the company is an essential factor for the results obtained.

Picture 2 - time of establishment of the company.

Source: The authors, Cacoal City. 2014

For the identification of the use of the technique of strategic planning, in these companies, some
crucial points were raised, to demonstrate the reality of these companies and also to check the level of
application of administrative methods which are relevant and crucial to maintain the stability of the company
in the market, ahead of its competitors.
Thus, the data obtained can be observed in table 1 , which follows.

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

Electronic copy available at:

Indian Streams Research Journal
ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at


Table 1 - Criteria adopted in the administrative process.


f(x) % f(x) %
It Has Mission formalizad 04 50% 04 50% 08
It Has formalized Vision 04 50% 04 50% 08

It make some kind of Planning 08 100% - - 08

Achieve identifying Weaknesses

08 100% - - 08
and Strenghts

Source: The authors, Cacoal City. 2014

The analysis of table 1 , it is possible to check that only 50% of companies have mission and vision
formalized. For Almeida (2007) the establishment of a mission and vision as well as defined in accordance with
the reality of the company, are essential factors for the companies, because they define under which aspects the
company should act in a way to achieve their goals.
It can be observed in table 01, 100% of firms have some sort of planning. Whereas this essential tool
for the decision-making process , based on the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the company, being
that these must be worked in order to guide which measures can be employed in companies in such a way as to
minimize the possible threats and take advantage of an effective way the opportunities.
To identify the points more expressive in that it is the strategic planning, were evaluated the
following factors that can be observed in table 2, the following:

Table 2 - Techniques of strategic planning

Questions TOTAL
f(x) % f(x) %
Apply the technique of planning 05 63% 03 37% 08
Search information about External
08 100% - - 08
Compares the operations and The
company strategies with 06 75% 02 25% 08
See any differential Relation
08 100% - - 08
to competitors
Sales and positioning
07 88% 01 12% 08
Company are as Planned
Conducts training of sep
05 63% 03 37% 08
With frequency
Source: The authors, Cacoal City. 2014
From table 2 , it is possible to verify that 63% of surveyed companies apply the technique of
strategic planning and 37% do not use this technique, although all the managers of these companies claim that
through strategic planning, it is possible to identify opportunities and internal and external threats.

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

Electronic copy available at:

Indian Streams Research Journal
ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at

Second Levering (1997), the strategic planning is the establishment of a set of actions to be taken by
the executive to the situation in which the future tends to be different from the past. In this way, strategic
planning is a valuable tool for the administrative process of the companies, in order to create expectations of
change, where can occur improvement and development of the company.
Even the analysis of the table, it is possible to check that these companies are looking for information
about the external environment, being that 75% compare the technical and operations of the company in relation
to its competitors and 25% do not perform this procedure. This demonstrates that even if it is recognized the
importance of strategic planning for the company, there is the difficulty of applying, including the basic criteria
of planning, being that these companies, 88% analyzes the competitor to look for information that may be
deployed or upgraded in company and 12% do not analyze the competitors.
Another important point is that all companies visualize some differential in relation to its competitors,
however when questioned managers 75% of these companies considered as key to the success of the reliability
and the good service and 25% considered the planning as a key factor for the success of the company.
It is still possible to observe that 88% of businesses feel that the sales and the company's position is as
planned and 12% say they have reached the planned. Thus, for Wolfgang (2000), is the foreseeable future or
uncertain, the organization needs to prepare to confront it, to take the risks and take advantage of the
opportunities it offers.
Thus, as a complement of valuation of the companies, it can be observed that 63% carry out training
of employees, with frequency, and 37% did not conduct training. This factor makes it impossible to trace the
development of the employees and limits their interaction with the company, since 63% of managers said that
employees have administrative responsibility and 37% who do not have and is not involved with the planning of
the company.
Whereas the administrative criteria and planning that the company employs, it can be observed that
88% of businesses surveyed had been developing over the last 06 months and 12% received no development in
this way, there is an evident need to apply the strategic planning as a way to create market prospects, you can
leverage the company's business.

The strategic planning should be seen as the administrative technique that enables the manager of a
company to know better the environment of business, provide for possible future events, and thus prepare for the
changes, with a view that the company has no influence on the external environment, but must be prepared to
adapt to it.
With the realization of this research it was observed that all managers are aware of the importance of
strategic planning, and recognize that this tool directs the actions that will lead the company to comply with the
goals and objectives, allowing you to detect opportunities and protect yourself from the possible threats,
however, it is important the number of managers who do not apply this technique. This demonstrates that the
lack of knowledge of administration, makes planning activities very complex.
It is important for an organization train the staff, so that they can acquire knowledge about the reason of
existence of the company and the objectives that it is the future of the company, because these skills are values
that motivate employees to devote themselves with loyalty for the activities of the organization, feeling more
secure to provide the best service possible.
Therefore, it can be seen that the surveyed companies that do not adopt the strategic planning, or adopt
empirically is a lack of knowledge of administration. This fact shows how it would be interesting if these
managers seek knowledge on administration to at the same time apply them, and thus the development of the

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2. ANSOFF, H. Igor. Implantando a administração estratégica. São Paulo: Atlas, 1993.

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

Electronic copy available at:

Indian Streams Research Journal
ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-4 | Issue-8 | Sept-2014 Available online at

3. BERGAMINI, Cecília Whitaker; BERALDO, Deobel Garcia Ramos. Avaliação de Desempenho
Humano na Empresa. 4. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1988.
4. CAVALCANTI, Marly. Gestão estratégica de negócios: Evolução, canários, diagnósticos e
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5. CERVO, A. L.; BERVIAN, P. A. Metodologia Cientifica. 4. ed. São Paulo: Makron Books, 1996.
6. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. Gerenciando Pessoas: o passo decisivo para a administração
participativa. São Paulo: Makron Books, 2005.
7. KOTLER, Philip. Administração de Marketing: análise, planejamento,
implementação e controle. 6. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2000.
8. LEITE, Emanuel. O Fenômeno do Empreendedorismo. Recife: Bagaço, 2000.
9. LEVERING, Robert. Um Excelente Lugar para se Trabalhar: o que torna alguns empregadores
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10. LUZ, Ricardo. Clima Organizacional. Rio de Janeiro: Qualitymark, 1995.
11. MARCONI, Marina de Andrade; LAKATOS, Eva Maria. Técnicas de pesquisa. 3 ed. São Paulo:
Atlas, 1996.
12. MAXIMIANO, Antonio César Amaru. Introdução à Administração. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007.
13. OLIVEIRA, Djalma de Pinho Rebouças de. Planejamento estratégico: Conceitos metodologia e
praticas. 24. ed. São Paulo: Atlas,2007.

Antonio Siviero, MSc

Master of Science in Production Engineering by Federal University of Santa Catarina –
UFSC (Brazil). Graduated in Administration and Law by UNESC.
Actually works at Department of Business Administration as Professor at Federal
University of Rondonia – UNIR Cacoal (Brazil). E-mail:

Gislaine de Souza dos Santo, Adm.B

Graduate in Administration by Federal University of Rondonia – UNIR Cacoal (Brazil).
Post Graduate in People Management (Latu sensu) and Actually She works as
Administrative Manager at UNIR in Cacoal City, Rondônia (Brazil). E-mail: .

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | Sept 2014

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