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November 4, 2021

Partial Derivative
The Rules of Partial

Higher order partial Derivative

Definitions and Notation

I Partial derivative, In differential

calculus, the derivative of a
function of several variables with
respect to change in just one of its
I For a three-dimensional surface,
two first partial derivatives
represent the slope in each of two
perpendicular directions.
Definitions and Notation

A partial derivative of a function of

several variables is its derivative with
respect to one of those variables, with
the others held constant (as opposed
to the total derivative, in which all
variables are allowed to vary). Partial
derivatives are used in vector calculus
and differential geometry.
Definitions and Notation cont. . .

If (x0, y0) is a point in the domain of

a function f (x , y ), the vertical plane
y = y0 will cut the surface
z = f (x , y ) in the curve z = f (x , y0)
Definitions and Notation cont. . .

We define the partial derivative of f

with respect to x at the point x0, y0
as the ordinary derivative of f (x , y0)
with respect to x at the point x = x0
Definitions and Notation cont. . .
Definitions and Notation cont. . .
Definitions and Notation cont. . .
Definitions and Notation cont. . .
Example 1

I Given the ideal gas law

pV = kT
where p is the pressure, V is the
volume, T is the absolute
temperature and k is a constant.
I Find the partial derivatives of p
with respect to T and V .
Example 2

Find ∂∂xz and ∂z

∂y for the function
z = x 2y 3
Example 3

Find fx if
f (x , y ) =
y + cos x
Example 5

Find ∂y if
yz − ln z = x + y

Find ∂∂xz and ∂∂yz for each of the

following functions.
(a) z = (x 4 + x 2)y 3
(b) z = y 2 sin y
The Rules of Partial Differentiation

I Since partial differentiation is

essentially the same as ordinary
differentiation, the
product,quotient and chain rules
may be applied.
I Example: Find ∂∂xz of the
following functions
(a) z = xy cos(xy )
(b) z = xx −
The Rules of Partial Differentiation

I Since partial differentiation is

essentially the same as ordinary
differentiation, the
product,quotient and chain rules
may be applied.
I Example: Find ∂∂xz of the
following functions
(c) z = (3x + y )2
The Rules of Partial Differentiation

I Here z = uv , where u = xy and

v = cos(xy ) so the product rule

u = xy and v = cos(xy )
∂u ∂v
= y and
∂x ∂x
∂z ∂u ∂v
Thus =v +u
∂x ∂x ∂x
The Rules of Partial Differentiation

∂u ∂v
v +u = y cos(xy ) − xy 2 sin(xy )
∂x ∂x
Higher order partial Derivative

Derivatives of order two and higher

were introduced in the package on
Maxima and Minima. Finding higher
order derivatives of functionsof more
than one variable is similar to
ordinary differentiation.
Higher order partial Derivative
Higher order partial Derivative cont. . .
Higher order partial Derivative cont. . .

(x 3 +y 2 )
If f (x , y ) = e , find the second
order partial derivatives

If the first partial derivatives of a

function z = f (x1, . . . , xn ) exist at
the point, then we may construct a
differential dz of df of the function
at that point in a manner similar to
that used for functions of one
Differentials cont. . .

∂z ∂z ∂z
df = dx1 + dx2 + · · · + dxn
∂ x1 ∂ x2 ∂ xn
= f1(x1, . . . , xn )dx1 + · · · + fn (x1, . . . , x
Differentials cont. . .

Here, the differential dz is considered

to be a function of 2n independent
variables x1, x2, . . . , xn , dx1,
Differentials cont. . .

For a differentiable function f , the

differential df is an approximation to
the change ∆f in the value of the
function given by
∆f = f (x1 + dx1, . . . , xn + dxn ) − f (x1, . .
Differentials cont. . .

Estimate the percentage

q change in
the period T = 2π gL of a simple
pendulum if the length, L of the
pendulum increases by 2% and the
acceleration of gravity g decreases by

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