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Lab undand ProLab

Refractometry Guide

Titrations Fibel
Bellingham + Stanley,
a Xylem brand
Xylem, Longfield Road
Tunbridge Wells
Kent, TN2 3EY
United Kingdom

Internet: www.XylemAnalytics.com

This handbook, originally written by Mr. Gil Stanley in 1988 as part

of Bellingham + Stanley’s 75th anniversary, seeks to describe the
underlying principles on which refractometers operate.

Although written some 30 years ago, the principles outlined

herein are still relevant today, making this a very useful go-to
reference book for scientists, researchers, academics and those
involved in the technical support and the sale of refractometers
to the various industries where these vitally important measuring
devices are used.

The first part of the book deals with the basic optical principles
common to most refractometers in current use. This is followed
by an appendix, which explains in greater detail some of the
material of the earlier text. The appendix also deals with specific
refractive index measurements applied to various types of
Refractive Index......................................................................................12
Critical Angle...........................................................................................16
Refractometer Prism...............................................................................18
Basic Refractometer...............................................................................23
Borderline Quality and Contrast.........................................................28
Borderline Quality – Transmission Mode...........................................28
Absorption of Light Within the Liquid Film.......................................30
Advantages & Disadvantages of the Reflection Mode..................30
Advantages - Coloured Samples........................................................30
Advantages - Thickness of Sample Film............................................30
Advantages - Prism Size........................................................................31
Advantages - Instruments with Built-in Light Source......................31
Advantages - Light Source Requirements.........................................31
Disadvantages of the Reflection Mode.............................................31
Examples of Instruments Employing the Reflection Mode...........32
Slit Refractometer...................................................................................32
Refractometer Based on Photodiode Array.....................................33
Spectral Sources – Discharge Lamps, Arc Lamps, Lasers...............37
Refractometer Using a White Light Source.......................................38
Prism Design............................................................................................38
Colour Filters...........................................................................................39
White Light Sources...............................................................................40
Direct Vision Prism..................................................................................40
Temperature Control.............................................................................44
Temperature Measurement..................................................................45
Temperature Compensation – Non-Linearity...................................45
Temperature Compensation................................................................46
Mechanical Compensation – Drum & Screw....................................46
Mechanical Compensation – Thermostatic Bimetal........................47
Optical Compensation (Goldberg Refractometer).........................47
Compensation by Calibrated Thermometer....................................47
Compensation by Use of Zero Adjusting Screw:.............................48
Focusing Instruments.............................................................................48
Fixed Focus Instruments.......................................................................48
Test Liquids..............................................................................................50
Test Plates.................................................................................................50
Homogeneity of Sample.......................................................................55
Spreading the Sample...........................................................................58
Physical Properties.................................................................................58
Chemical Properties...............................................................................59
Cost Factors.............................................................................................59
Comments on Various Materials used for Prisms ...........................59
Fused Silica..............................................................................................61
Sapphire (Al203).......................................................................................62
Borderline Colour Compensation and Light vSources..................64
Photometric Refractometer..................................................................67
Scanning Refractometer.......................................................................67
Electronic Scanning Refractometers (Photodiode Arrays)............67
Flow Cells.................................................................................................69
Volatile Liquid Cell..................................................................................70
Cells for Differential Measurement.....................................................70
Polarising Eyepiece................................................................................71
Sample Press...........................................................................................71
Focusing Range......................................................................................76
Eyepiece Types.......................................................................................79
1. Gelatine Filters....................................................................................84
2. Glass Filters..........................................................................................84
3. Interference Filters.............................................................................84
Anti-Reflection Coatings.......................................................................86
Light Sources – Adjustment..................................................................88
Light Sources –Types..............................................................................88
Thermal Sources.....................................................................................88
Non-Thermal Sources............................................................................89
Arc Discharge Tubes (Arc Tubes).........................................................89
Glow Discharge Lamps (Vacuum Tubes)...........................................90
Photometric Instruments.......................................................................94
Scanning Instruments (narrow range – fixed detector)..................95
Scanning Instruments (wide range – moving detector).................96
Refractometers Based on Photodiode Arrays..................................97
Solids in Bulk Form..............................................................................101
Solids in Fragmented Form.............................................................. 101
Immersion Techniques....................................................................... 102
RI Determination by Measurement of Apparent Depth............. 103
Dispersion............................................................................................. 103
RI Measurement by Reflectivity........................................................ 104
Double Refraction............................................................................... 104
Tests Not Based on RI Measurements............................................. 105
Interferometers........................................................................... 110
Gil F. Stanley

First published in 1988.

Revised 2004
Revised 2019

Illustrations and additional content added by Dr. Jeff Pedley

(2004) with further revision by Kevin Chapman (2019)
Refractometry Guide

Refractometers are Instruments It will be noted that refractive

designed to measure an index is a ratio between
optical constant, which is a two speeds and is therefore
characteristic of the material dimensionless, that is, it is
being examined. completely defined as a pure
This optical constant is called number without need of
Refractive Index and may qualification.
be used to give valuable
information about the material Thus, we might say, by way of
being tested. example; Refractive Index of
The fundamental definition of Water = 1.333
refractive index is based on
the speed of light. Now light However, it is not convenient
travels at a constant speed to measure these light speeds
in vacuum (approximately directly, and refractometers
300,000 km/second), but the employ other means of
speed is reduced when the determining refractive index.
light passes through any other
medium. The ratio of these two A consequence of the change
speeds is the refractive index in the speed of light in
of the medium. Thus, we have different substances is that
the following relationship. when a ray of light passes
Speed of light obliquely from one substance
Refractive Index in vacuum
of given = into another, there is a change
Speed of light
substance in substance
in the direction of the ray (see
appendix A1). This deviation
The speed of light in air is very
is called Refraction and it is
nearly the same as the speed
refraction which refractometers
of light in vacuum and as most
usually measure and
optical work is carried out in a
evaluate as refractive index.
normal atmosphere it is usual
It is therefore necessary to
to express the refractive index
understand how refraction
of a material relative to air
occurs in order to understand
rather than to a vacuum.
how refractometers work.
Refractometry Guide
Refractive Index The deviation of the ray, the
“Refraction”, follows a law
The basic principles of
called Snell’s Law, which may
refraction may best be shown
be defined as under.
by reference to a few simple
Refractive Index (RI),
Figure 1 shows a ray of light
passing from air into a glass sin i
n =
block. The various terms sin r
used, “Interface”, “Normal”,
“Angle of Incidence”, “Angle of If a circle is drawn with its
Refraction” and “Incident Ray” centre at point 0, as in Figure
should be evident from the 2, it will be seen that another
figure. way of expressing n would be:

Consider a ray A0, which a

enters the block at an angle of n =
incidence (i) to the normal, and
is then refracted at an angle of
In the example above, the
refraction (r) as shown.
passage of a ray of light
was traced through a solid
substance, i.e. glass. The same
laws, of course, apply in the
case of liquids and it is with
liquids, and in particular with
solutions, that refractometers
are largely concerned.

When a substance is dissolved

in a liquid, the liquid becomes
denser and a corresponding
change takes place in its
refractive index. The manner
of this change may be
appreciated by noting that
the greater the density of the

solution, the more the light is readily be determined by a
slowed in its passage though measurement of refractive
the solution and, as refractive index. In most cases the
index is defined as the ratio required calibration is
of the speed of light in air to provided within the instrument
its speed in the liquid, the itself, so that, for example,
refractive index must therefore the percentage of sugar in a
increase. solution may be read directly
from a previously calibrated
It follows from the above, scale or as a digital read-out
that if we know just how the on an automatic instrument.
refractive index changes
as the concentration of the In the previous example shown
liquid changes, then a graph in Figure 1, a ray of light was
or tabulation can be made traced as it passed from air
relating the concentration into glass. We now consider
to the index. Once this the glass where a ray of light
relationship (calibration) has passes from a liquid, say water
been established, then any into a solid, say glass. To see
unknown concentration can what happens we return to

Refractometry Guide
the fundamental definition of Refractive Index of glass - n (g)
refractive index and define the
new refractive index in similar S (a)
fashion. n (g) = ........(2)
S (g)
Refractive Index (water to
S (a)
From (1)... S (w) =
speed of light in water n (w)
n (wg) = speed of light in glass
S (a)
Let S (a) = Speed of light in air From (2)... S (g) =
n (g)
Let S (w) = Speed of light in water
Let S (g) = Speed of light in glass
We now have Refractive Index
Refractive Index of water - n(w) (Water to Glass)
= n (w-g)
S (a)
n (w) = .... (1)
S (w)
S (a) / n (w)
n (w-g) = S (w) / S (g) =
S (a) / n (g)

Hence through the interface. Thus in
n (g) Figure 3 light directed from
n (w-g) = point B along BO would be
n (w)
refracted along path OA. In
this case the refractive index
That is
(ratio) would be inverted as
Refractive Index
Refractive Index of Glass under.
(Water to Glass)
= Refractive Index Refractive Index
of Water n of water
(glass to water) = Refractive Index
of glass
Referring to Figure 3 and
applying Snell’s Law we get:
It follows that if the refractive
index is the same on both
Refractive Index sin (i) sides of the interface then the
(Water to Glass) sin (r) light will pass through without
any refraction.
In considering the passage of
light from one medium into It may be instructive at this
another the following points stage to examine the refractive
should be noted: indices of some miscellaneous
When passing from one
medium into a denser medium The refractive index of most
the light is always deviated materials (in the visible
towards the normal, that is, spectrum) lies in the region of
angle (i) is always greater than 1.3 to 3.0
angle (r).
Rutile 2.3/6
Diamond 2.4
The greater the refractive
Silica 1.46
index the more the light is Glasses 1.5 to 1.9
“bent” at the interface. Plastics 1.4 to 1.7
Liquids 1.3 to 2.2
In any refracting system, if Water 1.333
the direction of the light Gases Very nearly 1
is reversed then the light (air n = 1.000292)
will retrace its original path

Refractometry Guide
The concept of refractive index n2
is not limited to “visible” light. n =
Thus, for example, germanium
is transparent to infra-red light
and has a refractive index of 4
(this means that the speed in sin (i)
this material is slowed down to
n =
sin (r)
1/4 of its speed in air).
Now let angle (i) increase to
90 degrees as shown. The
Critical Angle incident ray is then said to be
at grazing incidence to the
surface and sin (i) = 1
Figure 4 traces the path of a
ray of light from one medium Hence
of refractive index n1 into a
denser medium of refractive 1
n =
index n2. sin (r)

As before the relative refractive

index is given by the following,

or It follows from the above
1 relationship that if angle (c)
sin (r) = could be measured then this
would provide a very simple
method for determining
Under these circumstances
the refractive index of one
angle (r) is said to be the
medium relative to another
Critical Angle and is the
as shown in the following
maximum angle of refraction
Example 1:
Thus the critical angle (c) is
Light passing from air into glass
given by
Suppose that the critical angle
1 (c) were measured and found
sin (c) =
n to be 40.813 degrees

so that Now
1 1
n = n =
sin (c) sin (c)

and sin (c) = 0.6536

and thus n = 1.530

Refractometry Guide
Example 2: 1 n2
Light passing from water into glass =
sin (c) n1
Let the refractive index of the
So that
glass be 1.6
n1 = n2 x sin 56.42
n2 = 1.6
Suppose that the critical angle
and sin 56.42 = 0.8331
(c) were measured and found
to be 56.42 degrees
Thus refractive index of water
As before
n1 = 1.333
n =
sin (c) Refractometer Prism
but now Refractometers based on
critical angle measurements
n = normally employ a prism of
n1 glass, silica, sapphire or other
suitable transparent material.
that is A typical prism is shown in
Figure 5.

When the instrument is to The light is passed through
be used for determining the the upper illumination prism
refractive index of liquids, and along the thin liquid film
the liquid may be placed in at grazing incidence to form
some kind of glass walled cell the critical angle in the main
above the prism so that light prism. To meet this condition
can be passed into the cell it is important to note that
and along the prism surface at the refractive index of the
grazing incidence to form the illumination prism MUST be
critical angle. (For this to take higher than that of the liquid,
place the refractive index of otherwise the light would
the liquid must be lower than follow some such path as
that of the prism and this is ABC and the critical angle
generally the case). requirement would not be met.

Alternatively, the liquid under To make the spread of light

test may be in the form of a into the film as effective as
thin film trapped between the possible it is normal practice
prism surface and the surface to produce a diffusing surface
of an additional ‘illumination’ on the lower contacting face of
prism as shown in Figure 6. the upper illumination prism.

Refractometry Guide
This surface may be made Figure 7 where the upper
by fine grinding, etching or illuminating prism shown in
by moulding. The diffusing fig 6 is replaced by a plastic
surface scatters light in all illumination plate. Again, the
directions and some of the light has to pass at grazing
scattered light passes along incidence along the liquid
the liquid film at grazing film to form the critical angle.
incidence to produce the Incoming light enters the plate
critical angle. at the front end, usually via a
diffusing chamfer. From what
From a practical point of view has already been said, it will be
it is worth noting that on much evident that light falling on the
used optical refractometers upper surface of the plate in
adopting a glass prism, where the general direction (C) can,
this diffusing surface has been in general, play no direct part
polished away by repeated in the formation of the critical
cleaning over a long period angle.
of time there is a marked
loss in the performance of Telescopes
the instrument. To restore
the instrument to proper Previous chapters have
use the surface must then discussed critical angle
be re-ground. To avoid this, and its importance in the
many modern day industrial determination of refractive
refractometers use artificial index. The question now arises
sapphire prisms. as to what is the best way of
measuring the critical angle.
It is also common practice to To perform this measurement
grind surface S (see Figure 6) refractometers usually employ
to diffuse the incoming light some kind of telescope
and obtain more uniform system.
Figure 8 shows a lens (referred
For reasons of convenience to as the objective) focusing
and cost, many simple hand some distant object, perhaps
held refractometers use an a star, on to a scale* placed
arrangement as shown in in the focal plane of the

Refractometry Guide
objective. The optical axis may It is important to note, at
be defined as a line passing this stage, that all the rays of
symmetrically through the light entering the objective
centre of the objective, and at are parallel for each image.
right angles to the scale. If, instead of a star we have
some far distant object (the
If the light from the star enters distance being very large
the objective parallel to the compared with the diameter
optical axis, a star image will of the objective) then light
be formed at point A. A second from each point of the object
star, close to the first, would will enter the objective as
produce a second star image a nominally parallel beam
at point B, as shown in Figure giving rise to a point image
9. If we know the focal length on the scale. In other words,
(f) of the objective, and the any sharply defined image
distance AB, then the angular point on the scale is the result
separation between the stars
can easily be determined.

of a beam of parallel light fine line, figures etc. in the
entering the objective from a manner of a ruler, etched
specific direction. (If the distant on the surface of a glass
object is moved closer to the disc referred to as substrate.
objective, points on the object The substrate with its scale
will give rise to a non-parallel constitutes a graticule,
beam of light entering the sometimes called a reticule or
objective and will not produce reticle (see Figure 12).
a sharply defined image point.
That is, the image will be out
of focus). Thus by noting the Basic Refractometer
position of sharply defined The essential elements of
points on the scale we can a basic refractometer have
determine the direction of the now been outlined. These
incoming beams of parallel elements are shown put
light. together in Figure 11 so as to
form a complete instrument
The scale would normally be consisting of a prism system
viewed under magnification and a telescope. The telescope
provided by a lens or eyepiece is set so that ‘parallel’ light
placed in front of the scale is brought to a focus on the
shown in Figure 10. An scale.
arrangement of objective and
eyepiece as described forms a From what has already been
telescope. discussed it will be noted that
only light leaving the prism
(The remarks above refer system at angles LESS than
specifically to visual, as the critical angle can pass the
opposed to automatic interface. There can be no rays
instruments. In the letter case, such as that shown at A leaving
the scale would be replaced the interface at greater than
by some form of electronic the critical angle. Thus ray B
detection system). and all rays parallel to B will
* SCALE . This is a pattern of enter the telescope and form
an image on the scale at point
P. No light can be imaged in
the region PQ but light will
Refractometry Guide
be imaged in the region PR. It will be observed that, in the
It follows that there will be an prism system shown, there will
abrupt transition from dark be some deviation of the light
to light across the scale as rays due to refraction as the
seen through the eye lens. light passes surface marked S
(In practice some additional but allowance for this would
light is usually introduced to be made when calibrating the
provide enough illumination scale.
in the dark part of the field to
enable the scale to be seen
and read in this region).
Figure 12 shows the MODES
appearance of the field of
view. The boundary between So far, prism systems have
light and dark is referred to been examined in which the
here as the borderline, and its light is transmitted through
position depends upon the the liquid sample and thence
critical angle (c) which, in turn, through the prism. This mode
in determined by the refractive of operation is referred to here
index of the liquid and the as the transmission mode.
refractive index of the prism. There is, however, another
The refractive index of the mode of operation, also
prism will, of course, remain based on the critical angle,
constant but the refractive and referred to here as the
index of the liquid will depend reflection mode. Consider
on the nature of the liquid the prism shown in Figure
and its concentration. Thus 13. Here the liquid under
the scale can be calibrated test is contained in a cell and
directly in terms of refractive is in contact with the upper
index. (Scales can, however, surface of the prism. (Again it
be calibrated in terms of is assumed that the refractive
many other parameters – see index of the liquid is less than
appendix). that of the prism, which is
normally the case).

Refractometry Guide
Let (i) be the angle of (i) is increased from zero up
incidence of a ray AB which is to the critical angle at which
refracted along a path BF at point the ray BF disappears, as
an angle of refraction (r). Let (i) indicated in Figure 15 and ray
start at zero and be gradually BF assumes the same intensity
increased. As (i) is increased (r) as the incoming light. As angle
will also increase and it value (i) is increased from the critical
will be determined by Snell’s angle (c) up to 90 degrees all
Law. A point will be reached the incoming light continues to
when angle (r) is 90 degrees as be reflected without loss.
shown in Figure 14. At this stage it will be noted
Angle (i) then becomes the that with the reflection mode
critical angle (c). If the incident of operation described above
angle is made greater than (c) there will always be some light
then the refracted ray BF will reflected from the interface
disappear completely and the irrespective of the value of (i).
light is then said to be totally
internally reflected along BD (In Figure 13, for the sake of
(see Figure 15). When light is simplicity, no refraction of the
reflected in this manner NO rays entering or leaving the
light is transmitted across the lower surface of the prism has
interface. been shown).

Figure 13 shows the condition Figures 13, 14 and 15 all show

where angle (i) is less than the sample liquid contained
the critical angle and the light in a cell. However, the liquid
is refracted at the interface may also be in the form of a
along BF. However, not all the thin film trapped between two
light follows this course. Some prisms as shown in Figure 6.
light is reflected back at the
interface along BE. As some Figure 16 shows how the
of the light is lost along BF reflection mode may be
the intensity of the light along used in the basic instrument
BE must be less than that of depicted in Figure 11. It will
the incoming light along AB. be seen that where the light
This condition continues as enters the prism along path
AB at an angle of incidence

greater than the critical angle, The most significant difference,
the light is reflected along BC however, lies in the contrast
so that the area of the scale PQ obtainable between the light
is brightly illuminated. Where and dark areas of the fields in
the incoming light enters the the two modes. In the case of
prism at less than the critical the reflection mode. All areas
angle, the area PQ is still of the field receive some light,
illuminated, but at a lower level and this light degrades the
of intensity. contrast between the two parts
of the field.
Figure 17 shows the
appearance of the field of In consequence, with the
view when using the reflection reflection mode, the available
mode. As with the transmission contrast in the field is always
mode the field is divided inferior to that obtainable with
into two areas, a light and the transmission mode where,
a dark area, defining the under suitable conditions the
borderline. As the position of dark area can, if desired, be
the borderline on the scale is, made to appear black.
in both cases, determined by
the critical angle, its position
will be the same regardless of
the mode used. It will also be
noticed that, in the two modes,
the fields are reversed, that is
the light and dark zones are

Refractometry Guide
Borderline Quality the value of (i) will depend
upon the distance DE. The
and Contrast
smaller DE becomes the more
Refractometers operate by the borderline definition
determining the position of will be degraded. This sets a
the borderline, and therefore, practical minimum limit on the
if the borderline is ill defined size of the prism.
this will cause an error in the
measurement. In consequence, Badly controlled film thickness
it is important to consider is a fruitful source of error in
the factors influencing the refractometers employing
definition of the borderline. the transmission mode, and
sometimes appears in simple
Borderline Quality – instruments using plastic
Transmission Mode illumination plates if these
plates become distorted.
Figure 18 shows two prisms
with a liquid film trapped The error due to this cause is
between them. To obtain the reduced as (T) is reduced but
critical angle necessary for another problem arises if (T) is
the measurement of refractive reduced too much. Light rays
index it is essential that the within the film are reflected
light passes along the film back and forth between the
at grazing incidence. This is two prism surfaces, and as the
theoretically possible only if film thickness is reduced these
the film has zero thickness, rays become more nearly
so that ray DE lies parallel to parallel, and a phenomenon
the prism surface. The finite known as interference takes
thickness of the film gives rise place. The result is that the
to an error, which is sometimes field of view becomes crossed
referred to as shielding by a series of interference
error and is a function of the fringes as indicated in Figure
thickness (T) of the liquid film. 19, and these fringes disguise
the borderline.
Referring again to Figure 18 it
will be evident that, for a given
thickness of film (T),

To some extent the situation Note:
can be improved by providing For digital refractometers
a diffusing surface (S) on the operating in the reflection
upper illuminating prism. mode, sample thickness is
In consequence of the two less critical but has to be
opposed limitations above, a deep enough so that internal
compromise in film thickness reflection from the sample
is necessary, and on many air exit is not reflected in to
optical instruments the sample the detector. For this reason,
thickness is set at about 3mm sample depth is often
0.038mm, where the length suggested.
of the prism is in the region of
perhaps 30mm.

Refractometry Guide
Absorption of Light Advantages &
within the Liquid Film Disadvantages of the
It will be seen from Figure Reflection Mode
18, that the light forming
the borderline has to pass
along the film before entering Advantage - Coloured
the lower prism. This may Samples
be a distance of several
centimetres, and if the liquid is The light is not required to
coloured or cloudy there will pass through the sample
be a severe loss of light, and where it would be absorbed,
the borderline contrast may so this mode is more suitable
be upset, or in some cases for use with strongly coloured
lost altogether. In instruments or cloudy materials.
using an illumination plate as
in Figure 7 (page 19) it is easily Advantage - Thickness of
forgotten that most of the Sample Film
light forming the borderline
does not enter the plate in Providing the operating area
the direction (C), but via the of the prism is covered by the
chamfer at the end of the sample material the actual
plate. (A small quantity of light thickness of the film is not
entering in the direction (C) important. The instrument can,
may, however, get scattered where necessary, work without
within the plate and eventually an illuminating prism or plate
find its way along the film and and can therefore handle
make a small contribution to very viscous, sticky or lumpy
the field illumination). materials.

Advantage - Prism Size Advantage - Light Source
In the case of the transmission Requirements
mode it will be seen from In the reflection mode the light
Figure 18 that, in order to area of the field is produced
make the rays traversing the by total internal reflection
liquid film as nearly parallel as with minimal loss of light so
possible to the prism surface, that a lower intensity source
the length of the film must can be used. This has several
be long compared with its benefits, particularly in the
thickness. This requirement case of automatic instruments.
does not apply in the case of An inexpensive, but reliable
the reflection mode so that source, requiring little power,
the prism can be smaller and such as a LED, can be housed
work with only a small area within the instrument case
illuminated. This is particularly without problems of excessive
important where prisms have heat dissipation.
to be made from expensive
materials such as synthetic
Disadvantages of the
Reflection Mode
Advantage - Instruments As previously discussed, the
with Built-in Light Source field contrast at the borderline
is normally inferior when
The reflection mode is employing the reflection
particularly suited to mode to that obtainable
instruments where it is with the transmission mode.
desirable to use a fixed Providing the borderline is
internal light source less liable well defined, this is acceptable
to accidental disturbance by on automatic instruments
the operator. since electro-optical detection
systems can detect extremely
small differences in light
level. With visual instruments,
however, higher contrast is
normally preferred and these
instruments usually operate

Refractometry Guide
with the transmission mode. lens there is no focal plane in
Exceptions to this sometimes which to image the borderline.
occur on high range With this arrangement the
instruments (i.e. instruments borderline can be located in
designed to measure high a plane or seen on a screen
refractive index). These placed anywhere in the beam
instruments frequently have of divergent rays emerging
to deal with sample materials from the prism exit face.
which are coloured, very Neither does the screen have
viscous or lumpy. to be set normal to the mid-
ray of the beam, but can be
set obliquely across the beam
Examples of Instruments as indicated in the diagram.
Employing the Reflection This later feature has particular
Mode importance in this type of
instrument. It will be seen later
Two refractometers are that the angular spread of the
described below which rays leaving the prism is not a
illustrate the practical linear function of the refractive
application of the reflection index of the sample materials
mode. placed on the prism surface.
By inclining Plane P at an
Slit Refractometer appropriate angle to the beam
The slit refractometer, shown it is possible to compensate
in Figure 20, is unusual in to a large extent for this non-
that no telescope system is linearity and thus provide a
used. Instead, the entrance calibrated scale substantially
face of the prism is blanked free of error.
off except for a narrow slit
through which the light from With this optical system there
an extended source close to is a large loss of light caused
the prism is allowed to pass. by the narrow slit through
No lenses are used in this which the light has to pass
arrangement which operates in and, in consequence, the
some respects like a pin hole arrangement is not suitable for
camera. In the absence of a visual instruments. However,
the low light level is not a

problem if a photoelectric A photodiode array consists
detector is employed. In this of a linear string of small,
case the detector would be closely spaced, light
traversed along the plane (P) sensitive elements formed
to locate the borderline. Such on a silicon chip. Usually the
an arrangement formed the array is coupled to a built-in
basis of the first commercially time base which allows the
successful automatic outputs to be scanned and
refractometer, the RFM80, assessed sequentially. Such an
manufactured by arrangement is known as a
Bellingham + Stanley. self scanned array.

Refractometer Based on If a borderline image is

focused on such an array
Photodiode Array then the position of the
borderline on the array can
This instrument is a further be determined by the number
example of a refractometer and position of the light
normally working in the activated elements present in
reflection mode. the scan.

Refractometry Guide
Figure 21 shows a typical COLOUR
prism with a sample material
on its upper surface. The Earlier, the refractive index of a
instrument operates normally substance was defined as the
in the reflection mode. A light ratio:
source provides a diverging Speed of light in a vacuum
beam, which, after its passage Speed of light in a substance
through the prism, is focused
by an objective on to the Now the speed of light in any
photodiode array. substance depends not only
on the nature of the substance,
Unlike the slit refractometer but also on the colour
described earlier, the array is (wavelength) of the light being
set normal to the mid-ray of used. It therefore follows that
the light and the calibration the refractive index is also a
required to compensate for function of the wavelength
the non-linear response is and must always be linked
effected by electronic means. to the wavelength used in its

(Wavelengths of light are This spreading out of the light
measured in terms of a unit according to the wavelengths
called an Angstrom Unit (Å), of its components is known as
which is defined as 10-10 metres Dispersion, and is illustrated
or in terms of a nanometer in Figure 22. It will be noticed
which is 10-9 metres, and that the shorter wavelengths
written as [nm]. Up to now, of the spectrum (violet) are
and for the sake of simplicity, deviated at the interface to
only light of one colour a greater extent than are the
(monochromatic light) has longer (red) wavelengths.
been considered. However, the
effects of the wavelength of
the light source must be taken Dispersion
into account in the design and It is convenient to have a
use of all refractometers. definition of dispersion so
that different materials can be
Consider Figure 4 (page compared.
16). It was shown that the
critical angle depends on For this purpose three
the refractive index between refractive index measurements
two different media. If the are normally made at specially
incoming light is composed of selected wavelengths
several different wavelengths corresponding to three
there will be a separate critical well spaced-out lines in the
angle for each wavelength and spectrum. The wavelengths
an instrument operating under commonly selected are as
these conditions would exhibit under:
several borderlines, each
borderline corresponding to nD For sodium yellow light at
a particular wavelength. If the wavelength 589 nm
nF  For hydrogen blue light at
incoming light were white then wavelength 486 nm
the borderline would be drawn nC  For hydrogen red light at
out to form a kind of spectrum wavelength 656 nm
composed of all the individual
colours in the incoming light.

Refractometry Guide
The dispersive power of the Dispersion in the
material is then defined as:
Sample – Effect on the
(nF - nC)
W = Borderline
(nd - 1)
The practical effect of
A measure of dispersion more dispersion in the sample
frequently used is known as material is that the borderline
the Abbe V Number and is the is no longer a well defined
reciprocal of (W) above so that boundary between a light and
(nd - 1) dark area of the field, but a
Vd = coloured zone, the position
(nF - nC)
of which cannot be accurately
Due to the difficulties working determined.
with hydrogen, the Abbe
Number is often defined with It is evident that to produce a
reference to mercury and properly defined borderline
cadmium lines: measures must be taken to
eliminate, as far as possible,
(ne - 1)
Ve = all unwanted colour from
(nF' - nc') the borderline and there are
several ways by which this can
be done.

There would be an obvious

advantage in having all
refractive index measurements
referred to a few standard
wavelengths, and preferably
to a single universally agreed

When white light, such as

sunlight, is dispersed as in
Figure 22 or passed through
a prism as in Figure 24, the
refracted components form a

pattern of sequential colours which becomes vapourised
(wavelengths). and emits its characteristic
spectrum. Discharge
This spectrum of wavelengths lamps recommended for
is, in the case of white light, a refractometry are those
continuous band comprising based on helium, hydrogen,
all wavelengths. potassium, mercury and
Spectral Sources –
Sodium light is a readily
Discharge Lamps, Arc available and low cost
Lamps, Lasers monochromatic source and
Some light sources, however, so is commonly cited as the
emit light, not as a continuous standard in many scientific
spectrum, but as narrow bands methods.
or ‘lines’ in the spectrum.
These lines correspond to Sodium light is derived from
fixed wavelengths and are two closely spaced spectral
peculiar to the chemical lines of wavelengths 589.0
elements within the light and 589.6 nm. Where figures
source itself. Such spectral are quoted for the mean of
lines never vary in their this sodium ‘Doublet’ the
wavelengths and are used as wavelength is taken as 589.3
standards. nm and the refractive index
based on this wavelength is
A number of recommended denoted by [D] or [nd].
standard wavelengths in use
are derived from gas discharge Lasers, which provide a
lamps used as light sources, reliable low power source of
and referred to as spectral highly monochromatic light are
sources. The illumination frequently used, and extend
from these lamps is generally the choice of wavelength.
obtained by passing an
electrical current through an
envelope containing some
particular chemical element.
This element may be a metal
Refractometry Guide
However, it is important to Refractometer Using a
remember that the source
White Light Source
is a laser and may present
a serious optical risk to the Spectral sources capable of
eyesight of the user. It must providing monochromatic
also be remembered that the light, such as gas discharge
light will be polarised and this lamps are normally bulky and
can lead to peculiar effects inconvenient to use, and where
not experienced with other possible, on visual instruments,
sources. other methods of overcoming
the colour problem are
Sometimes it is necessary to employed, enabling white light
isolate some particular line in sources to be employed.
the spectrum emitted from a
spectral source. This is usually Prism Design
done by passing the light Colour arises at the sample/
through a colour filter having prism interface due to the
the appropriate absorption effects of dispersion within the
characteristics to eliminate sample and within the material
parts of the spectrum which of the prism as has already
are not wanted. Thus allowing been discussed.
only a narrow band of the
spectrum to be transmitted. There will be some colour
introduced when the light
The use of near emerges from the exit face of
monochromatic light of an the prism. Further colour may
agreed nominal wavelength, arise depending on the values
not only overcomes colour given to the angles [A] and [S]
problems in the refractometer, shown in Figure 23.
but makes possible the
standardisation of reference To summarise, there are
index of all manner of solids several parameters which
and liquids and concentrations may contribute to the amount
of liquids. of colour appearing on the

1. Dispersion of the light within Nevertheless, for many
the sample instruments, particularly
2. Dispersion of the light within handheld models of a
the material of the prism restricted measuring range,
very acceptable results can be
3. Angle [A]
4. Angle [S]
5. Refractive index of the prism Colour Filters
There are some liquids
which produce colour on the
On certain instruments, and
borderline in spite of all the
within limits, the parameters 2
manipulations referred to
to 5 can be chosen to minimise
above. Sometimes no prism
the final colour seen on the
materials can be found with
borderline. The manipulation
the right optical characteristics
of these parameters is
for a particular instrument
essentially a compromise,
range. In such cases some
since no allowance can be
improvement can be made
made for variations in the
by introducing a coloured
dispersion of the sample.
filter into the instrument.
Here again, a compromise is

Refractometry Guide
White Light Sources in any case, usually poor when
using the reflection mode.
Optical handheld
Various types of external
refractometers may be
source may be used. Where
directed at any convenient
a controllable source of high
extended source of diffused
intensity white light is required
white light such as the sky or
a microscope type illuminator
a sheet of white paper. Good
is sometimes used.
results are usually obtained
from a filament lamp with
diffusing bulb (pearl, opal, Direct Vision Prism
etc) such as is normally used Figure 24 shows a prism
in a table lamp. Some visual commonly used in
instruments (Abbe type) spectrometer. This prism
contain a built-in, or built-on disperses white light into its
light source. This arrangement component spectral colours. In
avoids the requirement of such a prism all the incoming
setting up an external source. rays are deviated away from
However, equally good, and their original direction (marked
frequently better results may X in the figure). However, all
be obtained from a carefully deviated rays lie to one side
adjusted external source of direction X. The red rays will
such as that indicated above. follow path (R) and the violet
Such an external source is not rays will follow path (V).
constrained by the need to
limit both size and dissipation. Suppose we are particularly
When using the reflection interested in a yellow ray of
mode the light source must some specific wavelength
be carefully adjusted and marked (Y). Angle (D) then
the intensity much reduced, represents the deviation
perhaps by distancing the caused by the prism for this
source, or by using the particular wavelength. The
internal light shutter on Abbe magnitude of angle (D) will
refractometers when this is depend on the angle of
provided. This adjustment is incidence of the white light,
necessary in order to obtain the angle (A) of the prism, and
the best field contrast which is,

on the refractive index of the so that there is an overall
prism for this wavelength. dispersion produced by the
composite prism. Furthermore,
Figure 25 shows two prisms by a suitable combination of
operating together in series. If prism angles [A1 & A2] the
the prisms were identical the composite prism can allow any
deviation of any ray by the first one selected wavelength (Y)
prism would be completely to pass through without any
compensated by the deviation deviation, while at the same
in the second prism and there time dispersing all other rays.
would be no overall deviation The prism is then said to be
of the ray. direct for Wavelength Y and is
known as a direct vision prism
However, it is possible to [DV Prism].
select prism materials with
different dispersive powers

Refractometry Guide
The figure shows a DV prism It is, of course, important
consisting of two elements. that the DV prisms are made
Where a more powerful prism as direct as possible for
is required three or more the selected wavelength,
elements are sometimes used. otherwise errors will be
introduced as the prisms are
Figure 26 shows a rotated to achromatise the
refractometer prism with red borderline.
and violet rays destined to
form a borderline. Because In practice, the dispersion of
of the dispersion of these the DV prism is made larger
rays the borderline will show than that likely to be produced
colour. However, if a DV prism, by the sample/main prism so
having the same dispersion that an orientation of the DV
characteristics, is inserted as prism can always be found to
in Figure 27, then providing free the borderline of colour.
the orientation of the DV is
in the right sense, the two On some instruments two
dispersions will cancel out identical DV prisms are used,
and the border line colour and geared to rotate in
will disappear. In this case opposite directions. This has
the borderline is said to be the advantage that any errors
achromatised – i.e. without in one prism are cancelled out
colour. by opposite errors in the other
prism when the prisms are

TEMPERATURE the temperature would have
to be controlled to within
EFFECTS ±0.5 C, if the refractive index
When liquids are heated temperature error is not to
they expand, and the density exceed ±0.00005
decreases. The light can then
pass more rapidly through Not only liquids are affected
the less dense liquid and, in this way by temperature
in consequence, there is a changes. Solids are also
corresponding drop in the affected, but usually to a
refractive index. much smaller degree and this
applies to the materials from
The change in refractive which the prism are made.
index per degree change If a DV prism is used this will
in temperature is not also show small variations
constant, but increases with in its performance when
temperature. Thus for water the temperature changes.
we have the values as shown in Temperature induced
the table on page 44. variations in the performance
of refractometer prisms are
In the case of a refractometer normally allowed for in the
measuring the refractive calibration of the instrument.
index of a liquid of similar
characteristics to those above
and operating at, say 20 °C,

Refractometry Guide
Temperature °C Refractive Index RI Difference
0 1.3339493
1 1.3339474
20 1.3329870
21 1.3328965
59 1.3274349
60 1.3272470

Temperature Control such as the Abbe, Immersion

and even early digital
From what has been said refractometers adopted
above concerning temperature a prism box that included
effects, it will be evident internal passageways through
that the temperature control which water could be
of the refractometer is pumped. This arrangement is
vitally important if accurate referred to as a water jacket.
measurements are to be made. The water jacket is supplied
by water circulated from a
Refractometer main prisms thermostatically controlled
are usually mounted within a water bath. By this means the
metal box-like container, which temperature of the prism and
envelopes the prism on all hence the sample, can be
faces other than those through maintained.
which the light has to pass.
This metal container is referred However, recent
to here as the prism box. There developements within the
are advantages to be gained electronics industry has
from using prism boxes having allowed manufacturers
fairly large thermal capacities to supply high accuracy
since this provides greater refractometers with a built-
thermal stability resulting in in, solid-state, Peltier effect
more constant measurements. systems capable of controlling
the prism temperature to
For temperature stability, most higher levels of accuracy and
laboratory refractometers stability to that of circulating

water baths. So with all things that a digital refracrometer
considered (cost of water will make use of a number of
jacket vs. solidstate Peltier critically placed temeprature
system, maintenance of a measurement probes
water bath and laboratory throughout the instrument
bench space required), the so that ambient air, air flow
use of a water bath within the inside the instrument and even
realms of refractometry is now crucial electronic components
mostly limited to academia. may be monitored and in
some cases corrected for
Temperature temperature change.
For many years, the
commonest form of Compensation – Non-
temperature measuring Linearity
device is the mercury-in-glass In measuring the refractive
thermometer. This was used index of a solution there are
with its bulb immersed in the problems in devising means
water circulating in the prism of temperature compensation
box water jacket. However, and several factors have to be
almost all refractometers taken into consideration.
used today now employ
temperature measuring It has been shown that the
devices with an electrical refractive index of water is
output such as a platinum foil not related to temperature
resistance probe. The probe in a linear manner. This non-
may sample the temperature linearity applies to liquid
in the water jacket, or the in general. It also applies
temperature of the prism to solids, but here changes
box close to the prism, or in refractive index with
may be immersed directly in temperature are on a much
the sample material under smaller scale.
test. Additionally, to provide
optimum performance Furthermore, the change
of onboard solid-state in refractive index with
temperature control, it is likely temperature is also dependent
Refractometry Guide
on the concentration of Temperature
the solution and this adds
yet another non-linear
relationship. The need for temperature
compensation can be avoided
It has also been shown that by taking refractive index
the laws governing the measurements at a standard
refraction of the light through controlled temperature,
the prism lead to a non- usually 20 °C. Where this is not
linear relationship between possible other methods must
the refractive index and the be employed.
deviation of the rays forming
the borderline. Several methods of
temperature compensation
These combined effects frequently found on handheld
become evident from an refractometers are described
examination of the non-linear below.
spacing of the scale lines seen
in a visual refractometer as Mechanical
indicated in Figure 17 (page Compensation – Drum &
This means that temperature Some handheld refractometers
compensation by merely incorporate an adjusting screw
moving the scale, and without with a drum calibrated in terms
reference to the concentration of temperature. This drum
of the liquid, must always moves the borderline relative
produce some error. Such to the scale. The calibration
errors may, of course, be is such that when the drum
acceptable on instruments is set to the temperature of
with restricted range and the sample the necessary
where reference to correction correction is made to the
tables is not warranted. reading of the scale.

Mechanical for which the instrument
may be used. Nevertheless,
Compensation –
temperature induced
Thermostatic Bimetal errors over wide ranges of
Some handheld temperature are claimed to
refractometers, which claim be acceptably small for most
automatic temperature types of sample.
compensation, employ
a bimetal strip, which Compensation by
changes its curvature with Calibrated Thermometer
change of temperature. This
For certain substances, e.g.
strip moves the scale, or
sugar solutions, it is found that,
some intermediate optical
at a fixed temperature, the
component in accordance
temperature correction factor
with the change in ambient
is not greatly affected by the
temperature to bring about
concentration (typically less
the required compensation.
than ±0.1 %). Where this error
is acceptable it is possible to
Optical Compensation
calibrate a mercury-in-glass
(Goldberg Refractometer) thermometer, usually attached
Some handheld refractometers to the instrument, directly
obtain automatic temperature in terms of the required
compensation by the use of correction which may then be
a hollow prism filled with a added to the reading of the
suitable liquid. The optical/ instrument. This method of
thermal characteristics of the correction is usually limited
liquid are chosen to produce to handheld instruments and
a deflection of the borderline is rarely used now that digital
to offset, as closely as possible, handheld refractometers such
the errors in reading arising as the OPTi®, provide a low
from temperature changes. cost and safer alternative to
This technique does, of mercury/alcohol filled glass
course, involve a compromise thermometers.
since the liquid in the hollow
prism cannot exactly match
the whole range of materials

Refractometry Guide
Compensation by Use of focusing range is expressed
in diopters. The larger the
Zero Adjusting Screw
number of diopters the more
This method applies mostly the apparent distance of the
to handheld instruments scale image can be varied.
fitted with a zero adjusting Low power eyepieces require
screw. Consider the use of the a larger focusing movement
instrument at a temperature than is the case with high
other than that for which the power eyepieces and this
scale is standardised (normally tends to limit the focusing
20 °C). Suppose the ambient range otherwise obtainable on
temperature is, say 25 °C. some instruments.

If the zero adjustment screw is A focusing adjustment of ±4 D

set to make the reading on the will take care of all but a small
scale correct for a known test percentage of the population,
sample or test piece at 25 °C, while ±2 D will cater for some
then readings of an unknown 85%. A focusing eyepiece may
sample of refractive index still require to be used with
close to that of the known spectacles to compensate for
sample will be substantially certain types of eye defect.
free of temperature error.
Some eyepieces, and
particularly those used on
FOCUSING RANGE binoculars, carry a scale
marked in diopters so that a
OF EYEPIECES known setting can be restored
quickly if the instrument is
Focusing Instruments passed from hand to hand.
Instruments with focusing
eyepieces can present Fixed Focus Instruments
the scale image at various
Some simple handheld
apparent distances away from
instruments such as that
the observer to compensate
shown in Figure 11 (page 22)
for nearsightedness
have fixed focus eyepieces.
(myopia) or farsightedness
This means that an image
(hypermetropia). The
of the scale seen in the
eyepiece appears at a fixed CALIBRATION
distance from the observer.
This distance is set by the It is essential to check all
instrument manufacturer and refractometers on a regular
cannot be changed by the basis to ensure that there
user. The distance may be set has been no change in
so that a normal relaxed eye the calibration. This means
sees the scale image at a great checking the accuracy of
distance away (Infinity, i.e. 0 reading at various points
D – see appendix). Commonly, throughout the range, and
however the distance is set at where necessary, resetting the
about one metre (+1 D). instrument to read correctly at
some appropriate point.
The mechanical construction
of fixed focus eyepieces is The checking procedure
simpler than that of focusing involves placing upon the
types and consequently main refractometer prism
such eyepieces are cheaper various liquids or solids of
to produce. Furthermore, known characteristics and
problems of lubrication are comprising these with the
eliminated, and problems of instrument readings. The
sealing against the penetration reading error at some selected
of moisture are also largely point (frequently at zero) can
removed. then be corrected by the
adjusting facilities provided
However, experience has on the instrument. Corrections
shown that a large number of at two widely spaced points in
people, even when wearing the range are also possible on
spectacles, have great difficulty certain automatic instruments.
in resolving fine line scale
images presented by fixed
focus instruments. For this
reason fixed scale instruments
commonly have very thick
black scale divisions leading to
some loss of reading accuracy.

Refractometry Guide
Test Liquids standards such as ICUMSA or
These are usually solutions
where the concentration has
Careful consideration of
been accurately determined
refractive index or Brix scale
by weighing and, where
range, toxicity and longevity
necessary, related to refractive
must be made to select the
index. Great care must
correct certified reference
be taken with these test
material to include in a
solutions to avoid changes
refractometer user's standard
in concentration caused by
operating procedures.
evaporation. This applies at all
stages in handling the liquids.
It applies even during the Test Plates
operation of transferring the Solid test plates are usually of
liquid from its container to the rectangular form and made
prism face. It is recommended from various materials, chiefly
that a pipette be used, quartz, fused silica or glass.
rather than a rod or spatula,
as a means of reducing Solid plates have relatively
evaporation. The free surface stable refractive indices, and
of the test liquid must not be are much less affected by
left exposed. temperature changes than are
test liquids, and unlike liquids
It is important that strict cannot change their index by
control of the temperature be evaporation. However, solid
maintained when carrying out plates cannot be used for
calibration or zero setting. calibration purposes where
low indices are involved since
For auditability, most few suitable materials are
refractometer users employ available with indices below
certified solutions procured about 1.5.
from ISO17025 accredited
calibration laboratories (UKAS Plates made from quartz
in UK or DAKKS in Germany) or fused silica have the
that provide traceability to advantage that, as a result
internationally recognised of their original crystalline




structure, the refractive index, the unwanted refractive index.

at a given temperature, is
fixed and unvarying, so that Unlike crystalline quartz
the plates themselves do not fused silica has only a single
require calibration. refractive index. This is 1.45840
at 20 °C and wavelength 589.3
It should be noted that nm.
crystalline quartz is bi-
refringent, that is it has two Glass test plates have to
refractive indices depending be accurately measured for
on the angle at which the refractive index and all plates
material is cut from the body must be marked with their
of the crystal. These two refractive index, or carry some
indices measured at 20 °C positive identification.
and wavelength 589.3 nm are
1.54424 (ordinary ray) and In use, the test plate is
1.55335 (extraordinary ray). placed on the surface of the
refractometer prism and
However, the former index separated from the surface by
(0-ray) is independent of the a thin layer of contact liquid as
cutting direction and is the indicated in Figure 28. There
index used for calibration are some important features,
purposes. Quartz test plates which must be understood,
are normally cut to eliminate concerning the use of the plate.

Refractometry Guide
The refractive index of the mode. Figure 28 shows the
contact liquid must be higher passage of a ray light through
than that of the test plate, a test plate, and then via
otherwise the refractive index the contact liquid into the
of the contact liquid will be refractometer prism. Rays at
measured. This means that grazing incidence along the
liquids, such as water, cannot test plate/liquid interface will
be used. The contact liquid form a critical angle (C1). Since
most frequently used is the refractive index of the
1-monobromonaphthalene, contact liquid is higher than
which is a hydrocarbon with that of the plate, some of the
a relatively high refractive light will be refracted into the
index of 1.660 at 20 °C liquid and be further refracted
for sodium light. Also the at the prism face and will
refractive index of the prism eventually emerge to form the
must always exceed that of the borderline.
test plate. The requirements
are summarised above (see At this point it is worth
Figure 28) and the reasons for emphasising that the light
the limitations are given in the source must be adjusted to
Appendix. permit the light to enter the
plate at grazing incidence
n2 must be greater than n1 along it lower surface. The
n3 must be greater than n1 front edge of the plate must
(n2 may, or may not, be greater than n3) be reasonably square to the
contact face and preferably
A very important feature to greyed.
be noted is that the contact
liquid film must be thin and of It will be noted that the critical
uniform thickness. This implies angle (C1) will always be equal
the use of the minimum to angle (A) which is the angle
possible quantity of liquid of incidence of the ray upon
consistent with full coverage of the prism surface.
the test plate surface. The refractive index values
shown in the two figures are by
First consider the use of the way of example only.
test plate in the transmission

Consider a small change in mode. Figure 29 shows the
the refractive index of the passage of an incoming
contact liquid. This will result ray through the prism, then
in a change in the deviation of through the contact liquid
the ray at point (P). However, to form the critical angle
it can readily be shown that at the liquid/test plate
the change in the deviation at interface. After reflection at
(P) is exactly cancelled by an the interface the ray traces a
equal but opposite deviation path back into the prism from
at (Q). In consequence, the which it emerges to form the
situation is as if there were no borderline. It will be seen that
contact liquid present and that rays leaving the test piece
the plate and prism were in interface are mirror images of
intimate (optical) contact with the incoming rays.
no air between the surfaces.
Angle (C2) would then be the The same basic principles
critical angle between the are involved as in the case of
material of the test plate and the transmission mode, and
that of the prism. the same limitations on the
refractive index of the plate,
Now consider the use of the contact liquid, and prism also
test plate in the reflection apply. Small variations in the




Refractometry Guide
refractive index of the contact some alternative
liquid produce changes in temperature or wavelength
the critical angle (C1) and the should this be desired. As with
angle of refraction (C2), but test liquids the light source
the change in the deviation must be monochromatic or
of the ray at P is exactly the instrument adjusted to
cancelled out by an equal achromatise the borderline.
but opposite change in the In neither of the two cases
deviation at Q. As in the case described above is there any
of the transmission mode, the shielding error (see Borderline
situation is as if there were Quality – Transmission Mode).
no contact liquid present and The thickness of the liquid
that the plate and prism were film is, of itself, not particularly
in intimate contact with no air important. However, a thin film
between the surfaces. Angle is instrumental in ensuring a
(C2) would then be the critical higher degree of parallelism
angle between the material of between the interfaces and
the test plate and that of the this is very important.

It has already been pointed

out that, in the reflection TECHNIQUES
mode, there is always less
At first sight it might appear
contrast at the borderline than
that the application of a
with the transmission mode,
sample to the surface of the
and this also applies when
prism would present few
using test plates.
problems in the measurement
of refractive index. In the
In using test plates the normal
majority of cases where the
temperature control must be
highest measuring accuracy
exercised, and the instrument
is not required this is the
operated at the temperature
case. However, problems do
for which the plates were
arise from time to time from
calibrated. In the case of
causes which are by no means
quartz or silica plates, data
may be available to allow the
instrument to be operated at

Homogeneity of Sample In many cases the definition
of the borderline can be
Refractometers measure
improved by agitating or
the critical angle and this is
stirring the sample on the
determined by what takes
prism face. This may make the
place at the interface between
sample more homogeneous
the prism and the sample.
or bring the sample into better
Consequently, measurements
contact with the prism surface.
can only refer to the refractive
This effect can, of course,
index of the material in
be more easily studied on a
immediate, intimate contact
visual instrument where the
with the prism surface. This
borderline can be seen. The
very thin contacting layer of
same phenomenon occurs
material may not have exactly
on automatic instruments and
the same characteristics
here the operator may only
found in the bulk of the liquid
be made aware of what is
in the container from which
taking place by measurement
the sample was drawn. This
readings of an erratic nature
may be for several reasons.
or by signals generated
The bulk liquid might not be
from within the instrument
homogeneous so that samples
indicating an unacceptable
could vary depending on their
borderline. Some digital
original position in the liquid
refractometers employ an
bulk. For example, denser
algorithm to display a quality
layers of liquid would tend
number between 0-100 that
to settle at the bottom of the
is relative to the borderline
container. Again, there may
cast by the zero calibration
be temperature gradients
solution (e.g. water) so that a
in the bulk liquid giving rise
user may numerically consider
to changes in density. This
a sample's quality number to
situation can be improved
that of the zero solution or to
by a thorough mixing of the
a common/recorded value for
bulk liquid, in which cases
that particular sample.
the resulting RI measurement
would be representative of the
average RI of the bulk liquid.

Refractometry Guide
Cleanliness prising the prisms apart. Again,
some samples will attack the
The prism surface must be
prism surfaces after prolonged
clean. Suitable solvents must
contact. This applies
be used to remove all grease
particularly to glass prisms
or other contaminants.
with certain types being prone
to attack by weak acids such
On instruments with plastic
as those found in fruit juices.
illumination plates, and this
(Glasses easily attacked in this
includes most handheld
way are usually avoided by the
refractometers, care must be
instrument manufacturer, but
taken to avoid use of solvents
for certain instrument ranges
which might chemically
alternative glasses are not
attack the plate material.
always available).
Plate materials may be acrylic
or polycarbonate. Cleaning
Prisms are frequently mounted
agents which are usually
in the prism box by means of
safe in this respect include
some type of epoxy cement
methylated spirits, isopropyl
which is immune to attack
alcohol, soaps, detergents and
by most sample materials or
maybe acetone for stubborn
cleaning agents.
resin samples. Some solvents
must be avoided. These
Some prisms are retained in
include amyl acetate and
position by silicone gaskets. In
toluene. (The latter solvent
either case the manufacturer
is sometimes recommended
should be consulted if samples
as a suitable medium for
or cleaning agents are to
refractometry but can attack
be used which are likely to
many plastics).
interact with these materials.
It is important not to leave
samples on the prisms after
measurements have been
taken as some will “glue” them
together if left for prolonged
periods; causing significant
damage to the optics when

Evaporation applying pressure to the lump
by closing the prism unit, or
Care must be taken to
by other means, thus forcing
prevent changes in sample
representative sample material
concentration due to
into close contact with the
evaporation. A thin film
prism surface.
of sample material, when
exposed to the atmosphere,
Enrichment of the sample by
quickly changes its
evaporation cannot be over
concentration, especially
emphasised. For example, in
where volatile liquids are
reading a 15% sugar solution,
involved. Samples placed on
errors of between 0.5% and
the prism must never be left
1.0% have been noted, simply
uncovered and prism boxes
caused by transferring the
must be closed as soon as the
sample to the prism by means
sample has been applied.
of a stirring rod.
This evaporation loss can
occur during the time of the Temperature
transfer of the sample from its One of the most common
container onto the prism, and causes of incorrect
for accurate measurements it is measurement is lack of
recommended that, where the proper temperature control.
viscosity of the sample permits, The sample must be at the
the sample be applied by required temperature and
pipette rather than by a rod or adequate time allowed for
spatula. the sample to attain a stable
temperature. This is most
Care must be taken with highly important especially if bulky
viscous samples where a “pill samples with high thermal
size” lump of sample forms. capacity (such as preserves,
The surface of the lump will jams etc) are being tested
become enriched by exposure using the reflection mode. It
to the air and it will be this must be remembered that
surface layer which will contact there is a thermal time lag
the prism first. It is essential between the prism surface
that this layer by ruptured by and the temperature sensor.

Refractometry Guide
The instrument maker seems PRISM MATERIALS
to minimise this lag by careful
design, but some thermal lag The selection of a prism
always remains and must be material by the instrument
taken into consideration by designer is determined by
the operator or automatically the physical and chemical
using a preprogrammed properties of the material
Method stored within a and the overall cost of
modern digital refractometer manufacturing the prism
such as an RFM. These in the chosen material.
Methods may adopt a simple Some technical and general
time delay before reading information relating to prism
is taken or a more complex material is given in the
algorithm that monitors both appendix.
sample and measurement
stability to predefined limits Physical Properties
may be used.
The refractive index of the
prism material must be
Spreading the Sample suitable for the intended RI
The sample should cover range of the instrument. The
the working area of the RI of the prism must be higher
prism surface. This applies than that of the sample to be
particularly when the measured, otherwise there will
transmission mode is being be no critical angle formed
used on optical instruments. and no borderline.
If the coverage is inadequate
several problems can arise. The dispersive power of the
There may be poor borderline material may have to be taken
illumination over parts of the into consideration for the
instrument range. For digital reduction of borderline colour.
refractometers, sample depth
should be 2-3mm to prevent The prism material should be
light leaching back in to the as hard and scratch resistant
optical detetctor from the as possible to ensure a long
sample/air exit interface. useful life of the prism without
deterioration of its surfaces.

The thermal properties of the Comments on Various
material, such as conductivity
Materials used for Prisms
and specific heat, will
influence the thermal time lags
between sample and prism Glass
temperature. However, in most There are many types of
cases, the other properties optical glass, rather arbitrarily
mentioned here predominate divided into two main
in the selection of prism categories, crown glass and
materials. flint glass. Crown glass is
sometimes defined as being
one of the alkali- lime-silica
Chemical Properties type (soda-lime glass) as
The prism material must be opposed to flint glass which is
chosen, as far as possible, to a glass to which lead is added.
be immune to chemical attack The name was derived from
by the sample or the cleaning the method of manufacture
agents likely to be used. in which crushed flints were
used as a supply of good
Cost Factors quality silica to give improved
“colour” to the glass. The
Sometimes the most
basic materials for “cut glass”
satisfactory materials from a
decorative ware are variously
technical point of view has to
termed lead crystal, or lime
be ruled out because of high
cost. If, for various reasons,
high cost materials such as
The term crystal in this context
synthetic saphhire has to be
is misleading since the
used, this may limit the use of
material possess no uniquely
the instrument solely to the
crystalline properties.
reflection mode where smaller
prisms can be used.
Various chemicals (including
rare earths) and frequently
barium, zinc and boron are
added to the glass to obtain
special optical properties.

Refractometry Guide
For instance, the addition prism and that of the sample.
of lead causes the refractive And if the refractive index
index to rise and glasses can of the prism changes, due
be manufactured with a wide perhaps to the replacement of
range of dispersive powers. a damaged prism by another
prism of slightly different
One optical classification of index, then a significant error
the various glasses is based on may be introduced. For this
their dispersive powers. Crown reason scales, etc have to be
glass has a dispersive power made specially to suit prisms
(V) of 50 or more, and flint all made from the same melt.
glass 50 or less. Sometimes this problem can
be avoided if the prism can
It follows from the above that be made from a material
glasses are complex materials which has a constant refractive
whose refractive index index, such as fused quartz or
depends on the precise mix sapphire.
of the individual constituents
within a given piece of glass. Silica
Optical glass is normally Silica (SiO2) occurs in nature
produced by pouring the in various forms, either free or
molten glass from a crucible combined with different bases
into a mould. There are to produce mineral silicates.
always variations in the optical
properties from successive Free silica is found in
batches (melts) of glass. crystalline or amorphous
forms. Amorphous silica
These variations raise in association with various
problems in the manufacture impurities produces such
of refractometer prisms. minerals as opal, chert,
Refractometer calibration chalcedony and jasper.
devices, such as the divided
scales seen in the eyepieces Quartz, which is crystalline
of visual instruments, depend silica, has many optical uses.
upon the difference between It occurs as hexagonal crystals
the refractive index of the

terminating in hexagonal Fused Silica
pyramids. Various impurities
This material is usually made
give rise to minerals such as
by fusing ground crystalline
amethyst, milky quartz, etc. The
quartz and is sometimes
purest type of quartz is known
known as fused silica glass.
as a rock crystal, which is
Unlike quartz, fused silica
colourless and hard enough to
has a single refractive index.
scratch glass. Crystalline quartz
This index is constant at
is a bi-refringent material.
a given temperature. The
(This property has already
material is harder than glass
been referred to in the section
and is characterised by an
entitled “Calibration – Test
exceptionally low coefficient
of thermal expansion. It has
high immunity to chemical
Natural quartz crystal, of good
attack. Where its optical
optical quality, is becoming
properties are appropriate,
increasingly difficult and
and the extra cost is warranted,
expensive to obtain, and
fused silica may be a viable
most quartz crystal is now
material for the manufacture of
grown artificially to meet the
refractometer prisms.
requirements of the electronics
It is worth noting however
that fused silica has a low
heat transfer rate and so

Refractometry Guide
refractometers adopting this OPTICAL
medium may suffer from slow
sample/prism temperature MICROMETER
equilisation. It is sometimes useful, in
optical devices, to displace
Sapphire (Al203) the line of sight by a known
Corundum, ruby and natural amount.
sapphire are impure forms
of aluminium oxide (Al203). Figure 30 shows a tilted
Emery, familiar as a very hard plane parallel plate of
grinding material is a mixture glass introduced into a
of iron oxide and corundum. beam of parallel light,
thereby producing a lateral
Crystalline sapphire is displacement. It will be seen
colourless when produced that the rays leaving the plate
artificially. It is extremely remain parallel to the original
hard and must be processed direction after leaving the
with diamond powder. The plate.
hardness of the material
and its high immunity from A familiar example of this
chemical attack makes the arrangement is seen in some
material an attractive choice high speed cameras where
for refractometer prisms where a rotating block of glass
the very high cost can be displaces the camera image by
justified. an amount closely matched to
the speed of the continuously
Many modern day digital moving film, thus avoiding
refractometers designed for the need for intermittent film
industrial process use now movement.
adopt artificial sapphire prisms In the diagram:
as standrd so that downtime
caused by prism damage is T = thickness of plate
totally avoided. n = refractive index of plate
I = angle of incidence of light
(tilt of plate) measured in radians
D = lateral displacement of beam

For smaller angular HIGH ACCURACY
movements of the plate the
lateral displacement is given REFRACTOMETERS
by In some applications it is
T I (n -1) necessary to aim at the
D = highest possible accuracy of
measurement and special
This shows that under these instruments for this purpose.
conditions D is directly
proportional to the tilt (I) of the Scales
Most visual refractometers
have a calibrated scale from
If the incoming light is a
which readings can be taken
parallel beam, no optical
directly. These are referred to
aberrations are introduced.
as direct reading instruments.
However, where the beam
In reading the scale the last
is convergent or divergent,
digit in the reading is obtained
the above relationship will
by estimating the position of
remain approximately true
the borderline within a scale
providing that the tilt angle
(I) is sufficiently small and the
angular spread of the beam
In high accuracy instruments
not too extensive.
the calibrated scale is replaced
Within the constraints above by an evenly divided scale
this principle can be used in where all the scale divisions
a refractometer to effect a are identical. The scale image
displacement of the borderline seen in the eyepiece can be
relative to the scale. With such moved so that a division line
an arrangement the angular adjacent to the borderline can
movement of the plate may be be brought into coincidence
more convenient to measure with the borderline and the
than the corresponding small amount of movement required
linear movement of the scale to do this is displayed on a
which would otherwise have divided drum in the manner
to be supplied directly to the of a micrometer. In fact, such
scale. an arrangement is referred

Refractometry Guide
to as a micrometer eyepiece. increased. This is of benefit
Alternatively, an optical when working with sample
micrometer may be used to material capable of yielding
perform the same function. well-defined borderlines.
In either arrangement, errors
caused by the need to Range
estimate the position of the
borderline are eliminated. In order to increase the
Also eliminated are all scale magnification of these optical
calibration errors. instruments, it is necessary to
restrict the instrument range
Since the instrument is not and it is common practice
calibrated, the operator must to offer several prisms, each
interpret the readings by covering part of the total
reference to pre-calculated instrument range.
tables, (at the appropriate
wavelength) relating the Borderline Colour
instrument readings to Compensation and
refractive index, concentration Light Sources
of the sample, or to some
other parameter; or by using Achromatising (DV) prisms
a spreadsheet or bespoke can be a source of instrument
software application error and are in any case direct
specifically designed to for only one wavelength, and
convert specific instrument on some instruments these
scale readings to standard are deliberately omitted,
results. restricting the instrument to
the use of a monochromatic
Magnification source only. The
On such high accuracy monochromatic source can,
optical refractometers like however, be of any wavelength
the immersion refractometer required by the user.
originally designed and
manufacturered by Karl Zeiss
in the nineteenth century,
the overall magnification is

REFRACTOMETERS High accuracy Abbe type
instruments are sometimes
USED WITH used in the infrared region,
WAVELENGTHS chiefly with solid materials and
certain oil products. Infrared
OTHER THAN wavelengths are frequently
SODIUM D measured in micrometers
(usually referred to as microns).
Most refractometers are used One micron is 1/1000 mm
with either a white light source or 10-6 metres (μm). Glass
together with some form of optical components, as used
colour compensation or with a in normal refractometers,
spectral source; chiefly sodium transmit near-infrared but start
light. Another less popular to “cut off” at wavelengths
source is mercury light. about 1.5 to 2 μm and this sets
Refractometers of the Abbe a limit to the useful range of
type capable of using an the instrument. Any unwanted
external source are particularly visible light from the source
suited to the measurement may be removed by infrared
of refractive index at special filters.
The borderline can be
Where compensating viewed using appropriate
prisms (DVs) are used it image converters, or by
is necessary to adjust the video equipment according
position of the prisms to a to choice. If video cameras
precisely neutral position are used, it is recommended
otherwise considerable errors that the raster be arranged
will result. The techniques perpendicularly to the
to be employed together borderline.
with correction tables are
supplied by the instrument The infrared region is of
manufacturers. The sample special importance where
index is given in the form of a borderline detection
correction to be added to, or measurements are being made
subtracted from, the displayed using photodiodes, since
index on the standard scale. these detectors are particularly

Refractometry Guide
sensitive in this region. Light The major change which
emitting diodes (LEDs), which occurs is the replacement of
have high emission in the near the eye by a light measuring
infrared (typically peaking at element such as a photocell
about 940 nm) are frequently in order to determine the
used as light sources. position of the borderline. The
output from the detector can
then be used in a wide variety
ELECTRONIC of ways to give a presentation
REFRACTOMETERS of the measurement.
Automatic electronic
Historically, the major
refractometers are of particular
problems in the development
value where a large number of
of these instruments has been
measurements are required on
the designing of a detection
a routine basis as, for instance,
system of sufficient accuracy
in an industrial concern, for
and reliability but today,
monitoring the behaviour of a
such reliability and precison
commercial product.
is achievable with some
instruments capable of taking
Where the requirement is for
repeatable refractive index
only infrequent use of the
measurements up to 6 decimal
instrument, limited to perhaps
places or 3 decimals °Brix.
a few measurements a week,
there are advantages in using
For such detector systems
a purely optical instrument for
to operate in a stable and
reasons of high reliability and
consistent manner it is
accuracy as well as cost.
essential to control the level of
the illumination from the light
In essence, electronic
source, and for this reason
refractometers use the well-
electronic instruments usually
established optical principles
have a built-in light source and
exactly as employed in
operate in the reflection mode.
conventional optical models.

The operating principles When the borderline passes
of four typical electronic over the detector a sudden
refractometers are outlined increase in output takes place.
below. More detailed The position of the scan when
information will be found in this event occurs is measured
the Appendix. and interpreted as refractive
Refractometer Mechanical Scanning
A single solar type cell is Refractometers
positioned in the focal plane (early RFM types –
of the lens so as to cover the
Bellingham + Stanley)
whole instrument range. The
output from the cell then
These are also scanning
depends upon the position
instruments, but differ from
of the borderline on the cell.
those above in that no lens
A second cell spaced close
is used and the detector is
to the first cell and in the light
arranged to scan obliquely
part of the field is used to
across the bundle of rays
monitor the illumination from
spreading out from the prism.
the light source. Information
See Figure 20 (page 33).
from these two cells is then
combined to determine the
position of the borderline and Electronic Scanning
hence the refractive index of Refractometers
the sample. (Photodiode Arrays)
A brief reference to this type
Scanning Refractometer
of instrument has already been
In these instruments the field made. See Figure 21 (page
of view (focal plane of the 24). Further information is
lens) is, in essence, scanned given in the Appendix.
across a fixed detector. When
the detector is covered by the
dark part of the field the output
is low.

Refractometry Guide
COMBINED Measurement of refractive
index coupled with the
PHYSICAL measurement of polarisation
MEASUREMENTS provides valuable information
about mixtures of various
Refractometers provide sugars (sucrose, glucose,
information about a substance fructose, etc.) as well as
by the measurement of flavours and fragrances.
refractive index. By taking Likewise, colour absorption
measurements over a range using a spectrophotometer
of wavelengths further data may also be of value to the
is provided on the dispersive overall assessment.
power of the substance. In
some cases, particularly in Yet more information is
the oil industry, refractive provided by the measurement
index measurements taken of the acidity of a liquid (pH
in the infrared region may be value or acid concnetration
of special interest. Yet more determined by titration).
data may be obtained from
densitometer measurements The concept of using
of specific gravity. Each combinations of physical
additional physical parameter measurements together
which can be determined with the refractive index
accumulates knowledge about measurements presents many
the nature of the substance opportunities for the rapid
or its condition during an determination of required
industrial process. information about certain
samples, but each case has to
For example, the be treated individually.
determination of the alcohol
content of a (finished) wine
requires the measurement
of two different parameters,
refractive index and specific
gravity (See appendix – under

ACCESSORIES If successive samples are not
incompatible, each sample can
Flow Cells flush out the residues of the
previous one and thus provide
Flow cells are chiefly used
a rapid rate of sampling
on automatic refractometers.
without the need to clean the
Basically the cell consists of
prism after each measurement.
a liquid-tight container fixed
around and over the prism.
Where required, the cell may
The cell is designed to allow
be used for continuous flow
sample liquid to be passed via
measurements to monitor
a feed pipe or funnel into the
changes taking place in
container to flood the prism.
a laboratory or industrial
After readings have been
process, maybe alongside
taken, the sample liquid is
other instruments such as a
discharged from the cell.
density meter or polarimeter.
Advantages: Automation
Because of the relatively large
using a sampler and pump
bulk of liquid being used,
for audit laboartories; or
errors due to the evaporation
semi-automation of sample
of the sample are minimal.
application and cleaning,
particulry in the sugar industry
Disadvantages: Compared
as well as soft drink production
with the requirements of
refractometer in standalone
mode, the flow cell may
A temperature probe may be
demand a larger amount
incorporated in the cell, and
of sample to ensure flush
perhaps within the sample
itself, to read the actual
temperature of the sample,
The cell is not suitable for
thus reducing temperature
highly viscous materials
gradient errors.
which might block pipes and
passage ways.

Refractometry Guide
Unless the sample is already of the cell is a parallel plate
at the cell temperature set of glass of high refractive
by the temperature control index. The cell is placed
device, time must be allowed on the prism surface using
for the sample temperature a contact liquid such as
to stabilise. This may take monobromonapthalene to
somewhat longer since a exclude air from the interface.
larger quantity of sample is The partition is positioned
involved. centrally to run along the
major axis of the prism.

Volatile Liquid Cell The reference and unknown

This cell, which is specifically samples are introduced each
designed to avoid problems to one of the compartments
of sample evaporation, is of the cell. The light source is
described in the appendix (see positioned level with the upper
RI Measurement of Volatile surface of the base plate of
Solutions). the cell. Two borderlines will
be seen extending from the
left and right sides of the field
Cell for Differential and overlapping slightly at
Measurements the centre at the crosslines.
The note below refers primarily The difference in RI or
to the use of the cell on an concentration is determined
instrument such as the Abbe by placing each in turn on the
operating in the transmission crosslines and reading off the
mode. scale.

The use of a differential cell The great advantage of such

permits two liquid samples measurements is that once
to be compared for index thermal equilibrium has been
measurement against each reached the reference and the
other. The cell comprises two sample are being compared
compartments separated by a under identical conditions.
thin glass partition. The base Even a difference in index well
beyond the normal resolving

power of the refractometer is
immediately apparent.

It is important to note that, due

to image forming optics, there
is a reversal in the field of view.
The borderline due the sample
in the left hand compartment
appears to the right of the

Polarising Eyepiece
Polarising eyepieces are
available for work with bi-
refringent materials and as an
aid in controlling the intensity
of the light when using lasers.

Sample Press
A sample press can be
very useful on certain types
of instrument particularly
automatic instruments
operating in the reflection Also, for refractometers
mode where it substitutes for that incorporate Peltier
the illuminating prism of the temperature control, a sample
conventional prism box. presser (or cover) has the
additional benefit of enclosing
The press squeezes out the the controlled prism surface,
sample into a thin film bringing creating a micro environment
it into intimate contact with the so that the Peltier devices
prism surface. It also prevents operate more efficiently in
evaporation of the sample and terms of precision and speed
excludes unwanted light. of control.

Refractometry Guide

Passing reference has already Let Sv = speed of light in vacuum

been made to the connection Sg = speed of light in glass
T = time to traverse distances
between Snell’s Law, which A and B
deals with the refraction of
light and the speed of light. Distance = speed x time
The derivation of this law may
i.e. A = Sv x T
be appreciated from the very
B = Sg x T
much simplified explanation
given below. Hence Sv A
Sg B
Figure A1 shows a beam of But, by the original definition
light passing from vacuum
into some material, say glass. Sv / Sg = refractive index of glass
At some instant in time the
“front” of the beam of light –
wavefront, will have reached That is n = A/B ---- (1)
a position OX. From point A
Consider the two triangle OYX
the light at the boundary of and OPY
the beam will continue on to
point Y on the interface having Angle XOY = (i)
travelled the distance XY, Angle OYP = (r)
denoted by A. Meanwhile, the sin (i) = A/D
light at the opposite boundary sin (r) = B/D
will have entered the glass
and travelled a distance B to sin (i) A/D A
= =
arrive at point P. The position sin (r) B/D B
of the wavefront will now be
at PY. Now, although the path sin (i)
Hence n =
distances A and B will be sin (r)
different the travel times will,
of course, be the same.

FOCUSING RANGE For example, if the focal length
OF EYEPIECES is, say 500 mm then:

Diopters L = 0.5 metres, and D = 1/0.5,

so that D = 2 diopters
The diopter (D) is
fundamentally a unit of
Diopters are sometimes used
measurement and may be
in other contexts in optics.
defined as the reciprocal of a
Thus curvatures of surfaces
length L when L is expressed in
may be measured in diopters.
The measurements would then
refer to the reciprocal of the
The refractive power of a lens
radius of curvature (in metres).
of focal length L meters is
defined as 1/L diopters (D).

Refractometry Guide
[The deflection of light Figure A2 shows such a scale,
through a prism is sometimes and in order that the divisions
expressed as so many can be clearly seen, the angle
centimetres per metre of A must be made adequately
path length and here, by large.
convention, a deflection of one
centimetre is defined as one With a 10 mm long scale
prism diopter] the scale would have to be
so close to the eye that the
Magnification observer would be unable
to focus his eye upon it,
Consider the simple
bearing in mind that about
refractometer shown in Figure
25 cm is usually accepted
11 (page 22). The design of
as the shortest easy viewing
such an instrument is limited
distance for most normal adult
by certain practical constraints.
eyes. (Also known as the least
To make the instrument of
distance of distinct vision).
manageable dimensions the
To overcome this problem a
distance L has to be limited
lens is placed in front of the
and thus also the length of
eye as in figure A3.
QR of the scale which may be
typically about 10 mm long.

As might be expected this The magnification of a single
lens is called the eye lens. This lens or eyepiece may be
eye lens produces a virtual defined in various ways.
image (I) of the scale (O) in Consider Figure A3. The scale
a position further from the (O) subtends an angle (A) at
eye where the eye can clearly the eye lens. Suppose the
focus on the scale image. If the scale were moved away from
eye is close the eye lens the the eye lens to a distance 250
angle (A) remains substantially mm (reading distance) the
unchanged. scale would then subtend a
new angle (B) at the eye. The
(The image is called virtual ratio A/B would then define
because, by the action of the the magnification of the eye
lens, the light merely appears lens .
to emanate from the image but
does not actually do so. In the Alternatively, and by
case of a real image the light convention, the magnification
actually passes through the may be defined as 250 mm
image which may be seen on a / F (mm) where F is the focal
screen). length of the lens. Thus an eye

Refractometry Guide
lens of 50 mm focus would the refractometer the imitation
have a magnifying power of is not generally imposed by
250 mm/50 mm = 5 times the optical components of the
(where imperial units are instrument, but by the nature
employed the magnifying of the sample and its ability
power would be defined as 10 to produce a well-defined
in/F in). borderline. If the borderline
is naturally blurred then any
The remarks above refer to the increase in magnification just
magnification of the scale by increases the blur without
the eye lens. Consider Figure yielding any useful gain in
11. To obtain the magnification reading accuracy.
of the instrument as a whole
we must treat it as a telescope Focusing Range
and here the magnification
is given by the ratio L/F and Now it is a property of a lens
this is the magnification seen that (V) can be changed simply
on the borderline. It follows by changing (U). This can be
therefore that for maximum seen from the relationship 1/V
magnification of the borderline = 1/U + 1/F where (F) is the
(L) must be made large focal length of the lens. The
compared with (F). question then arises as to what
should be the value of (V). This
The question may well must depend on the choice of
be asked as to what the observer. An observer with
magnification should be “Normal” vision might well
used on a refractometer. choose to let the eye relax, as
In the case of a telescope, if to focus on some far distant
viewing some distant object, object. Here the distance (V)
the magnification is limited would be very large (infinity).
by the optical aberrations Distance (V) might then be put
within the telescope or the in the form 1/V metres which
eye of the observer, and would be 0 diopters.
beyond a certain point, no
advantage is to be gained Some observers would prefer
merely by increasing the to make V = say 250 mm, (0.25
magnification. In the case of metres) in which case,
V = 1 / 0.25 metres = 4 diopters

The change in (U), i.e. Figure A4 shows a normal eye
movement (R) of the lens to focusing light from a distant
effect this change starting at point from which the rays may
0 diopters would be 0 to 4 D be regarded as parallel.
focusing range. Figure A5 shows the same
eye focusing rays from a
Optical instruments, such as point closer to the eye. Here
binoculars, fitted with helical the lens of the eye changes
focusing eyepieces have its curvature to bring the
eyepiece focusing scales rays once again to a focus
extending into a region on the retina. This process
characterised by negative is called accommodation, a
numbers, and a brief outline facility, which unfortunately
is given below of the meaning deteriorates with age. It will
of these negative numbers. be noted that in the cases

Refractometry Guide
illustrated the incoming light is eye. (If the eye were moved
either parallel or divergent. away, the scale image would
be a real inverted image, that
There is an eye defect is, the rays would actually
known as farsightedness, pass through the image.
hypermetropia, where the eye The distance of this image
ball is too short, or the lens away to the right behind the
too weak, to allow the eye eye position is measured in
to accommodate and bring diopters in the same way as
parallel light to a focus on the in the case of the virtual scale
retina. Such an eye is shown image appearing in front of
in Figure A6. In this case, the observer).
bringing the object closer to
the observer merely moves We now have two conditions.
the retinal image further to the The first condition is where
right of the retina and puts the the focal point (F) lies to the
object further out of focus. left of the scale. In this region
the focusing movements of
This situation can be rectified the eye lens are regarded as
by moving the eye lens away positive. The second condition
from the scale (see Figure A7), is where the focal point (F)
so that (U) is made greater lies to the right of the scale.
than (F.) The virtual image now In this region the focusing
disappears and the light rays movements are regarded
are redirected as if to form as negative. When the focal
an image to the right of the point lies in the plane of the

scale then the normal eye A few fairly common types are
sees the scale at infinity and shown in Figures A8 to A12.
this position on the eyepiece
focusing scale is denoted as For many applications a two-
zero. lens eyepiece consisting of
an eye lens and a field lens is
Eyepiece Types adequate. One such eyepiece
shown in Figure A9 is known as
The previous section of the a Ramsden (positive) eyepiece.
appendix dealt with the The field lens is normally
behaviour of a single lens placed fairly close to the scale.
used as an eyepiece. However, The eye lens is mechanically
such an eyepiece would have coupled to the field lens and
a very limited performance, is moved with it as a unit when
and would provide only eyepiece is being focused.
restricted field of view with Sometimes, however, the field
low magnification and poor lens is fixed and focusing is
illumination. then carried out by the eye
lens alone. In this case, the
For this reason, eyepieces scale might be situated, not
(occulars) normally employ a on a separate substrate, but
minimum of two lenses. There directly on the flat surface of
are many different designs the field lens.
of eyepiece depending on
the required angular field, This type of eyepiece
magnification, eye relief, etc. sometimes uses an eye

Refractometry Guide
lens optically corrected for The second important
chromatic defects. The eye advantage of the field lens is
lens then usually takes the that the eyepiece designer
form of a doublet comprising then has two lenses, which,
two lenses of different glass in suitable combination, can
cemented together. This be made to yield improved
eyepiece is known as an optical characteristics. It will
achromatised Ramsden or be seen that, whereas the eye
Kellner eyepiece, and finds lens primarily controls the
many applications in optical magnification of the eyepiece,
instruments for viewing scales the field lens plays a major role
and is commonly used in in determining the eye relief.
refractometers , telescopes It will be seen from Figure A13
and prism binoculars. and Figure A14 that for a given
eye relief the angular field of
The function of the field lens view is, in general, determined
is twofold. The field lens by the diameters of the eye
“gathers up” the divergent and field lenses.
rays emanating from the
scale (see Figures A13 & Figure A8 shows two types
A14) and redirects them of two-lens eyepiece used in
in a less divergent form so some instruments, particularly
as to pass through the eye microscopes. This is the
lens. As the field lens is Huygens (negative) eyepiece.
close to, or coplanar with In this eyepiece the relevant
the scale, it has little effect focal plane (where the scale
upon the magnification of would have to be situated) lies
the eyepiece as a whole, between the eye lens and the
which is determined chiefly field lens. Consequently, this
by the eye lens. Since light, type of eyepiece does not lend
which could be lost in the itself to the direct viewing of
absence of the field lens, is graticules and is not normally
now passed through the eye found in visual refractometers.
lens, the whole field of view is
illuminated and not merely a
small patch at the centre of the

Refractometry Guide
ENTRANCE AND figure. This small imaginary
aperture, usually circular,
through which all the light
The optical systems of must pass is called the exit
certain instruments such as pupil of the system. The exit
telescopes, microscopes, pupil may be regarded as a
binoculars, refractometers, real image of the aperture
etc. employing eyepieces can in the front of he box where
be likened to “black boxes” the light first enters. This first
containing all the necessary aperture is called the entrance
optical components, lenses, pupil. Frequently the entrance
mirrors, prisms and so on. This pupil is merely the clear
is shown diagrammatically in aperture of the object glass.
Figures A15 and A16. In the case of refractometers
the entrance pupil may be the
The optics within the box clear aperture of the objective
produces a virtual image of or of the prism system.
the object to be viewed, such
as a scale, at some convenient, Now the eye can only accept
usually adjustable distance light falling within the eye
from the eye of the observer, pupil, which ranges between
as indicated by the arrow in about 2 mm and 8 mm in
the figure. diameter, depending on the
level of illumination. Figure
Light from an external source A16 shows the eye placed in
enters the box through an the exit pupil of the instrument.
aperture, passes through It follows that if the exit pupil
the box, and finally emerges is larger than the pupil of the
through a second aperture. eye some of the light will not
Now the optical system within enter the eye and will be lost.
the box is so designed that The distance from the “box”
the light, after leaving the or eyepiece to the exit pupil
second aperture, is made to where the eye must be placed
converge and pass through is known as the eye relief and
an imaginary small aperture is designed to leave space for
some 8 mm to 20 mm in front the observer's eyelashes or
of the box as indicated in the spectacles which may have to

Refractometry Guide
be worn even with a focusing prisms. A refocusing of the
eyepiece. hand lens can also show
interior parts of the instrument
For the reasons given above, and identify sources of
the size and position of the exit extraneous light.
pupil must always be taken in
to account in the design of all COLOUR FILTERS
visual optical instruments.
There are several types of
The exit pupil is, as stated colour filter is common use,
above, a real image of the some of which may be found
entrance pupil. This means that in refractometers.
the image can be examined by
a hand-magnifier as if it were a 1. Gelatine Filters
solid object. This is of interest
These are composed of
in the case of the refractometer
dyed gelatine films normally
since the magnifier can, by
mounted between glass plates
some small refocusing, also
to protect the soft gelatine
show an image of the sample
from damage.
film on the operating surface
of the prism. This provides
a very convenient method 2. Glass Filters
of checking the illumination These are usually made by the
of the sample and detecting addition of metallic salts to
the presence air bubbles in clear glass. They are frequently
the sample. The presence used in optical instruments to
of a small number of small reduce unwanted colour and
bubbles more or less uniformly to enhance the sharpness of
distributed over the prism scale images.
surface is not usually of much
consequence. An excessive
quantity of bubbles would 3. Interference Filters
upset the definition of the
This type of filter consists of
borderline. If the bubbles
a glass substrate on which is
persist after re-applications
deposited very thin coatings of
of the sample this may be
various materials (magnesium
indicative of mis-aligned

fluoride, zinc sulphide, etc). OPTICAL SURFACE
The thickness of each coating
is a fraction of a wavelength
and the filter operates by the Several types of surface
interference of the light within treatment are to be found on
the coatings. (All the elements the optical components of
of the filter are in themselves instruments.
devoid of colour). Colour
produced by this process of Mirrors
interference gives the familiar
iridescence of a soap bubble Mirrors are classed first
or the “fire” of an opal. or second surface mirrors
depending on whether most of
Interference filters are the light is reflected by the first
extremely versatile and can optical surface encountered by
be designed to meet a wide the light or by the second.
range of colour requirements.
By using a number of carefully Second surface mirrors, which
controlled layers and in may be silvered, have the
combination with other filters, advantage that the reflecting
very narrow transmission surfaces can be adequately
bands of a few wavelengths protected from atmospheric
width can be achieved. damage by means of a
backing of copper, varnish,
However, where paint, etc. For this reason such
refractometers are concerned, mirrors are used for looking-
it must be borne in mind that glasses.
the narrower the band of
transmitted light, the lower However, the disadvantage is
will be the illumination of that these mirrors also reflect
the field of view. And in most some light from the front air-
cases a filter with a wider glass interface and this gives
band of transmission used in rise to ghost images which
conjunction with a spectral are unacceptable in optical
source is to be preferred. instruments.

Refractometry Guide
First surface mirrors, which do Anti-Reflection Coatings
not produce ghost images,
are normally formed by the The coating of the surface
deposition of pure aluminium of a transparent optical
by evaporation in vacuum. component, such as a lens,
(Silver has a slightly higher by multi-layers of various
reflectance than aluminium but materials can be designed
soon tarnishes). During the first to have the opposite effect
few months after deposition, to that referred to above
the aluminium is soft and and complete destructive
cleaning should be avoided if interference of the light rays
possible. Later the film hardens can be made to occur within
due to oxidation and can then the layers.
be readily cleaned by cotton
wool swabs and an optical The result is a suppression
cleaning agent. The aluminium of reflection and a gain in
coating is frequently over- transmission. Anti-reflection
coated by a vacuum deposited coatings may reduce the
coating of silicon monoxide, reflectivity from about
which gives improved abrasion 4% to about 0.5% with
resistance. a corresponding gain in
transmission. This can be of
In cases where high reflectivity considerable importance
is of paramount importance where the light has to pass
special multi-layer coatings through several surfaces.
of materials such as calcium Optical components treated
or magnesium fluoride may in this way exhibit the
be applied. These coatings, characteristic blue- brown
which operate by the optical bloom seen on binocular
interference within the layers, objectives and camera lenses.
can increase the reflectivity
from about 88% to about 99%. These multi-layer coatings
are very thin, typically in the
order of 0.0001 mm and
care must be taken when
cleaning such surfaces.

Multi-layer treatments are index cannot, therefore, be
impracticable on the operating determined unless solids,
faces of refractometer prisms. emulsified fats, pulps, etc are
first removed by centrifuge,
filtration, etc. (While this
RELATIVE SPECIFIC procedure may be necessary
for the determination of
concentrations from density
Previous sections of the measurements using a
text dealing with definitions densitometer, it is not
of refractive index, stated usually for concentration
that there was a specific measurements using a
relationship between the refractometer).
density of a liquid and its
refractive index. Both the density (D) and
the refractive index (n) of
This relationship, somewhat a substance change if the
tentative, is affected within the substance is subjected
liquid sample of suspended to change of pressure or
insoluble solids, immiscible temperature.
liquids, fats, etc.
A number of formulae have
Thus a sugar solution would in been advanced defining
general change its density if approximate relationships
insoluble solids were mixed in, between density and refractive
but the refractive index would index. According to Gladstone
remain unchanged. Again, and Dale we have
problems arise with emulsified
products where changes in (n-1)
density become difficult or = constant
impossible to correlate with
refractive index because of the A formula proposed by
absence of a single definable Lorentz and Lorentz is
n² - 1 1
Meaningful relationships . = constant
n² + 2 D
between density and refractive

Refractometry Guide
This formula is said to agree Light Sources –Types
with experimental results for
Light sources may be classified
many liquids and gases over
very broadly under two main
a wide range of pressures and
headings. There are, however,
no sharp demarcations
between the classes.
Other formulae of an additive
nature have been devised to
calculate the refractive index Thermal Sources
of mixtures, which have no
chemical effect upon each Here the light is emitted as a
other. result of high temperature and
is broad band.
LIGHT SOURCES Examples are:
Light Sources – Sun (surface temperature)
Adjustment 5000 to 6000 °C.
(Visual refractometers incorporate a
Whatever type of light telescope section and must not be
source is used with a visual pointed directly at the sun).
refractometer it is important
that the source be properly Tungsten filament lamp
adjusted, both in position 2100 °C
and intensity, when accurate
readings are to be taken. In Arcs at atmospheric pressure
some instances when using 3000 to 4000 °C
the reflection mode, better
contrast at the borderline Flames
and more accurate readings 1920 to 2400 °C
can result from a reduction in
light intensity. (Given the right
conditions the eye is extremely
sensitive in setting cross lines
against scales, etc. and vernier
type readings are usually
repeatable to five arc seconds
or better).

Non-Thermal Sources Arc Discharge Tubes
Two types of source are of (Arc Tubes)
particular interest for use Metal or other additives within
with refractometers and these tubes have first to be
are referred to here as arc vaporised and this operation
discharge lamps and glow may take between ten seconds
discharge lamps. Both types and ten minutes depending on
of lamp work by the discharge the construction of the tube.
of an electric current through Such tubes require an external
a gas or metallic vapour control system incorporating
contained within a sealed a current limiting ballast and
envelope of glass or silica. The probably a capacitor for power
discharge takes place through factor correction.
a plasma in which neutral
atoms are in various stages of In the case of some lamps,
excitation and this is the region including sodium lamps, the
of maximum light emission. envelope also contains a gas
such as neon, which supports
The light from these sources the discharge until the metal
may be in the form of line has sufficiently vaporised.
spectra, (spectral sources) It is the presence of neon
lines broadened into bands, or which accounts for the typical
continuous spectra according red glow seen with sodium
to the metal or vapour lamps before the yellow light
within the envelope and on appears.
temperature and pressure
conditions. (Care must be Discharge lamps are usually
taken when using these lamps constructed with a vacuum
as certain types emit strong jacket surrounding the sealed
radiation in the ultra-violet inner envelope to minimise
region and this may be a heat losses.
hazard to skin and eyes).
The pressure in these lamps
may be from approximately
0.03 mm Hg to a great many
times atmospheric pressure.

Refractometry Guide
The voltage drop is usually less by internal fluorescent
than 100 V. These lamps have coatings within the tubes
high efficiency in terms of light and sometimes by the use of
output, which may be typically coloured glass.
in the region of 100 to 200
lumens/watt. In contrast to the arc discharge
tubes referred to earlier, the
Arc discharge lamps emit glow discharge lamp operates
narrow spectral lines, constant as soon as the high voltage is
in intensity, which can be applied.
used to provide a convenient
monochromatic source for Small versions of this type
refractometers. of tube are available for
laboratory use and special
Glow Discharge Lamps feedback amplifier control
units are also available to
(Vacuum Tubes) stabilise the arc and prevent
These lamps work with a wander.
cold cathode and with a high
vacuum typically in the order PROBLEMS OF
of 0.03 to 20 mm Hg. The
potential applied to the tube CONDENSATION
has, therefore, to be high WITHIN INSTRUMENTS
enough to cause the materials
contained within the tubes Unlike most optical
to ionize. This may be in the instruments, refractometers are
region of 70 to 15000 V. When used in intimate contact with
ionized, the tube conducts and liquids and often in very humid
shows a glow discharge. surroundings. Frequently
instruments are operated at
This type of tube is familiar temperatures below ambient
as the source of neon in conditions particularly
lighting used extensively for conducive to condensation.
advertising. In this application,
colours are obtained by the The prevention of the
inclusion of neon, helium, penetration of moisture into
argon, mercury, etc. and instruments, does therefore,

present special problems to focusing threads may be
the instrument designer. lubricated with heavy grease
and sometimes a sealed
The presence of moisture glass disc may be interposed
within a visual optical between the adjustable
instrument usually manifests eye lens and the field lens.
itself as a misting over of Such precautions lessen the
the field of view seen in the risk of contamination under
eyepiece due to condensation normal conditions, but many
on interior optical instruments cannot be sealed
components. adequately in this way.
This may be triggered
by a drop in the ambient In addition to the various
temperature relative to the seals mentioned above many
instrument temperature. instruments are also fitted with
Sometimes the condensation desiccators. These take the
will clear with a modest rise in form of perforated capsules
the instrument temperature. containing silica gel. This
material is a drying agent
Ventilation of the instrument which absorbs atmospheric
would help reduce moisture and which can be
condensation but would also reactivated by heating.
open up a pathway for the
ingress of dust particles, the Probably the best way to avoid
spores of organic growths, and condensation troubles is for
small insects particularly in the user to take good care
tropical countries. of the instrument and avoid
adverse conditions where
It is usually the aim of the possible and pay regular
designer, therefore, to seal the attention to the desiccator
instrument as far as possible where one is fitted.
at potential entry points
for moisture and to pass all It is an unfortunate fact
control shafts, adjustment that many instruments in
screws, cables, etc through commercial use in factories
“O” rings, glands and seals are grossly neglected, being
of various types. Eyepiece allowed to collect layers

Refractometry Guide
of uncleaned sample and TEST PLATES
frequently being left standing
in trays of liquid. Under Reference was made earlier
these conditions instruments in the text to the limitations
become so encrusted with governing the refractive index
sample deposits as to become of the test plate, the contact
scarcely recognisable. liquid and the prism.

Figure A17 shows the passage

of a ray of light through the
test plate, then through the
contact liquid and finally
through the prism from which
it emerges to form the

Interface No 1

sin A n2
= (1)
sin B n1

sin A x n1
sin B = (2)

Interface No 2

sin B n3
= (3)
sin C n2

Substituting (2) in (3) gives:

sin A x n1 n3
= (4)
n2 x sin C n2

That is,
sin A x n1
sin C = (5)
Equation (2) -
If B is the critical angle at Interface No 1 then A will be 90 degrees
and sin A will be equal to 1. Since sin B cannot exceed 1 it follows
that n1 must not exceed n2.

Equation (5) –
As above, if A = 90 degrees then sin A = 1, but since sin C cannot
exceed 1, therefore n1 must not exceed n3.

Thus in practice, both n2 and n3 would be greater than n1. (n2

might, or might not be greater than n3).

Refractometry Guide
ELECTRONIC value (minimum). A sample of
maximum value is then applied
causing the sensor cell to be
Photometric Instruments almost completely shaded,
and resulting in a much larger
Two similar sized cells (solar signal (maximum) from the
cells) are used. The physical bridge.
dimensions are selected
according to the range of Intermediate points will be
refractive index to be covered. virtually linear but may be
The length of the cells would calibrated by samples for
be approximately 1.3 times the greater accuracy. The error
span of the range at the focal signal from the bridge may
plane. The first cell (sensing then be used in a conventional
cell) is placed to cover the manner to give a display
range with a small overlap directly in the desired function.
at each end. The second cell This type of instrument has a
(reference cell) is placed in the number of disadvantages. The
bright part of the field beyond field characteristics change
the extreme limit of the range. with time, due normally to
the gradual deterioration of
The calibration of the the prism surface caused by
instrument then proceeds as scratches and discoloration.
follows. With the illumination The characteristics may
on, but with no sample vary from one sample to
applied, the outputs of the another even though the
two cells are compared in a samples may be basically
bridge circuit and adjusted similar. Thus two products
to null. A sample of minimum of similar concentration
value is then applied forming and nature, differing only in
a borderline just above the colour, absorbance or light
lower edge of the sensing cell. scattering properties may
The attenuation caused by exhibit differing contrast levels.
the shading of the sensor cell Such upsets necessitate re-
disturbs the bridge and results calibration.
in an output signal of a certain

This type of instrument is the defined range at the focal
therefore limited to use on one plane. The disc is followed by
product only, but still requires a photo-detector of sufficient
verification of calibration from size to cover the set range
time to time. (or a similar detector may be
used, set in the focal plane of
Experience has shown that the a subsidiary lens immediately
instrument is best limited to following the disc). The
its original context – control of disc is driven at a suitable
supersaturation in the sugar speed and is coupled to an
refining industry, where once angular transducer. The field
the desired level has been is thus scanned by a narrow
achieved, regardless of the slot through which the light
displayed output, control of reaches the detector.
the process can maintained
by holding the output at that The output from the detector
level. will remain fairly constant until
the borderline is reached, and
Scanning Instruments then change to a new level
and then remain fairly constant
(narrow range – fixed again.
This type of instrument is This process is repeated for
a considerable advance each revolution of the disc. The
on the simple photometric detector output signal can be
instrument described above. enhanced electronically and
The range of interest must then related to the transducer
have been previously defined output to identify the angular
and cannot readily be altered. displacement from the scan
The defined range is scanned start and thus the position of
by an opaque disc set in the the borderline relative to the
focal plane. A transparent total span covered. (Span is
track in the form of a single the angular or linear distance
turn Archimedean spiral is between beginning and end
formed in the disc. The lead of range).
of the spiral is arranged to
match the spatial distance of
Refractometry Guide
There are variations on a together and connected in a
similar theme in which the bridge circuit. Since the cells
spinning disc is replaced are as small as practical, the
by other scanning devices. range covered by each is also
However the general small, and thus the resolution
principles are the same. is high. The carriage carrying
the detectors is coupled
This type of instrument directly to a displacement
has certain disadvantages. transducer. The traversing of
Although independent of the detector pair across the
contrast levels and sample field of view thus widens the
colour the inability to alter the effective “range” of the pair
range is very important. Each but retains the high resolution.
instrument is tailor made to With both cells in either the
suit a particular need. light or dark portion of the
Wear and tear on the moving field, the bridge output is
parts must be taken into close to zero. When one cell
account and in a hostile is in the light and the other in
environment such as an “on- the dark, there is a difference
line” application such moving signal resulting in pulse as
parts can present problems. the borderline in traversed.
The accuracy is very much a This can either be treated by
function of span. The wider the using a second differential
span, the lower the resolving processing, or by taking
power. the mean of two transducer
outputs from a scan in either
Scanning Instruments direction.
(wide range – moving The differential voltage
detector) form the bridge peaks at
a maximum value as the
This principle is used in borderline is traversed. This
early Bellingham + Stanley peak voltage (Vp) is used to
instruments (RFM80/90 Series). set a fixed differential voltage
The field of view is scanned comparator value. The scan
in its entirety by two small continues and when the
photo-detectors set very close falling differential voltage

compared with the time
necessary in the preparation,
application and cleaning off
of the sample. The instrument
output is displayed in digital
form and provision is made
to couple the output data to a
printer or computer.

Refractometers Based on
Photodiode Arrays
This type of instrument, also
manufactured by Bellingham
reaches (Vp) the instantaneous + Stanley, has been referred
transducer output is stored. to earlier in the text. Here the
On the second pass in the moving carriage and cell pair
opposite direction, the same of the scanning instrument
procedure is followed resulting above, are replaced by a
in a second stored transducer self scanned array (SSA)
output. The mean of the two positioned in the focal plane,
stored values is extracted and and on which is formed the
referred to the calibration law, borderline. The refractometer
resulting in a display of the is designed so that the length
function value at the peak. of the SSA matches the
required instrument range. On
There are very few switching on, without a sample,
disadvantages with this type but with the illumination on,
of instrument other than that the output from each element
of moving components and is stored. After application of
the time taken to complete the the sample, the array is again
two scans, typically 3 seconds. read and compared with the
The first can be rendered stored values. The result is a
unimportant by careful spatial representation of the
design of the mechanical point by point appearance
and electronic components, of the field in which the
the second is not serious borderline can readily be

Refractometry Guide
detected and located within
a few elements of the array.
These few elements are then
scanned in greater detail and
the precise location of the
borderline determined. This
positional reference is then
referred to the calibration
and the function value
displayed. These last stages
through which the instrument
progresses are, of course,
purely automatic functions
requiring no input on the
part of the operator. The time
of each scan is measured RI MEASUREMENT OF
in milliseconds so that the VOLATILE SOLUTIONS
response is fast, generally less
than one second. On a visual instrument such
as an Abbe refractometer
Refractometers employing employing a hinged prism
diode arrays have several box, problems can arise when
important advantages. measuring volatile solutions.
The array system has the The conventional prism box
inherent capability of assessing traps the sample into a layer
the quality of the borderline approximately 0.04 mm thick.
which can then be signalled to Volatile liquids will evaporate
the operator prompting them, from the sides and at the light
where necessary, to re-apply entry point of the layer, to be
the sample material to obtain replaced by capillary action
a more certain reading. The from the prism chamber.
total elimination of all moving This process is accelerated
parts is also a major step at elevated temperatures to
in improving accuracy and the point where the sample
reliability. may be gone before thermal
equilibrium is reached.
It is even more serious if

the sample comprises of For digital refractometers
low volatility in a highly operating in the reflection
volatile carrier. There will mode, a similar cell made
be differential rates of simply from glass may be
evaporation leading to fairly applied around the prism.
rapid changes from the Sample may then be placed
original concentration. in the cell and a glass cap
placed on the top. The
The problem can be instrument presser should
overcome, to a large extent, by be left in the upright position
using a volatile cell accessory. with adjustments made to any
This is a glass block with a proximity sensors so that a
depression on one surface. reading may be taken.
The depression communicates
with the opposing face by Alternatively, the use of a
two fine filling channels. The flowcell and sipper/pump may
cell is placed depression be used in a sealed circuit so
side down on to the prism that evaporation of the volatile
surface. No contact fluid is sample is prevented.
used. Sample liquid is drawn
into a hypodermic syringe, RI MEASUREMENT OF
which is then inserted into
one of the filling holes and
discharged into the cell until Emulsions are not
fluid emerges from the vent homogenous solutions and
hole. The capacity of the cell comprise usually one liquid
is approximately 1.5ml. When in suspension in another, in
filled to the top surface of the the form of minute droplets.
block is covered with a glass Frequently there exists a
plate thus completely sealing considerable difference in
the chamber. refractive index between the
two liquids, circumstances
The prism box is left open and in which, were they totally
the light source positioned miscible, would readily lead to
level with the prism surface. concentration determinations
based on the changing index

Refractometry Guide
of the solution. The relative in the engineering industry
size of the suspended particles as coolants and hydraulic
to the wavelength of the light power fluids used in mining.
being used plays an important These emulsions are readable
part in the formation and in terms of concentration
definition of the borderline. from 0% (water) up to about
12 to 15% oil/water and this,
One problem with emulsions, fortunately, covers most of
using the transmission mode, the field of interest. Above
is the high absorption, which 15% the deterioration of the
cuts off the light before it can borderline is rapid and at
penetrate a sufficient distance about 20% there is apparently
along the film to produce no borderline present.
a readable borderline. This
situation can sometimes be RI MEASUREMENT OF
improved by arranging the HYDROGENATIONS
light to fall vertically on the
sample film as indicated in Hydrogenation may be
Figure 7 (page 19) direction C. defined briefly as a chemical
The borderline is then formed reaction involving the addition
by light scattered along the of hydrogen, present as a
film from suspended particles gas, to a substance in the
within the emulsion. presence of catalyst. Examples
are the formation of liquid
Despite the lack of miscibility products from coal, and the
most emulsions exhibit a hydrogenation of fats and
gradual change of readability oils in the manufacture of
ranging from “good” at 0% margarine, etc.
concentration, deteriorating
as concentration increases Although there is no
to a point of complete non- emulsion stage, the effect
readability then sometimes, is very similar to that
although not always, encountered with emulsions.
becoming readable again At the commencement of the
close to 100% concentration. process, readings are relative
Typical concentrations are to the extent of hydrogenation,
soluble oils such those used but the borderline disappears

Solids in Bulk Form
Solids such as glasses, which
can be optically worked to
provide surfaces of sufficient
area, can be treated in the
same way as the test plates
referred to earlier and the
same comments apply to the
RI of the sample, contact liquid
and refractometer prism.

Solids in Fragmented
as the process continues
and only becomes visible Solids such as glass or plastic
again when the process is fragments or transparent fibres
completed. require special techniques for
the measurement of RI. If these
The refractometer is, therefore, items be immersed in a liquid
unable to monitor the of matching colour and of like
progression and is unsuitable refractive index no deviation
for arresting the process at a of the light takes place when
particular time. the light passes from the liquid
into the solid. Under these
circumstances the fragments,
RI MEASUREMENT OF etc disappear rather as lumps
SOLIDS (EXCLUDING of ice disappear in water. Here
GEMS) the refractometer is used to
measure the refractive index
The preferred method for the of the liquid and hence that
testing of a bulk solid depends of the sample. A low power
very much on the nature of the microscope is frequently used
solid, which may be in bulk for the observation of the
form, or as small fragments fragments. Adjustment of the
or perhaps as a mounted temperature is important, as
gemstone. the RI of the liquid will change

Refractometry Guide
more rapidly with temperature measuring techniques
than will the RI of the solid. employed depend on the
particular stone under test and
A range of immersion whether the stone be mounted
liquids is available with or unmounted.
indices ranging from 1.46
(carbon tetrachloride) to 1.74 Critical angle refractometers
(methylene iodide). There are operating on the general
some liquids with higher index, principles covered in the
but these are unpleasant to text are in common use. The
handle. Some high index prisms of these instruments
liquids may be measured are usually made from dense
by placing them in a hollow glass, but other materials
glass prism and measuring may be used such as spinel
the deviation of the light on a (MgAI2O4). The upper limit of
table spectrometer. the range of these instruments
is normally set by the index of
The immersion method of the contact liquid which sets
measuring the RI of solids is a practical limit at about 1.81.
of particular value in forensic One instrument manufacturer,
investigations for identifying however, offers an instrument
the source of glass or plastic which uses a strontium titanate
fragments found at the scene (nd 2.418) prism, and the
of a crime. contact fluid is a melt made
possible by the electrical
RI MEASUREMENT OF heating of the prism. This
instrument measures RI up to
The testing of gemstones
is an extensive subject in Immersion Techniques
its own right and can only
briefly be mentioned here. This technique, referred to
The measurement of RI plays earlier, is of value in identifying
an important role in the small unmounted stones. For
identification of gemstones instance using methylene
and in the identification iodide as the immersion
of imitation stones. The liquid, diamonds can be

distinguished from white Dispersion
sapphires which may have
The measurement of
been inserted as substitutes in
dispersion, which, in most
a brooch. Permanant records
cases, increases in a nearly
of the facet shape and size
uniform manner with increase
of unmounted stones can be
in refractive index, can be
made by taking photographs
used as a diagnostic feature.
of the immersed stones.
Dispersion measurements
are usually made on a table
RI Determination spectrometer, which can
by Measurement of also be used to measure the
Apparent Depth facet angles on a gemstone
mounted on the rotatable
table of the instrument. The
Figure A18 shows a section light source may be a mercury
of a refracting medium of vapour lamp or exposed
thickness T. When viewed in carbon arc fed with various
direction AP a point P on the salts to provide the required
under surface of the medium wavelengths.
appears to be situated at
Q at a depth D below the In practice, dispersion
upper surface. The distances measurements are hampered
T and D are usually measured by the difficulty of mounting
by means of a vernier
microscope. The refractive
index is then given by T/D.

When applied to gem stones

this method is accurate to only
about 0.02 RI and is usually
confined to unmounted

Refractometry Guide
the stone correctly on the Double Refraction
table and measuring the facet
Double refraction
angles and other quicker
(birefringence) is a
methods are often preferred
characteristic of many
for identification purposes.
gemstones, e.g. quartz,
Dispersion in the B-G range
beryl, topaz. The presence
[686.7 nm to 430.8 nm] varies
of birefringence can be seen
from 0.3 for synthetic rutile to
by rotating the stone on the
0.007 for fluorspar.
refractometer prism. With
singly refracting stones only
RI Measurement by one immovable borderline is
Reflectivity seen. With uniaxial stones, in
There is a relationship between general, two borderlines are
the reflectivity of a transparent seen which move relatively
material and its refractive to each other as the stone
index. If the light is at normal is rotated. In the case of
incidence then the reflectivity biaxial stones, in general, two
is given by (n-1)²/(n+1)² borderlines are seen both
of which change position
This method of assessing as the stone is rotated. The
refractive index is, in practice, measurement of birefringence
liable to considerable error, is thus a valuable means
and is of use chiefly in of identification of many
distinguishing between stones gemstones.
having marked differences
in index. Thus diamond
theoretically reflects 17.2%
whereas quartz reflects only
4%. Instruments using an
infrared LED source and a
calibrated meter output are
commercially available.

Measurements THIN FILMS
It will be evident from the If the necessary techniques
comments above that the are used it is possible to
measurement of RI is of measure the RI of films only
particular importance in the a few microns in thickness.
classification of gemstones. The following notes refer
However, there are other specifically to instruments of
methods also in common use, the Abbe type operating in the
which may be mentioned. transmission mode. Here the
These include the following: light is introduced into the end
of the sample film which must
- M
 easurement by be cut as square as possible to
spectrometer of the position the surface of the film.
of absorption bands in the
spectra of the stones. The film is first placed on
a glass plate substrate and
- O
 bservation of the behaviour section sufficient in area to
of stones when stimulated to cover the prism (typically
luminescence by ultra-violet 25mm x 12mm) is cut using
light or x-rays. a scalpel. Note that the
orientation of the sample
- M
 easurement of specific section within the sheet
gravity. from which it is cut may be
important since many such
Again, certain tests may be films are birefringent. (That
specific to certain stones. is to say, the film has two
For example, diamonds may refractive indices, rather than
be identified by thermal in the manner of the quartz
probes, since diamond has crystal referred to in the
an exceptionally high thermal section dealing with prism
conductivity. materials).

Refractometry Guide
The sample is lifted from the the case of birefringent films.
substrate and placed on the These can be resolved by the
prism surface. It is essential to use of a polarising eyepiece
exclude air from the interface. accessory. It is strongly advised
If this is not possible, due to not to peel off the sample
the nature of the film it may using the scalpel since this
be necessary to use a minute may damage the prism. After
quantity of contact fluid at the measurement, the film may
interface, care must, however, be floated off by flooding with
be taken to avoid any exuding alcohol assisted by the use of a
of the liquid at the front end of sharpened pegwood stick.
the sample.
An alternative method of
A sodium source is measuring the refractive
recommended and this is index of very thin films is by
positioned level with the prism the use of an interference
surface. The prism box is left technique rather than by the
unclosed. measurement of critical angle.
See RI Measurement of Thin
Under certain circumstances, Films (Interference Method).
the illumination can be
improved by placing a spare RI MEASUREMENT OF
illumination prism on top of
the film with contact fluid
between the prism and the There is generally little
film. Such a source is then problem in taking
adjusted to the usual position measurements of resins in
for top prism illumination. the liquid phase, other than
the obvious need to clean off
The appearance of the field the sample before it cures,
of view will inevitably be of far particularly where a closed
lower standard than usual, with prism box is involved.
a profusion of interference
fringes immediately above In the case of the solid
the borderline, further phase, two methods, both
complicated by a second using the transmission mode
borderline and its fringes in and relevant to Abbe type
instruments are suggested Figure A20 shows an
below. alternative approach using a
special substrate supplied by
Figure A19 shows the sample the instrument manufacturers.
resin is prepared by first This is a glass plate
casting it on to a glass plate approximately 25 x 12 x 3 mm
previously smeared with a polished on both surfaces to
release agent. After curing, a high standard of flatness
a section of sufficient area to and parallelism. It must have
cover the prism (typically 25 an index greater than that of
mm x 12 mm) is cut from the the sample, preferably close
sheet. The end of the sample to that of the prism itself. The
to face the light is cut as end of the substrate to face the
square as possible to the flat light is painted black to avoid
surface. The sample is then any spread of the light into the
applied to the prism surface adjoining polished surfaces.
using a contact fluid. A good The resin is cast onto one of
overall contact with the prism the surfaces to a thickness of
is essential. This can usually be about 2 mm using its surface
verified by examining the exit tension to avoid spillage
pupil with an auxiliary lens. See over the edges. When cured,
appendix – Entrance the opposite surface of
and Exit Pupils. The prism box the substrate is placed on
is not closed and the light the prism surface with the
source must be positioned blackened end towards the
level with the prism surface. source, using a small amount
of contact fluid. The light
A common problem is in source is positioned level with
obtaining a sufficiently good the resin substrate interface.
contact with the prism and No correction to the reading is
it may be necessary to grind required. If the substrate index
and polish the surface of the is not beyond the range of the
sample to achieve the degree instrument it is recommended
of flatness needed. In this that its index it noted before
event the resin should be cast use in order that any reading
in a confining box to give a arising from the substrate can
reasonable thickness. be ignored.

Refractometry Guide
After use the resin should be RI MEASUREMENTS BY
dissolved off the substrate
which should be re-blacked for
further use. The following notes refer
to the RI measurement of
Experience has shown that gases, liquids and thin films
cured resins are frequently by interference techniques
highly stressed and lacking in and not by the critical angle
homogeneity. Where this is the methods so far discussed.
case, results tend to be poor
and somewhat unreliable. First, reference must be
made to an important optical
Built-in stress in sheet concept known as optical path
materials can, in many cases, length.
be much reduced by a suitable
annealing treatment. Consider the wavefront of a
beam of light passing through
It may well be found that some particular medium,
the resin is attached by the perhaps for instance a plate of
contact fluid used. This will be glass.
evident if, after initial contact
and reading the index starts Let d = thickness of plate
changing as resin is dissolved Let n = refractive index of the plate
into the fluid. In this case, it Let c = speed of light in vacuum
is the best policy to change Let v = speed of light in the plate
Let t = time for the wave front to
the contact fluid to one that
pass through the plate
does not react with the resin.
Various vegetable oils may Now
prove acceptable, the only distance = speed x time
requirement being that the
reflective index of the contact Hence
fluid must be greater than that d = vxt ------- ----------(1)
of the sample

By definition refractive index, P is known as the optical path
n = c / v ----------------- (2) length. This implies that the
Combining (1) and (2) gives distance nd traversed by the
light in time t is the same as
nd = c x t = say P the distance which would
be traversed by the light in
vacuum in the same time.

Refractometry Guide
INTERFEROMETERS One of these instruments,
the Jamin interferometer, is
Instruments used in this shown diagrammatically in
type of measurement are Figure A21. In this instrument
known as interferometers, or the separated beams of
interference refractometers. It light, referred to above, are
is only possible here to present arranged to pass through two
a very brief outline of how similar sample holders. For
these instruments work, but the RI measurement of gases
detailed information is readily these holders would be in the
available in other literature. form of identical evacuated
glass tubes into which samples
Basically, interferometers take gases could be gradually
light from a single extended, introduced. Gas pressures and
frequently monochromatic temperatures would be noted.
source and split the light into
two separate beams by means If the gases have different
of a beam splitting device refractive indices, then the
usually in the form of part- optical path lengths within the
reflecting glass plates. tubes will gradually change
as the gases are introduced
The two beams of light are and a corresponding change
finally recombined in such will take place in the fringe
a way that the light waves pattern seen in the telescope.
in one beam interfere with By counting the shift in fringes
the waves in the other to as the gases are introduced,
produce interference fringes differences in path length
which can be observed and can be measured and hence
counted against cross lines in a differences in refractive index
telescope system. as indicated below.
There are several types of
interferometer, the more If the tube length is L, then for
well known being probably air the optical path length will
the Michelson, Jamin, Mach- also be L (if the refractive index
Zehnder, Raleigh and Fabry- is taken as 1).

If now the other tube contains If the wavelength of the light
a different gas, then the path from the source is λ, then the
length will be Ln where n is the path difference in "fringes" will
RI of the other gas. be

The difference in path length (n-1) L / λ

will therefore be

(n-1) L

Refractometry Guide
Suppose that the total number in RI or temperature take place
of fringes seen to shift after the in the tubes. This avoids the
test gas has been introduced is need to count fringes and
∆ then: thus speeds up measurement.
Sometimes it is convenient to
(n – 1) L = ∆λ calibrate the dial directly in
terms of refractive index.
or n = (Δλ / L) + 1
The Jamin refractometer may
Some interferometers, be used to make differential
including the Jamin and measurements between solids
Raleigh, use a compensator and liquids having nearly the
system consisting of two same RI. The RI of thin films
identical glass plates, one can also be measured on this
in each of the light beams. instrument.
These plates are set at a fixed
inclination to one another Since optical path lengths
and the pair are arranged can be measured to at
to be turned together by a least 1/5 fringe, this type of
single knob with a calibrated measurement can be very
dial. By this means, as the accurate indeed, particularly
compensator is turned one when it is required to measure
path length shortens while the small changes in the RI of
other lengthens. The sensitivity a solid or liquid or if the
of the compensator can be substance is a gas.
changed by changing the
inclination between the plates. SCALES
Change in optical path length
required for compensation Refractometers can be
can be calculated from a equipped with a variety
knowledge of the thickness of scales to suit different
and refractive index of the applications. The most
plates. common scales are refractive
index (the fundamental or
The compensator can be used primary scale) and Brix, which
to keep the fringe pattern is used widely throughout the
stationary as gradual changes food industries. Both these

scales are used for a large for scientific research but an
number of applications in increase in the consumption
both quality control/assurance of sugar at the turn of the
and in research and product twentieth century and the
development. There are ability of a refractometer to
many other refractometer measure sugar at different
scales which can be and are concentrations through the
used but there is often a production process, soon lead
misunderstanding regarding to the development of the first
which scale should be used RI related scale.
and what the scale actually
means. Formed in 1897, it was the
International Commission
We have already learnt for Uniform Methods of
that refractive index is a Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA)
relationship between the that developed this first
speed of light in a vacuum relationship between refractive
compared to that of a material index and sucrose percent.
(or sample). The refractive From this point, refractometers
index value is expressed as a were commonly supplied with
ratio and the number itself is both RI and sucrose scales on
unwieldy (6 decimal places) a single graticule.
and so is quite difficult to work
with in every day terms. For One common scale used to
example, water is 1.332986 RI express solution strength in
and 50% sucrose by weight is food and general industry is
1.420087 RI. Brix.

The refractometer was Brix is actually defined as

invented in the mid nineteenth sucrose % by weight in an
century by Ernst Abbe to aqueous solution at 20 °C and
determine optical dispersion in at 589nm; that is, the same as
glass lenses being developed the ICUMSA scale.
for use in microscopes whilst
working at the Karl Zeiss When measuring a pure
Company. For almost 50 years sucrose solution, the Brix value
the instrument was solely used can be said to be TRUE.

Refractometry Guide
However, for samples that used to dissipate the heat
contain other dissolved solids generated at the tool/product
such as phosphoric acid in a interface during machining.
cola drink, or are made up of
a totally different solute, are Since the development of
expressed as APPARENT. the Brix (sugar) scale, a good
number of other application
This is because the specific concentration scales
components of the sample have been developed. Many
and the calibrated scale are are based on published
no longer related. However, relationships, such as those
as the relationship is stable, cited in publications like the
Apparent Brix is often quoted CRC Handbook of Chemistry
simply as Brix as an arbitrary and Physics (CRC). Scales
scale for quality control based on published data
purposes alongside other include table salt (NaCl),
simple measurements such as ethylene or propylene glycol,
density, optical rotation, pH chlorides, as well as others
and the like. developed for the wine
One example of this is in
the production of fruit juice Typical of these are the
where Brix provides the Oechsle scales, used to
overall concentration of the indicate the specific gravity
beverage for dilution control of wine using a refractometer
in the factory and then titration
provides the additional acid
content at the final quality
control point.

A good example of Apparent

Brix scale being used to
monitor non-sugar solutions is
within industry, where it is used
as an arbitrary value to control
the concentration of cutting
oil & water coolants that are

instead of a hydrometer. There Many RI to concentration
are at least three Oechsle scales are not linear. This
scales, each slightly different makes reading from the scales
from the others, according to of optical instruments more
their origins; France, Germany difficult in the lower end. As
and Switzerland. Other a result, some linear scales
wine scales include Baume, have been developed so that it
Probable Alcohol (AP), Babo makes it easier for the human
and Klosterneuberger. eye to interpret the reading;
then the actual RI (or other)
Antifreeze can be expressed value is determined using
in RI or % concentration scales lookup tables or a PC program.
when used by installers of heat Electronic instruments can of
exchange systems such as course cope with such non-
solar collectors, or by aircraft linearity but as many methods
engineers for testing wing have evolved using these
de-icing fluids sprayed on to linear scales, they remain
planes in winter. important. Zeiss and Butyro are
good examples of such linear
They are also used in scales.
automotive applications,
where refractometers are The Zeiss scale was originally
not calibrated in terms of confined to use on Immersion
antifreeze concentration in (dipping) refractometers
water but in terms of the but are still commonplace
temperature at which a
solution would freeze.

Automotive optical
refractometers often have
more than one scale so that
the same instrument may be
used to measure battery acid
specific gravity, AdBlue® (a
diesel exhaust additive that
reduces NOx emmissions) or
windscreen washer strength.

Refractometry Guide
on today’s high accuracy Another example of a
digital instruments. By linearised scale is that known
adopting a linear scale, the as Butyro, used to measure
calculated Brix accuracy of vegetable oil and animal fats
the Immersion refractometer as well as Ghee in Asia.
was an impressive 2-decimal
places and for many years was This again is arbitrary and can
the preferred instrument of be related by means of tables
major soft drinks producers back to RI or related functions.
wishing to control the quality Unlike RI or sugar scales, the
of finished colas and more Butyro scale is calibrated at
importantly, the yield of costly 45 °C as at this temperature,
syrups. oils and fats are in liquid form
and so provide for a much
The Zeiss scale is also popular better measurement.
in the brewing and wine
industries as, when combined Virtually any solution or
with a specific gravity reading, mixture, aqueous or not, that
it is capable of delivering has a refractive index related to
alcohol content of finished its concentration can be scaled
beers, wines and ciders to in a refractometer to provide
a level acceptable to some a direct readout. However,
customs authorities. creating a graticule for an
optical instrument restricts this,

so, generally speaking, user CONCLUSION
scales are only facilitated on
digital handheld or laboratory So to conclude our journey
style refractometers. Creating we must remember, a
a user scale is relatively simple. refractometer is not an
Just four or five samples of analytical instrument – it cannot
known concentration covering distinguish one chemical from
the required range must another.
be accurately measured to
determine its refractive index. It is a high precision measuring
Then a polynomial equation is device that simply measures
determined that can be loaded the refractive index of the
to a refractometer so that a test sample – a single value.
direct reading of concentration To convert this value into a
at any point can be achieved. meaningful quantity, such

Digital refractometers such as

the RFM series of instruments
manufactured by Bellingham +
Stanley can have an extensive
library of common scales, as
well as the ability to input a
user specific polynomials.

User Scale A + Bx + Cx2 +

Reading Dx3 + Ex4 + Fx5

x = measured RI – offset
offset = 1.33
A,B,C,D,E & F are polynomial

Refractometry Guide
as a concentration, other Brix for homogenous sucrose
information is needed about solutions) making them ideal
the chemistry of the test for quality and quantity control
material. in the field, production hall or
quality assurance laboratory
A simple scale will only work alike.
for a binary mixture. Thus the
Brix scale will only provide
exact %w/w solids if you use it
to measure pure solutions of
sucrose in water.

Very often, a specific chemical

concentration is not required
for quality assurance. In a
repetitive manufacturing
operation it can be sufficient to
measure a repeatable quantity
such as Brix.

Reproducibility and accuracy

is what is important and
this is what a refractometer
can provide, with little skill
required to obtain a reading.

Modern refractometers
eliminate the extraneous
parameters that in the
past may have limited
performance; thus enabling
a high end refractometer to
give repeatable, accurate
results to 5 or even 6 decimal
places RI (or to within 0.01

Graph showing the relationships of concentration vs. refractive index of different substances
Refractometry Guide
Industry Scale Typical Range
Primary Scale Refractive Index (RI) 1.20 - 2.21*
Common Scale Sucrose % by weight (Brix) 0 - 100
Food & Beverage Glucose % 0 - 95
Food & Beverage Fructose % 0 - 95
Food & Beverage Invert Sugar % 0 - 95
Food & Beverage 42 HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) 0 - 95
Food & Beverage 55 HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) 0 - 95
Food & Beverage 90 HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) 0 - 95
1.00000 –
Food & Beverage Aqueous Sucrose SG (d 20/20)
0.99824 –
Food & Beverage Aqueous Sucrose SG (d 20/4)
0.99821 –
Aqueous Sucrose Density (g/cm3)
Food & Beverage 1.44594
Food & Beverage Salinity % (NaCl) 0 - 28
Food & Beverage Total Solids % of Waste Milk 5 - 15
Food & Beverage Water in Honey % 10 - 30
Food & Beverage °Butyro 0 - 100
Wine & Beer % Mass w/w (=°Brix or Sucrose %) 0 - 95
Wine & Beer Oechsle (German) 30 - 130
Wine & Beer Oechsle (Swiss) 0 - 130
Wine & Beer °Baumé 0 - 28
Wine & Beer Alcohol Probable (AP) 0 - 22
Wine & Beer KMW (Babo) 0 - 25
Wine & Beer Wort SG 1.000 - 1.120
Wine & Beer °Plato 0 - 30
°Zeiss (for % Alcohol by Volume
Wine & Beer 10 - 135
with hydrometer)

Industry Scale Typical Range
Life Science Colostral Quality Poor - PASS
Life Science Seawater PPT 0 - 180
Life Science Seawater Specific Gravity 1.000 - 1.090
Life Science Serum Protein (SG) 0 - 30
Urine Specific Gravity (SG)
Life Science 1.000 - 1.050
Urine Specific Gravity (SG)
Life Science 1.000 - 1.050
Large Mammal
Urine Specific Gravity
Life Science 1.000 - 1.050
Small Mammal
Automotive AdBlue®/DEF (NOx reduction) 0 - 40
Automotive Ethylene Glycol °C Protection 0 to -50
Automotive Ethylene Glycol °F Protection 30 to -40
Automotive Propylene Glycol °C Protection 0 to -50
Automotive Propylene Glycol °F Protection 30 to -40
Automotive Windscreen Washer Fluid 0 to -40
Industrial Calcium Chloride % 0 - 40
Industrial Ethanol % 0 - 20
Industrial Propylene Glycol % by volume 0 - 60
Industrial Ethylene Glycol % by volume 0 - 60
Industrial Ethylene Glycol % by weight 0 - 60
Industrial FSII DiEGME (ASTM D 5006) 0.0 to 0.25
Industrial Methanol % 0 - 40
Industrial Sodium Sulphate % 0 - 22
Industrial Starch % 0 - 30
Sulfuric Acid SG (d20/20)
Industrial 1.000 - 1.500
Battery Acid
Industrial Urea % (CRC data) 0 - 40
AdBlue® is a registered trademark of the VDA Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V
* RI 2.21 - see page 102

Refractometry Guide

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